History's Superheroes

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Chief Creator and Author: Andreas Demetriou


Arevik Aroyan (Comic Strip - Artist)

David Stanley (Portraits Artist)

We believe that you are a

Youdon'tneedSupermanorSpider-mantohelp you...andyoudefinitelydon'tneedtobea CatwomanoraBatman...

YoucanbearealSuperHeroliketheonesinthe bookwhofoughttoimproveourworld!


Super-Hero! Be your own

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Compassion

- Mahatma Gandhi

hapter 2 Persistence

- Martin Luther King

apter 3 Generosity

- Princess Diana

hapter 4 Courage

- Nelson Mandela

hapter 5 Resilience

William Wilberforce

hapter 6 Assertiveness

apter 7 Imagination

- John Lennon

apter 8 Adaptability

- Maya Angelou

apter 9 Mindfulness

- Thich Nhat Hanh

pter 10 Determination

- Helen Keler

Mahatma Gandhi

His Superpower: Compassion

Mahatma Gandhi


Gandhi was the first world leader to fight for political and social justice while advocating for nonviolence movement

Mohandas Gandhi is one of the most famous leaders and champions for justice in the world.

He organized several non-violent protests to promote social progress in India His campaigns aimed to ease poverty, expand women’s rights, build religious and ethnic harmony and eliminate the injustices of the caste system* in India During these protests, large groups of people would do things like refusing to work, sitting in the streets and peacefully disrupting Social Life

Full Name:Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Born:October 2, 1869 in India

Died:January30, 1948

Best Known for:Organising non-violent protests


Gandhiinspiredmillionsof Indiansasalivingexamplewith hislifeinsimplicity,kindness andlove.Forthisreasonhewas giventhehonorifictitleMahatma whichmeans"GreatSoul,".The nameMahatmaGandhiisnow oneofthemostuniversally recognizedonearth

ThePowerof NonViolence

Mahatma Gandhi is known in the whole world for his principles of non-violence. He fought for India's independence from British rule without using any violet tactic. He demanded from his followers to stay loyal to their aim of a non-violent movement in order to succeed their goal. In his memory and honor, today “International Day of Non-Violence” is observed worldwide.

HisSuperpower: Compassion

GandhiattendedlawschoolinLondonand wasfamousamongthefacultyforhisbad handwriting.

Be the change you want to see in the World.
* A c a s t e s y s t e m i s a t y p e o f s o c i e t y b u i l t o n a h i e r a r c h y

Gandhiisconsidered oneofthemost remarkablemenof20th centurymostlybecause hisactionswerefocused incompassion.Gandhi wasalsoverycaringto othersandconstantly tryingtoalleviatetheir suffering.


Both Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela have credited Gandhi as a source of inspiration in their struggles to achieve equal rights for their people.

ThePowerof Forgiveness

MahatmaGandhihadalsoan extraordinaryabilitytoforgivepeople thatmighthavehurthiminanyway. Hewasthrownintojail, humiliatedby hisenemies;beateninthestreets; manypeopleconspiredtokillhim andmanyassassinationswere attemptedonhislife.Howeverhehad thepowertoforgivethemall.

Despitethefactthat hewasn’tagreat oratorandhedidn’t haveaveryattractive physique;hehad greatmotivational skills.

Gandhiwasputin prisonseveraltimes fororganizing protests.Hewould oftenfast(noteat) whilehewasin prison.

Gandhiwas bornand raisedhere
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”

Mahatma Gandhi is a man that changed the world with his compassion, vision, tolerance, and patience. Mahatma Gandhi is a great reminder of how one person can inspire a community, a nation, and the world. Gandhi led by example and refused to dress any other way than what he thought was right for him and his mission.

*Kurta: a loose collarless shirt.

1000000 wear everyone

R e a l s t o r y o f G a n d h i ' s L i f e


What can you do?


Try meditation For the next 5 days every morning sit for 5 minutes quietly doing nothing!

And write down any interesting feelings you had

Offer your services to a family member

Whenyoucompleteatask, comebackandtickthe appropriatesquare.Keepin minditdoesn'tmatterhowlong ittakesaslongasyouhave completedit!

Complete the Give Away - Challenge

Try non eating. For three hours every day try not eating anything (apart from water) to see how Gandhi felt during his hunger strikes

Make the following quote as colourful as you can!


Colouring pages can improve your patience and concentration skills.

Bethechange youwanttosee intheWorld myLifeis My message -Gandhi

Practise: Compassion

Howmanythingscanyougiveaway? Helpthepeoplewhoneedyourhelp andcompletesuccessfullytheactivity! Everyitemonthelistbelowgetsa
GiveAway Let'ssharewhatwehave!
certainnumberofpointsTrytogiveas muchasyoucaninordertoachieve thehighestpossiblescore

Try Meditation


next 5 days every morning sit
5 minutes quietly doing nothing!
Activity Slowly let the air out of the balloon (through the nose) as you release the breath from the belly. Bestillandobserve what'shappeningin yourmind Start to take a slow, deep breath to fill your belly up with air, as if you’re trying to blow up a big balloon. Expand your belly as much as you can Feel your entire body relax each time they exhale Relax your body and begin to take deep inhales and slow exhales through the nose Writedownany interestingfeelings youhad: Continue for several minutes 1 2 3 4 5 Day 1
Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Give Away - Challenge

Weallhavethingsthatwedon'tneedinourwardrobes.Fromboard gamestoclothesandshoesyoudefinitelyhavesomethingswhichare similar,someclothesyourarelywearorhavenotwornforyears.Well, don'tyouthinkthatitistimetostartgivingandpractisesharing.

Give Away

RememberthatGandhi wastryingtogiveallhis belongingstothepoorand thehelpless.

Let's share what we have!

How many things can you give away? Help the people who need your help and complete successfully the activity! Every item on the list below gets a certain number of points. Try to give as much as you can in order to achieve the highest possible score.

Board game: 14 points

T-shirt: 10 points

Shoes: 11 points

Video game: 25 points

Book: 12 point

Toys: 10 points

Trousers: 10 points

Hat: 8 points

You have one week to complete the challenge! You can also invite a friend to complete the challenge with you.

Your Score:



Offer your services to a family member

MahatmaGandhipassionforcompassionwasexpressedinmanyanddifferent ways.Manyaccountsofthetimespeakforthisfeature.Hewaswillingtogoastep furtherinordertoteachsomeonealessonortohelpsomeone

Trytocompleteasmanytasks(andasmanytimes) asyoucanfromthechallengesbellow: Ticktheboxeverytimeyoucompletethe appropriatetaskofeachchallenge


Spendtimewithsomeonewho needsyourhelporjustyour company.


"The very first step in non-violence is that we cultivate in our daily life, as between ourselves, truthfulness, humility, tolerance, loving kindness"

Mahatma Gandhi









Offertobringthemwaterorjuice, Offertogivethemamassageto helpthemrelax.


Practise: Compassion

10minutes 10minutes 10minutes
10minutes 10minutes 10minutes

Trytodowhat Gandhidid!



15 minutes

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4 Day 5

You can drink as much water as you like:

15 minutes

15 minutes


successfulslotoffasting (non-eating)tick theappropriate square



My message

Life is -Gandhi

Martin Luther King

His Superpower: Persistence

MartinLuther King

What did King do?

Martin Luther King led the civil rights movement in America in the 1960s He fought to end racial segregation (separate public facilities for blacks and whites) in the southern United States He organised and led non-violent protests to fight for the rights of African Americans and he became a symbol of persistent fighting against all odds. He is considered one of the great orators of modern times, and his speeches still inspire many to this day

James Farmer




Bestknownfor: AdvancingtheCivil RightsMovementandhis"IHavea Dream"speech.


Martin Luther King's Birthday is celebrated as a NationalDayin USA. George Washington is the only other American to have had his birthdayobserved as a Nationalholiday.

Kingwasimprisoned nearly30times.Hewasarrestedfor actsofcivildisobedienceandonfalse accusations Hewasstonedbyhis enemiesandhewasphysically attacked King'shousewasbombed bypro-segregationgroups.Hewas alsoplacedundersecretsurveillance bytheFBI.


MartinLutherKingwasacivilrights activistwholedthecivilrights movementintheUnitedStates.
John Lewis
Whitney Young Jr
The time is always right to do what is right!
X Roy Wilkins
King entered college at the age of 15 Y o u c a n g o o g l e t h e s e B l a c k a c t i v i s t s w h o a l s o h e l p C i v i l R i g h t s M o v e m e n t g r e a t l y l i k e K i n g . T r y t o f i n d t h e i r l i n k t o M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g , t o u n d e r s t a n d h o w e v e r y o n e w a s c o n n e c t e d t o h i m .
Bayard Rustin Rosa Parks Hosea Williams

WhatshowKing'spersistenceand determinationwasthefactthathe alsohadtoconfronthisfatherin ordertojointhecivilright movementbecausehisfatherwas notinaccordancetohisson antisegregationinvolvement. King'sfatheralsoreferredtohimas adisgracetothefamily.

Kingtriedhardtocreateanon violentmovementasGandhidid.

Hewasconstantlytryingto convince youngblackpeoplethe reasonwhytheyshouldshowa greatcommitmenttonon-violence protestsandconfrontanyviolence usedagainstthemwithpassive resistance.

HereceivedtheNobelPeacePrize in1964.

MartinLutherKingJr. nominatedThichNhat HạnhfortheNobel PeacePrizein1967.

Kingwaswellknownforhis abilitytobeinspiring.He motivatedAfrican-Americans toorganizeresistancein marchesthatattracted nationalandinternational attentionandasaresult promotedtheircause.


Despitethehostilityof powerfulopponentssuchas theFBIandmany politicalgroups;despitethe assassination'sattemptand theseveralimprisonments

MartinLutherKinggrew mentallyfacingallthese challenges

*Segregation means keeping separate blacks and whites in schools, hospitals, restaurants, parks and libraries.

Persistence meansnot givingupwhen facedwitha challenge
I have decided to stick to love... Hate is too great a burden to bear!

Martin Luther King was attacked by a political opponent with a knife. He was stabbed at the level of his heart but miraculously he survived. However from this incident a beautiful part of his speech "I have a dream" was created.

1958 In 1958
R e a l s t o r y o f M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g ' s L i f e
10 years later " "

Martin Luther King - Challenge

comebackandtickthe appropriatesquare.Keepin minditdoesn'tmatterhowlong ittakesaslongasyouhave completedit! Practise: Persistence Find a Younger Friend who has some kind of difficulty and offer them your help. They might need your help to complete their Homework, to clean their room or to learn new skills Create a vision Board What can you do? Write down your dreams Write how you would feel if you achieved your aims. Onthenextpagesyouhaveto:
Make the following quote as colourful as you can! Complete the Beloved - Activity Remember! Colouringpagescan improveyour patienceand concentrationskills. OntheNextpageyouwillfindatemplate foraVisionBoardthatyouhaveto completeinordertoidentifyyourdreams soyouwillmakethemhappen Rememberyoualso havetodoyourbest inSchool personhas dreams . on toraintheright Νο your your ―MatinLutherKingJ

Be Love - Activity

BELOVEisagrowingmovementofcourageous actstoachievejustice.

BE LOVE is a movement which aims to help society answer three critical questions facing humanity:

Who must we be?

What must we do?

The King Center is leading the way to answer these questions.

What are we to accomplish?

Their work is grounded in the iconic words of Dr. Martin Luther King:

“Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice."

We can only achieve the Beloved Community by working every day to put it into practice.

It is not enough to learn it; We must live it.

So... Pledge to BE LOVE.

(2) (3)
"Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love.”

If you want to take the first step to be a part of the BeLoved community you need to read carefully the following statement, copy it once on a different page, understand it well and head to the King Center website to sign this declaration!

Here is the statement of the BeLoved Community of "The King Center":

I acknowledge three things:

( 1 )

The violence, oppression, inequity, injustice, and hate in our world has to stop.

( 2 )

“Let us live together in peace and love in a Beloved Community.”

I have a responsibility and role to play in creating social change for a more just, humane, equitable, and peaceful world.

( 3 )

The decision is mine whether to do nothing in this moment, or to have the courage to stand up for justice.

And I have made my decision.

Starting today, I make a personal choice to BE LOVE.

I pledge to allow love to drive my thoughts, words, decisions, and actions, and honor the humanity of every individual.

I pledge to speak the truth to power in love.

I pledge to focus on defeating injustice and not destroying the person. I pledge to support leaders who demonstrate a love for humanity.

I pledge to promote unity and refuse to perpetuate or magnify division.

“Our goal is to create a beloved community and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.”

I pledge to demonstrate a life of courage, care, and compassion as I boldly confront anything that stands in opposition to love.

By signing this pledge, I’m helping to create what Dr. Martin Luther King called The Beloved Community.


― Martin Luther King
― Martin Luther King

Create a Vision Board

YourSuperpower:Dreamer Family Health
Love Progress Success Write down your dreams Activity
Fyour Beelings oard Family Love Progress Success Health Attitude Abundance Graditude Happiness Confidence Write how you would feel if you achieved your aims By feeling Graditude, Abundance, Confidence and Happiness before achieving your aims then you will achieve them more easily! Now Re-Write your aims/dreams in brief and quickly focus on the second column. Nowstartfeelingthatyouhave madeit. Feeltheemotionsinthe "HowIwouldfeellist"evenifyou didn'tachievethemyet! Activity
Start feeling like you have made it! Create

Help a younger

Find a Friend (preferably younger than you) who has some kind of difficulty and offer them your help. They might need your help to complete their Homework, to clean their room or to learn a new skill.

Keeptrackontheyoungerfriendsyouhelped,theirneedsand thekindofhelpyouofferedthem:

Which friend needed your help?

What help did they need?

Friend 1:

What kind of help you have offered?

What else can you do for them?

Friend 2:

Friend 3:


the right Νο

on to rain


Personhas dreams.

Martin Luther King Jr.

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