Barcelona Connect March/ April 2020

Page 14







CHOCOLATE & CHURROS This traditional treat is definitely recommended for satisfying any sweet tooth. Thick hot chocolate is served with long donut-like churros, which are dunked and devoured. Churros are normally covered with sugar, but sometimes also with cinnamon or (more!) chocolate.

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Freshly made escalivada is a local specialty which melts in the mouth. It is usually served as a tapa, or to accompany grilled meat dishes. It is made from smoke-grilled peppers, eggplant and onions which are mixed with olive oil and garlic and left to marinate and soak up the flavours. It is sometimes topped with anchovies and accompanied by crispy pa amb tomàquet, bread rubbed with fresh tomato and a drizzle of good quality olive oil. Delicious!

If you’re visiting Barcelona this spring we recommend you try a unique and popular seasonal specialty: calçots. These long spring onions have a mild leek-like flavour, and are served with a delicious romesco sauce, packed with the fresh flavours of tomatoes, peppers, garlic, almonds, bread, and extra virgin olive oil. The pile of steaming, chargrilled calçots is usually brought to the table wrapped in newspaper to keep them warm.


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