Bend Health Guide Spring 2021

Page 42

Astrology 2021

Breakdowns & Breakthroughs by Terie Sandusky


020 had cataclysmic changes from the great conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. We had heavy hitter planets, Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter, the board of directors, lined up in Capricorn causing all those strict restrictions, the theme song was under pressure! Jupiter and Saturn moved onto Aquarius, which is about COMMUNITY. We will come together to support each other, work everything out collectively, people will join forces to make positive changes locally and globally. Saturn Uranus Square, exact on 06/24 & 12/24 is a major transit affecting us all year. Saturn is still causing restrictions, resistance and pressures but Uranus craves freedom and innovation. There is conflict between a deep seated fear of change from the established order (Saturn) and revolutionary, massive uprising of big, sweeping, unexpected changes (Uranus). Squares in Astrology cause diamond producing pressure, there's tension, obstacles and frustrations but hopefully we will sparkle and shine when it's over! This is a pivotal turning point in our world. This is a breakdown to breakthrough moment, as Robert Frost said "the only way out is through." This year offers us an opportunity for quantum leap transformations, transcendence and profound soul growth if we can do our inner work to improve our belief systems. Vishen Lakhiani of Mindvalley describes a beautiful destruction, "sometimes you have to destroy a part of your life to let the next big thing enter." Total LUNAR Eclipse May 26, 2021 Sagittarius Sabian Symbol is a game of cricket, development of skill in group situations testing collective goals. Society is built on an interplay by groups of people united by an aim. Individuals are assigned a role to play, rules must be obeyed. Games teach fairness, cooperation, group consciousness and responsibility.



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SOLAR Eclipse June 10, 2021 19° Gemini Sabian Symbol reads, a cafeteria with an abundance of food from around the globe. From One, Many arise. Original Source gives birth to a mountain stream from a flow of rain water becoming a river around which cities are built which pollutes the river on its way to the ocean. By sea, man gathers food, salt, spices and commodities providing impetus for global trade and planetary consciousness. In 9 Star Ki, 2021 is a 6 Metal Harvest Year meaning this is an incredibly fortunate year for manifesting abundance and the joyful fulfillment of desires. The mantra is "Let things come to you!" REIKI for Abundance Class 05/22/2021 If you'd like to know more about Astrology in 2021... Subscribe to our Bend Health Guide Youtube Page. Order your Astrology Chart Reading at

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