Sustainable Innovation
As a decades-long leader for asphalt plant innovation, Astec has introduced numerous products contributing to sustainability. From the Double Barrel® dryer/mixer introduced in 1988 to the debut of the high RAP Double Barrel XHR in 2016. In addition to these industry-changing products, Astec also leads in sustainability with our warm mix system, the V-PAC stack temperature control system, low emission burners, and blue smoke systems.

Astec is well-equipped to carry our culture of innovation into the future. Our dedication to sustainability includes new product development teams and an on-staff product manager for sustainability.
Reach out to learn more about how we can help you meet your asphalt plant sustainability goals.

It’s Hot Out There
Among the obvious statements we could make for the July issue, let’s mention the importance of communicating the sense of caring to our workforce. Comfortable, healthy workers are productive and safe in their practices. Overheated, sunburned workers are probably moving more slowly by 2:00 p.m. than they were at 9:00 a.m. and could be stumbling over tools if not collapsing from heat exhaustion.
I don’t mean to paint a negative picture for our industry. I’m aware that companies employ the buddy system to look out for one another in the work zone and around facilities, and companies have safety protocols in place to prevent overheating. The national emphasis program (NEP) that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) put in place a couple years ago came about after our industry had already taken the initiative to ensure our workers knew the signs of heat exhaustion before it developed to heatstroke.
Members of our industry have taken the initiative to show one another how to build cooling trailers you can tow from job site to job site for workers to visit during breaks. We already have troubleshooting guides to set up cooling mechanisms on the back of the paver and bullet point lists of ice-related treats a summer intern could be paid to drive out to the milling, grading or paving crew each afternoon. Now, not every company has been eager to put schematics in a print magazine for fear of litigation if the blueprint wasn’t followed correctly and so on, but the point is folks have been willing to share basic concepts. Especially online.
Now that we’re in the height of paving season, I encourage members of the AsphaltPro audience to share ideas for keeping workers cool and out of the heat
exhaustion danger zone. We have a facebook page where your peers interact with good ideas all the time. Let’s engage that group for the best health of our workforce.
And here’s my original point. As an industry, we should be reminding workers that we care for one another. We’re not preventing heatstroke merely because we want to have productive workers who are at the top of their game. We’re preventing heatstroke because we want to see each and every one of our colleagues and teammates going home and returning to work safely tomorrow.
The new guy who gets assigned to the flagger position needs someone to check on him. Just because he’s not directly above a 320-degree mat or next to a hot engine fan doesn’t mean he’s out of danger. He’s exposed to the same high ambient temperature you are, but he’s not acclimated to it yet.
That acclimation is a point OSHA’s stressing as of late, and it’s one to pay attention to. The worker you’ve just brought on board isn’t a grizzled veteran of our industry. Now don’t call him soft; He’s new. Don't call him weak; He’s human. Don't think of looking out for him as coddling him; You’re protecting him from succumbing to heat exhaustion (or worse) while his body adjusts to a new normal. By watching out for each other out there, you help those new workers stay alive. Especially when it’s hot as blazes in July.
Check out articles for best hot-weather paving tips at TheAsphaltPro.com and keep each other safe out there.
Stay Safe, Sandy Lender
602 W. Morrison, Box 6a Fayette, MO 65248 (573) 823-6297 • www.theasphaltpro.com

Chris Harrison chris@ theasphaltpro.com
Sally Shoemaker sally@theasphaltpro.com (573) 823-6297
Sandy Lender sandy@theasphaltpro.com (239) 272-8613

Sarah Redohl sarah@theasphaltpro.com (573) 355-9775
Cara Owings
cara@theasphaltpro.com (660) 537-0778

Kristin Branscom
Susan Campbell (660) 728-5007

AsphaltPro is published 11 times per year. Writers expressing views in AsphaltPro Magazine or on the AsphaltPro website are professionals with sound, professional advice. Views expressed herein are not necessarily the same as the views of AsphaltPro, thus producers/contractors are still encouraged to use best practices when implementing new advice.
SUBSCRIPTION POLICY: Individual subscriptions are available without charge in the United Sates, Canada and Mexico to qualified individuals.
One year subscription to non-qualifying Individuals: United States $90, Canada and Mexico $125.00. For the international digital edition, visit theasphaltpro.com/subscribe/

Common Mistakes to Avoid During an OSHA Inspection
BY ASPHALTPRO STAFFUndergoing an inspection from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration can be a stressful and intimidating experience. However, going into the process informed can not only help you reduce stress, but can also reduce the chances of making one of the following mistakes.
During his 33 years in the occupational safety and health field and 25 years as an OSHA compliance safety and health officer, Matthew Humphreyville has seen it all. Now a senior industrial hygienist and safety consultant at Universal Engineering Sciences (UES) following his retirement, Humphreyville shares some of the mistakes he’s seen during OSHA inspections.
Mistake #1: Not having a safe, OSHA-compliant job site in the first place
This one may be obvious, but the biggest mistake a company can make is not having a safe job site in the first place.
“We all understand a solid safety and health plan is important,” Humphreyville said. For example, he added, “When the compliance officer is on the job is the wrong time to be thinking about fall protections.”
“Preparing an inspection plan helps you avoid penalty fees and abatement costs into the thousands of dollars,” Humphreyville said. In the example of fall protection, the gear, the procedures, and training should be purchased, discussed and implemented long before OSHA shows up. “The capital costs can be high getting these things figured out up front, but in the long term, you’re going to save yourself money,” he added.
Mistake #2: Not understanding what prompts an OSHA inspection
“A lot of people believe an inspector can just drive down the road, pick out a site, drive in there and do an inspection,” Humphreyville said. “But that’s not legal. If [an inspector] does that, you need to call their department on it.”
Reasons for an OSHA inspection include catastrophes, fatalities, complaints, referrals from other government agencies and program inspections for construction.
Under the plain view doctrine, a compliance officer can also cite any imminent dangers he or she may see. For example, if an officer is driving down the street and sees a 20-foot trench with type C soil with water in the bottom, spalling off the side, the spoil pile right on the side and three guys inside, Humphreyville said the officer can stop and inspect the site. “The plain view doctrine means that if I see a hazard not related to my inspection, I can start investigating that hazard,” he said.
Mistake #3: Not resolving citations by pre-inspection, when possible When OSHA receives a report of a lower risk hazard, Humphreyville said OSHA may not send out an inspector. Instead, they might call, fax or email the employer to let them know they’ve received a complaint.
“They give [the employer] five working days to look into the issue and reply with a written response,” Humphreyville said. Some of the information that may be helpful in resolving a complaint without an inspection

include photographs showing resolution of the issue, safety product purchases and invoices, or conducting employee training.
“If [your response] satisfies the OSHA office, they’ll normally close that [complaint] out,” Humphreyville said. “If you don’t respond, or they have additional questions, they’ll call you. Sometimes, they may actually perform an inspection.”

Mistake #4: Not notifying OSHA yourself in the event of a qualifying incident
“In the event of a fatality on your job site, you have eight hours to call OSHA,” Humphreyville said. “You have 24 hours for loss of an eye, amputation or an inpatient hospitalization other than for observation.” Humphreyville notes that if a person is hospitalized overnight for observation, it may be recordable, but it’s not reportable.
“A lot of times, what happens is the employer thinks the worker’s compensation company is going to report it [to OSHA],” Humphreyville said. Although some districts may be okay with the report coming from other organizations, such as workers compensation or the police department, others want the report to come directly from the contractor. Ultimately, filing that report in the proper time frame is the contractor’s responsibility.
Mistake #5: Not establishing a point of contact within your company to work with OSHA
“You should always have a point of contact with the company to deal with OSHA,” Humphreyville said. “I don’t know how many times I walked onto a site, introduced myself to the foreman, and they didn’t know who to call.”
When that would happen, he would usually suggest calling the person’s direct boss. “But instead of me walking that person through what I think is best, the company should have that process in place.”
The OSHA contact point should have information on the company’s safety program, injury/illness prevention program, the company’s safety manual, hazardous assessments, PPE requirements, logs, equipment records, daily inspection reports and the like. “You don’t have to give all this to the compliance officer right off the bat, but you should have them ready in case they ask for it,” Humphreyville said.
Mistake #6: Not knowing your rights when OSHA shows up at your job site
“The first thing [an OSHA compliance officer] is supposed to do when they show up to your site is show you their credentials,” Humphreyville said. “They should also be able to tell you why they’re there. Always ask the reason for the visit.”
Humphreyville also recommends checking the officer’s paperwork during the opening conference to ensure the address listed is actually your address. It’s not unheard of for officers to show up at the wrong address; if you don’t check, you may undergo an unnecessary inspection. “It’s incumbent on you to ask those questions, to verify these things when they get there, to know your rights,” Humphreyville said. “They aren’t going to get mad at you; they expect you to ask questions.”

During the opening conference, the officer should provide you with a copy of any complaints and review the employer’s rights, including the right to refuse entry. Although Humphreyville was only refused entry once in his career, it is the employer’s right. In that event, he said OSHA must be granted a warrant before returning for the inspection, which can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.
“I don’t recommend this because, in the inspector’s mind, they’ll wonder why you’re refusing them,” Humphreyville said. Although officers aren’t supposed to treat a company differently, he said refusing entry could cast suspicion in the officer’s mind. “They might look a little closer than they normally would.”
During the opening conference, the officer will ask basic questions about the company, including number of employees, management structure, contact information and similar details. “They may ask if there’s a union representation, because the union has a right to be a part of [the inspection], either in the same opening conference or in a separate opening conference,” Humphreyville said.
Mistake #7: Being a jerk to the compliance officer
“Be respectful and courteous,” Humphreyville said. “Even if they’re a nitwit or act like a cop who wants to flex their muscles, just be professional. If you have a problem with a compliance officer, you can always take it up with the area office.”
Mistake #8: Not following proper safety procedures during the inspection walk-around
Humphreyville said the officer may conduct a walk-around, if necessary. During the walk-around, be sure to wear the appropriate PPE and ensure the OSHA representative also has the appropriate PPE. “You want to show some initiative here,” he said.
If the compliance officer sees something during the walk-around, Humphreyville recommends taking some kind of immediate corrective action if possible. For example, taking the machine in question out of service.
Mistake #9: Not taking your own photos and notes during the inspection
“As the walk around occurs, if the [compliance officer] takes a picture, I recommend you take the same picture,” Humphreyville said. If they write down an issue, you should write it down, too, he continued.
Mistake #10: Giving the compliance officer more information than requested
“Don’t offer information unless the compliance officer requests it,” Humphreyville said. “Don’t be evasive and don’t lie, but don’t roll out the red carpet and start throwing information at them.”
There’s also some information you aren’t required to supply. For example, a copy of your incident report. Although this was something Humphreyville always asked for, he added that “the investigator is supposed to investigate that on his own. The reason I asked for it was I wanted to see what internal processes [a company] has in place to investigate these events for future improvement.”
Furthermore, Humphreyville stressed the importance of providing the officer with copies of any documentation you supply. “Don’t ever give them your original.”
Mistake #11: Not understanding your employees’ rights
According to Humphreyville, OSHA now performs employee interviews at almost every inspection. During these interviews, the officer will ask employees questions, write down his or her answers, and request that the worker sign his or her statement.
“Employees have the right to talk to the [compliance officer],” Humphreyville said. “They can request to talk to them and the employer cannot refuse the employee’s request.” If an employee cannot speak English but wants to speak to the officer, OSHA will get an interpreter.
If an employee brings up issues beyond the scope of the investigation, Humphreyville added, the officer is supposed to focus on the specific inspection. However, any additional information provided may be featured in the report or may instigate a separate complaint.
On the other hand, employees also have the right to refuse to talk to OSHA. They also don’t have to sign their statement if they don’t want to. Humphreyville said he’s seen some employers’ lawyers advise them never to sign a statement or even read it. “[These attorneys] look at [the statement] as if it’s notes on the conversation,” he said.
Humphreyville said it’s also relatively common for employers to try to oversee employee interviews. Although some employees may agree to this, he adds that the employee has the right to talk to OSHA by themselves or have their own designated representative with them.
“When you cross the line into management personnel, then you can have a company representative in there,” Humphreyville said.
Mistake #12: Not asking questions during the closing conference After the inspection is concluded, the compliance officer is supposed to hold a closing conference. Humphreyville said this is an ideal time to ask any questions and request an abbreviated version of what they’ve found.
“I’d also ask if they think they’ll need to come back for more interviews, more walk-arounds, etc.,” Humphreyville said, to get an idea of what’s to come. He said this also provides a time to review citations and even to request that serious citations be reduced to other than serious. “Sometimes that’s a way to settle [disputes],” Humphreyville said.
Mistake #13: Not following proper procedure in the event of a citation “When you get a citation, you’re supposed to post that for employees to view,” he said, for three days or until the hazard is abated.
“Failure to abate is when you don’t abate a violation; a violation repeat is when you fix the violation but it reoccurs,” Humphreyville said, adding that OSHA can cite you for a repeat on a different standard so long as it’s closely related to the original citation.
Mistake #14: Promising corrective measures you can’t deliver on In the event of OSHA proposing corrective measures, Humphreyville said it’s acceptable to request more time to research potential solutions “so long as it’s in good faith.”
“Take the time to look into solutions, to research them, to see if that’s really something you’re going to be able to do,” Humphreyville said. “You don’t want to tell OSHA something and then have to backtrack.”
Mistake #15: Not going above and beyond OSHA’s standards when necessary to maximize employees’ safety “Remember, OSHA standards are minimal safety standards,” Humphreyville reminds us. There may be safety best practices above and beyond OSHA’s requirements, including state or local standards or even requirements from the general contractor on the job.
“OSHA can’t cite you for [breaking] an employer’s rule,” he said. For example, if a GC requires hardhats on a site where OSHA doesn’t require them and a subcontractor doesn’t follow the GC’s rule, that is not an OSHA issue. But, it may still be necessary to improve safety on that particular job site.
And we should all be doing our best to maximize employee safety—not only to avoid OSHA citations, but because it is the right thing to do.

Good Density Equals Smoothness Bonus
BY SANDY LENDERMayo Construction Inc., headquartered in Cavalier, North Dakota, took on a set of three projects that amounted to one large mill-and-pave project for the state Department of Transportation (NDDOT), placing 166,818 tons of HMA from early August to late October 2022. Despite liquid asphalt cement (AC) delivery challenges, the team completed 82 lane miles in 50 days of paving with no corrective grinds required by the owner. They
garnered over $350,000 in bonuses. Here’s how they did it.
After winning projects 23151, 23377 and 23580 along a 37-mile stretch of Highway 52 for NDDOT, Mayo Construction hired Bryce Wuori as the project manager to assist in the completion of the company’s largest construction project in the almost 100 years of operation. Wuori brought a number of tools along, including the PaveScan® RDM 2.0 device from Geophysical Survey Systems
Inc. (GSSI) and his proprietary Pavewise software system. The PaveScan assisted in quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA). Mayo Construction has also been using the Willow notched wedge system over the past construction seasons to achieve joint density on required projects.
Mayo President Trevor Christianson said, “As a company we try to stay on the cutting edge of technology to be as efficient and successful as possible. I truly believe our crews pave some of the best roads in the state and we are proud of this accomplishment.”

As of April 2019, the Pavescan RDM pavement density measurement technology is an accepted American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) specification, PP 98-19.
“Trucking logistics issues and taking advantage of the best paving days for the echelon paving and mainline paving were key in the success of the ride and density on this project,” Wuori said.

The team had an average of 50 trucks per day from 15 trucking companies on the project. The peak was 70-75 trucks from hired subcontractors and owner/operators. Need-
less to say, it took special coordination of all activities, from the full project width milling, to trench milling for the purpose of correcting existing rutting, to 139,438 tons of aggregate base from two pits with two subcontractors for passing lane construction, to echelon paving after trench paving.
“We also planned operations around scheduled rain days. Since this project was over 30 miles long, we were able to work on certain parts of the project even if it was raining on one end and not on the other end. These types of decisions produced in conjunction with data from Pavewise helped us be as efficient as possible with the paving days we had on the project.”
The team also had to be efficient in light of binder delays.
Christianson explained that the asphalt mix—the state’s Superpave FAA 45—was a good design. “The state wanted a virgin asphalt mix design,” he shared, stating it required a PG58H-34 liquid binder.
He praised the plant crew, saying they produced the mix consistently; it gave the field crew no issues with compaction or otherwise. “One of the struggles on the project was consistently getting shipments of AC to the site,” Christianson shared. “Since this [liquid] came from Canada, there were transportation and border crossing restrictions that would fall out of our control on the project.”
Wuori explained, “We did have to shut the project down multiple times because of lack of AC. An extra holding tank was added to the project to keep more AC available.”
Solving that inconvenience, crews received mix at temperatures averaging 315330°F, depending on the weather. “We did start adding an Evotherm in late October,” Wuori said, to take advantage of the additive’s cool-weather paving properties. He explained the state allows operations to continue with lower temperatures when additive is used. “The first asphalt plant location was approximately 16 miles away from the paving operations and the second asphalt plant setup location was 26 miles away from paving operations.”
“There was approximately 130,693 tons of milling reclaimed on the project,” Christianson said. “Most of the milling was done with a 12-foot mill or a combination of a 12-foot mill and an 8-foot milling machine.”
Three sites accepted excess millings for two local owners. At the peak of production, the crew had five portable scales on site to monitor material.
And as material was taken away and the profiled surface was cleaned and tacked, the paving crew made ready for the finish. The Superpave mix would be placed at a depth of 2 inches compacted, across the width of up to 38 feet, depending on location along
napac roller, then a rubber tire CW-34. A double drum steel roller performed finish. “Typically for joint density we set it in place with knockdown and then pinch with rubber tire roller. These roller operators are all veterans and exceptional in their skills.”
The results were bonus worthy.
Christianson shared the stats: “There were approximately 82 lane miles of paving on the project. The 20-foot-wide paving average IRI was a 32.2. The 18-foot-wide paving was a 34.5. There was not a single corrective grind on the entire project required by the owner. The average mat density on the project was 93.4% and average joint density on the project was 90.9%.”
It’s not just the IRI that brought the accolades for Mayo Construction.
“The final bonus produced on the project from ride, joint density and mat density incentive was approximately $350,000,” Wuori said. “The project also beat its bid estimates for production and profits as well.”
the project. Belly dumps delivered mix in windrows ahead of Cat and Weiler pickup machines. Those transferred material to Cat pavers paving in echelon on six passing lanes to eliminate the longitudinal joint.

Christianson said the paving team used a Cat screed extensions kit to stretch the paver out past 20 feet wide on parts of the project. “We used best paving practices for the joint, including Willow Notched Wedge.” He proudly shared the DOT required not a single corrective International Roughness Index (IRI) grind on the lane miles of paving on entire project.
Wuori explained, “We had the Willow device running on the longitudinal joint and a custom-built sluff roller on the outside edge. It works very well and mounts to the outside of the screed gate in about two minutes with two workers installing it. It does have to be managed with a release agent and adjusted every once in a while.”
To achieve compaction, the team used one consistent rolling pattern for most of the mainline paving and Wuori double-checked that with the Pavescan GPS device, sharing the data between management and the paving team. They started with a double drum steel CB16 in the breakdown position, followed by two intermediate rollers. The first was a double steel drum Dy-
That kind of success doesn’t sneak up on a crew. Wuori was the consultant running the Pavescan and seeing the numbers coming up day in and day out. He could tell something special was happening.
Mayo Construction Inc., Cavalier, North Dakota, celebrates its centennial this year. Joe Mayo founded the company in 1923, purchasing a steam engine and planning to start a custom harvesting business. Luckily for the state, he recognized his talent for road construction— and that’s what the family business has focused on for three generations.
Mayo Construction competes mostly on the open market through competitive bidding, supporting about 150 employees during the summer construction season. The company is 100% employee owned. Visit the website for more of the Mayo Construction history. https:// www.mayoconst.com/
The Tank Management System is comprised of three levels of functionality and is customizable for your plant.

This component makes it possible for you to never have to second - guess how much material is in your A.C. tanks or hotmix silos. The Accu-Level continuously monitors tank levels aler ting the operator when an over ll is approaching.

The app allows you to monitor speci c operations of your plant. While using it, you can: observe tank and silo levels in real-time, keep track of temperatures, monitor hot oil heater vitals, receive error alerts, allow team access, and more. Completely mobile-friendly, the app can be operated on a computer, tablet or any smart phone.
This system allows you to monitor and regulate all of your A.C. tanks. Users can set individual tank high/low parameters for level and temperature to initiate a pump shutdown and prevent tank over ows. In addition, you can operate A.C. tank supply, return, and ll valves with the push of a button from the control room, tank farm or any smart phone.

“We had a really good couple weeks where we were doing 25,000-30,000 tons a week in paving along with 10,000-20,000 tons of gravel placed in a week,” Wuori said. “It was the end of September when everything was clicking good.”
“The Mayo team did an amazing job from project management to field operations,” Christianson said. “It was a team effort that shows what kind of success we can produce as a company when we all work together and put our minds together on a common goal.”
In the Trenches
Portions of the existing system had what Wuori described as “really bad rutting.” Before the team could execute profile milling and paving of those sections, the rutted pavement had to be solved. Using a 12-foot mill in the driving lanes, they milled down 4 inches, basically creating a 12-foot-wide trench. They cleaned and tacked this trench, following the cleaning operation immediately with a paver, placing 2-2.5 inches of FAA 45. Behind that operation, the full width profile milling and paving came along.
“These two operations had to stay in coordination very well because we had to have back in everything that was milled in the day’s operations,” Wuori explained.
The Mayo Construction website spells out a commitment to its workers, stating its quality of work is only as good as the expertise of its employees. The company offers a variety of insurances for workers and states, “We’re dedicated to ensuring all our employees are properly trained and feel confident in their abilities to successfully, and most important, safely complete their job duties.”
When Wuori integrated the Pavewise platform with best practices as a project manager on the Hwy. 52 project, this combination of tools gave him the opportunity to monitor the health of a handful of flaggers and pilot car drivers during the arduous project. This proved advantageous when a few workers were experiencing burnout and conflicts with other employees and needed assistance.
“I had the responsibility of managing up to 20 flaggers and pilot cars daily on this project and was able to use the software as a tool to help manage what teams worked well together and who was struggling with the team they were currently on. The software also assisted with managing the locations of where the flaggers and pilot cars needed to work on a dayto-day basis as construction operations changed daily.
“Having a digital platform that keeps you connected to employees' daily ener-
gy and health is very important and makes the project much more efficient and safer for everyone. These are the people with the boots on the ground making the project a reality and they are more important than anything else on these projects.”
Christianson echoed the importance of the workers for this project’s final success, saying it was “a combination of a highly skilled milling team, paving team and rolling team that follow best paving practices and understand the importance of consistency in the field.”


BY ASPHALTPROSTAFFEditor’s Note: The staff of AsphaltPro magazine is not responsible for the opinions expressed in the Corporate Profiles supplement. Statements made have not been verified, thus producers/contractors are still encouraged to use best practices when implementing new advice or making purchasing decisions.
Since 2021, the staff at AsphaltPro magazine has brought this annual overview of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to the asphalt audience. This supplement to AsphaltPro magazine gives OEMs and service providers a chance to speak their missions directly to asphalt professionals. We posed specific questions to the partners who support us, thus your operations, and left their answers raw and real. This special section to the July edition represents an inside look at the OEMs who want to help you make the most of your business, improve your overall asphalt quality and succeed in your march toward industry net zero goals.
One of the asphalt industry’s many strengths is its ability to predict and prepare for the road ahead. Look at the innovations in fume extraction on paving equipment and silica dust reduction around milling equipment as two examples of our industry working in partnership to solve issues before they became mandates from on high. Look at the paperless ticketing kiosks companies such as Libra Systems—now under the Command Alkon umbrella—developed before a COVID-19 outbreak made them all-the-rage. Look at various cooling devices and systems employers have developed and shared long before the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) put its national emphasis program (NEP) in place.
These and other examples prove our industry has a track record of forward-thinking technology. What’s coming next? The companies participating in this year’s supplement will tell you. They’ve shared how they’re helping you step out in front of your competition in your markets with advanced designs, equipment, technologies or techniques.
Keep in mind, AsphaltPro offers more than a monthly report in this realm. Yes, we continue to bring the magazine in print 11 times per year, as the industry demands of us. We also offer the publication in digital format online, which you can receive via your email address when you subscribe online. We also provide a free toolbox topic once a week, which you can receive via your email address when you sign up for the Monday Morning Toolbox Tip. We also provide an online training course titled Asphalt Paving 101 for your new hires. I’ll let you explore TheAsphaltPro.com for more.
As we prepare to dive into our version of contract season, we introduce more robust online interactions for our partners. The digital-plus-online packages we’ve developed for partners are designed to put proactive equipment manufacturers who care about the producer’s bottom line directly in front of an engaged and educated audience. We’re not the kind of media outlet that splatters equipment releases across a page and calls it a day. We’re known for digging more deeply and sharing the nuts-and-bolts, how-to, technical in-
formation for how the advanced equipment and forward-thinking intellectual property will enhance the user’s bottom line.
You’ll see one of the areas in which we invited OEMs to share philosophies was that of asphalt sustainability. OEMs are invested in helping contractors and producers reach the net zero goals of the National Asphalt Pavement Association’s The Road Forward initiative. It’s natural to think of the strides made toward zero emissions at the asphalt plant and paving zone, but manufacturers and contractors alike are looking out for the industry’s best practices when it comes to sustaining the workforce as well.
One of the methods for sustaining a workforce into the future is to encourage newcomers. AsphaltPro Magazine offers the children’s activity book, Asphalt Lane, in bulk quantities so you can distribute it to schools, scout troops and other groups where kids need to learn about the positive environmental and useful message of asphalt roadbuilding.
This activity book is only one way to engage the imagination of the next generation. You could host a local classroom field trip to your facility or take materials to a local library for a mid-summer display. Don’t forget about career day at middle and high school programs. It’s up to us to remind the communities where we operate that a career in asphalt roadbuilding is lucrative and rewarding.
I want to applaud those entities who are participating in the push toward implementing a culture of caring throughout the construction industry. Improving the mental health wellness of our workforce will not only attract a larger pool of mindful employees for one and all, but it will also increase presenteeism among those already in our ranks. By improving mental health wellness, we improve workplace safety and employee retention. We improve overall.
I encourage readers to explore the Suicide Prevention page at TheAsphaltPro.com as a launching point for mental health wellness resources and ideas. And I invite you to thumb through the profiles included herein for a look inside the companies bringing new and exciting business options to you. Let them know you saw them in the pages of AsphaltPro!
Founded: 1967
Mission Statement: ADM began in 1967 as Panco Corporation, a manufacturer of control panels. By the 1970s, Panco evolved into a manufacturer of asphalt plants. In 1983, Panco became ADM, with the mission of providing the industry’s most extensive sales and service support anywhere.

• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)
• Plant controls/automation
• Paving and/or compaction equipment/automation
• Pavement recycling/pavement reclaiming equipment
• Fleet management/telematics/hauling/ticketing software solutions
• Additives/Emulsions/Polymer blends/Fibers/Patching materials
Forward-Thinking Technology
The number-one most-important product trait that ADM brings to the asphalt marketplace is the company’s approach to the design and manufacture of its continuous-mix asphalt plants.

All of ADM’s four series of asphalt plants—the EX Series, MileMaker Series, RoadBuilder Series, and SPL Series—are designed with the utmost in operational efficiency, enabling the cost effectiveness on which producers rely for their maximum return on investment (ROI).
Many plant models allow efficient operation using just one plant operator and one loader operator, while the ability to customize any plant ADM manufactures using standard ADM components, assures just the right asphalt plant for their operations’ specific needs to streamline operational efficiencies at every level.
ADM asphalt plants are available in 60–425 TPH allowing them to operate at the specific production capacity a producer needs for greatest production-site efficiency. Depending on the plant series purchased, ADM plants can handle up-to-25% or upto-50% RAP. Recycled material in the mix significantly impacts producers’ bottom lines for higher ROI.
ADM asphalt plants fitted with baghouses go even further to improve ROI, since the baghouse allows fines to be reintroduced into the hot mix. In that way, baghouses also save producers in material costs by reducing material, itself.
When it comes to meeting strict environmental standards, ADM counterflow plants are designed and manufactured for clean and efficient operation, practically eliminating blue smoke and hydrocarbon emissions. Further demonstrating operational efficiencies, ADM warm-mix systems allow for the production of mix at reduced temperatures, thus allowing for savings in power and fuel.
The materials used in the manufacturing of ADM hot-mix asphalt plants and other products is of such high quality, strength,
and durability that with proper and ongoing plant maintenance, producers can expect a long and productive plant life.
Sustainability with Asphalt
ADM prides itself on its commitment to asphalt sustainability, from reduce to reuse to recycle. The company’s commitment to sustainability greatly benefits the producers ADM serves.
Every plant ADM manufactures is designed to allow producers the use of RAP in their hot mix. Depending on the plant series purchased, producers may use up to 50% RAP. Recycled material in the mix significantly impacts producers’ bottom lines for higher returns on investment (ROI).
ADM asphalt plants fitted with baghouses go even further to improve ROI, since the baghouse allows fines to be reintroduced into the hot mix. In that way, baghouses also save producers in material costs along with reducing material itself.
ADM plants eliminate blue smoke and hydrocarbon emissions, allowing producers to meet strict environmental regulations, while ADM Warm-Mix Systems allow for the production of mix at reduced temperatures, thus allowing for a reduction in power and fuel.
Further demonstrating ADM’s reduce and reuse policies, the company’s engineers carefully spec the steel used in the manufacture of its asphalt plants and design the plants to use most of the steel purchased, with very little scrap, and highly reduced waste. What little scrap is left, is collected and stored on ADM’s lot until sufficient quantities are available to send out for recycling.
ADM also uses recycled steel during its manufacturing processes of plants and components. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that recycled (secondary) steel production uses about 74% less energy than the (primary) production of steel from iron ore.
Founded: 1952

Mission Statement: We manufacture the most durably built and detail-oriented line of asphalt plants and asphalt equipment on the market. Everything we make is designed from our customers’ perspective, fully customized for each operation, and built to last.

• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)
• Plant controls/automation
Forward-Thinking Technology
Our most important product is the foundation on which our company is built: our drum mix asphalt plants. ALmix manufactures a complete line of drum mix asphalt plants as well as a full line of auxiliary plant equipment and world-class total control systems, allowing contractors to get everything they need under the ALmix brand. ALmix drum mix plants are available in both relocatable and portable setups and in a range of sizes designed to fit the production needs of any contractor.
Our plants help contractors take better control of their supply chain. Over the past several decades, we have continuously worked to make our plants stronger, safer, more efficient, and more profitable for their owners. We understand that these plants are vital investments for our customer’s business—an investment that can be a gamechanger for their future. That’s why we build these plants to fit their exact requirements, load them with the features that we’ve developed through the years from the perspective of our customers, and continue to stand by their side for ongoing service and support.
Sustainability with Asphalt
At ALmix, we manufacture a variety of products designed to assist in our customer’s efforts to protect the environment and to go above and beyond regulations as part of a good neighbor policy. We understand that what’s good for the sustainability of our resources and our environment is also good for business. These sustainabilityfocused products include our award-winning RAP equipment, blue smoke capture systems, reverse air baghouses, warm mix systems, and industry-leading automation systems that provide actionable, operational data helping contractors optimize their facilities. We constantly strive to maximize efficiencies across every piece of equipment at the plant, leading to savings in power, fuel, and plant emissions. At ALmix, we are focused on building plants that are better for both our customers’ bottom line as well as the environments in which they operate.
Weiler Material Transfer Vehicles lead the way with proven innovations to provide the lowest cost per ton of operation.

Innovative and reliable operator friendly features such as paver hopper management system with distance to paver, storage hopper management and auto chain tensioning.

Variable speed elevator and conveyors meet production requirements with the minimal amount of wear.
Clam shell doors and full width drop down floors provide unmatched access for cleanout.
The evolution of chains, sprockets and augers are retrofittable to all machines and provide increased wear life.
Founded: 1956
Mission Statement: Asphalt Materials Inc., is a proud member of The Heritage Group, with over 65 years of experience in the asphalt industry. Our teams of professionals are dedicated to creating longer-lasting, safer roads with quality, reliable asphalt materials.

• Additives/Emulsions/Polymer blends/Fibers/Patching materials
• Lab/Testing/QCQA equipment and/or its software
Forward-Thinking Technology
Safety Through Innovation. Protecting Rumble Strips So They Can Protect Drivers.
Centerline rumble strips, which can reduce head-on collisions by up to 50%, utilizing J-Band® (VRAM) & AMIGUARD™ (RPE) can help protect pavements with rumble strips. J-Band® and AMIGUARD are investments to protect your roads while rumble strips are an investment to protect drivers. When both solutions work together there is protection for roads and drivers.
J-Band® is a Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane

Longitudinal joint deterioration has long been a problem throughout the US. Through collaborations between state transportation agencies, industry experts, and our laboratories, VRAM was developed to solve this issue.
VRAM, a Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane, significantly reduces air voids in longitudinal joints. Applied prior to paving, VRAM migrates into the joint in the asphalt surface course as it is placed, filling voids and reducing permeability.
Developed in 2002, VRAM use has increased as agencies realize pavement life extension and life cycle cost savings. With 20 years of documented experience, VRAM continues to save time, money, and lives.
J-Band® and AMIGUARD™ were created in the labs of the Heritage Research Group (HRG).
is a Rapid Penetrating Emulsion
AMIGUARD™ is a Rapid Penetrating Emulsion (RPE) that will deliver asphalt content into the pavement, unlike a fog seal that simply covers the surface of a pavement.
AMIGUARD™ is specially formulated to penetrate quickly and thoroughly. Its reduced surface tension allows it to absorb into the pavement quickly, so drivers can get back on the road sooner.
AMIGUARD™ and J-Band® are especially suited for centerline applications. Used together they can provide many years of protection for your pavements. J-Band is applied before the placement of the HMA and RPE should be applied soon after the rumble strips are ground.
Read more from this year’s TRB Annual Meeting here: https:// thejointsolution.com/protecting-rumble-strips-with-vram/
Sustainability with Asphalt
In 2021, ClimeCo collaborated with Asphalt Materials Inc. (AMI) to complete an LCA-based sustainability assessment of J-Band®,
AMI’s void reducing asphalt membrane (VRAM) product. Together, ClimeCo and AMI wrote and presented their paper and poster titled, “Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of a Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane and Other Longitudinal Joint Treatments” at this year’s TRB Annual Meeting.
Caroline Kelleher and Gary Yoder from ClimeCo, Gerry Huber of the Heritage Research Group, and Todd Thomas from Asphalt Materials are the paper’s authors. During the meeting, many attendees came by to learn more about the three sustainability attributes of J-Band: environmental, economic, and social (safety). Important conclusions of this paper include the following:
• There is significant potential to develop transportation infrastructure in line with the principles of sustainable development.
• Sustainability is an increasingly critical component of transportation infrastructure, with federal, regional, and state entities having a range of awareness and education programs, all while promoting the use of ‘green’ or sustainable roadway products.
• Upstream emissions associated with materials production are outside the carbon accounting of direct emissions, i.e., scope three instead of scope one emissions, and thus, as agencies and contractors look to reduce their scope one emissions, they will be evaluating methods and materials which will allow for a reduction in fuel usage.
• Longitudinal joint solutions that offer the lowest applicationphase emissions, reduced maintenance needs, and extended road lifetimes, will result in the lowest scope one emissions. In this analysis, VRAM and joint adhesive have the lowest construction phase emissions.
• VRAM had the most economical life cycle cost performance compared to conventional joints and maintenance.
The paper and poster can be found here: https://thejointsolution. com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/TRB-poster-and-Paper-2022.pdf ClimeCo’s website story can be found here: https://climeco.com/ what-is-a-life-cycle-analysis/ www.asphalt-materials.com

What does that mean? It means that we are determined to support you in your journey towards greater profitability, safety and environmental stewardship. It means that we will help you forge new paths, shape key trends and offer new solutions to support you on that journey. And it means we will be with you for every step of that journey through application consultancy, personalized trainings; across numerous geographic territories and around the clock.

Tell us where you’re going and we will help you get there.


Founded: 1972
Mission Statement: Our purpose is Built to Connect with a supporting vision to connect people, processes and products, advancing innovative solutions from rock to road as OneASTEC. Astec was founded on innovation and a passion to help customers succeed. Innovation is in our DNA.
• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)

• Plant controls/automation
• Paving and/or compaction equipment/automation
• Pavement recycling/pavement reclaiming equipment
• Fleet management/telematics/hauling/ticketing software solutions
Forward-Thinking Technology
Expanded Double Barrel Lineup: The Double Barrel drum dryer/mixer delivers guaranteed productivity and top-quality mixes while keeping operating costs per ton of mix low and meeting the most stringent environmental codes. The Double Barrel drum dryer/mixer revolutionized the market with its ability to handle RAP effectively and efficiently with a unique drum-within-a-drum style and an exclusive sequential mixing process.
Today’s Double Barrel drums still rely on sequential mixing to deliver high quality mix while continuing to advance mixing technology with the addition of patented V-Flights and the expansion of the Double Barrel product line with the Double Barrel X and the Double Barrel XHR which can handle high RAP mixes of up to 70%.
SB-3000 Shuttle Buggy® MTV: Powerful and practical, the SB-3000 material transfer vehicle stores and transfers hot-mixed asphalt material from truck to paver for non-stop paving, while enhancing safety, comfort, and productivity. The anti-segregation auger remixes material just before delivery to the paver and the 35-ton storage capacity allows trucks to unload HMA immediately. Engine, fluid checks and other important daily maintenance items are at ground level for safe and easy access. Bright, LED lights illuminate the wheels, egress ladder and operator platforms. The main operator is closer to the action while maintaining excellent sight lines, and the ground operator is protected inside the structure of the machine.
FT4250CC Mobile Impactor Plant: The hybrid-powered FT4250CC mobile impactor plant, with an added pre-screen, features easy access to all controls for quick set up, operation and maintenance. The two-deck pre-screen minimizes the amount of undersized material that passes through the chamber, reducing wear costs and increasing the amount of final product by up to 30%. The hybrid power option allows producers to operate using either line power or diesel fuel for added flexibility.
Sustainability with Asphalt
Astec Industries is committed to continually strengthening global sustainability as we strive to be industry leaders in everything we do from Rock to Road. Our team is constantly working to find solutions for our customers to reduce their environmental impact in user-friendly and budget-conscious ways. We have a long history of bringing products to the market that support sustainability, such as the high-RAP Double Barrel XHR drum, the hybrid-powered FT4250CC mobile impactor plant and Cold in Place Recycling Systems.
Environmental Stewardship is important to us because it demonstrates our commitment to ethical values and behaviors and a sustainable future. These values inform our decisions, help us attract new and diverse talent, and add value.
An on-staff Director of Environmental Compliance for asphalt plants provides expertise to make the permitting process as easy as possible. Additionally, representatives from Astec are active in a number of industry associations and organizations that promote the industry and support the continued growth of the asphalt industry.

Founded: 1982

Mission Statement:
To offer affordable asphalt plant controls that are dependable, logical and easy to learn as well as providing exceptional accuracy and the capability to meet the most stringent contract requirements.
• Plant controls/ automation
• Fleet management/ telematics/hauling/ ticketing software solutions
Forward-Thinking Technology
Reliability that instills the confidence to motivate more competitive bids and consequent contract awards.
Technical support and knowledge that goes beyond just our systems. Inherent in our designs are protection features such as dedicated built-in hardware “dead man timers” that detect computer failure and shut down the plant/process immediately.

Sustainability with Asphalt
By providing reliable asphalt plant controls with consistent operational real-time availability and unmatched accuracy by way of precise inject timing of all process materials during startup as well as during sequential on the fly mix changes.
Pavement preservation is important because, overtime, hot mix asphalt ages and loses its ability to bind or hold together the aggregate. Using a treatment such as Micro-Surfacing on the surface of an older hot mix, seals the surface and extends the life of that pavement.

Micro-Surfacing is one of Asphalt Material's products within our AMISEAL™ portfolio of pavement preservation products. The environmental nature of these products are helping road managers build longer-lasting, safer, more sustainable roads.
SCAN THE QR FOR More Information

Issues Addressed:
Loss of friction
Uneven surface profile
Lack of uniform color for restriping
Micro-Surfacing Attributes:

Increases skid resistance
Improves color contrast between pavement and striping
Restores surface characteristics
Protects the structure from moisture intrusion
Protects the structure from oxidation
Maintains drainage patterns and curb reveal
Restores road profile (within limitations)
Resistant to rutting and shoving
Founded: 1998

Mission Statement: At Blue Smoke Control, our goal is to be the top provider of environmental solutions for the asphalt industry.
• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)
Sustainability with Asphalt
Blue smoke emissions from asphalt plants can create a number of challenges, ranging from regulatory requirements to overt opposition from neighbors. In fact, asphalt plant emissions are facing increasing regulatory oversight. Blue Smoke Control, a division of Butler-Justice, Inc., offers a patented, proven system that can eliminate emissions challenges, help producers meet new regulations, and keep them on course to meet climate goals as part of NAPA’s “The Road Forward” initiative.
Our proven, patented Blue Smoke Control® system captures and filters blue smoke as small as 0.3 microns from emission points in your plant — with 99.9% overall efficiency. Better yet, it does this without sabotaging your production goals.
Additionally, X-VOCS™ — our newest system for eradicating odor-causing emissions — filters and removes up to 99% of odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), from your hot asphalt storage tanks.
The Blue Smoke Control and X-VOCS systems can be installed together or separately. We can incorporate them into new plants or retrofit your existing plant with minimal modification. Not only are these systems the best available control technology on the market, but they are the least costly for installation, ongoing supplies, and maintenance.

The Blue Smoke Control system from Butler-Justice, Inc., captures and filters blue smoke from emission points in your plant — with 99.9% overall efficiency. We can incorporate this system into new plants or retrofit your existing plant with minimal modification.


Founded: 1945
Mission Statement: Buffalo Turbine is the leader in debris blowers across industries. Our machines make your job easier and reduce prep time through efficiency.

• Paving and/or compaction equipment/automation
Sustainability with Asphalt
Buffalo Turbine is focused on environmental stewardship, but now offering fuel injected engines across our tow behind and stand on product lines. With remote start/stop standard on our tow behind models, there is no need to have the engine running, while transporting to the next location. With machines that can run on machines on-site, including skid steers and tractors, we offer blowers that do not need an extra engine, saving fuel and engine maintenance.
There’s always something new at Eagle Crusher. Eagle Crusher consistently leads the industry in new product innovations, and 2023 is no exception. Our newest equipment includes the UltraMax®1600X-OC Portable Impactor Plant and the 8x20 Screen Plant with Integrated Feed Conveyor and Blending Gates.

Learn about the many plant options for asphalt producers. Outstanding plant options include onsite RAP systems for crushing and precise screening, allowing product consistency with a minimum of white rock and a minimum of fines. Also available are highly portable plant options for larger-sized jobs with high volumes of material at- or near-spec, allowing most to be removed before crushing to increase overall production and reduce wear.

Founded: 1968
Mission Statement: We go the extra mile to provide exceptional asphalt equipment solutions and service.
• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)
• Plant controls/automation
• Paving and/or compaction equipment/ automation

• Pavement recycling/pavement reclaiming equipment
Forward-Thinking Technology
CWMF specializes in drums and baghouses. However, we can offer the entire catalog of hot mix plant equipment. I would say that our most important product offering is customer satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction is a result of total communication. Generally speaking, it is solving all of the specified pain-points.
In this industry, the big things have already been done. We would like to look at our equipment and see where we can make the enhancements. We have a patented silo batcher that features removable gates. This allows for maintenance to be done with ease and safely. Our Wedgelok tire suspension system is a clever design that gives you the ability to properly secure the tire to the barrel. This system also works fantastically as a retrofit to existing set-ups. We also offer our Honey Badger RAP crusher to process RAP millings in real-time. Versus pre-processing, this method drastically reduces the cost. It also allows you to run the RAP at a lower moisture level as there is less surface area in stockpile in a milled state. Less moisture in the product benefits the bottom line.
Sustainability with Asphalt
It’s not a secret that asphalt is a recycled product. However, most people do not realize that asphalt is the number-one most recycled material in the world! This industry has also been very innovative in utilizing other foreign products into mix designs. These products may include seashells, crushed glass, roofing shingles, ground tire rubber, plastics, steel slag, and many others. Today, with the help of rejuvenators and additives, contractors can increase the amount of RAP that they use in a mix. CWMF has worked closely with its customer base to engineer its rotary drum, so it can be capable of handling higher amounts of RAP input. CWMF is proud to be working in an industry that is at the top of the list of recyclable products.
In the case of Net-Zero, we like to take a look at the complete plant and compile the metrics so we can see where we can increase efficiency. Often the little things are ignored, I.E., we look for leaks in the drum and baghouse and recommend corrective action. We will also take a look at the baghouse temperatures to ensure the plant is operating optimally. Additionally, VFD’s (variable frequency drives) can be looked at on the plant components. When applicable, the conversation of increasing RAP percentages is always a go-to.
Founded: 1987
Mission Statement: At Colorbiotics, we believe that our word is just as good as what we make. We believe that products should be honest and promises should be accurate down to the decimal. We believe that there’s no such thing as too good to be true.
• Additives/Emulsions/Polymer blends/Fibers/ Patching materials

Sustainability with Asphalt
Colorbiotics entered the asphalt industry with a soybean oil-derived science that was inspired by the fields surrounding the company’s headquarters in Ames, Iowa. Their team has continued to refine and perfect applications of that science to create solutions that are sustainable in both design and impact.
Today, the lineup of Colorbiotics asphalt solutions includes additives that increase the use of RAP, treatments that extend the service life of aging pavements and a soybean-based polymer that reduces dependence on petroleum oil. Thanks to the soybean oil-derived science behind those solutions, their entire lineup has received official approval and certification from the United States Department of Agriculture’s BioPreferred Program.
To qualify for this program, products must be primarily composed of biological matter, a criterion verified by independent laboratories. Test results have revealed that two solutions from Colorbiotics consist of an impressive 96% bio-based content, while another boasts a 100% bio-based composition.
Across industries, Colorbiotics sources and formulates their products with the environment in mind. In recent years, the company has also engineered advancements in coloring equipment to cut down on material waste and built their own dedicated facility for the recycling of plastic totes.
After two years of testing the top asphalt rejuvenators in mixes with 40% RAP, Invigorate beat the competition by 300%.
For more information on the results, call us at 1-888-663-6980.
Founded: 1934

Mission Statement: Your partner on the road ahead
• Paving and/or compaction equipment/automation
Forward-Thinking Technology
Dynapac has a commitment to quality that dates back to the late ’70s with Continuous Compaction Control (CCC) or Intelligent Compaction. But it doesn’t end there as Dynapac is always ensuring quality control is met, measured and executed successfully.
Dynapac offers on rollers a documentation system, DYN@LYZER, that records stiffness of the compacted layer in real-time as well as temperature and number of passes, which eliminates guesswork and improves accuracy.
On our pavers we have introduced a system called Mat Manager to quantify and track the asphalt production rate and total operation control at the job site.
On the MF2500CS mobile feeder, the heart of the machines is the I-MIX system which lessens the probability of material segregation on the jobsite by moving the outer section of material into the middle of the material flow. This unique arrangement equalizes temperatures within the mix and blends large and small stones. The result is consistent and long-lasting road quality.
Sustainability with Asphalt

Dynapac equipment and technologies are well-positioned to pave the way towards innovation and implementation of net zero carbon emission solutions. Dynapac has consistently worked to create products that help contractors work more efficiently using less resources, lowering their impact on the environment.
The proven ECO-Mode system can be seen across the company’s portfolio of equipment and was recently added to their new line of Highway Class Pavers. The intuitive design of these machines, coupled with ECOMode, allows operation of the paver at the lowest possible engine RPM, resulting in increased fuel savings.
Screed heating is also possible with ECO-Zonal heating which consumes less power and fuel. The multizone heat control with fail-safe heating design keeps the screed heated at the right time, and the right temperature, saving time and energy consumption.
Dynapac is excited for the opportunity to forge a sustainable future for customers and our planet.
WE ARE A UL-142, ASME SECTION VIII AND API APPROVED TANK MANUFACTURER. Our facility is quality control inspected by Underwriter’s Laboratories four times per year.

WE ARE A LICENSED MANUFACTURER FOR THE STEEL TANK INSTITUTE (STI). We are the recipient of STI’s Quality Award 16 consecutive years and inspected two times annually.

ALL ASPHALT TANKS ARE BUILT TO THE UL-142 CONSTRUCTION CODE. We keep records of the steel purchases, welding practices, pressure tests and other quality control measures.

WE USE 6” INSULATION ON TOP AND SIDEWALLS OF OUR TANKS. The bottom of our tanks are insulated with foam glass block.
ALL OF OUR SHELL JOINTS ARE DOUBLE BUTT WELDED AND NOZZLE JOINTS SEAL WELDED INSIDE AND OUT. 100% Welded - The strongest union of two pieces of steel possible.
WE ARE CONSTANTLY IMPROVING OUR TANK DESIGNS. The only way to keep our tanks better than any other tank on the market!
Founded: 1915

Mission Statement: Eagle Crusher knows all producers want the same thing from their equipment: performance. Eagle Crusher is committed to listening to producers’ needs and developing the highest performing crushers to meet those needs, while helping producers meet profit and sustainability goals.
• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)
Forward-Thinking Technology
The highest performing crushers don’t always integrate with producers’ existing automated systems. The Eagle Crusher onsite MaxRap® System does, to provide crushing and precise screening of RAP. With MaxRap, producers get highly uniform spec product with a minimum of white rock and a minimum of fines, so producers never have to worry about product quality and consistency.
Reliability is not a worry, either. Screen service platforms are positioned on both sides of the screens for ease of maintenance to keep producers up and crushing, and the screening process can continue while the crusher is removed from the circuit for maximum productivity.

Producers will also find that versatility is a breeze. The MaxRap actuated diverter chutework allows multi-feature deck selection, blending, and by pass. The side-discharge conveyor from the crusher may be used for stockpiling or returned to another conveyor for re-circulating back to the plant screen for resizing. The system may be utilized for screening only with all material conveyed to the stockpile.
Sustainability with Asphalt
Eagle Crusher Company is a long-time proponent of sustainability and helping the asphalt industry use less to produce more. The company first pioneered high volume portable crushing equipment for the construction-anddemolition debris (C&D) recycling industry. Eagle Crusher’s commitment early on to recycling, led to the design and development of superior crushing and screening plants that also empower asphalt producers to use RAP in the production of hot-mix asphalt, while enabling them to produce consistent, high quality product.
Whether producers are using the onsite MaxRap system, the highly portable 1200-CC with Pre-Screen Feeder, or any number of Eagle Crusher impactors in their operations, sustainability benefits are paramount to equipment R&D. Eagle Crusher’s UltraMax® impactors are designed to maximize RAP reduction to required spec while minimizing white rock. This means producers need to pass material through a crusher less to achieve their desired end product, while also reducing overall liquid asphalt consumption. Fewer passes through the crusher not only saves energy used by the crushing and screening plant, but the reduction in overall liquid asphalt consumption also lowers fuel consumption and helps cut greenhouse gas emissions. All of this helps producers to get to their net-zero goals for carbon emissions.
Founded: 1968
Mission Statement: Gencor Industries Inc. mission statement is to be the unquestionable technological and market share leader in the industries we serve.

• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)
• Plant controls/automation
• Paving and/or compaction equipment/automation
• Pavement recycling/pavement reclaiming equipment
• Fleet management/telematics/hauling/ticketing software solutions
• Additives/Emulsions/Polymer blends/Fibers/Patching materials
• Lab/Testing/QCQA equipment and/or its software
Forward-Thinking Technology
The new Gencor G-Series is the latest innovation in small portable hot mix plants providing contractors with all the features of Gencor’s award winning Ultraplant® in a smaller compact highly mobile plant that can be erected and operational virtually anywhere. Available in 150 and 200 U.S. tons per hour of hot mix asphalt.
Built around the unique patented counterflow Ultradrum® technology, proven in 100’s of applications around the globe for producing high quality hot mix without degradation, cleanly, and efficiently. The Ultradrum® flight design concept provides for the highest efficiency heat exchange between the aggregates and the combustion system making it the most efficient drum mixer in the industry. Each flight section is designed for maximum wear life, low maintenance and results in even drum loading.
The isolated mixing section is located behind the burner so there is no chance of liquid asphalt coming in contact with the burner flame, thus no oxidation of the asphalt, no degradation of the mix, and no asphalt vapors entering the exhaust gas stream.
The Astraflame burner achieves complete, efficient combustion without the use of refractory heads or combustion chambers. As a result, more of the BTU heating value of the available fuel applied directly to the drying process.
For the paving contractor, we offer the Blaw-Knox highwayclass pavers. With a rich heritage of producing the highest quality and most durable paving equipment in the industry for over 100 years. A continued focus on innovation drives product engineering with designs that improve performance while maintaining user-friendly, ergonomic comfort and reliability for the operator.
Blaw-Knox pavers are known for superior industry-leading mat quality, uniformity and smoothness on even the most challenging applications, and are available in a variety of 8 foot
and 10 foot tracked or wheeled versions. Unique proprietary screed technology allows for high compaction levels that reduce roller time, resulting in a smooth, high-quality mat.
Backed by a world-class support network, Blaw-Knox is dedicated to the principle of satisfying its customers from all aspects by providing the highest quality products and support to the industry.
Sustainability with Asphalt
Gencor’s green products lead the industry in warm mix asphalt production and asphalt plant fuel savings. The Gencor Ultrafoam GX2™ warm mix system has a simple, robust and reliable method of injecting steam into the foaming process to produce warm mix asphalt.

The Vector™ burner control is a fully automatic digital control system that minimizes fuel usage and gas emissions while maximizing production capacity.
Gencor’s Ultraplant™ has taken top honors year after year for being the only hot mix plant with a positive volatile capture and recovery system that totally eliminates blue smoke and asphalt odors from the process and feeds them to the combustion process as fuel.
Blaw-Knox is always looking for ways to improve performance while reducing the environmental effects normally associated with operating heavy machinery. One significant example is our innovative power adaptive engine with a unique speed control system that significantly improves fuel efficiency, and the strain on the planet’s resources, by lowering engine rpm and reducing ambient noise pollution.
Through the use of our proprietary “Blaw-Kote” system, our pavers also utilize an environmentally friendly pre-treat system which aides in asphalt cleanup by eliminating the need to use diesel fuel as a release agent for stuck on asphalt materials from the paver.
Founded: 1957

Mission Statement: Kenco Engineering’s mission is to solve wear problems that cause unnecessary equipment downtime and repairs; to provide excellent product quality and service; to ship all orders on-time; and to build long term relationships with our customers.
• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)

Sustainability with Asphalt
It is well known that a well-tuned car runs more efficiently than a poorly maintained car. Likewise, a well-maintained asphalt plant or crusher plant will run more efficiently than a poorly maintained example.
With the longer wear life and more consistent production, running Kenco Engineering wear parts will allow your piece of equipment to maintain its “day one” productivity longer. That extended productivity eliminates the need to run equipment longer to meet production goals, thus reducing the amount of fuel burned and reducing the emissions created by running a piece of equipment longer than necessary.

Founded: 1986
Mission Statement: Our mission is to design, manufacture, and support the best asphalt, concrete, gas & oil equipment to the market. We continually aim to exceed our customers’ expectations in all we do. We desire a safe working environment to our employees and a profitable business to our shareholders.
• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)
• Plant controls/automation
• Pavement recycling/pavement reclaiming equipment
• Additives/Emulsions/Polymer blends/Fibers/Patching materials
Forward-Thinking Technology
At Meeker, we provide high quality components to your asphalt plant. We make your plant run better and more efficiently and provide products with enhanced features that improve upon your original asphalt plant purchase.
We now provide mechanical installation services allowing the plant owner a clear understanding of overall project investments.
Understanding overall project investments is very difficult today due to inflation and supply chain issues. At Meeker, we are providing more products and services to the owner so that entire projects provide a clear vision and understanding of the scope of work.
Meeker Equipment understands that you need real solutions to help your business grow and succeed over the long haul. That’s why since 1986 Meeker Equipment has constantly sought innovative approaches and cutting-edge solutions for your equipment needs. As a proven leader in the industry, we strive to design equipment to maximize efficiency and enhance durability. Our trusted team of professionals is devoted to satisfying the unique requirements of our customers. Our guarantee of quality and customer service is the cornerstone of our values.
We are focusing on safety to the owner of the equipment. We created the Liquid Vision system to allow for remote operation of the hot asphalt valves. We monitor tank level so that employees don’t have to go on top of tanks to “stick” for liquid level. Our asphalt tank ladders come with safety cables for workers to tie off in the event he/she loses footing on the ladder. We are building tank farms with stairs in lieu of ladders to make the area around tanks safer. Our silo batchers have cages so that any pinch points are eliminated which helps worker safety.
• Better inventory management
• Safer control of tank valves

• Better worker safety
Sustainability with Asphalt
We recently introduced our line of electrically heated hot oil heaters at CONEXPO. This product is an excellent retrofit product to traditional gas/fuel fired hot oil heaters. Electric hot oil heaters emit zero emissions which is an excellent product for environmental stewardship.
Adding to the sustainability discussion fits Meeker’s core values:
• Treat others as we would want to be treated
• Exceed our customers’ expectations
• Live life with Integrity
• Provide the highest quality and innovative products to the industries we serve
Founded: 1947
Mission Statement: Process Heating Company (PHCo) Lo-Density® Unitized Storage Tank Heaters, Fuel-Oil Preheaters, Hot-Oil Heaters, and Distributor Truck Heaters provide unique electric heat benefits for asphalt plants, including lower operating costs, improved product quality, reduced maintenance, significantly longer heater life and enhanced sustainability.

• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)

• Plant controls/automation
Sustainability with Asphalt
PHCo Lo-Density® low-watt-density electric heaters provide unique environmental benefits that can help asphalt producers achieve sustainability goals, including those aligned with NAPA’s “The Road Forward” climate action plan. This is because electric heat operates without combustion or emissions, and it eliminates a source of fuel and material spills. Electric heat is safe, consistent, and it offers 100% energy efficiency because all of the energy is used to heat, when compared to the inefficient burning of fossil fuels. In addition, the efficiency will always be 100%, even after many years of operation, without costly maintenance. Fossil-fuel burners, on the other hand, operate at only 85% efficiency when new—and that efficiency quickly drops to 50% to 65% over time. Electric heat also eliminates stacks that must be monitored for emissions, along with eliminating air quality and boiler permits that must be pursued and maintained.
Are you exploring NAPA’s climate challenge, but unsure of your navigation? We can help you take at least one step forward — by replacing your tank heaters, hot oil heaters, fuel oil preheaters, and distributor truck heaters with our zero-emission, 100% efficient, Lo-Density® drywell-style electric heat.
Check out our new operating cost calculator at processheating.com!
Founded: 2002

Mission Statement: Reliable Asphalt Products Inc. was founded by Charles Grote III and Mike Mauzy in February of 2002. As the co-founders of a customer driven business, Charles and Mike developed the motto that “Every Company’s Greatest Asset is its Customers, Because Without Customers There is No Company.”
• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)
• Plant controls/automation
• Paving and/or compaction equipment/automation
• Pavement recycling/pavement reclaiming equipment
• Fleet management/telematics/hauling/ticketing software solutions
• Lab/Testing/QCQA equipment and/or its software
Forward-Thinking Technology
Reliable Combustion LLC, a subsidiary of Reliable Asphalt Products Inc., offers the revolutionary Vulcan total air burner. The Vulcan burner offers several solutions.

• Single motor, total air design
• Designed for easy maintenance.
• Direct drive, VFD controlled blower
• Minimal modifications are required to change fuel source.
• Energy efficient compared to other brands.
• Reduced emissions
• Reduced horsepower requirements
• Reduced noise
The Vulcan burner and our new touch screen heater panel that monitors our customers’ complete tank farm is an innovation our company has brought to the asphalt industry that is bringing great momentum to our customers. Our new Vulcan burner and heater panel technology are assisting customers with fuel efficiency and diagnostic information to help them meet the competitive demands of the industry.
In addition to these environmentally friendly products, Reliable is in the late stages of research and development of a patented reclaimed asphalt dryer known as RAP Saver. Over the past 15 years, Reliable has been steadily working with the industry in developing an environmentally friendly system for extracting moisture from reclaimed asphalt. Reclaimed asphalt moisture causes severe production issues for an asphalt plant. As usage of reclaimed asphalt increases, fuel efficiency and production decrease in a conventional asphalt plant arrangement. Reliable’s efforts have focused on removing a portion of that moisture prior to injecting the reclaimed asphalt into the plant, thereby increasing plant production while decreasing fuel usage. Although Reliable has not brought this product to market yet, it is in the late stages of development and testing.
Reliable Asphalt plans to make this product another industry standard in the near future.
Sustainability with Asphalt
Over the years, the asphalt industry has become increasingly more environmentally conscious, and Reliable Asphalt Products has developed many products to meet these eco-friendly improvements.
Reliable is an industry leader in supplying and repurposing used and reconditioned asphalt plant equipment. Obviously, this reduces the need for new manufactured equipment.
Asphalt is the world’s most recycled product, and Reliable offers a full line of equipment and innovations to increase usage of reclaimed asphalt into the final mix. Vulcan burners improve production and efficiency of existing plants. Due to the precise calibrations of MINDS plant automation, waste in the process is minimized. The patented Vulcan burner is already an industry leader as a low NOx burner. The Vulcan burner typically requires less horsepower than the competition and is designed to efficiently burn multiple fuels. Reliable has developed a water injection system to work in conjunction with the Vulcan burner to further reduce NOx emissions to help in meeting EPA requirements for our customers.
We’re assisting in our customers’ stewardship of the environment and their ability to meet upcoming net-zero goals because the revolutionary Vulcan burner is highly efficient.
Replacing older burner technology with a new Vulcan burner will increase our customers’ fuel efficiency while reducing gaseous emissions, thereby making our customers better environmental stewards.
Founded: 2006
Mission Statement: Sripath Technologies® develops, manufactures and markets innovative asphalt additives worldwide such as, rejuvenators, bitumen softeners, bitumen-friendly polymeric-additives, and anti-strip agents to enhance the performance of asphalt in paving and roofing applications. Our team of industry veterans have a track record for cutting edge innovation.

• Additives/Emulsions/Polymer blends/Fibers/Patching materials
Sustainability with Asphalt

Sripath® is committed to adopting and promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. The company endeavors to develop and market products which help lower the carbon footprint, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize impact on climate change.
Sripath’s asphalt rejuvenator ReLIXER®, is a specially formulated elixir of environmentally friendly bio-based oils. ReLIXER® rapidly penetrates RAP/RAS particles, softens the

aged bitumen, and restores its functional properties. A highly dosage efficient and user-friendly product, ReLIXER® makes High-RAP Mixes easier to compact and delivers outstanding road performance and durability. It helps reduce carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions, and the need for virgin bitumen. ReLIXER® containing high-RAP mixes are approved and used since 2016 in North America, Asia, Europe and Australia. Trials are underway in South America and Africa.
Sripath’s bitumen-friendly polymeric-additive PGXpand®, delivers roadways and roofs with excellent performance and durability. PGXpand® improves the workability and compactability of asphalt mixes. It helps reduce energy consumption both during the manufacture of Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) and the use of PMB-based mixes. A highly dosage efficient additive, PGXpand®, improves the high temperature performance of asphalt and helps deliver roadways with excellent rutting resistance, fatigue performance and durability.

Founded: 1938
Mission Statement: “We make your plants run better.”
• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)
• Plant controls/automation
• Paving and/or compaction equipment/automation
• Pavement recycling/pavement reclaiming equipment
• Fleet management/telematics/hauling/ticketing software solutions
• Additives/Emulsions/Polymer blends/Fibers/Patching materials
• Lab/Testing/QCQA equipment and/or its software
Forward-Thinking Technology
Stansteel’s Look, Lock ‘N Load™ (patent pending) Safety Loadout Truck Recognition system is a breakthrough method for asphalt plant operators to load trucks while avoiding the danger of dropping silo loads onto truck cabs or other incorrect loadout positions.

Using a training A.I. (artificial intelligence) model, the system essentially has “computer vision”—mathematically using images to train the neural network. Our A.I.-based scanning and visual identification technology is like what is used by Amazon and UPS for rapid, high-volume package sorting as well as by the U.S.A. for military applications including the targeting of strike-zones.
The Look, Lock ‘N Load system digitally scans an image of incoming trucks and differentiates between the truck’s cab and its loadout bed. The display indicates a red zone for the tractor cab and a green zone for the loading bed. Also recognizing the truck’s position, it links to the silo loadout system to confirm when a specific truck is in the loading zone, approving the silo gates to open. The console allows manual load override and an optional keylock to prevent bypass loadouts, if so desired by plant managers. And it will interface with any brand loadout system.
As an additional safety feature, the system will alert of any unsafe conditions including a hard hat, human face, or front-end loader in the loading zone. Look, Lock ‘N Load system components include a high-resolution camera, a digital recognition computer and console, and a panel for monitoring each silo. Powerful benefits of the Look, Lock ‘N Load system for asphalt plant operators and superintendents: It eliminates the common risk and real danger of dropping hot mix loads onto truck cabs. And it reduces operator stress by providing assurance that the silos will never allow loadout when unsafe conditions exist.
Sustainability with Asphalt
Since the hot mix asphalt industry is known for being the largest recycler of materials in North America, Stansteel helps bring improved RAP utilization to the individual plant. Several crucial details need to be addressed for the integration of recycling, particularly to existing plants. For instance, there are different options on drum plants or batch plants to transform them from being able to run a minimal 10% or 15% RAP up to 50% or more. With the right equipment and technology, running 50% RAP can even be achieved on asphalt plants which are 50 years old.
By safely and sustainably upgrading these existing plants, the customer can often keep all their environmental permits in place and not further disrupt environmental concerns by modification, changing and removal and disposal of an older model plant just to buy new equipment. Stansteel has, over the last 20 years, introduced the Stansteel Green Line to the industry, which enables a series of products to help upgrade most any type of asphalt plant.

Founded: 1987
Mission Statement: To design and manufacture operator friendly industrial controls and process automation that reliably addresses the needs of the asphalt industry and to provide lifetime service and “no excuses” support for those products.
• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)
• Plant controls/automation
• Fleet management/telematics/hauling/ticketing software solutions
Forward-Thinking Technology
With the changes taking place in the industry, SYSTEMS Equipment Corp. is proud to be a leader in the controls/automation industry. SYSTEMS’ controls are not just for new projects. We cut our teeth on retrofitting older plants with new and updated controls. Not only are we competitive with the technology but competitive in the price point. This allows manufacturers of all sizes to run quality, easy to operate controls with the reliability that SYSTEMS is known for. These easy to operate, reliable controls can greatly reduce costs with losses to downtime.
We also offer products to keep plant personnel and truck drivers safe. With the use of stop and go lights, drivers know what scale to enter and when it is safe to do so. Audible horns for when the load is completed along with lights can give multiple indicators to when it is safe to move the truck. Our cameras can not only be used for truck identification but help to verify the truck position and making sure the scale is clear of hazards. Remote ticket printers and signature pads can keep drivers in their vehicles, thus reducing foot traffic in and around the plant. Our Remotely Operated Test weights keep plant personnel off of ladders and man-lifts eliminating the need to haul heavy weights onto scales for calibration checks. Easily programmed interlocks in our TSC Motors or Silo control prevent motors from being started or shutting down in the wrong sequence.
We strive to go above and beyond standards set by the NEC and UL. With everything from multiple ways of egress from structures to torquing procedures for electrical connections, we keep the customer’s safety in mind.

coldfeed bins
Founded: 1997
Mission Statement: Tarmac International Inc.’s mission is to provide safe and complete hot mix asphalt plant systems at the highest quality and competitive prices with installation and maintenance service.

• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)

• Plant controls/automation
Sustainability with Asphalt

Tarmac rotary dryer systems are designed for lower fuel usage, low NOX and low CO emissions now available:
(1) Low NOX burners to improve NOX emissions to meet 30 PPM standards. Can be sold with CO reducing combustion chambers.
(2) Dryer shell insulation reduces exterior shell heat loss thus lower fuel use. Adjustable dryer flights to eliminate voids in material veil.


(3) Updated burner actuators with separate fuel/ air control with individual 20-point regression adjustment. Control of added third actuator for fuel is standard on all Burner Controls which is mandatory for low NOX burner duel natural gas valves. Separate Burner Control screen showing each burner interlocks verifying each interlock’s operation or failure.
(4) Data acquisition of drying variables with real time display on your mobile devise including fuel per ton, burner actuator positions for both air and fuel, ID fan position, burner faceplate negative pressure, gas and material discharge temperatures.
Our new Low NOX Burners, Burner Controls, and CO Reducing Combustion Chambers allow plants to meet emission standards in a growing state by state strict emissions arena.
Why do asphalt producers turn to Ammann when investing in batch and continuous plants? The plants’ advanced technology drives ownership and operating costs lower – and profits higher. In addition, Ammann’s unique approach to heating and mixing yields higher-quality asphalt than conventional methods.

Ammann has you covered with:
• Advanced heating and mixing systems

• Intuitive operation
• Outstanding productivity
• Remarkable reliability and durability
• Exceptional training and service support after the sale
Founded: 1997
Mission Statement: We owe our success to the world’s leading brands, Wirtgen, Vögele, Hamm and Kleemann, as well as our amazing customers whose collaboration drives our world class innovation. With a dealer network that covers North America coast to coast, we are “CLOSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS.”
• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)
• Plant controls/automation
• Paving and/or compaction equipment/automation
• Pavement recycling/pavement reclaiming equipment
• Fleet management/telematics/hauling/ticketing software solutions
• Additives/Emulsions/Polymer blends/Fibers/Patching materials
• Lab/Testing/QCQA equipment and/or its software
Forward-Thinking Technology
Wirtgen Group’s telematics solution, WITOS, offers an uncomplicated and efficient telematics solution that provides valuable assistance in the areas of fleet management, process management and documentation. WITOS FleetView supports proactive maintenance planning and a rapid response in the event of faults, guaranteeing maximum machine availability and enhancing the cost-efficiency and value retention of the machinery.
WITOS Fleetview reduces workload by optimizing scheduling and planning processes to avoid unnecessary transport movements. It makes maintenance easier through a detailed analysis of machine operation and utilization patterns. Another key advantage is the short response times in the event of any faults or malfunctions, as well as minimizing machine downtimes through optimized scheduling of service appointments. Asphalt professionals can view information about the operational status of any of the machines at any time and from anywhere. Its intuitive user-interface enables you to quickly and easily obtain a clear and precise machine overview, helping to keep your fleet in perfect condition.
Sustainability with Asphalt To us, sustainability isn’t simply a trend, it’s an integral part of our corporate principles. The WIRTGEN GROUP incorporates sustainability into all our business processes. Environmental considerations are a top priority from the development and design phase
of our products and a central element in all stages of the production chain—right through to the use of the machines in projects around the world. We know that the future belongs to climate-friendly products, which we’re already manufacturing today.
WIRTGEN GROUP machines feature intelligent control systems and clever automatic functions to achieve maximum productivity with low fuel consumption and minimal emissions. Innovative technologies and machines proactively protect the environment—and our customers’ budgets.

Our high-quality products and technologies support environmentally friendly processes as well, like cold milling, asphalt recycling and surface mining. They’re not only green but create efficiencies for our customers through reduced trucking, recycling of existing materials and cut, crush and load operations, all reducing CO2 emissions and expenses.
WIRTGEN GROUP’s commitment to a better environment also extends to our production facilities. HAMM AG uses near-surface geothermal energy to heat and cool its office building. For this purpose, the company installed 48 geothermal probes under the employee parking lot that together generate a total of 600,000 kWh of heating energy— equivalent to around 15,850 gallons of oil—from renewable sources. And on hot summer days, the heat pump turns into a cooling unit that extracts heat from the building and “pumps” it back into the ground. This allows the company to “generate” another 200,000 kWh of additional cooling energy every year. Compared to conventional compression chillers, this reduces CO₂ emissions by up to 70%.

Founded: 2017

Mission Statement: Empowering women in asphalt industry careers.

Forward-Thinking Technology
Women of Asphalt (WofA) is a volunteer-led organization with over 3,000 members, dedicated to advancing the careers of women in the asphalt industry.
We offer a wide range of benefits including 19 local branches covering 25 states across the country, networking events, mentorship, and educational opportunities. Our programs and resources are designed to equip women with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to succeed in their careers. One of the most significant contributions WofA brings to the asphalt industry is a renewed focus on diversity and inclusivity. By offering mentorship and leadership training programs, we are helping women to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their careers.
We are also excited to announce the "Women of Asphalt Day" event, to be held in Nashville, Tennessee, on March 27, 2024. Co-located with World of Asphalt, this event will provide a unique opportunity for women in the industry to come together, share their experiences, and learn from one another. With networking and knowledge exchange as its primary focus, this event will build a stronger and more inclusive asphalt industry.
Become a WofA member at no cost and be a part of our growing community. Together, we will build a more vibrant and successful industry for everyone.
Women of Asphalt (WofA) will have its first national event
“ Women of Asphalt Day ,” taking place on March 27, 2024, in Nashville, Tennessee, in conjunction with the World of Asphalt. This conference is set to be a landmark event in the asphalt industry, bringing together women from all corners of the country to learn, network, and grow. Mark your calendars and plan to join us! Check out WofA’s website for updates on the event!
Asphalt Outlaws and Production Scoops
EEvoQuip, a Terex brand, has helped Outlaw Excavating, Tucson, Arizona, grow into its asphalt, concrete and rock applications. Outlaw Excavating was founded in 2005 by Cody White who, born and raised on a farm in Kansas, found himself operating machinery for many different agriculture applications. He relocated to Tucson to join an IT company with the goal of progressing toward a career in architecture. However, he was soon employed by a company specializing in pool construction. By 2004, White had the confidence to establish his own company, Outlaw Excavating, which specialized in pool construction.
Fast forward to early 2020, and White had a job contract that required over 5,000 yards of screened dirt and gravel, which saw him approach Gerald McCarthy of Powerscreen Western, a Terex distributor representing Powerscreen and EvoQuip equipment across Arizona and part of Nevada.
McCarthy recommended a Colt 600 for the job—a compact, forward-facing screen designed for aggregates, sand and gravel, top soil, construction demolition and recycling applications where site space is at a premium. While being the smallest scalping screen in the EvoQuip line up, its 308TPH output potential pleased White. He said, “It still impresses me today what that little screener can do, and it can even go on a tagged trailer.”
White began bringing materials back to his yard in Tucson, originally consisting of gravel and dirt but he soon recognized the need to recycle concrete, rock and asphalt from his job sites. By 2021, White was removing so much concrete, rock and asphalt from job sites, he needed to rent a crusher to process the material. From that, he began making spec materials that he could not only use on his own job sites, but could also market to other contractors in the construction industry.
“It was a game changer for us to be able to use our own materials,” White said. “Gerald provided a Powerscreen 320 Trackpactor for the rental and brought with him a lot

of training and support for a customer who was new to the crushing industry.”
By the end of 2021, with the COVID-19 pandemic in the rearview mirror, Cody decided it was time to own a jaw crusher for the concrete, rock and asphalt applications he was dealing with. McCarthy supplied an EvoQuip Bison 280 jaw crusher—perfect for an entry level contractor that is looking for a jaw that can be closed in tighter to make reusable products.
The growth story of Outlaw Excavating continues in 2022, with the decision to purchase a compact impact crusher to make dense grade products from his concrete and asphalt. Their choice was an EvoQuip Cobra 230 with a 4-bar rotor and hydraulic controlled aprons. “Having both the jaw and impactor allows us to handle a bigger variety of inbound materials while making better spec’d products for our job sites and for our customers,” White said.
Andrew Lawrence, EvoQuip sales director for North America said, “EvoQuip offers a comprehensive portfolio of products to address the needs of the compact crushing and screening markets. The impressive growth story of Outlaw Excavating shows how our equipment is ideal for companies new to our industry who are keen to grow and diversify their portfolio of equipment to tap into new markets.”
A host of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) specializing in best and most efficient production are featured on the next few pages. Check out their iron and services and let them know you saw them in the pages of AsphaltPro magazine.
Astec Industries showcased at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2023 the new Heatec Portable Polymer Blending System, which the company described as “compact enough to fit in a shipping container or trailer so you can take polymer blending where you need it.” The system includes two 1,700-gallon heated tanks with two polymer mixers per tank. The Barracuda® mill, rated at 150 horsepower, is situated between the tanks with power and control panels situated behind it. This compact configuration ships in a standard, 40foot, open-top cargo container.
For more information, visit https://www. astecindustries.com/products/details/heatecpolymer-blending-systems
BROCK, a leading supplier of equipment, parts and on-site construction services for hot-mix asphalt plants, is pleased to an-
nounce Lance Clark as its new regional sales manager—Southwest. He takes over the states previously covered by Sales Representative Phil Hoffman, who will be helping Clark as he transitions into the area. Clark’s territory includes the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

For more information, contact (423) 476-9900.
The Model RS pull cord, manufactured by Conveyor Components Company, Croswell, Michigan, is a safety stop control designed to provide a quick, positive shut off of dangerous equipment in emergencies. It is actuated by a cable pulled by endangered personnel. The outputs of the Model RS can control up to four separate circuits, depending on the model chosen. These alarms can include one for machinery shutdown and one for alarm. The Model RS control is designed to act as an emergency stop for conveyors and other moving machinery.
This standard housing construction is corrosion resistant cast aluminum, with an optional polyester or epoxy powder coating. The operating handle must be manually reset after the problem has been corrected.

For more information, contact (800) 233-3233.
To extend the performance of components at the asphalt plant, Kenco Engineering offers tungsten carbide impregnated (TCI) wear strips in lengths up to 10 feet long. The TCI wear strips are welded in places of high wear on steel surfaces, using any low hydrogen rod or mig wire. In many asphalt plant applications, the strategic placement of just a couple TCI wear strips can break the channeled flow of materials that cause severe wear problems, according to the manufacturer. Wear strips are particularly effective on flop gates, elevator bottom areas, and all high wear areas where materials land after leaving a belt, bucket or chute.
For more information, visit www. kencoengineering.com/.
Surface Tech, a provider of long life, low carbon asphalt solutions for the asphalt industry, is pleased to announce the adoption of the ASTM Standard D8395-23 for Aramid Fibers in Asphalt Mixtures. https:// www.astm.org/d8395-23.html This standardization sets a dosage of 2.1 ounces per US ton mix for aramid fibers, ensuring a consistent and uniform application of this low carbon performance additive.
The standardization of aramid fiber dosing is important for state department of transportation (DOT) projects, city
projects, county projects, and commercial engineers in asphalt. With this standardized dosing, these entities can be confident that they are using the proper amount of aramid fibers to ensure the longevity and durability of their projects. As well as mandate the metered, continuous dosing method for best disbursement into hot-mix and warm-mix asphalt (HMA/ WMA).
Surface Tech offers the ACE XP™ dry polymer, which is designed to deliver the ASTM standard of 2.1 ounces of aramid fiber per mix ton in a single dose.
In addition to the ASTM standardization, Surface Tech has also received EPD certification for its aramid fiber products.
Phil Blankenship, President/Owner of Blankenship Asphalt Tech and Training, said, “Standardizing aramid fiber for asphalt mixtures is key for customers to specify and receive high-performance aramid by simply requiring the international ASTM D8395-23 standard. This standard calls out the key measures of length, den-

sity, strength, modulus, and decomposition. These quality measures allow aramid to make asphalt mixtures better in rutting, cracking, fatigue, and structure.”

Surface Tech is committed to providing sustainable and innovative solutions to the
asphalt industry, and the adoption of the ASTM Standard D8395-23 for Aramid Fibers in Asphalt Mixtures is a significant step towards achieving this goal.
For more information, visit www. surfacetech.com.

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Light the Job Site with an Autonomous Drone
BY SARAH REDOHLFrom capturing photos of job sites to measuring aggregate stockpiles, drones are nothing new to the asphalt industry. However, the Autonomous Aerial LED (ALED) portable light from Blue Vigil, Sterling, Virginia, illustrates a new frontier for the use of drones: lighting nighttime job sites.
“Currently, towed light towers are the de-facto standard for a majority of nighttime roadside, bridge, overpass and other horizontal construction sites,” said Blue Vigil CEO Robert Schumann. “We have a better, and safer, solution to answer what will soon become known as ‘yesterday’s problems.’”
Earlier this year, the portable drone light received a 2023 Innovation Award at the
53rd Annual American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) trade show in Phoenix, Arizona.
Blue Vigil’s ALED is a compact area lighting system that mounts a high-intensity LED array on a tethered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), also known as a drone. The ALED can be positioned anywhere from 40 to 100 feet above the job site, providing more than 8,000 square feet of light at an intensity of 5 foot candles when flown at 100 feet.
“The ALED Portable Light will dramatically improve work zone safety and operational efficiency by putting more usable light on the ground where it’s needed,” Schumann said. “Illuminating a work area from direct-
ly above eliminates dangerous shadows or glare that create hazardous conditions for workers and motorists.”

Schumann recommends flying the ALED at a height of 80 to 100 feet, with a minimum of at least 40 feet. Anything lower than 40 feet, he said, would result in the same issues ground-based lighting solutions often present.
The exact height a crew might choose to fly the ALED depends on the OSHA requirements for that job site and the type of work the crew is performing, Schumann said. “If you need more light, you can bring the light lower to achieve higher lumens,” he said. “For example, if you’re doing detail work like the guys at the paver, you might want to fly it lower than 100 feet.”

The ALED can be powered by wall/shore power, a portable 3000-watt generator, or a common vehicle inverter. “You can literally use one of those little Honda generators that you use for camping,” Schumann said. “Power comes up the tether, so the unit can stay in the air as long as you have a power supply.”
Because the ALED is classified as a drone, Schumann said a Part 107 licensed pilot must be on site to monitor each ALED. However, customers receive free registration for the Part 107 course for two operators per ALED.
Although the drones do not require manual control once set up, the Part 107 licensed operator must maintain visual line of sight with the ALED at all times. So, if a crew of 10 all went through Part 107 training, they could have a maximum of 10 ALEDs on the job site.

However, aside from the Part 107 license, Schumann said there aren’t additional requirements for most work environments. One example he gave: “If you're
working on an airport or near an airport, the Part 107 training will teach you the proper procedures.”
Blue Vigil’s all-weather ALED light is enclosed in a wheeled case (30x42x24 inches) that also serves as the base of the tethered drone.
Each ALED unit is 75 pounds, so it can be transported in a pickup truck bed and rolled like a suitcase to where it’s needed. “Today, you’ve got 1800-pound lights on wheels, which means it has to be towed. That constraint limits where it can be positioned on the job site.”

Once the case is in place, the operator opens the case, plugs it into the generator, and pushes a single button to raise the light into position. “The drone is tethered to the case, so it literally can’t fly anywhere else,” Schumann said. “The controls basically consist of on/off, up/down, brightness and aiming.”
“At the end of the night, the operator hits the down button and the drone automatically lands,” Schumann said. “Just close it up and roll it back to the truck or wherever you want.”
The ALED is equipped with many safety features. As the drone, which is made of foam, goes up and down, the base will flash red and emit a beeping sound similar to a backup alarm. These audible and visual indicators will also occur in the event of low power. If the ALED loses power, both the drone and base are equipped with small backup batteries to enable the drone to safely land itself. If the tether were somehow severed, the drone would still be able to land itself, Schumann said. “We’ve designed our ALED specifically to maximize safety and ease of use.”
Blue Vigil is currently taking pre-orders for the ALED, with production planned for the last quarter of 2023 or the first quarter of 2024.
Efficiency and Productivity
Designed with safety and operator comfort in mind, the SB-3000 Shuttle Buggy ® material transfer vehicle features adaptive cruise control, bright LED lighting, four-wheel steering for easy transport and ground-level maintenance access for added convenience. Operators can rely on clear sightlines and the ground operator is safely protected inside the structure of the machine. The Roadtec SB-3000 is the perfect blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern technology. Scan to learn more about the SB-3000.