‘Chat checkouts’ bring personal touch back
A Dutch supermarket plans to combat loneliness in the elderly with an ambitious new initiative.
WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA? Dutch supermarket Jumbo has unveiled plans to open 200 Kletskassa – chat checkouts – at its stores within a year.
HOW DOES IT WORK? The supermarket chat checkout is part of a health ministry programme to combat loneliness. The Netherlands has some 1.3 million people over the age of 75, over half of whom have said they regularly feel lonely. The initiative aims to pick up the signs of loneliness early and invites companies, organisations and local councils to work together to come up with creative solutions, such as the chat checkouts.
IS IT A NEW IDEA? The idea for the Kletskassa originated more than two years ago, and in the summer of 2019 the first kletskassa was opened in Vlijmen in Brabant. By this time next year, there will be Kletskassas in 200 stores across the country where people can go for a chat. When choosing the stores, areas where loneliness is a major factor are carefully considered. Jumbo will begin to roll out its chat checkouts in the run-up to the Week Against Loneliness, which kicks off on 30 September.
WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING? we want to play a role in identifying Colette Cloosterman-van Eerd, Chief Creative Officer of Jumbo and the driving force behind the National Coalition against Loneliness, said: “Many people, especially the elderly, sometimes feel lonely. As a family business and supermarket chain, we are at the heart of society. Our stores are an important meeting place for many people, and
and reducing loneliness. We do this in various ways, including our Kletskassas. “We are proud that many of our cashiers like to take a seat behind a Kletskassa. They support the initiative and want to help people to make real contact with them out of genuine interest. It is a small gesture, but very valuable, especially in a world that is digitising and