Riot Games releases every year new champions but also rework the oldest one to adjust their kit to the current state of the game. The introduction of the new champion or the rework of some of them is always very important, most of the time it changes the state of the game and affects the competitive games with a very big impact.
The first thing needed to intruduce a new champion is to the it’s splash art images in hight quality. For every champion it is required to have the the original splash art to create the first page. The essential for the first introductory spread are: - Splash Art - Name of the Champion - Subtitle (ex. The Rebel, The Deceiver, The Weapon of the Faithful etc..) every champion has one and it’s important to write it down because it gives a very fast insights of the champion without knowing their abilities. The splash art images for the champion presentation requires a particular image treating, given the fact that the text might not be very readable. Where the name of the character will be place, a color from the splash is required to be taken in order to create a color blur on the side of the image, making the name of the character readable under any background, as it is possible to see in the Qiyana double spread: on the left there’s a brown blur created to make the name more clear to read and comprehend. More detailed information can be found in the pages regarding on how to treat the images to put inside the book and more information on the font name and treating the the page regarding the fonts used in the book.