based on age, usually older age. Homophobia is based on prejudice against people of a certain sexual orientation. Factors that reinforce stereotypes include self-fulfilling prophesies, in which you treat a certain person in a way that reinforces what you believe about them. Confirmation bias is the tendency to look for things that confirm what we already believe about a person. This also reinforces stereotypes and can lead to discrimination. There are in-groups, which is the group we see ourselves belonging to and an out-group, which is any other group. Socially speaking, there will always be an in-group bias, which is a preference for our own group. Scapegoating involves blaming the out-group when the in-group experiences some type of poor outcome or frustration.
SOCIAL AGGRESSION Aggression generally happens in a group setting and involves behavior intended to harm another. Hostile aggression is the type of aggression motivated specifically by anger and an intent to cause another person to have pain. Instrumental aggression involves that which is intended to achieve a certain goal rather than to cause pain. Aggression is largely evolutionary and is more common in men because of a need for dominance. Hostile aggression happens more often in men, while instrumental aggression involves mainly women. Frustration aggression theory is a theory that, when a person or persons cannot attain a goal, aggression can come out of that. Bullying is a modern type of aggression. This is repetitive negative treatment of another person, usually a child or adolescent. The key to bullying is that it is repetitive. It can be physical, verbal, or psychological in nature. Both boys and girls will bully but in different ways. Boys have more physical bullying, while girls use social forms of psychological aggression. Bullying can adversely affect the victim in many different ways. It can occur to children who are physically different, have differing ideas, or who are more emotionally reactive. Cyberbullying is a much more common type of bullying in today s time. The bystander effect happens when witnesses do not intervene on aggression or bullying. The diffusion of responsibility means that people in a group tend to think others in the group will bear the responsibility of helping the victim.