life and faith
h ead of life and faith
ife and Faith is a school based subject taken by all Years 7 to 12 students for two periods per week. It contributes to the holistic education of boys at TSS by providing opportunities for students to develop a greater awareness of the self and to reflect upon their own spirituality. There is a significant emphasis on encouraging students to develop a moral and ethical framework from which to approach contemporary ethical issues, both in Australia and internationally. Though the Anglican ethos is at our core, students are asked to consider a range of other worldviews so that their personal stance on issues is well informed. This year the Year 7 Life and Faith syllabus has focused on developing an awareness of what it means to be human. Year 7 students have explored the three parts that make up the whole person – the human body, the human brain and the human spirit. Year 8 Life and Faith students have been reflecting upon the application and implications of the five sources of human power. Students have analysed how human powers: physical, intellectual, spiritual, resource and social; can be positively used or abused for destructive purposes. In Year 9 Life and Faith students have explored how human nature can influence an individual’s behaviours. The motivations for human actions are defined as being instinctive, legalistic, ethical or out of love. Students have also been studying how the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are religious worldviews that guide these faith communities’ engagement with the world. This year in Year 10 Life and Faith students have been developing a framework from which they can understand issues related to morality and ethics. Topics covered included non-religious worldviews, an introduction to ethical thinking, and issues of life and death.
thinking skills so students are well equipped to approach ethical issues in the contemporary world. Topics covered included biomedical ethics, human rights, business ethics, and global issues. The Year 12 Life and Faith syllabus has focused on student-led tasks that incorporate collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. Students are required to work in groups to investigate topics of their choice, suggest and evaluate possible solutions, and to present their research through a multimodal format. Topics covered included indigenous wellbeing, the nature of truth and becoming a global citizen. Overall, 2018 has been another highly successful year for Life and Faith. The faculty continues to engage all students through the innovative use of technology and to encourage student collaboration and creativity in lessons. None of this could happen without the dedication and commitment of the Life and Faith faculty staff, so a big thank you to Reverend Whereat, Dr Tedman, Mr Lestro, Mr Bland, Ms McQuillan, Mr Close and Mr Harris.
Year 11 Life and Faith has seen the continuation of developing critical SOUTHPORTONIAN