C&W January 2023

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TAUSEEF QADRI Celebrating the global culture of horses

9 11 22 44 Issue 93 Jan - Feb 2023
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Dear Member, A very Happy New Year from myself and all the teams here at Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce.

2023 looks like being a tough year for local businesses. The British Chamber of Commerce’s Quarterly Economic Survey is now entering its 33rd year as one of the most important business barometers in the UK used by policymakers, the Bank of England and HM Treasury. Each quarter all 53 accredited Chambers of Commerce poll their members across the UK –and ongoing thanks to all of you who support us each month by filling this in – and all these results are collated and used in the final data.

That’s what makes the results from this quarters’ QES so downbeat. Coventry & Warwickshire businesses are used to battling through adversity, changing models to deal with unpredictable and unplannable markets and constantly innovating to deal with national and international trading conditions. Sadly, it feels like the economy had ground to a halt and that, for many businesses, surviving, let alone finding growth, is going to be a challenge.

It seems that all of the indicators in the QES have stabilised – but at an incredibly low level, profitability confidence remains at Covid crisis levels and only a third of businesses expect an increase in sales over the next 12 months and is particularly weak in the hospitality and tourism businesses.

The situation, especially for SMEs, remains critical and this will continue until inflation falls, our post-Brexit trade blues are healed, and energy costs become lower and at genuinely competitive levels to our overseas competitors.

To genuinely start to build business confidence, we need a radical change in direction from the government in how to prioritise economic growth.

We know that this will come from unblocking the issues holding back our services, construction, manufacturing and tourism businesses – reducing costs, simplifying export and importing, an overhaul of the skills system and the immigration system to fill our vacancies and long-term funding agreements with local authorities and combined authorities to enable them to drive local infrastructure projects with confidence.

Most importantly it is our SMEs that will drive the recovery and push life back into our economy and they need support from reformed business rates, more generous contributions to energy costs, an end to the ongoing industrial action and a set of policies and a budget that puts growth at its heart and not austerity.

Your Chamber of Commerce will continue to champion these business issues, and more, on your behalf throughout 2023, as well as highlighting the many and varied opportunities available across our region, the UK and around the globe.

2023 sees your Chamber reach a significant milestone – our 120 Year Anniversary, having been founded in 1903. For 120 years we have helped businesses to survive, thrive and grow and this is exactly what we will continue to do throughout 2023 and hopefully for the next 120 years!

Foreword Coventry & Warwickshire in business www.cw-chamber.co.uk 3 Contents January - February 2023 News 4-7 Annual Business & Economic Conference 8 Skills and Recruitment Summit 9 Chamber Talks Business 10 Earlsdon Park 53-55 Butts Road Coventry CV1 3BH www.bandhattonbutton.com info@bandhattonbutton.com 024 7663 2121 putting imagination to work
LSIP 11 Business Engage Profiles 12-13 Chamber Training 14 Economy 18-19 Profile 20-21 Environment 22 News 26-29 News 31 Around the Region 32-37 News 38 Education & Skills 41&43 President & People 44-45 New Members 46 Members Offers 47
Corin Crane Chief Executive

Organisations in the West Midlands prove their staff can Thrive at Work

Organisations across the region have officially been recognised by the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) for their work in actively promoting the health and wellbeing of their staff.

Andy Street, mayor of the West Midlands, and Dr Julie Nugent, the WMCA’s executive director for economic delivery, skills and communities, joined a virtual event in which 53 employers received accreditation for their work under the Thrive at Work scheme.

Initially set up in 2018, Thrive At Work supports organisations in improving the health and wellbeing of their employees, with accreditation enabling them to demonstrate their commitment to good employee welfare. It is partfunded through the Mental Health and Productivity Pilot.

Of the 53 employers recognised at the event, 37 achieved foundation level, 14 were accredited with bronze and, for the first time this year, two were accredited at silver.

The mayor said: “It is highly important for organisations to recognise the importance of their employee's mental and physical wellbeing and

I'm delighted to see an impressive 53 workplaces awarded through our Thrive at Work scheme, improving the health and wellbeing of over 26,000 staff from this year’s awards.”

Dr Julie Nugent added: “It is encouraging to see so many employers empowered to take a positive approach to employee wellbeing and transforming their workplace to become happier, healthier and more productive.”

Find out more at Thrive At Work (wmca.org.uk)

The accredited organisations were: Foundation Level

GEMS Northern Ireland Limited; The Romero Catholic Academy; Castle Phoenix; George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust; The OM Group Corporation Limited; Blue Thorn Technology Limited; TruTac Ltd; Norgren Limited; Solihull Community Housing; Stoke Heath Primary School; Dudley Lodge Safeguarding Children Services; South Staffordshire College; South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust; Support Staffordshire; Carers Trust Heart

of England; Coventry Metalcraft Ltd; Core Clinics; Bridgetown Primary School; Mary Stevens Hospice; Lincolnshire Coop; Oscar Birmingham; TPS Squared Ltd; MSC Industrial Supply; Baginton Fields School; Birmingham Children's Trust; Leadec Ltd; MES Systems Ltd; St Matthew's Bloxam C of E Primary School; Coventry Independent Advice Service; Kapsch trafficCom Ltd; NMITE; Compass; Acorns Children's Hospice Trust; Exi; DENSO Automotive UK Limited; Forkers Ltd (including P Forker Plant Hire Ltd & Forkers Scotland Ltd; Millennium Point

Bronze Level Awards

Millennium Point; Park Hill Thorns Federation; Tiny Tim’s Children’s Centre; Tisski Limited; Wesleyan; Steps to Work; Millennium Bright Kid Company; Forkers Ltd (including P Forker Plant Hire Ltd & Forkers Scotland Ltd); Technoset Ltd; Royal Orthopaedic Hospital; Warwickshire District Council; Denso Automotive UK Ltd; Andrew Lee Dental Practice; WPR Agency Ltd

Silver Level Awards

Valley House; MBKB Group Limited

Serco’s Restart Scheme partnership with Randstad fills 43 jobs for Jaguar Land Rover

The Serco Restart Scheme has been working with Randstad since January 2022 to help them support Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) to fill their vacant positions at various sites around the UK.

The Restart Scheme has provided JLR’s business, via Randstad, 43 successful candidates for jobs across four JLR sites in the West Midlands region, of which, 36 have stayed on. This has delivered a fantastic result of 83.3% of these candidates, who were long-term unemployed, staying in sustainable employment, supporting both Restart Scheme aims and helping JLR with their resourcing needs.

The Restart Scheme is part of the Government’s wider Plan for Jobs programmes to help long-term unemployed people develop their skills so they can find sustainable and meaningful employment. Serco is the provider for the Restart Scheme in West Central England. The scheme aims to break down employment barriers that could be holding people back from finding long-term, meaningful employment. This includes job searching, CV building, interview

skills and other training to make them stronger candidates for employment. This provides an opportunity for businesses to access the Restart Scheme’s pool of participants who are motivated and ready to work.

Yasmin Brotherson, an employment engagement coordinator for the Restart Scheme, manages the scheme’s relationship for JLR recruitment via Randstad for the Coventry site. When they first came on board with the Restart Scheme, Yasmin worked with Randstad to: Improve the lengthy process for job seekers when they were being interviewed for the roles at JLR to create a more simplified process.

• Organised a pre-application screening process at Restart Scheme offices e.g. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) security check, drug and alcohol testing, working hours/pattern etc. This ensured participants were fully briefed and could decide their suitability for the roles.

• Helped suitable participants complete an online application form.

Lee Booth, senior account manager for Randstad In-house Services, said: “In a candidate market especially, you are looking for the avenues to generate as many candidates and successful outcomes as you can. I would question any business as to why they wouldn’t use the Restart Scheme. The results are in the numbers. It’s been a really positive experience for us and I hope we continue to work together in the future.”

Find out more at https://www.serco-ese.com/restartscheme/employers

4 www.cw-chamber.co.uk News The official publication of the Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce •••• CONTACTS AT THE CHAMBER News desk Members are encouraged to send any news about their firm - new orders, staff, new products, expansions or relocationsfor publication in C&W in business. Whilst every effort will be made to publish submitted articles, we cannot guarantee inclusion. Send them to: news@cw-chamber.co.uk Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Chamber House Innovation Village Cheetah Road Coventry CV1 2TL T: 024 76 654321 F: 024 76 450242 AT THE PUBLISHERS Publisher Ian Fletcher Benham Publishing Limited Aintree Building, Aintree Way, Aintree Business Park, Liverpool L9 5AQ T: 0151 236 4141 Advertising Contact Karen Hall karen@benhampublishing.com T: 07801 788880 Production Manager Mark Etherington Accounts Director Joanne Casey Media Number 1963 © Benham Publishing 2023 C&W in Business is produced on behalf of Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce by Benham Publishing Limited and is distributed to members free of charge. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in C&W in Business, neither Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, nor the publisher can accept responsibility for any omissions or inaccuracies it contains. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of
the Chamber.

Explore the life and work of Frida Kahlo at award-winning exhibition

An award-winning, immersive exhibition in the heart of Coventry has already attracted thousands of visitors from across the country.

The exhibition exploring the life and work of the iconic Mexican painter Frida Kahlo launched at The Reel Store in the former Coventry Evening Telegraph building in November and is earning rave reviews.

Visitors have described the experience as ‘mesmerising’, ‘fabulous’ and ‘beautiful’ and were transfixed by the original soundtrack, stunning visuals, and emotional narrative.

The exhibition has also been given the seal of approval by Pauline Black OBE, the lead singer of The Selecter, who has paid a visit in recent weeks and was wowed by the experience.

The exhibition enjoyed a sell-out run in Madrid, where it welcomed over 100,000 visitors. It was conceived, designed and produced by international exhibition producer Acciona Cultura in collaboration with the Frida Kahlo Trust and combines academic research with an immersive spectacle.

The exhibition uses Kahlo’s personal diary to transport visitors straight into the world of the artist enabling visitors to understand what shaped the global icon we know today.

Chris Michaels, director of The Reel Store, said: “We are delighted by the amazing feedback from Coventry visitors, as well as the many people who have travelled from across the UK to see the show.

“The Life and Work of Frida Kahlo offers a magical journey through a traditional museum experience and digital spectacle.”

The exhibition has already won three major international awards: the ‘Best Experience Design 2022’ at the Innovation by Design Awards Fast Company, the Red Dot Design Award in the category ‘Brand and Communication Design 2022' and the Silver award for 'Best Technical Installation' at the Eventoplus Awards.

The Reel Store has been made possible by the generous support of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, Coventry City Council via the

Spotlight on Business: MES Systems Limited

What does MES Systems do?

We supply, install and maintain security and life safety systems such as CCTV, fire alarms and automated gates. We are one of the longest standing SSAIB accredited companies in Warwickshire.

What advantage does being based in the Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough give to your business?

We're well connected through strong transport links and being based on a busy and community driven industrial estate allows us to connect with local businesses and support each other where we can.

How has the business changed over time?

My father started the business nearly 35 years ago as an electrical contracting business. I joined my father and Ian (MES Systems' first apprentice - who has been with the business for 28 years) in 2009.

We now have a 20 strong team and are recruiting for a commercial service engineer.

I run the company with the help of our great management team including my brother Ashley (sales director).

My father is still involved with the sales side with his new role to promote our brand through his passion for networking.

What are the biggest challenges you've faced in the last 12 months?

Recruitment of skilled security engineers. What advice would you give to other businesses facing similar challenges?

Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub Business

Support Blog – As part of their spotlight on business interview series shining a spotlight on some of the success stories across our region, they caught up with Richard Morgan of MES Systems Limited to discuss how their business has changed over its 35-year history and why being based in Nuneaton is key to their success.

What's your role at MES Systems?

I’m the managing director and I’m responsible for ensuring my team has everything they need to deliver complete peace of mind to our customers.

The following year, we moved from our home office to Centenary Business Centre, Nuneaton, and employed an office administrator and two more engineers and apprentices.

In 2014 we purchased our current premises on Attleborough Fields Industrial Estate. Since 2014, we have increased our commercial customer base with a range of customers from a microbusiness on a single site to a McDonald’s restaurant franchise of 28 sites.

We also specialise in helping schools and colleges move away from multi-national providers and supply and maintain monitored CCTV for Warwickshire Business Centres including Centenary Business Centre and Eliot Park Innovation Centre.

Look after your people, invest in their development and have an apprenticeship or training programme. There is lots of support available from Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub and Warwickshire Skills Hub.

How has working with the Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub helped you?

It has been invaluable. They have helped us with training, recruitment and access to grant funding for new tools and equipment.

Who do you work with and how do you support your clients?

MES Systems has worked on a large-scale project for Instarmac Group PLC to design, install and maintain bespoke access control, CCTV, intruder and fire alarm systems for management of personnel, security & safety.

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Council’s Cultural Capital Investment Fund, the Government’s Getting Building Fund through the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP), The Patrick Trust, The Linbury Trust, Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust and Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce. Tickets are available via www.coventry2021.co.uk

The Shakespeare Express returns, running between Birmingham and Stratford upon Avon, with more dates to choose from for 2023 and time to spend in Stratford.

Alternatively travel from Stratford and enjoy a leisurely Sunday lunch with friends and family aboard a heritage steam train.

Book now at vintagetrains.co.uk

Give kids manufacturing insight, say local firms on Parliament visit

Primary school children in Coventry and Warwickshire should be introduced to the wonders of manufacturing and engineering to help inspire the next generation of professionals in the industry.

That was one of the key messages that a group of regional business leaders raised with MPs during a visit to Parliament.

The event, organised by the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce and hosted by Marcus Jones, the MP for Nuneaton, saw 22 businesspeople from the regional Manufacturing, Automotive, Construction and Engineering (MACE) sectors head to Parliament to discuss issues facing their industries.

They ranged from rising prices and a shortage of materials to issues with trade on the back of Brexit and the growing skills gap.

Alongside Marcus Jones, MPs from both sides of the House of Commons Chamber listened with interest as the firms described what was holding back growth, including Taiwo Owatemi, MP for Coventry North West; Saqib Bhatti MBE, MP for Meriden; Matt Western, MP for Warwick and Leamington; and Amanda Solloway, MP for Derby North.

The gathered business leaders also heard from Graham Stuart MP, the Minister for Climate, who said that the drive to net zero should not only be positive news for the environment but also for British businesses and the UK economy.

Tom Mongan, the president of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “I am proud to hold this role and I am proud to be representing manufacturing.

“We are seeing an unprecedented range of issues facing businesses in this sector in Coventry and Warwickshire and it was great to be able to take them to Parliament and have our voices heard by MPs from our region, elsewhere and Ministers too.

“I would really like to see the perception of the industry changed. Many still think it is dirty, greasy and messy and that it requires no skill. Every single person working in manufacturing and engineering knows that isn’t true – but we need everyone else to know.

“We are trying to change the views of 15 and 16-year-olds and their families when they have made up their mind about what they want to do. We need to get to kids at primary age and show them how much fun, how interesting and rewarding our industry is.

“I would say to the mainstream media, please help us. When soap operas introduce a character that works in manufacturing, they only ever show someone who works as a car mechanic as if that is where the industry starts and ends, while those who are seen as successful usually work in an office in a suit.

“There is nothing wrong with either of those but we really do need to start making people understand what we do in manufacturing and what an incredible career it can be.

“You only have to look in Coventry and Warwickshire at the amazing businesses and the amazing skills we have to know what the industry offers.”

The event was organised by Chamber head of policy Sean Rose and was chaired by board member David Burton.

Corin Crane, the chief executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “We know that Government money is going to be at a premium so we have to find solutions that can be cost-effective.

“We have lots of manufacturers advertising for apprenticeships but many of those positions are not being filled.

“Some of that is linked to benefits and how a household can lose money if a young person takes up a role as an apprentice, especially when the minimum wage is lower at the age of 18 for an apprentice than it is for anyone else.

“The Apprenticeship Levy is a great idea in principle, but we need to rethink the way we use it so that it can operate in a more productive way for everyone.

“I would also say, on a broader point, that we also need to look at making it easier to bring in workers from overseas to help with the skills crisis to give us time to grow our own. You can argue that it should have been done before, but it wasn’t, and we need to address it.”

Marcus Jones said: “It was great to be able to welcome the delegation from the Chamber to Parliament and that so many colleagues from across the House could spend time listening to the views of businesses.

“It makes a real difference to come here and meet face-to-face, something that we haven’t been able to do in recent years and I look forward to continuing to work with the Chamber as we look to grow our local economy – and manufacturing has a big role to play in that.”

Purple Planet Packaging continues to deliver growth

A Midlands-based packaging company is set to more than double its turnover after unboxing its own package of business support.

Purple Planet Packaging, based on Seven Stars Industrial Estate in Coventry, is on track to generate £2 million worth of turnover in the 12 months to July 2023, after generating around £1.3 million of sales for the same period last year.

The company supplies sustainable food and drinks packaging, from hot and cold drink cups to takeaway cartons, to a range of sectors including schools, hospitality trade and directly to consumers.

Despite having no previous entrepreneurial experience, husband and wife Mark and Joanna Farr bought the business six months before the Covid pandemic struck in 2020, when the company was generating around £120,000 worth of turnover.

The investment was initially intended as a side business for Mark’s day job as a paramedic and Joanna, whose background is in the third sector, but as demand soared during the pandemic due to more people ordering takeaways during lockdown, they realised they had a full-time business on their hands.

They were supported by the start-up team at the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce to access the Chamber’s Accelerated Growth programme.

This project forms part of the Coventry & Warwickshire Business Support Programme, part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Mark and Joanna learned the basics of business planning including a bespoke session on managing cashflow, website advice and setting realistic KPIs to chart their progress.

The Chamber also assisted with Purple Planet Packaging’s successful application for a £46,000 investment grant from Coventry City Council, which has helped to

fund business critical equipment including desktop PCs, warehouse racking and electric vehicles.

Mark said: “Ensuring we had enough stock and finance available were crucial in the early stages and being given tips on how to sensibly forecast for the months ahead along with having access to grants has really given us a launchpad for longterm growth.

“We have recently recruited a business development manager and we are aiming to grow our head count from eight staff to 12.”

Helena Bassett, business advisor at the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “Mark and Joanna have grown the business’s turnover from £120,000 to more than £1 million in under two years – all while having two young children. They are a shining example to other start-up entrepreneurs.”

Giuliana Famiglietti Pipola, business development manager at Coventry City Council, said: “We are delighted the Chamber could support this company –the support was just at the right time and really enabled the company to thrive.”

For more information about business support, visit www.cw-chamber.co.uk/ business-support

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Tom Mongan (third from the left, front) with MPs and business people during a visitor to Parliament. Mark Farr, Keely Hancox (Chamber), Joanna Farr

Businesses are a force for good, conference hears

Coventry and Warwickshire can overcome the economic headwinds by looking forward and making the most of future opportunities.

That was the overriding message from the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Business and Economic Conference at the Coventry Building Society Arena.

The conference – which was headline sponsored by PET-Xi and Prime Accountants Group, supported by WCG and Help To Grow, with PLMR Advent as media partner – was staged as the latest figures showed the UK economy shrank by 0.2 per cent in the third quarter of 2022.

Speakers and panellists addressed issues facing firms across the region including inflation, supply chain problems, recruitment, interest rate rises and energy prices.

But optimism for the region also shone through thanks to the unity across public and private sector as well as the city and the county, and its ability to change and look forward.

The conference, attended by more than 200 business people and regional stakeholders, heard how investing in areas such as future skills and green technology can help to provide the growth for the future.

It was opened and facilitated by Chamber chief executive Corin Crane before an address from president Tom Mongan.

Andy Street CBE, the mayor the West Midlands, sent a video message saying Coventry and Warwickshire was one of the ‘bright spots’ for the economy.

An Economic Panel, including Steve Harcourt, of Prime Accountants Group; Angela Joyce, of WCG; Liam Conway, of Control Energy Costs; Tina Chander, of Wright Hassall; and Simon Evans of Birmingham Airport, delved into the economic issues and some of the solutions to them.

Fleur Sexton, of PET-Xi, then described how it was essential for the region to break down barriers to make the most of the talents of the whole population.

The Building Business Confidence Panel was chaired by Martin Reeves, of Coventry City Council and included

The panel explored how Coventry and Warwickshire could ‘look up and outwards’ to understand and make the most of opportunities that would come down the track.

The conference was closed by the inspirational Dr Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, who described her personal story that saw her rise from homelessness to the top of the fire service, combined with being a Research Fellow at Cardiff University.

She told the audience: “The worst challenges we face can be our biggest opportunities.”

Corin Crane, chief executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “We know that we are facing hugely challenging times as businesses and individuals and we had to address those at our conference.

“Our businesses are being hit by everything from inflation and rising interest rates through to supply chain and recruitment issues. We talked

through those but also some of the solutions.

“It shone through that firms are going to need more support with energy bills beyond March next year and that they need to hear that sooner rather than later. They also need incentives to invest in green technology and energy.

“We also looked at the fact that there are 100,000 vacancies in Coventry and Warwickshire and there are similar number of people who are out of work. It’s not as easy as saying as filling those roles with people who are out of work, we have to have a new plan around upskilling and reskilling to address the issue.

“Our Building Business Confidence Panel gave a great insight to how we work together as a region and how by looking ahead and reinventing ourselves, as Coventry and Warwickshire has always done, we can come through this period of uncertainty in a stronger position.

“Businesses can be a force for good and positive change and that’s what I hope everyone takes away from the conference.”

8 www.cw-chamber.co.uk Annual Business & Economic Conference 2022
Monica Fogarty, of Warwickshire County Council; Fleur Sexton; Martin Sutherland, of Coventry City of Culture Trust; and Timothy Tsang, of Players Entertainment. Speakers and panellists at the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Annual Business & Economic Conference 2022

Skills and Recruitment Summit

Fresh thinking needed to overcome skills crisis

Coventry and Warwickshire’s hospitality businesses need to adopt an inclusive approach to their recruitment to try and solve the industry’s vacancy crisis, according to business leaders.

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Destination Coventry and Coventry City Council, brought together a panel of experts at a major Recruitment and Skills Summit recently – including UKHospitality’s Skills Director Sandra Kelly – to discuss challenges around staffing, recruitment and skills, whilst offering practical advice.

It comes at a time when staff shortages are causing one in three UKbased hospitality businesses to close on one or more days a week, according to a recent UKHospitality survey, while the latest Office for National Statistics data shows there are around 152,000 hospitality vacancies in the UK.

Fleur Sexton, CEO and Founder of training specialist PET-Xi, was one of the panel experts and said that hospitality businesses need to overhaul their recruitment strategies to fill vacancies.

She said: “The workforce is out there, but hospitality is only going to solve this recruitment crisis when it gets to a point when nobody is left behind – whether that is single parents, over-50s, school leavers or refugees.

“The days of a small workforce working maximum weekly hours are now gone because people want flexibility, and in order for businesses to adapt to this shift, they need to have a larger workforce working less hours.

“We also need to embrace those on the edge of society – including ex-offenders or those with a particular condition. Just because someone has done wrong in the past, or has a disorder where they find certain activities difficult, it does not mean they would not be a good employee.

“We also have a Covid generation of young people who, through no fault of their own, missed out on two years of work experience due to lockdown, and our Coventry-based restaurant Metropolis is now playing a key role in helping a backlog of young people to learn practical skills on the job before entering the local labour market.”

Sandra Kelly, from UKHospitality, underlined the crucial role that the UK government has to play in rejuvenating the hospitality industry.

She added: “We can point to Covid and Brexit as being disruptive, but the

truth is that the UK has never really had a strong talent pipeline from education – or other areas of society – feeding into the hospitality industry.

“The UK currently has around 8,000 qualifications for any sector, yet in countries such as Canada and the Netherlands there are up to 100, which is where we need to get to in order to ensure that the training we are providing to recruits is relevant to industry.

“Last September, the government also made the significant move of enabling prisoners to start studying an apprenticeship whilst they were serving their sentence – regardless of their employment status. This means that we can soon get to a stage where, when exoffenders are released back into society, they are already skilled and equipped to contribute to a hospitality setting.

“We are also urging employers to reach out to their local colleges to bring through the next generation of talent, like we have seen in Manchester where 33 hotels are partnering with 33 schools. For example, the UK needs 100,000 chefs annually to meet demand, and collaborations such as this are going to be key.”

Corin Crane, chief executive at the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, chaired the skills and recruitment summit, and he was also joined by Glen Smailes, Strategic Lead for Skills at Coventry City Council, and Shaun Hall from the West Midlands Combined Authority.

Corin commented: “Being unable to fill vacancies – let alone having candidates with the right skills – is a major hangover from Brexit and Covid, but the overarching advice to any business in this situation is to adopt a collaborative mindset by reaching out to organisations such as their local Chamber.

“That way we can signpost them in the right direction – whether that is for recruitment, or funding for training that is tailored to both prospective and existing workforces.

“It was interesting to hear that while youth unemployment is relatively low in Coventry, there is more of an issue with the over-50s, and changing some of the language in job adverts that lean more towards experience, leadership and dependability is likely to play an important role in attracting this age bracket back to the workplace.

“Coventry is a city recovering from the pandemic much quicker than the rest of the region, with figures from Destination Coventry showing that 8.2 million people visited the city in 2021, valuing the city’s visitor economy at £495 billion – so it is crucial that hospitality businesses address any issues they have, such as recruitment, to ensure they can fully capitalise on this.”

Paul Jones, Managing Director of Destination Coventry, which organised the Recruitment and Skills Summit, added: “We also need to change people’s perception of working in hospitality, and this is especially important for school

leavers and their parents, as well as the over-50s.

“Those of us in the sector are acutely aware of the incredible opportunity and fulfilment that a career in our industry can bring, but that’s not widely appreciated.

“Here in the UK, we have a very different attitude towards working in hospitality, and we don’t afford it the same level of respect and credibility as other European nations such as France and Italy.

“Here at Destination Coventry, we want to address that, which is why we’re working with senior leaders and rising stars from businesses across the region, to share their success stories and change public’s sentiment towards working in the sector. There’s still a way to go, but unless we start to address these challenges from all angles, the recruitment and skills crisis for tourism, leisure and hospitality businesses will not start to improve.”

Cllr Jim O’Boyle cabinet member for jobs, regeneration and climate change, said: “We want to continue to build on the recent significant growth in the city’s visitor numbers and we know that’s what the sector wants too. Addressing the recruitment challenges is essential for achieving this, which is why it’s good to know that everyone is working together to find solutions to enable the tourism and hospitality sector to thrive.”

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Coventry & Warwickshire in business
Speakers and contributors gather at the Recruitment & Skills Summit

Popular business podcast gets second series nod

Chamber Talks Business, hosted by Head of Policy Sean Rose and recorded at One Mill Street in Leamington, was launched last year and included a cross section of guests and co-hosts.

It kicked off with a chat with Chamber vice-president Steve Harcourt, director at Prime Accountants Group, and has included conversations with Coventry University’s Paul Noon, WCG’s Angela Joyce and CTT Group’s Andrew Houston.

Sean also enjoyed an exclusive chat with the then Creative Director of Coventry 2021, Chenine Bhathena, and Louise Bennett OBE DL – the outgoing chief executive of the Chamber.

The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s popular business podcast is returning for a second series in 2023.

Series two gets underway with a conversation with Corin Crane, who took on the role of Chamber chief executive in July last year.

The first edition of the series will air on Wednesday, February 1, and there

is an opportunity for members of the Chamber to include business adverts.

Sean said: “We are delighted to be recording our second series of the popular Chamber Talks Business series of podcasts.

“The aim was to provide an insight into the business leaders of Coventry and Warwickshire and not only find out about their businesses but about them as people, what makes them tick and what gets them out of bed in the morning.

“We had some incredible guests and some fantastic co-hosts, including Chamber president Tom Mongan, and we’ve had great feedback and even reached 25th in the careers section on Apple Podcasts.

“We’ve just recorded our first episode with Corin – with a surprise co-host – and it’s a really good conversation and an ideal introduction to him for any Chamber members who haven’t had the opportunity to meet him yet.”

10 www.cw-chamber.co.uk Chamber Talks Business
Chamber Talks Business is available here: https://audioboom.com/channels/5069274
"The first edition of the series will air on
Wednesday, February
1, and there is an opportunity for members of the Chamber to include business adverts."

Atrio of new appointments will help to make sure businesses across Coventry and Warwickshire can have their say on what skills are needed to help them grow.

The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and the Black Country Chamber of Commerce were selected by the Department for Education to lead on the region’s Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) in the autumn in what was described as a ‘game-changing shift’.

LSIPs have been designed by Government to put employers at the centre of the skills system in their region and to build a stronger, more dynamic partnership between employers and further education providers.

It will mean skills provision can be more responsive to the local labour market needs.

The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce has taken on three new members of the team to coordinate its LSIP work and to engage with hundreds of businesses across the region to find out what their future skills needs might be.

Rajpal Kaur will head up the Chamber’s LSIP team, Gurprit Singh will lead on business engagement and Adele Wheatley will co-ordinate activity.

They will be carrying out a detailed research exercise – including online

surveys, roundtable events, telephone calls and one-to-one meetings with employers over the coming weeks and months.

Crucially, that research will go beyond Chamber membership and will include businesses affiliated to other representative organisations in the region as well as companies that are not members of a business body.

It will result in a report that identifies the true needs of employers in the region and will set out a plan to work with education and skills providers to help deliver provision that businesses require.

That report will remain ‘live’ so that shifting needs are identified and addressed.

Corin Crane, chief executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “We are delighted to have our team in place to deliver this crucial piece of work with businesses in the region.

“Getting the right staff, with the right skills to make sure a business is as productive as possible and can develop new products and find new markets has been a critical issue for businesses for a generation.

“LSIPs are a chance for local businesses to seize control of the agenda and put their skills needs at the front of the debate about education and training for the next generation. This is our opportunity to work with key public sector partners to mould a new system

of training and development that puts businesses at its heart.

“As I said when we were asked to deliver on LSIPs for Coventry and Warwickshire last year, this is a gamechanging shift in the way we look at the skills need of the economy as it will put employers in the region at the centre of what is required and what is delivered.

“As a Chamber, we are in constant dialogue with businesses across the patch so have an existing understanding of what the issues are and where there are gaps. That means we are much better placed than a team in Whitehall to be able to create a report and actions required.

“We’ll be talking to companies of all sizes and sectors and those within our membership and those outside of it too. It has to be a comprehensive view because this is a massive issue, so it’s vital that as many businesses as possible have their say.

“Rajpal, Gurprit and Adele will be getting in touch with firms over the coming days and weeks and I’d urge companies to engage with them so we can make a serious dent in the skills gap in Coventry and Warwickshire.”

For more information, you can contact Adele Wheatley on 024 7665 4321 or email adelew@cw-chamber.co.uk

www.cw-chamber.co.uk 11 LSIP Coventry & Warwickshire in business
Chamber looks to engage with businesses on Local Skills Improvement Plan Join our forthcoming online LSIP Focus Groups To book onto any of the above Focus Groups, please contact Adele Wheatley, LSIP Coordinator, by emailing AdeleW@cw-chamber.co.uk or calling 024 7665 4321 Date Time Sector Focus 19th January 2023 13:00 – 14:30 Modern and low carbon utility and manufacturing of future housing 20th January 2023 10:00 – 11:30 Health Technology and Medical Technology 26th January 2023 12:00 – 13:30 Professional and Financial Services and Supply Chain 26th January 2023 15:00 – 16:30 Manufacturing of Electric Light Vehicles and associated battery storage devices and Aerospace (including manufacturing alternative fuel) 27th January 2023 10:00 – 11:30 Logistics & Distribution 27th January 2023 12:00 – 13:30 Modern and low carbon utility and manufacturing of future housing 30th January 2023 12:00 – 13:30 Health Technology and Medical Technology

Lawyer Sarah Perry has spent years helping bring investment growth and new opportunities to the Midlands.

Whether as the first female Managing Partner of a top local law firm, as Deputy Under-Sherriff for the West Midlands, acting as a charity trustee, or Chair to the advisory board of the Centre for New Midlands think-tank - the success of the Midlands has always been central to Sarah’s career.

Sarah looks to the future

Coventry and Warwickshire has been at the heart of that, which was recognised this year when Sarah was made an Honorary Doctorate of Law by Coventry University.

In a chat with C&W in business, Sarah explained why she recently moved to national law firm Knights to help accelerate growth, investment and opportunities across the Midlands.

• Sarah, congratulations on the new job – can you tell us a bit about Knights and why it felt like the right time to move?

Thank you – although it certainly doesn’t feel new, the last few months have been busy and productive with so much happening across the Midlands.

Knights is a national law firm, but we focus on the key markets outside London.

And regional markets do not get any more key than the Midlands.

That focus is what made joining Knights so appealing.

I help businesses get access to the advice they need – whether that’s more growth, more investment, or expansion into a new sector.

We can help with anything. We’re a full-service law firm.

• How does Coventry and Warwickshire fit into aspirations to deliver growth in the wider Midlands region, in your view?

We’re a crucial part of the Midlands in Coventry and Warwickshire.

I see that in how focused our lawyers are on supporting businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals who are based here.

I think Andy Street has led the way. He’s created a sense of one region pulling in the same direction.

That’s how we view it at Knights.

A successful Midlands relies on a successful Coventry and Warwickshire.

We’re working hard to support businesses to deliver that.

• You received an Honorary Doctorate of Law from Coventry University this year – tell us a bit about that?

It was a real privilege and career highlight – and so unexpected too. I’m really grateful.

But it’s not really about me. The recognition is for our region and everyone who works hard here. I am just one of those people.

• It might be hard to top 2022 - what are your goals for 2023?

To build even better relationships across our region and put people in touch with those who can help them. So much of my job is to facilitate.

The scale and national presence of Knights makes that a lot simpler.

If that sounds like something you’d like to tap into – get in touch.

Julia’s expertise helps to seal major investment deal

The expertise of a Warwickshire accountant and financial coach helped a company specialising in stroke rehabilitation secure a multi-million-pound international investment deal.

Julia Leask, of Warwick-based Leask Accountancy Solutions, worked with the chief executive officer and chief technology officer at Neurofenix to explore the American market and gain financial support for an innovative product.

Together, they successfully managed to secure £5.5 million in investment. It is the latest highlight that has followed a rebranding mission Julia undertook for her own business during the global pandemic.

"I am focusing on innovators," she said. "My clients are innovative in their way and their sectors.

"Neurofenix created a piece of equipment for stroke survivors when they’re being rehabilitated to improve their quality of life by regaining movement back into in their hands and their arms.

"They’ve had an investment previously, but since January 2022, we have been trying to get investment to expand into the US because it is a larger market that needs this rehabilitation solution.

"I helped the CEO and the CTO gather the information for the potential investors and it resulted in securing £5.5m."

Julia's early career focused on working with decision makers within major companies such as Severn Trent, EMI and National Grid before stopping work in her thirties to start a family. Her return to the working world saw her bring a smarter way of thinking to SMEs in the local area.

"One of the core values for my business is making a difference," Julia added. "That’s what makes me get up in the morning, to make a difference for an entrepreneurial business. If they have blue sky thinking, I can look at the numbers and forecast on what they want to do.

"I’m bringing a holistic view of the business to a company where they aren’t at the size to have a team of people doing it for them. I can identify what it is that they need and then work with them, and other contacts, to provide those services to them.”

Julia can now list 'international speaker' on her impressive CV after recently addressing likeminded people at a

workshop in Spain. During the business retreat, she worked with her own business coach and managed to 'unplug' herself from the UK and create a plan for 2023 that will benefit her business and therefore, her clients too.

"I asked myself who am I?" Julia explained. "And what do I want to be? And what do I want to do in 2023? That’s the exercise that I can do with businesses.

I can get them to focus on what their ' good' will look like for next year. Because the economy is the way it is, you just cannot carry on doing what you are currently doing.

“You have got to think, what am I aiming at? Then you set your goals, justify your actions and just get on with it."

For more information please visit www.leaskas.co.uk

12 www.cw-chamber.co.uk
Business Engage Profiles
"I help businesses get access to the advice they need – whether that’s more growth, more investment, or expansion into a new sector."
"I’m bringing a holistic view of the business to a company where they aren’t at the size to have a team of people doing it for them. I can identify what it is that they need and then work with them, and other contacts, to provide those services to them.”

Business Engage Profiles

Warwickshire business is building better teams

The power of Lego is being used to build bridges and transform teams thanks to a forward-thinking Warwickshire-based businesswoman.

Transformation Space provides bespoke sessions using Lego® Serious Play® approaches and can already list Amazon Web Services, Dyson and the NHS among its satisfied customers.

During Afshan Baksh's rich and varied career, she has met Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, worked on board World War One battleship HMS President, moored at Blackfriars Bridge, and has completed projects in over 30 countries.

The common strand throughout her work has been an ability and passion for developing organisations and their teams. Resolving issues, helping teams to feel heard and valued, and creating a work culture that gets results.

"The approach is backed by 15 years of research," Afshan said. "Lego® Serious Play® was created and used by Lego to save the business in the 90s when sales of Lego were plummeting due to the rise of video games and since then this approach

has been used successfully by global brands and in education."

Afshan qualified as a facilitator, training with two of Lego® Serious Play®'s founders and now works with teams and their leaders to transform behaviour and unlock people’s strengths.

"I work with my clients to explore their challenges. I want to know where they are as a team, where they want to get to and why," said the Stratford-upon-Avonbased businesswoman. "I then design bespoke sessions which enable individuals to work collaboratively towards shared solutions. Lego believed that their people held the solutions to their problems, Lego® Serious Play® provides a way to find those solutions in a fun and powerful way.

"Often people say 'I am not a creative person’ when starting the sessions, but

as soon as they begin to build, they intuitively access the more creative and innovative areas of their brain and the rest flowsfrom there.

"Organisation success relies on every individual in a team fulfilling their role."

Transformation Space is going from strength to strength, with British Council, Stratford-on-Avon District Council and Kenilworth-based online marketing agency Net Visibility among its clients. Drop-in taster sessions are now being planned

across Coventry and Warwickshire for business leaders to come together.

"It's so important that leaders are prepared when it comes to transforming a team," Afshan added. "I've learned from past experiences that transformed teams require a different kind of leadership otherwise they risk slipping back to how they were. We're calling on leaders to come together, spark their own creativity, challenge and disrupt their norms and give up a day to see how we can benefit them and their teams."

For more information visit https://transformationspace.co.uk/ or contact Afshan directly afshan@transformationspace.co.uk

Seven-figure innovation grants up for grabs

SMEs in Coventry and Warwickshire are being urged to capitalise on grants worth up to £2 million to turbo charge their growth plans.

Tax relief specialist Catax, which has generated more than £500 million worth of tax relief for 15,000 businesses in its 14-year history, has seen a rise in demand for its grant funding service since the pandemic – and is encouraging the region’s business owners to explore how it could benefit their firm.

Innovate UK, which is part of UK Research and Innovation, is providing up-front grants of between £100,000 and £2 million – subject to their approval - for standalone and collaborative projects that are innovative and solve a problem, along with a clear business plan.

To help businesses maximise their potential in securing these grants, Catax uses its team of application writing specialists who work closely with each business to understand the project that requires funding before identifying an appropriate grant scheme, and writing the application.

Multiple companies have now unlocked additional grant funding thanks to Catax’s support and Kully Nijjar, Associate Director at Catax Group, is urging more firms to follow suit.

He said: “Accessing funding for projects is one of the largest barriers to growth for many businesses, but with the right advice and approach, securing game-changing investment is more achievable than some think.

“Applying for these grants is complex and time consuming, but Catax’s grant writers are able to use their knowledge of what funders are looking for in order to deliver a successful application in an efficient manner.

“If a business is successful in applying for a grant, they will then have that money to invest up front in their project that they will not pay back, unlike research and development tax relief whereby the financial aid is applied after a project.

“We place great emphasis on transparency at Catax in that we will only proceed with a grant application if we are confident that it will succeed, which is why we dedicate a lot of time to the pre-application stage with businesses.

“As an international business we joined the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce as we recognise it is a fertile region for innovation – and if there are any SMEs

seeking funding for a significant project then I’d urge them to contact us.”

Alongside grant funding, Catax supports businesses with tax relief for research and development (R&D), in addition to capital allowances, patent box, and remediation of contaminated land.

Catax is a partner of the Institute of Financial Accountants, the Law Society and is an ACCA Gold Sponsor.

For more information about Catax’s services visit www.catax.com or email Kully Nijjar at Kully.Nijjar@catax.com

www.cw-chamber.co.uk 13
Coventry &
in business
"I work with my clients to explore their challenges. I want to know where they are as a team, where they want to get to and why."
“Accessing funding for projects is one of the largest barriers to growth for many businesses, but with the right advice and approach, securing game-changing investment is more achievable than some think."

More ‘GOOD’ news from Chamber Training! High quality careers advice recognised at Chamber Training

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training (CWCCT) are delighted to announce that we have successfully been re-accredited with the matrix Standard. This quality standard demonstrates that we are providing excellence for our stakeholders and learners with advice and guidance to support their skills gaps, career and learning goals. We continually strive to improve the way we supply IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance) and work hard to keep a high level of customer satisfaction.

The matrix Standard is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver information, advice and guidance either as their sole purpose or as part of their wider service offer. Achieving the Standard involves an exacting two day assessment in which the quality and delivery of information and advice is measured against the matrix Standard’s four main elements: leadership and management; resources; service delivery; and continuous quality improvement.

Having held the standard since 2004, this recognition shows CWCCT’s continued commitment to delivering the best service possible for local businesses, including individuals who are exploring opportunities and considering different career paths.

Commenting on the achievement, Sally Lucas Executive Director at CWCCT, stated “The matrix Standard is a great way to demonstrate best practice and illustrate the importance that CWCCT places on ensuring clients receive the highest standards of service, particularly around career, learning and work and life goal setting.”

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training (CWCCT) are pleased to confirm the outcome from a recent inspection by Ofsted of its education and training, which verified CWCCT’s provision as ‘good’ across all areas. In particular, Ofsted cited strengths around the expertise of staff, the positive respectful behaviour of apprentices, the inclusive nature of the environment and the strong local links which are used well to ensure the provision of is relevant to the locality and of high quality.

The rigorous and challenging inspection of apprenticeships in health and social care, business administration, accounting, management, children’s care and hairdressing took place in October over four days and involved scrutiny of teaching, learning and assessment.

With over 35 years’ experience in the training industry, CWCCT’s focus is on designing and delivering learning that is relevant to individuals, of benefit to business and supportive of the local economy.

The inspection revealed that ‘apprentices develop substantial new knowledge and skills which enable them to move on to their next steps. A high proportion of apprentices achieve promotion or take on additional responsibilities during their apprenticeship’.

Referring to the inspection, Sally Lucas Executive Director at CWCCT, commented, “Whilst the inspection by Ofsted was demanding, it was also very rewarding to have CWCCT’s services recognised as good. The team at Chamber Training work tremendously hard to ensure that what we

do is valuable to business and the wider community.”

Contact our team on 024 7623 1122 or enquiries@cw-chambertraining.co.uk if you would like to know more about the apprenticeships and other training courses we deliver.

LOCAL GOOD CAUSE supported by Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber Training

According to the Child Poverty Action group, a UK charity that works to alleviate poverty and social exclusion, there were 3.9 million children living in poverty in the UK in 2020-21.1

That's 27 per cent of children, or eight in a classroom of 30.

Sarah Williams, Training Manager at CWCCT, confirmed “This is such a good cause to support, particularly as it benefits children in the local area. Whilst we have participated in the initiative for several years, it seems to have reached new heights this year with more advent calendars than ever donated. We have managed to collect nearly 50 calendars, which will be added to the 2,000 calendars already collected by the organiser Toni Marie Anderson for the charity appeal. Our staff and students have made a great contribution to such a worthwhile cause which is testament to the work we do at Chamber Training to support our community.”

“The advent calendars will be handdelivered around Coventry to lots of children who are living in poverty. We are delighted to help them with these donations and each calendar will make so many children happy.”

£150.00 Half Day - am 16




£125.00 £150.00 Half Day - pm 16

£200.00 £220.00 1 day 02/09/16

Training Prices Subject to VAT Training Courses 2023 Q1 Chamber Member Price + VAT Non-Member Price + VAT Duration Jan 23 Feb 23 Mar 23 Microsoft Excel - Basic to Intermediate £150.00 £180.00 1 Day 25 Communicating Assertively £125.00 £150.00 Half Day - am 25 Complaint Handling £125.00 £150.00 Half Day - pm Starts 31 ILM Level 2 Award in Leadership & Team Skills £650.00 £650.00 4 Days 7/14/28 Time Management £240.00 £265.00 1 Day 01 Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems £500.00 £500.00 3 Days 01/08/15 Digital Marketing Advertising £240.00 £265.00 1 Day 16 Website Optimisation (SEO) £240.00 £265.00 1 Day 23 Effective Communication £125.00 £150.00 Half Day - am 01 Building the Team £125.00 £150.00 Half Day - pm 01 *NEW* Introduction to LinkedIn £240.00 £265.00 1 Day 02 *NEW* ILM Level 2 Award in Effective Mentoring Skills £650.00 £650.00 4 days 06/13/20/27 Understanding Workplace Stress £125.00 £150.00 Half Day - am 08 Resolving Workplace Conflict £125.00 £150.00 Half Day - pm 08 Dealing with Underperformance £125.00 £150.00 Half Day - am 15 Motivating the Team £125.00 £150.00 Half Day - pm 15 Microsoft Excel Intermediate to Advanced £150.00 £180.00 1 Day 15 Professional Telephone Techniques £125.00
Email Writing
aid at Work (HSE
First Aid in the Workplace (HSE Recommended) £150.00 £185.00 1 Day 23
14 www.cw-chambertraining.co.uk
Digital Marketing Analysis £240.00 £265.00 1 Day 30
Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber Training (CWCCT), a leading provider of Apprenticeships and business-to-business training courses, is once again supporting an advent calendar appeal to help Coventry children who are living in hostels, domestic violence units, and temporary accommodation.

Start as you mean to go on

A new year often brings about a thirst to make lists around how you can improve your professional operations going forward. One of the most frustrating areas of business administration that can hamper your New Year plans are unpaid debts. Collecting outstanding invoices is a laborious and often stressful task that steals away resources that could be used in so many more productive ways, such as increasing client satisfaction and developing new service and product offerings.

What happens, therefore, is that a majority of debt claims are written off, especially if the debt itself is disputed by the person/company who owes you money. What makes this situation even more insidious is that people are well aware that it is rarely worth the time and effort to pursue debts of less than £10,000. This makes the risk associated with not paying an invoice or disputing it one that is sometimes worth taking.

Members of our team at Askews Legal LLP recognised that too many of our clients were losing significant revenue and struggling with cashflow due to the expense, time, and unpleasantness of collecting unpaid debts. Partner and co-founder of Askews Legal LLP, Teerath Gill thought “there has to be a better and cheaper way. So, I started doing some research and concluded that the debt claims process could be automated”.

The Debt-Claims portal (Debt-Claims is a trading name of Askews Legal LLP) was launched early in 2022 and since then Askews Legal LLP has been committed to

developing and utilising technology to optimise how our clients can access legal services and gain best in class advice and representation. We believed that by automating debt collection protocols and procedures our clients, which include debt collection agencies, could quickly create and distribute the necessary documents such as Late Payment Demands and a Letter Before Action.

Our point of difference is that every letter, every pleading, and indeed every part of our portal and outward communication has been written by lawyers who know how to get debtors to effectively respond and maximise the chances of recovery. Using Debt-Claims’ unique and bespoke algorithm and programming, only the correct and necessary information is presented in an effective and direct way.

How does debt-claims.com work?

The portal has been specifically designed to be used by business owners and experienced debt collectors to assist and manage the prompt collection of outstanding debts.

Once you register for an account, you can use the platform to send Letters Before Action, issue Court proceedings, and enforce judgments. New features, such as insolvency actions, are in the process of being developed and will be added in due course.

Our portal has been designed and built by experienced debt recovery lawyers who have worked in the field for many years. It includes unique features such as a two-way messaging system to use with debtors and direct integration with Money Claims Online –

all accessible under a fixed price per service –for example, a Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims compliant letter of claim costs £12.50, leaving you to bill your clients as per your normal business practices.

Wrapping up

Robin Appleyard, the designer of the Debt-Claims solution and portal had this to say about why Askews Legal LLP invested in and created debt-claims.com:

“Debt-Claims was created to provide an effective solution to two common problems:

• As a business built from scratch, we understand the frustration and anger when a client’s hard work in providing goods or services to another goes unpaid, and

As lawyers, we understand the complexities of the legal system and how costs can often outweigh the matter at hand.

The simple answer for us was to create a user-friendly debt recovery process that took the time and expense out of instructing a law firm yet was built by and has the full support of experienced debt recovery lawyers.”

As businesspeople ourselves we believe in the good old-fashioned principle that if you do work for someone you should be paid on time. Just because, however, the problem is age-old it does not follow that the solution has to be cumbersome and expensive.

By registering with debt-claims.com you and your business can benefit from being able to collect your unpaid invoices quickly, cheaply, and with the full backing of a highly accredited law firm.

TAKE CONTROL of your business debt in 2023 To find out how you can take control and start recovering the debt you are owed, please get in touch: enquiries@debt-claims.com With 2023 looking likely to be as challenging as any of the last three years, businesses will need every penny they are owed, paid on time and in full. So how can businesses begin the year and put plans in place to recover what is rightly theirs? Send a Solicitors headed letter: • Late Payment Demand: £2.50 • Letter Before Action: £12.50

How the Employee Ownership Trust Offers the Ideal Exit Strategy at ZERO Tax

David Craddock, M.A. (Oxon.) is a recognised authority in the UK and worldwide on employee share schemes and the author of Tolley’s Guide to Employee Share Schemes.

In this article, David identifies the role that the Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) can fulfil in facilitating the ideal tax-efficient and cost-effective exit strategy as an alternative to a trade sale or an initial public offering.

The Latest Triumph for Employee Ownership

The initiative to introduce the EOT through Schedule 37 of Finance Act 2014 emerged from the Coalition Government as the single most significant triumph in the development of employee ownership since Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) and the Share Incentive Plan (SIP) were introduced by New Labour in 2000. Unlike EMI and the SIP, which deliver direct employee share ownership to individual employees, the EOT offers indirect employee share ownership.

The unique feature of the EOT is that the sponsoring company’s shares are held in a discretionary trust as a collective arrangement for the long-term benefit of the company’s total workforce in stabilising the company’s ownership structure and securing its independence.

Although different in kind from EMI and the SIP, either of these two scheme arrangements can, if the company so chooses, operate alongside the EOT and offer direct employee share ownership to complement the collective ownership by the EOT.

Notably, the grant of EMI options to senior employees, properly implemented and communicated, can act as a motivational empowerment for executives, thereby ensuring that the shareholder succession is matched by a management succession that is so essential for a successful exit. Nevertheless, the EOT can operate without any accompanying taxadvantaged (tax-approved) employee share schemes, and still offer, courtesy of its own 2014 legislation, if the company so decrees, tax-free bonuses to its employees.

The Headline Capital Gains Tax Exemption: ZERO Tax Charge for the Selling Shareholders

Under Section 236M, TCGA 1992, the Controlling Interest Requirement secures a complete exemption from capital gains tax for the seller of the shares for the sale of the 51% (or more, up to 100%) controlling share interest to the EOT in a defined single tax year. This exemption is available for persons who are not companies. Provided the statutory requirements are met, notably that the shares are in a trading company or the parent company of a trading group, then the capital gains tax exemption is available to an unlimited extent. The fact that the exemption is unlimited is a particularly attractive feature, even if the seller has access to Business Asset Disposal Relief, for the simple reason that the sale of shares to the EOT attracts zero capital gains tax on an unlimited amount of value.

The Income Tax Exemption for Qualifying Bonus Payments to Employees

Chapter 10A within Part 4 of ITEPA 2003, introduced as a new EOT insertion, is devoted to the rules for the tax-free status which accord to qualifying bonus payments to employees. The tax-free status is given as an exemption from income tax for up to £3,600 for each employee in any given tax year, operated for all employees on a same-terms basis.

Although it is the establishment of the EOT that provides the opportunity for the company to introduce qualifying bonus payments, it is the company that pays the qualifying bonus payments to the employees and not the EOT trustees.

The Deferred Consideration

The Sale and Purchase Agreement for the sale of the shares is between the existing shareholders and the EOT trustees acting on behalf of the EOT. Although the company is not a party to this agreement, it is the company that funds the EOT through an arrangement that must be non-binding in order to ensure that monies received by the EOT from the company are not subject to income tax.

The whole of the sale proceeds, linked to the whole company value, will be paid to the existing shareholders immediately following the sale if the EOT has the available funds, albeit supplied by the company. Alternatively, though, the sale proceeds may be paid as a series of deferred consideration payments over whatever time-period is manageable for the company to fund the EOT.

Given that the deferred consideration does not have to appear on the balance sheet, the creditworthy status of the company is protected in the eyes of the business community. This piecemeal payment profile is an appealing feature for a company that, at the actual date of the sale transaction, does not have the full amount of the available cash to fund the EOT.

The Growing Popularity

Since 2014, 1,030 companies have taken the EOT route to a company sale. The ownership by the EOT of the shares of the company in perpetuity stabilizes the independence of the company and reinforces the employees’ confidence of continuing employment. In a consultation on exit, as well as discussing the advantages of the EOT, discussion should also be given to the Employee Share Trust (“EST”) which allows a more gradual sale approach over several years. The capital gains tax rate for the sale of shares to the EST (as distinct from the EOT) is the Business Asset Disposal Relief rate of 10%.

16 www.cw-chamber.co.uk David Craddock Consultancy Services

David Craddock is one of those rare people who has not only a first class grasp of legal and technical issues but also the ability to explain and advise on them in a practical way. ❜❜

Specialists in employee share schemes and reward management David Craddock has been advising on employee share schemes and employee share trust arrangements for over 35 years. He advises on every aspect of the implementation process, working personally with the client at each stage, and offering solutions and expertise in all the technical questions that require clarification during the consultation. If you are interested in speaking with David with a view to engaging his expert services for a NO OBLIGATION FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION in Employee Share Schemes, Share Valuations or for the delivery of seminars or courses, then please contact: T: 01782 519925 • M: 07831 572615 E-mail: D.Craddock@dcconsultancyservices.com Visit: www.davidcraddock.com MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS Employee Ownership Trust Offers the Ideal Exit Strategy at ZERO Tax JUNE 2022 WREOC EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP PROFILE - JUNE 2022 WHITE ROSE EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP CENTRE FIGURES ARE PROVIDED BY PROF A. ROBINSON (UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS) AND PROF A.PENDLETON (UNSW). *INC PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES AND ADMIN & SUPPORT SERVICES *INC PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES AND ADMIN & SUPPORT SERVICES TOP TOP SECTORS CONVERSIONS SINCE 2020 5 5 13.2% CONSTRUCTION 18.3% CONSTRUCTION 38.2% PROFESSIONAL SERVICES* 33% PROFESSIONAL SERVICES* 10.5% RETAIL AND WHOLESALE 11.6% RETAIL AND WHOLESALE 12.8% MANUFACTURING 10.2 % MANUFACTURING EMPLOYEE OWNED UK EO SECTOR 1030 DOUBLED SINCE 2020 RECORD YEAR 2021 NEW EO BUSINESSES 285 X 2 10 YEARS OF TRANSITIONS 2016 TRANSITIONS BY YEAR Specialist in Employee Share Ownership and Reward Management, Share Valuation, Management Buyouts, Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs) and Investment Education ❛❛

Businesses left in ‘unacceptable’ limbo on energy costs

Regional business leaders called for the Government to provide firms with certainty on energy costs after leaving them in an ‘unacceptable’ situation heading into Christmas.

The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce has joined the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) in its plea for more information on the support that will be provided to companies when the current measures run out in March.

Corin Crane, Chief Executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “The support for businesses on their energy bills has been absolutely crucial in the battle against rising costs – but it has to be continued.

“The Chancellor has already acknowledged that fact and said a new plan would be shared before the end of this year. Time is running out to deliver on that and businesses are, without doubt, feeling nervous about what they may be faced with come April.

“It’s completely unacceptable that businesses across our region were going into Christmas with the word recession looming large and they don’t know what their overhead costs are going to be in a few months.

“These are testing times in many ways for businesses across Coventry and Warwickshire and piling on more uncertainty does nothing to improve confidence going into the new year.

“We need the Government to provide an update very quickly.”

BCC Director General, Shevaun Haviland, said: “Just over a month ago, the Chancellor promised businesses that they would receive a plan on the future of the energy support package

before the end of the year. With 24 hours left until Parliament rises, businesses have one simple question: ‘where is this plan’?

“According to a recent BCC survey, almost half (47%) of UK SMEs said they will find it difficult to pay their energy bills when Government support ends.

“Firms deserve far better from Government than broken promises for Christmas during these incredibly difficult times. They now face an anxious and uncertain festive period, unable to plan for the New Year.

“The Government has repeatedly assured us of their commitment to confidence and stability. However,

their failure to stick to their promises and provide businesses with the certainty they need does not fill anyone with confidence, nor does it promote stability.

“Government is now left with two options. They can pull a rabbit out of the hat and come up with a plan before they break for Christmas. Or they must explain why they are leaving businesses in the dark.

“Without a clear plan before January, many businesses will be left vulnerable to extortionate prices at the end of March, especially SMEs and energy intensive businesses. Those businesses will have no choice but to start preparing their workforce for potential redundancies, leaving employees vulnerable and weakening the economy further.

“Now more than ever, we need to provide businesses with confidence so they can invest, grow and power the much-needed recovery of the UK economy in the months ahead.”

Recruitment still a concern for firms

Recruitment remains a major headache for firms in Coventry and Warwickshire, despite a slight increase in unemployment.

The latest figures show that unemployment rose by 0.2 per cent in the month to October. Economic inactivity also fell and employment rose, driven by 50 to 64-year-olds re-joining the workforce.

Corin Crane, Chief Executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “There is absolutely no doubt that when we speak to business, recruitment remains very high on their list of concerns.

“There are companies in this area that are ready to grow and take on new staff but they just can’t find the people – and that goes across a range of sectors.

“The statistics show that 50 to 64-year-olds are starting to return to the workforce – potentially driven by the cost of living crisis – and that is a something that the Government needs to nurture through training and upskilling programmes.

“But that is not going to be enough with the sheer number of vacancies in the job market. It has to be a top priority for the Government in the New Year to help keep the economy moving and widely forecast recession as short as possible.

“And, if unemployment starts to rise during the recession, we look at ways of ensuring people have the necessary skills to fulfil those vacancies that are available.”

Jane Gratton, Head of People Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce, said: “These figures show the tightness in the UK labour market is not shifting significantly.

“Job vacancies remain at record highs, adding to the recessionary pressure businesses are facing.

“We have urged the Government to immediately reform the Shortage

Occupations List. This will help businesses fill urgent job vacancies from abroad when they cannot recruit skilled people locally.

“Firms need to support over 50s to return to work and invest much more in training and upskilling. But politicians need to be realistic about the skills we need from outside the UK.

“It’s time for a sensible debate that looks beyond the headline immigration figures, as these include students and are skewed. They don’t reflect the real-life situation facing employers up and down the country.

“Brexit has given us control of our borders and Government must use the appropriate levers to help struggling businesses get the people they need.

“It’s no use talking about growth if we are not prepared to take action on it.”

18 www.cw-chamber.co.uk Economy
“Government is now left with two options. They can pull a rabbit out of the hat and come up with a plan before they break for Christmas. Or they must explain why they are leaving businesses in the dark."
“It’s time for a sensible debate that looks beyond the headline immigration figures, as these include students and are skewed. They don’t reflect the real-life situation facing employers up and down the country."


BILL: What the government’s proposals mean for employers

With employees due to be given the right to request flexible working from the moment they start a job, businesses need to start implementing fair and consistent policies and procedures – according to an employment law expert from law firm Shakespeare Martineau.

Following a consultation by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the government plans to give employees greater access to flexibility over where, when and how they work.

Under the new Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Bill, which was introduced by Labour MP Yasmin Qureshi, employees will be able to ask for flexible working from the first day at their new job instead of waiting 26 weeks. And whereas previously, employees were able to make a request once every 12 months, they will now have the right to make two in the same time period.

Nick Jones, employment partner at Shakespeare Martineau, said: “As a result of the new bill, employers will be required to consult with employees and discuss alternative options before rejecting their flexible working request. Currently, it is not clear whether this will be a statutory requirement or just soft guidance.

“The new plans will require employers to respond to requests within two months, down from three. The procedure for requesting flexible working will be simplified by removing the requirement for employees to set out how the effects of their request might impact upon the employer.

“While it is not yet known when the legislation will be introduced, it is important employers start putting in place the right policies and procedures to manage flexible working.”

Under the new legislation, employers can still refuse a flexible working request if at least one of the eight prescribed grounds apply: Planned structural changes; burden of additional costs; detrimental impact on quality, performance or ability to meet customer demands; inability to recruit additional staff; detrimental impact on performance; inability to reorganise work among existing staff; detrimental effect on ability to meet customer demand; and lack of work during periods the employee proposes to work.

Nick added: “It is important to note the legal right is for an employee to make a request to their employer and have it properly considered – but not to insist their employer makes the changes requested.

“Ultimately, employers have businesses to run and it will be up to them to decide if the requested arrangements are viable.

“However, employers should remember that flexibility in the workplace is a lifeline for some, rather than a perk, and has provided significant benefits in terms of wellbeing and work-life balance for younger families, single parents, carers, and lower earners, in particular.

“Furthermore, providing flexible working, where viable, enables employees to feel included, which means they are likely to be more engaged. This sense of belonging breeds an atmosphere of trust, as well as loyalty, which fosters multiple benefits for the workplace.”

Mind The Gap

For the last couple of years, I have been speaking to young students at school careers days and running workshops on “What’s next”. Held in two local schools, I have been interacting with various year groups about choosing what they want to do in life, what is available as a career path and what it’s like in the “real” world of work.

I have discovered the gap between the school curriculum and what they need to know for work and life is shocking. They see what is missing and are completely inspired by these conversations.

Also, I found 25% of the students don’t even have their own computer, completely robbing them of the familiarity we all need with Microsoft, email, Word, Excel that we all use in our working lives.

To address this, my company, Pink Connect have sourced and refurbished 115 used Laptops and PCs and loaded a fresh installation of Windows 10, so the children that receive them become familiar with a tool they will likely need every day of their lives. These are huge issues that are holding back a whole generation of our children, so me and two likeminded educators, Eva Harrison and Glenn Robinson formed Mind the Gap.

Mind the Gap is a new not for profit organisation and Chamber member delivering funded, inspirational, interactive, and thought-provoking programmes designed to “fill the gaps” in questions such as:

The eternal school leaver question – What do I want to do?

I learned what I learned at school, but what skills will I need entering the world of work.

• Should I stay at school and go to University, College, or get a job?

• Is an Apprenticeship right for me, and if it is, which one?

• Where do I get really useful, relevant advice on careers?

Where can I get support on mental health and my wellbeing?

I am concerned about climate change and see the effects, but what can I do about it?

Our website is now up and running here: https:// www.mindthegap.today/ and we are looking for funding to cover the design cost of £1500 + vat from a single business or three businesses that can contribute £500+ vat each, who want to make a real difference with young people at this critical point of change in their lives.

Happy to discuss ways you and your business can be involved with this life changing project. Do give me a call on: 07799 840240

www.cw-chamber.co.uk 19 Economy Coventry & Warwickshire in business
"It is important to note the legal right is for an employee to make a request to their employer and have it properly considered – but not to insist their employer makes the changes requested. Ultimately, employers have businesses to run and it will be up to them to decide if the requested arrangements are viable."

Celebrating the global culture of horses

TAUSEEF QADRI has seen plenty of the world but when it came to setting up his business, there was only one location he had in mind.

Tauseef Qadri has been travelling all his life. His early, formative years were in Saudi Arabia and he has been taking in the sunny climes of Dubai, Portugal, Singapore and the USA for most of his life –but, it seems, he’s found his spiritual home in Warwick.

And not only that, he’s basing his new business venture, which has the potential to be a global game-changer in the equestrian industry, in the region.

His love for the area began in the late 1990s when he came to the UK for a visit and ended up being drawn by Warwick School and set his heart on attending, which he did a year later.

“I loved everything about it,” he said. “As tourists, we took a day trip to see the castle and there’s a beautiful park close by. The school was adjacent to it and I asked: what’s that building?

“We got a tour and coming from an international school in Saudi Arabia which had an American curriculum, Warwick felt like Hogwarts!

“I needed to study there. I was also playing a little bit of youth cricket with Warwickshire at the time so the stars were all aligning and I ended up coming over for what you would have called fifth and sixth form.

“It was great to experience the wonderful English summers, attending the school and playing cricket but also I had to put up with the winters too. I wasn’t prepared for those!”

His affection for Warwick and fondness for cricket were outweighed by only one thing – a passion for horses. It has driven every decision in his life and is the motivation behind his business, Cavago.

The concept is to mirror the likes of booking.com and Airbnb but for the equestrian world, giving equinebased businesses a shop window and giving customers the chance to discover what’s available either on their doorstep or further afield.

“I was one of those kids where the parents said: he really loves horses!” Tauseef remembers.

“They nurtured it. I rode at the national equestrian centre and competed across the country. Then, as we moved around the world, I would seek to continue my horsemanship wherever I was.”

By the age of 11, he was a subscriber to Arabian Horse World – a weighty magazine that Tauseef describes as the ‘Facebook for the industry’ before the days of the internet.

Thanks to this growing encyclopaedic knowledge, he could hold conversations with breeders about specific details and it was clear that this passion would ultimately become more than a pastime.

After finishing at Warwick School, he read management sciences at Loughborough University but continued to play cricket (including a stint with Pakistan’s under-19s) and also ride horses.

His first job was with Xerox in Reading and doubled up with an MSC in sustainable development at the University of London.

“There was always a love of horses and I was trying to fit things around it. I tried to do my Masters in how horses help the rural economy but I couldn’t get the data – even in the UK!” he said.

Tauseef then headed over to Dubai where a stint in investment was followed by a role with a real estate company that specialised in building equestrian projects.

“I became the de facto managing director because I was the first person to join the company,” he said

“We aggregated a team of around 30 people from around the world including equine architects – people who specialise in building barns – through to the person who headed up the Household Cavalry.

“I built the organisation and we sold around $1.2 billion worth of assets – houses, essentially – and then it came crashing down during the recession of 2009.

“Dubai was over-leveraged and so I thought I should get a real job!”


Profile: Tauseef Qadri

While he was looking for his next permanent move, Tauseef was offering leadership programmes which utilised horses to help develop the emotional intelligence in companies. One of his clients, Yum! Brands – the parent company of Pizza Hut, KFC and Taco Bell – offered him the role as director of transformation.

“I was based in the Middle East,” he said. “But I took best practices from around the world and applied them to various franchisees in Asia and then I went off to study AI and platforms at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I was interested in that subject and I thought to myself: why am I selling fried chicken for a living?!

“I thought that I should be doing something for the horse world because of my love for it. I thought to myself that there was no real booking platform or technological access to horse businesses. I was in a position to build it and so I went ahead and built it, but then Covid came along.

“We went into stealth mode during that period but we’ve emerged from that and it’s been a stellar time for the business in terms of growth.

“A few months ago, we got selected under the Global Entrepreneurship Programme through the Department for International Trade (DIT). They select around 100 companies to be part of the programme. They told us their HQ had approved the application and asked where we’d like to set up the company.

“I said: ‘well, I went to school in Warwick’ and it was a case of, ‘the West Midlands it is then!’

“I have to qualify the answer. This is an equestrian-centric part of the country and we’re a start-up tech company that doesn’t need to be in London. We can access all parts of the UK to engage with us. And that’s how we built it. It wasn’t based on sentiment alone, this region is the perfect location.”

And now, from an Ignite incubator unit at the University of Warwick Science Park, the plan is to grow the Cavago platform in the UK and then roll it out around the world.

Tauseef said: “The UK alone has nearly a million horses and 374,000 horse-owning households. But you really don’t know where to experience a ride or the myriad of different disciplines and the hundreds of different breeds.

“You don’t know where to search or look and I experienced that first hand.

“That puts off a lot of people. There are 27 million people in the UK with an interest in horses but only 4.5 million will get on a horse each year. So, there’s a big gap and I think that’s to do with discovery and access.

“I thought if I can stitch all of my experiences together in a platform that’s akin to booking.com or Airbnb, then I would be on to something.

“Horse businesses tended to have a lack of technology. They don’t have many gateway options on their website, they don’t have SEO, I could go on.

“They are running their businesses inefficiently from that point of view so they have their backs to the wall when it comes to keeping horses alive, feeding them, and then getting people through the gates to access their services.

“I thought: ‘wait a minute, if we can create a two-sided market place and give this technology for free to horse businesses, they can modernise and by creating discoverability and access, the consumer,

up to 27 million people in the UK, can start to search and book experiences.’

“The number is exponentially greater in the USA. It has 38 million households with at least one horse lover, which is 29 per cent of houses in the country. The overall impact of the horse world on the economy is $102 billion. That is more than motion pictures and it is un-digitalised, which is a shock!”

The company now has over 450 hosts across 40 countries but the UK – and Warwick – is definitely its spiritual home.

“By setting up HQ in the UK, I know the map and the territory and we are building a team that is scaling up,” he said. “We’ve partnered with the University of Warwick and Hartpury University to help us to develop projects where we can access grants and support.

“We’re based at the University of Warwick Science Park’s Ignite incubator. Through this link, I was in touch with a university professor on AI and discussed with him the kinds of projects we might be able to work together on.

“We are playing with the idea of how we map out the whole of the equestrian world in the UK and where are the hotspots? Where are the different disciplines more prominent? Racing is more east focussed however Oxfordshire and Surrey are more dressage focussed. We want to map that out.

“It’s all about helping our customers find what they are looking for really easily.

“By partnering with the universities, you also become a much more investible technology company. We get coaching from their team to be fitter to raise funding too.

“As a person, I can’t sit still. I’m quite energetic so that lends itself to being a decent entrepreneur I presume and I want to make things happen. When you get driven by ambition and potential, then you do look to make things happen.

“We’re now hiring people to share that ambition.

“I wouldn’t be shy of hiring over 100 people because I want to establish my technology unit here in the UK and my marketing unit here too. I’d suggest in the not-too-distant future there will be 100 people in a Cavago UK office.

“I chose Warwick for a reason. I always said that if I own a home in the UK, it will be on Myton Road!

“Sentiment aside, it’s a really good base for a number of reasons. The calibre of talent is fantastic and we have amazing universities on our doorstop. There’s also WCG, the agricultural centre as well at Stoneleigh and the Horse of the Year show comes to the NEC each year.

“When you put that mix together, it’s the ideal location to build an incredible team.”

And it could even lead to the next generation of ‘team-Qadri’ gaining an affection for the region.

“I have a daughter and a son,” said Tauseef, “and they both might go to Warwick School. We are just trying to sort all of that out!”

About Tauseef Qadri

Born: Nov 1982, Pakistan

Live: Warwick and Estoril, Portugal

Married: To Anam Mukri

Hobbies: Cricket, tennis, reading (particularly autobiographies), mountain biking, hiking

Children: Amanah Qadri (female – six-years-old): Loves unicorns and horses and a very caring human being with a free spirit & Zidan Qadri (male – three-years-old): Loves cars and trucks aside from horses (of course) and dogs, very focused and determined with a healthy dose of mischief!

Favourite Book: King of the Wind (a semi fictitious story of the Arabian and thoroughbred horse) Long Road to Freedom (Nelson Mandela), Black Swan (Nassim Nicholas Taleb – Economics)

Favourite Film: Avatar, Last Samurai, The Black Stallion

Last Holiday: Porto and Nazare in Portugal

Gadget: iPhone and Apple watch – never leave home without them!

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Coventry &
Warwickshire in business
❛❛ By partnering with the universities, you also become a much more investible technology company. We get coaching from their team to be fitter to raise funding too. ❜❜

Logistics specialist Rhenus celebrates roofing ceremony at major new development in Nuneaton

Leading logistics specialist Rhenus Warehousing Solutions UK and developer Baytree Logistics Developments have celebrated the roof being installed on one of its warehouses at its new, sustainable development at Baytree, Nuneaton.

The development will be referred to as the ‘Rhenus Campus’, and provide customers with innovative warehousing and distribution services. The site will feature two warehouses, totalling one million square feet – the equivalent of 36 football pitches. The first warehouse measures 210,000 square feet and the second warehouse will follow in early 2023, measuring 771,000 square feet. The vast size of the warehouses, coupled with the latest emerging technologies, will ensure that Rhenus can accommodate customers well into the future.

The ‘Rhenus Campus’ will be certified BREEAM Outstanding upon completion and achieve carbon neutrality. The use of renewable energy generated on-site will ensure the development is climate neutral, helping customers achieve their own carbon-zero goals.

Rhenus and Baytree are working with a local timber mill to recycle felled trees from the site, making them into furniture for the employees to enjoy, and bat and bird boxes for the local wildlife, ensuring nothing goes to waste.

Regional Managing Director North-West Europe at Rhenus Warehousing Solutions UK, Kerry Delaney, said: “We are thrilled to have celebrated this roofing ceremony at Baytree, Nuneaton, with our development partner Baytree. This is a hugely important milestone for us, and we’re very excited that the warehouse’s structure for site one has now been completed. We’re looking forward to officially opening the ‘Rhenus Campus’ in 2023, and to continuing to provide our innovative warehousing solutions.”


The potential of south Warwickshire to become an exemplar in how to grow and encourage green business was discussed at the latest meeting of a key business organisation.

The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s South Warwickshire branch discussed the possibilities during a meeting at Alscot Estate in Atherstone-on-Stour – where many green projects are already taking place.

Jonathan Thompson, Coventry, and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Ambassador, explained how Alscot is looking to go carbon-neutral by 2050, and is already investing in biodiversity and green energy generation on its land.

He also highlighted the potential for sustainable businesses to potentially move to Atherstone Airfield, which has been allocated for new employment land in Stratford District’s Local Plan.

Keynote speaker Doug King, CEO of sustainable rapeseed processing firm Yelo Enterprises - which is based on the estate and was recently announced as the new owner of Coventry City Football Club – then talked about how the region and the estate fitted his business’s vision when finding a home.

He said: “Since founding Yelo in 2016, we have built the business to a point where we process around 15 per cent of the UK’s total rapeseed crop – around 160,000 tonnes – and employ 60 people in skilled jobs.

“The Alscot Estate ticked all the boxes for our investment and building our processing plant there as it has been championing sustainable projects for a long time, grasped our initiative and had leased long term existing storage infrastructure alongside the facility.”

“Building a green-field processing and refining complex with a renewable heat plant took longer than anticipated and as always more capital than initially projected.

“However, after investing approximately £75 million, our facility and its renewable energy footprint processing only UK grown oilseed rapeseed is being increasingly appreciated by our customers. The direction of travel is clear on this subject and this early investment puts us in a strong commercial position.

“Huge change is coming to the industry, and buyers are already taking into account the sustainability and provenance of their refined oil when deciding on a purchase despite inflationary pressures.

“It’s great that we have successfully launched a new major sustainable business here in south Warwickshire, and I think the region and its focus on renewable energy shows great potential for new green businesses to have similar support leading to commercial viability in the near future.”

The talks were finished off by South Warwickshire branch chair Larry Coltman, who highlighted the number of businesses passionate about sustainability already established in south Warwickshire, and the need for employment land to enable the economy to grow.

Corin Crane, Chief Executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, added: “The push towards net-zero is ever-increasing, so businesses with green ideas need to be able to make their dreams a success.

“South Warwickshire has real potential to host these kinds of businesses, with places like the Alscot Estate and Yelo Enterprises are already leading the way.

“And with allocations for sustainable employment land featuring prominently in Stratford District’s Local Plan, the area could soon set a national example in how to promote and attract green business, bringing great benefits to the economy and the environment.”

22 www.cw-chamber.co.uk Environment
Business leaders gather at the Chamber’s South Warwickshire branch meeting
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Coventry Scale Company has developed a brand-new automated cloud-based software solution that has completely transformed how it securely records and stores its customer and asset data, plus manages calibration and service work.

Called ScaleCal, the company developed the software after the team couldn’t find a suitable platform on the market that would effectively hold all their customer and calibration data in one place. The software, which has been designed by the team at Coventry Scale Company and developed with 10 Digital, an independent software company, securely streamlines all of the company’s service and calibration work, including its customer and asset data.

Built for Android, the software has a wide range of user-friendly features, allowing the team to edit and add customer data, list, view and edit all scale data, for all customers. This has removed the need to use multiple digital platforms and eliminated any lengthy paper-based processes. It means they can now issue calibration certificates to customers instantly, assign work to a team of engineers based on location, and record

service and maintenance work, all in one place. The software is already enhancing the service they provide to their customers, as well as driving business productivity, accuracy, and reducing wasted time and cost.

Tom Marren, managing director at Coventry Scale Company Ltd, explains:

knowledge and expertise, and our products, is important to us, and why we were keen to design a platform that helps our business to do just that.

“During the development stages we were able to ‘test drive’ the software with the team at Coventry Scale Company as well as stakeholders across the industry. We’re now using ScaleCal as part of our business operations and we’re already seeing the benefits. From assigning work to our engineers to recording calibration data and service updates, the software is already strengthening the service we’re providing to our customers.”

Dr Alan Malik, CEO of Exasoft Group (inc 10 Digital) said: “We were delighted to work with Coventry Scale Company developing a software solution that will completely transform the way calibration services are conducted. Digital solutions are our expertise, and this software solution is a real game changer for the industry as it will enable the business to drive productivity, increase accuracy, and boost the service they provide to their customers.”

New software solution driving continuous improvement at Midland’s based weighing company Regulation Support for your Product

Over the course of the pandemic many people decided on following a different course in their professional lives. They left their existing roles and instead turned their hands to cakes, confectionery, cookies, or gin (making!). In doing so they took on not only making products that must be good enough to sell but also navigating what is often the difficult and complicated area of food law, including what must be indicated on the product.

Product information on packaging or advertising encompasses not only ingredients, instructions for use and of course allergens, it may also make claims relating to origin or provenance or how the product is the best you can eat!

Over the coming years legislation relating to food and trading law in the UK is going to change. It is almost certainly likely to diverge from European requirements and Northern Ireland aside it may even evolve differently across Wales, Scotland, and England. There are likely to be more pieces of information required on packaging – ingredients

on wine? Animal welfare information? Packaging and recycling information? How is cell cultured meat going to be described? Front of pack nutrition labels? All the information on products must be presented correctly and must be accurate.

Clavis are perfectly positioned to support you through this. For 30 years Pete has worked in trading law as regulatory support to grocery retailers and manufacturers. Starting in trading standards, his background covers both food and non-food products specialising in providing support and advice, auditing, and information sharing on compliance and due diligence. He has helped protect brands and their consumers by helping clients innovate within the lines of the law and supporting those who find themselves subject to challenges.

From initial advice on new legislation to support on formulation to product information he can help identify associated risks. He has also provided expert witness work, helped edit industry reference works, newsletters and bulletins and holds a master’s degree in food law.

26 www.cw-chamber.co.uk
“We’re always looking to continuously improve the service we provide to our customers, as well as ensure the work we do is accurate and to the excellent standard our customers have come to expect from us. It’s essential that our customer’s weighing equipment is precise, so having the technology in place to support our
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Events firms aims to exceed £1 million turnover after Chamber support

“I worked in the industry for more than 15 years but it resonated with me that I’d been dedicating myself to other people’s businesses for years, yet repeatedly felt underappreciated.

“I promised myself when I owned my own business, equality and inclusion would be part of the ethos and culture.

“Events is a hard climate to be in, especially after Covid hit, but I was very confident when I started the company that the team could deliver, I just knew I needed that additional support to help with the legalities and admin side of things as that’s what I struggle with the most.

An events company in Coventry and Warwickshire is on target to exceed £1 million turnover in its first 18 months –and is eyeing a new office to continue its impressive growth.

Above & Beyond Solutions was set up by Sam Stockmans in November last year after working in events for more than 15 years, before deciding to go it alone.

He has been supported in his venture by the start-up team at the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, receiving advice from Business Coach Rita Booth.

Working 1-2-1 with Rita, Sam received free mentorship to help him develop his skills in financial management by looking at cash flows and forecasts, as well as strategy development and how to improve marketing of the business.

Sam, who was diagnosed with ADHD last year, has now seen his company grow to a team of 10 in its first year, with its client list including the likes of Gymshark, LookFantastic and Mateus Rose – and, closer to home – working on the likes of Godiva Festival and the International Children’s Games in Coventry.

It is on track to exceed £1m gross revenue by 18 months, with the company now looking to move from its hybrid working model to its own premises in 2023 which would create four new jobs.

The support received from the Chamber, on behalf of Warwickshire County Council, forms part of the CW Business: Start, Grow and Scale programme, which is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Warwickshire County Council and all five District and Borough Councils.

It is available to start-up companies in Warwickshire and provides mentorship from advisors who all also run their own business, so understand the challenges and complexities faced with starting a new business and making it a success.

“I couldn’t have asked for a better first year. It’s gone really well and we are looking at doubling growth within year two,” said Sam.

“I was diagnosed with ADHD a year ago now and before then I’d always felt like I wasn’t treated fairly and it frustrated me across my working career.

“I started getting support from Rita after the first three or four months, helping manage my way through difficult decision making, and looking at grants and funding which will be a big investment for us to be able to buy new kit.

“The growth in the first year has been fantastic, so to already be looking at hitting £1m revenue in the coming months is great and the new office space will take us to the next level. We’re still looking at exactly where that office will be, but definitely want to stay local.”

Above & Beyond Solutions is a fullservice brand experience agency that can help businesses with everything from event activation and sponsorship acquisition to exhibitions and ticketing.

Rita added: “Sam has shown real courage and entrepreneurial spirit to not only quit his job and go it alone, but make it a fantastic success in its first year. I wish him the best of luck as the company expands with its new office next year.”

Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Economy & Place, Cllr Martin Watson, said: “The growth of Above & Beyond Solutions is a real success story. Sam’s resilience and talent has shone through and I am delighted that the support of the CW Business: Start, Grow and Scale programme proved so valuable on his pathway to expansion.”

Coventry & Warwickshire in business

City centre office accommodation

FigFlex Offices are an owner ran serviced office provider, offering bespoke and flexible solutions to businesses of all sizes, with a network of 8 key locations within the UK and growing.

FigFlex Coventry, located at Friars House, Manor Drive CV1 2TE, benefits from a city centre location with fantastic transport links, including Coventry railway station, which is less than 5 minutes’ walk away. Their products range from; private offices able to accommodate 1-100+ workstations, meeting rooms, co-working, as well as virtual office packages. Coming soon in 2023 is a newly refurbished business lounge, further strengthening the FigFlex offering.

Charlotte Evans, Community Manager at FigFlex Coventry said: “Flexibility is what we’re all about and we work hard to create the perfect office solutions for everyone, whether it’s co-working, private offices, day offices or meeting rooms. Our community feel is crucial, it gives businesses a great chance to network with other clients based at FigFlex. Whether it’s one workstation or you’re looking for larger office space, we can help your company reach its goals.”

If you’d like to find out more, you can get in contact with the FigFlex Coventry team on coventry@figflex.com and 0203 375 8046.

WM5G launches Coventry & Warwickshire Small Business Growth Festival to support digital transformation for the SME Sector

West Midlands 5G (WM5G) has launched a two-day programme to help businesses in the Coventry & Warwickshire region discover the transformational benefits of digital technologies to drive efficiencies and growth.

The interactive Coventry & Warwickshire Small Business Growth Festival 2023 is designed to inspire and equip business owners and those interested in accelerating technology in their business with the skills and knowledge to apply a range of tech solutions.

Lesley Holt, director of Acceleration & Adoption at WM5G, said: “Connectivity and digital technology has the ability to revolutionise the way that businesses grow and adapt to ever-changing operational environments.

“By supporting the progression of their digital journey, businesses can future-proof themselves and be matchready for their next growth phase.

“The purpose of the programme is to drive adoption and advancement of technology and connectivity, with content designed to facilitate this in an interactive and supportive environment.

“We are looking forward to meeting with all organisations at our Digital Festival and to supporting them on their journey to digitalisation.”

The event will be held on 24th and 25th January 2023 at Friars House, Manor House Drive, Coventry, CV1 2TE. Each day of the festival will bring together a range of speakers, topics and compelling content, including the latest technology use cases, masterclasses in social media marketing and inside knowledge on how local entrepreneurs succeeded and lessons learnt.

Funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the festival is designed to support Coventry & Warwickshire business owners and those interested in

technology and innovation at all levels. Participants don’t need to have a technology background to join the events.

With over 600 businesses already supported, you can read more about the Digital Adoption Programme and sign up to attend the Digital Festival on the WM5G website: www.WM5G.org.uk

www.cw-chamber.co.uk 27 News
Rita Booth (Chamber), Sam Stockmans, Hayley Lineker (Warwickshire County Council)
28 www.cw-chamber.co.uk Office space that totally feels likehome 02476 932 200 www.figflex.com Coventry Serviced offices Meeting rooms Coworking space Virtual offices FigFlex Offices, Friars House, Manor House Drive, Coventry, CV1 2TE Scan me Newly refurbished business lounge coming 2023!

Why use an Employment Law Solicitor?

At a time when you need all hands on-deck to ensure your business navigates through the next few years, maintaining employee morale and productivity is essential working with an experienced Employment Law Solicitor could be the best investment your business could make.

How can an Employment Law Solicitor help me manage my employees during a recession?

Having an Employment Law Solicitor who understands your business and your industry by your side will give you a significant competitive advantage during an economic downturn.

Benefits include:

• You can be confident that your solicitor is up to date with fast-changing employment law.

• Your employment law contracts and staff handbooks will be meticulously drafted.

• Any job advertisements you place or decisions you make that could conflict with the Equality Act 2010 will be quickly spotted, protecting you from an Employment Tribunal Claim and reputational damage.

You will have a legal professional by your side if you need to dismiss an employee via redundancy.

• If you plan to sell your business, you can be certain that you have complied with TUPE and other related employment regulations.

Most business owners will confess that managing employees is the hardest aspect of running a successful business, especially in challenging economic times. Through platforms like our own Ask HR scheme and HR Genie we can alleviate the burden of staff management, so you can focus on your business rather than worrying about an employee bringing an Employment Tribunal claim.

Totalktousabouthowwecouldhelpyour business,emailenquiries@askewslegal.co

Clever Cavago means business…

Cavago is a revolutionary booking platform for the horse world. It offers all types of equestrian facilities, working across all disciplines, a free platform to represent themselves in front of a growing, global community of horse-lovers.

Cavago aid owners, or ‘hosts,’ in promoting their properties and facilities effectively. They actively engage with their global audience through advertising and social media campaigns, PR, email marketing channels and sponsorship. This, and their easy-to-use app and web platforms, ensure that quality bookings are secured with their hosts regularly and makes it easy for them to grow their business through the magic of Cavago.

As horse people themselves, Cavago represents some of the biggest names in the equestrian industry, as well as local riding facilities who offer simple, no-fuss riding for leisure rides and happy hacking. These riding centres are empowered to bring their businesses into the 21st century with Cavago’s top notch bookings systems, fully digitising without needing to invest in expensive software. They handle funds through secure payment gateways and offer flexible terms, doing all the hard work for you.

So, if you are a facility owner offering horse riding holidays, clinics, horseback trail rides, equine exhibitions and experiences then Cavago can help you get access to an incredible community, actively looking for facilities just like

yours. Cavago is passionate about connecting equestrians and inspiring people to try new things. When you join their community, you open your world to horse lovers, and make it possible for them to book your service online in one simple step.

Try Cavago today. Let them be your Airbnb and bring you a whole host of adventurous equestrians from all around the world.

Visit www.mycavago.com for more information and to join their free booking platform and open your equestrian business up to a global market, simply fill in the host form to welcome the community to your corner of the world. Become part of the Cavago community.

Explore uxplore to discover state-of-the-art digital hub

uxplore was delighted to welcome SMEs from Coventry and Warwickshire to the launch of the new uxplore Digital Hub, a state-of-the-art facility located on Coventry University campus to support SMEs to access new revolutionary technology in digital connectivity.

Attendees heard from a range of industry leaders including representatives from Vodafone, Hollywood Gaming and uxplore, all offering their advice, guidance and enthusiasm to attendees.

Malcolm Barnes, director of Hollywood Gaming, spoke to delegates about the role 5G plays in helping them to develop new multisensory immersive experiences across extended reality to deliver a new level of interaction to audiences of the future.

Malcolm said: The uxplore facility will provide a perfect opportunity for local businesses to understand and test connectivity solutions irrespective of the vertical sector they work in.”

The uxplore project has a wide range of fully funded and match funded activities for SMEs across Coventry and Warwickshire to get involved with. From workshops to new business mentoring, technical mentoring and grants, the project has been specifically developed to support the local business community in preparing them for new connectivity technology. The project is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Midlands Engine.

Marius Dorobantu, director of Eterra Space Systems Limited based in Coventry, said: “Eterra are a satellite communication company. We are preparing to work on a demonstrator

of a satellite and for the satellite to work, we need a base station for the satellite to communicate with. Our plan is to test the base station using the private network systems at uxplore, the 5G based ones, and test functionality that way.”

Lily Samuels, an award-winning corporate nutrition specialist, said: “There are so many levels that I can use this space for. After attending the uxplore workshop, I now want to create an app for the business.”

Deepak Farmah, head of industrial innovation at Coventry University, is delighted to support local businesses to thrive by adapting their services to harness digital connectivity and added: “Along with the project’s further five digital support strands available, the digital hub is the prime location for innovation, through exploring how 5G connectivity can benefit your

businesses future, utilising our space to plan and prepare for the inevitable digital future.”

The Digital Hub is open to SME representatives to book a tour to explore, use the contact form at https://uxploreproject.co.uk/contact/

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News Coventry & Warwickshire in business

After the dust settled on the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement in November, a few key announcements look set to impact normal business owners.

The tax-free dividend allowance is set to reduce to £1,000 in 2023-24, before halving again a year later. In addition, the 1.25% increase in dividend rates introduced for the 2022/23 tax year is being held over in to 2023/24.

When you also consider that the top rate of corporation tax is set to increase to

Tax freezes and reductions impact on individuals

25 per cent from 1 April 2023, it will become more expensive for company distributions to be made.

For many years dividends have been a more efficient remuneration strategy than bonuses or salaries. At Burgis & Bullock we think that the next 12 months may see an increased focus on highlighting more efficient remuneration strategies, such as now paying greater salaries, to counteract the changes made by government.

Of course, there are a wide range of factors to consider for owner-managers in deciding how to remunerate themselves.

The Capital Gains Tax allowance is also set to be reduced from £12,300 to £6,000 from April 2023, and then halved again. This will restrict individuals that look to gift assets to utilise their annual exemption. The Chancellor confirmed

that the thresholds for inheritance tax (IHT) will be frozen until April 2028. This means they will stay at the current rates of £325,000 for the main threshold, and £175,000 for the main residence threshold.

This ultimately means that the main band has been the same for 18 years and has not increased since 2009/10. In that time the value of residential property has soared, and with it, the value of people’s estates, meaning more will be within the scope of IHT.

But this doesn’t stop at property. It will also impact people who have other assets such as investments and savings.

It will also be of interest to those who are exit planning and looking to sell their business. A business will typically attract IHT relief and therefore not be such an issue.

However, in many cases upon a sale, the business is converted into cash, and at that point no longer benefits from the previous IHT relief. The cash is added to the estate and potentially be subject to IHT at 40 per cent.

There are a whole host of measures that you can look to implement to negate the impact of IHT, from gifting and selling assets, to the use of trusts, gifts out of income and gifts out of capital.

At Burgis & Bullock, our dedicated tax planning team is on hand to help leave a lasting legacy for our clients to their families. It’s vital to carry out a review of total wealth and structuring to ensure the maximum amount possible is passed on to the next generation.

Burgis & Bullock are Chartered Accountants who offer more than basic accounting services. If you’d like to deal with a local firm who are not

interested in history, but are more focused on your future, your business growth, your ambitions, planning you retirement and making sure your assets are adequately protected – you need to talk to us. With over 130 years of experience helping Warwickshire businesses, our team of specialists are committed to your success.

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Chartered Accountants
Burgis & Bullock
Sound advice in an
Tel: 0345 177 5500 • www.burgisbullock.com Offices in Leamington Spa, Stratford-upon-Avon, Nuneaton and Rugby When there is uncertainty you need someone you can trust – whatever the challenge – as multi award-winning accountants you’ll be in safe hands with us.
uncertain world
for help of securing your financial future, tax planning, raising finance, Making Tax Digital or simply keeping on the right side of HMRC, talk to us.

Pallet distributor moves to another compliance level with TruTac

A leading palletised freight distributor has made significant improvements in vehicle management and compliance control since using TruTac’s products.

Oxford Carriers, based in Witney, Oxfordshire, specialises in next-day UK pallet deliveries, general haulage, same day and European transport services. Offering full and part load services, groupage and consolidated loads, the company is a longstanding member of one of the UK's foremost palletised freight distribution networks, TPN - The Pallet Network.

“We originally used TruAnalysis for complete tachograph management and later worked with TruTac to help test their TruFleet vehicle maintenance software and I’m pleased to say, over the last couple of years both our driver compliance and our vehicle maintenance procedures have improved

beyond measure,” said logistics operations manager, Mike Wise.

The workshop team used to use paper tickets hanging on pegs, backed up by an excel spreadsheet, to keep tabs on maintenance schedules, MOTs and vehicle repair work.

“TruFleet took us to another level,” said Mike. “Now, with everything handled by the easy-to-use software, we use continuous scheduling, and all vehicle events are automatically posted to the Outlook calendar for sharing between the garage and the back-office. This gives us real-time visibility of maintenance intervals and vehicle availability and allows us to programme months ahead. Jobs don’t get missed, everything’s visible and we save a great deal of time.”

To assist further in keeping drivers and fleet managers aware of vehicle incidents

and ongoing repair requirements, the family firm uses TruChecks, which enables drivers to complete daily walk around vehicle inspections via an app, with full back-office defect and rectification reporting.

“The handy TruTac app enables our drivers to carry out their daily walk-round and take pics where needed. In turn, this allows us to capture all information required by the DVSA and to provide type-specific and configurable check lists for all vehicle types and trailers –which for our diverse truck and trailer fleet is a huge advantage,” said Mike.

Meanwhile, for quick driver licence validity checks, Mike’s team use TruTac’s online TruLicence online checking system. Integrating with all TruTac products and dashboards, TruLicence allows accurate checking of correct information on a licence while instantly showing any endorsements, along with the individual’s entitlement to drive.

“Keeping our customers satisfied is always a number one priority,” added Mike Wise, “but it’s also good to know that by using the right compliance tools we can always keep the DVSA happy too.”

Surefyre Laser Design assists local artist in stunning recycled string quartet creation

We were excited when local creative artist, Jana Eastwood, asked if we could laser cut cardboard which, of course, we can. Jana had been asked by The National Trust’s Charlecote Park to create a string quartet by recycling material left over from activity within the house and she asked if we could help.

Quartet #5 in Eb Major, composed for this configuration.

Working on unusual projects is a joy as you get to exercise mental muscles for their design which don’t often get used.

Thankfully, information on the instrument dimensions is readily available on the internet with plenty of images to refer to. We first created four fronts and four backs – cello, two violas and violin. Not a standard quartet - the musical example picked was Hoffmeister’s

The necks were cut as a box with a pair of connecting panels for the top and bottom and the scroll ends filled with larger pieces to emulate the relief of a real scroll and form a solid end for strength when glued. Sixteen tuning pegs were created using a relief laser engraving technique on MDF. Bridges, tailpieces, fingerboards and chinrests were also cut.

The bows were being made from dowel so frogs and tips were needed that could be securely glued to it. We created each tip and

Kapsch TrafficCom awarded Foundation Award by Thrive at Work

Kapsch TrafficCom

Commenting on receiving the award, Shari Lewison-Frish said: "Thrive at Work is an amazing initiative and, as a champion for mental health, it has been a great addition to the company culture at Kapsch TrafficCom.

“TAW has helped me put so many important structures in place and completing Foundation Level has been a major achievement, which I couldn’t have done without the support of the TAW team, particularly Laura Howard.

“I especially like the fact that the programme isn’t just a tick-box exercise

to make a company look good, there’s real work involved, and it can only work with the complete buy-in of senior management within the organisation.

“It holds us all accountable for the wellbeing of our employees and shows us the way forward in creating a thriving work environment where talking about mental health isn’t taboo and where everyone can feel comfortable reaching out for help. I’m excited to continue the journey with Bronze Accreditation and to see where we end up."

Kapsch TrafficCom is active in over 50 countries across the globe and is a renowned provider of transportation solutions for sustainable mobility providing innovative

solutions in the application fields of tolling, tolling services, traffic management systems, call centre services and design of web portals.

Kapsch recently celebrated its 130th anniversary and is still a family-owned business with its foundation based in Engineering and IT Systems - Development, Management and Delivery. Kapsch also invests 10 per cent of its revenue in R&D into future traffic management solutions.

Kapsch TrafficCom's key customer groups include:

governments, cities, municipalities, and public authorities (B2G)

frog from eight layers of cardboard designed at slightly different heights so they follow the circular profile of the dowel when stacked together.

Laser cutting’s accuracy enabled Jana to achieve a fantastically sharp and realistic piece for Charlecote. Our time on this project was donated to Jana, who was donating her time to the NT. If you have any projects you think we can help with then get in touch and let’s have a conversation about it.

More at https://surefyre.com/string-quartet

private concessionaires, fleet card companies, and automotive groups (B2B)

• public-private partnerships

Find out more at: https://www.kapsch.net/en

www.cw-chamber.co.uk 31
News Coventry & Warwickshire in business
are delighted to have achieved their Thrive at Work Foundation Award.

Raising a cup to new North Warwickshire business

A former senior commercial figure at professional sports clubs in the Midlands has swapped kit launches for coffee beans after launching a new business.

Justin Tose has held senior roles at Coventry City Football Club, Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club and Leicestershire Country Cricket Club over the past 15 years but decided he wanted a change at the start of 2022.

Justin, who lives in Polesworth, North Warwickshire, decided to launch a mobile coffee van serving barista coffee, speciality teas and hot chocolate and approached the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce for support.

He was originally looking for funding but was offered one-to-one support with business advisor John Fitzgerald, which has proved to be instrumental in helping to get the new venture – JustinTime Coffee Co. – off the ground.

The support delivered by the Chamber, on behalf of Warwickshire County Council, forms part of the CW Business: Start, Grow and Scale programme which is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Warwickshire County Council and all five district and borough councils.

Justin said: “I decided it was time for a change and I’d always wanted to start my own business.

“I called the Chamber to see if they could help. I was assigned a business advisor, John Fitzgerald, and that help has been invaluable.

“He worked through the whole business with me – from planning the idea through to branding – and was always a brilliant sounding board.”

JustinTime Coffee Co. can be seen regularly at Warwick Market, Lichfield Market and other one-off events across the region. Justin is also on the hunt for a more permanent pitch during the week.

He added: “The business is based on everything being very high quality – I source my beans from Iron & Fire in Shropshire and all my cups are fully recyclable.”

John Fitzgerald said: “My aim is to really inspire someone who is starting their own venture and to think of all the possibilities that are open to them. I am also there to make sure that they understand the levels of hard work it is going to take to achieve their dream.”

Warwickshire County Council portfolio holder for economy & place, Cllr Martin Watson said: “It is always great to see a small business, created and driven by the passion and expertise of an individual like Justin, start up and flourish.”

Area Focus: Coventry - Mid Warks - North Warks - South Warks - Rugby

Firms urged to share ideas when it comes to tackling rising costs

The importance of businesses sharing best practice and knowledge around coping with rising prices in the wake of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement was the main point of discussion at a recent meeting of a key business organisation.

The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s Mid-Warwickshire branch came together at Comtec Translations’ offices at Victoria Court in Leamington Spa to network and discuss the main issues they have been facing.

And it was major worries around energy bills and access to finance – especially in the wake of Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement – that were high on the agenda.

However, attendees also highlighted the many grant schemes in the area operated by local authorities and other public bodies in the region, such as the CWRT Duplex Investment Fund, the Green Business Programme, and various local authority programmes to help keep businesses going.

Businesses in attendance also heard from Heather Docksey and Louise Stoltz from

Warwickshire Skills Hub about the support it offers to SMEs and larger firms through sourcing new talent and apprentices, producing case studies, and creating recruitment plans.

Sophie Howe, Director at Comtec Translations, said: “We’re in a good place at the moment, but we know it’s going to be difficult in the coming months to keep overheads down with energy costs spiralling. Recruiting new talent is a whole new landscape these days as well as continuously ensuring our team feel supported.

“I really appreciated hearing from fellow Chamber members about some of the funds they’d used or were aware of to help keep them going, and from the Skills Hub about the great work they do in our region.

“I think it’s so valuable for businesses to get together and talk through their issues, because someone often has a solution that others might not be aware of. This meeting was just one example of that.”

Peter Burns, Board Member and former President of the Chamber of Commerce, said: “It’s clear that businesses value communicating

and learning from each other in how to cope with the challenges we are all facing.

“It’s crucial that we as a Chamber are there for our members and continue to encourage businesses not only to come to us if they need help, but to regularly network and talk to each other as well.

“We have a phenomenal amount of knowledge between the businesses in our region, so it’s vital it gets shared as much as possible.

“While it will be a challenging time for a lot of businesses in the coming months, we are here for them. I would urge any business looking for advice and support to contact us.

Pawfuls of praise as RSPCA Coventry & District Branch turn 150 with help from Jade Brand Agency

The RSPCA Coventry & District branch are celebrating 150 years in July 2023. Their celebration year is off to a bang thanks to three logos designed by Jade Brand Agency.

To mark the landmark of 150 years of the RSPCA in Coventry, the branch is launching a range of activity over 2023 and 2024 starting with a special anniversary logo. They contacted local agency, Jade Brand Agency, and asked them to design a commemorative brand that would engage the local community while paying tribute to the years of service.

Each year the RSPCA Coventry & District branch, an independent charity which is separate to the national RSPCA, helps over 300 cats, 105 dogs and 521 other animals.

Their 150th anniversary starts in July and will see a range of community, corporate and volunteer events across the year.

The events will help raise money for the branch which needs £40,000 a month to operate and continue to support the region.

Emma Davies, branch fundraising and marketing manager at RSPCA Coventry & District Branch, said: “We’ve been overwhelmed by the response to help design our celebratory logo and would like to thank everyone who offered their time.

“Jade Brand Agency have produced three fantastic logos for us that we are going to put to a public vote to ask the community to choose their favourite. We can’t wait to start celebrating and hope it helps raise much needed funds.”

Jason Dickens, business development director at Jade Brand Agency, said: “Jade Brand Agency is a strong supporter of Coventry as well as animal lovers. We were delighted to be asked to produce the celebration logo and happy to donate our time to help the anniversary year.”

You can vote for your favourite logo by visiting www.rspca-coventryanddistrict.org.uk/150 or visiting https://www.facebook.com/RSPCACoventryandDistrictBranch.

For more information on how you can lend your support as an individual or with the 150 corporate membership email: emma.davies@rspca-coventryanddistrict.org.uk.

Charity event achieves record fundraising for local baby hospice at 5th anniversary show

Coventry’s premier charity dance show, Strictly Christmas, returned for its 5th Anniversary show and hit a new record high, raising over £130,000 for Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice Coventry.

Organised to raise vital funds for Zoë’s Place, the dance show has gone from strength to strength since starting in 2017 and had already raised over £350,000 to support the vital work of the hospice, which relies on fundraising and donations to survive.

Adding this year’s fundraising total means since 2017, Strictly Christmas has raised nearly £480,000 for the local charity.

The 5th anniversary show, which took place at The Royal Court Hotel on the 16th & 17th December, saw a panel of celebrity judges’ critique 24 contestants, and their experienced dance partners. The 2022 judging panels include former Strictly Come Dancing pro dancer AJ Pritchard, Dancing With The Stars & Love Island’s Curtis Pritchard, Ian Waite, who took part in seven series of Strictly Come Dancing and BAFTA Award-winning actor, David Bradley, who played Mr Filch in the Harry Potter movie series.

Recruited from across Coventry & Warwickshire, 24 novice dancers had just 8-weeks to learn two dances – a Ballroom Waltz and a Latin Jive – before performing, with their experienced dance partner, at the two glittering shows in front of the judges and audiences of over 700 people.

Zoë’s Place Baby Hospice Coventry provides respite, palliative and end-of-life care to babies

and infants with life-threatening or life-limiting conditions and relies on fundraising and donations to fund its services.

Contestants commit to raising a minimum of £500 in a variety of ways – from blackout cards, tin rattling and bake sales, through to race nights and an online auction.

The event was sponsored by Genesis Employment Services, Coombe Abbey Hotel, CV Life, Sky Blues in the Community and Dale Furey Flooring Installer.

Strictly Christmas Show Director, James Sanders, said: “We wanted our 5th Anniversary show to be the biggest and best yet. We are beyond amazed at the levels of fundraising achieved this year – both by our contestants and experienced dancers, but also by the generosity of our sponsors and our audience.

“We are incredibly proud to look back at what Strictly Christmas has achieved since 2017, supporting the vital work of Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice, and even more so to think that this event is orgainsed by a small volunteer team. However, it is definitely a team effort with over 100 contestants taking on their own Strictly Christmas journey over the years, supported by our team of experienced dancers, choreographers and an army of supporters.

“None of this would have been possible without the incredible support we have received from our local business community.

“Most importantly, we continue to dedicate our time and energy to support the babies, children

and the families who rely on the support and services of Zoë’s Place.

“Thank you to everyone who has supported Strictly Christmas since 2017 to help us raise funds for this amazing charity.”

Ian Carr, Head of Fundraising at Zoë’s Place, said: “There aren’t enough words to describe how grateful we are here at Zoë’s Place for the incredible Strictly Christmas team. For the contestants to go out of their comfort zones, learn a new skill, dedicate 8 plus weeks, perform fantastically in front of 700 people as well as putting in huge effort to raise nearly £130,000 is genuinely mind-blowing. We appreciate the massive effort of the Strictly committee and everyone involved in this brilliant event. It really will help to change the lives of the families we support and the babies and infants we care for.”

If you would like any more information on how you can support Strictly Christmas, you can get in touch by searching ‘Strictly Christmas’ on Facebook or by emailing zoesstrictlyxmas@ gmail.com. Applications for Strictly Christmas 2023 will open in May 2023 so if you’re interested in taking part, keep your eyes on our social media channels.

32 www.cw-chamber.co.uk
Alex Kerr (Chamber), Sophie Howe (Comtec), Peter Burns (Chamber) John Fitzgerald (Chamber), Gillian Dale (Warwickshire County Council), Justin Tose

Generating energy and awards success

Just over a decade ago, they decided to phase out the farming of potatoes and their dairy herd and took the decision to invest in an anaerobic digester, which can utilise anything from manure to food waste, and turn it into electricity.

They now farm around 900 acres worth of maize each year and also buy in maize from other local farms to feed into the digester.

It generates 499 Kilowatts per hour and is fed back into the grid as well as powering the family home on the farm. They are keen to expand this by an extra 1MW but with options to feed back into the grid limited, they are looking to local businesses who may want to buy from them direct.

encourage businesses in the area to get in touch.”

Channing Digester, which was just one of eight national winners, received a personal video message from Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce and will collect the accolade at a special event in December at the London Stock Exchange.

Three further businesses from Coventry and Warwickshire won regional awards with the British Chambers of Commerce. Premier Health Products won the Global Player Award; The Wigley Group won Community Champion Award; and PET-Xi won the Equality Trailblazer Award.

A business, on the border of Rugby and Coventry, has generated national interest in its renewable energy source by landing a major award.

Channing Digester Ltd, based at Brandon Grange Farm, was the National Winner in the Problem Solver Award category in the 2022 Chamber Business Awards, organised by the British Chambers of Commerce, for the way it has diversified its business to generate renewable electricity from farm crops.

The farm is run by brothers Alistair and Andrew Channing, having been a family farm for more than 100 years and the judges commented particularly on how they can set a national example for the agriculture sector.

Alistair said: “We were thrilled to pick up the national award through the British Chambers of Commerce. Energy supply and energy costs are a hot topic right now and we believe we can do even more than we are already.

“Unfortunately, there isn’t the capacity to be able to sell any more electricity into the grid, which is something we believe has to change.

“However, we can see an opportunity for us to work directly with businesses in the local area where we could run a cable from the farm to their premises and sell electricity directly to them at a fraction of the cost of what they will be paying now.

“We hope this award helps to raise the profile of what we are doing and we would

Training club strengthened by Chamber help

A training club in Warwick putting the region on the powerlifting map is adding to its strengths after seeing its membership rocket by 40 per cent.

Barbell Training Complex, on Miller's Road, was set up by Pete Grove as a personal trainer in 2017, before extending its premises and adding a gym in 2020.

He got into fitness almost a decade ago when he weighed 18 stone, smoked, and had a chest infection.

Pete quit smoking, joined his local gym, and by the end of the year he had lost seven stone – leading to a job offer from his gym as a weight-loss coach, and setting up his own business after moving onto weight training.

Barbell has seen membership increase from 185 people at the start of the financial year to 265 – and is on track to hit 300 members.

It boasts top Team GB and Team Ireland athletes among its members and has become nationally recognised, being the only facility in Warwickshire to host powerlifting competitions.

On the back of its growing success, it has launched its first classes to build its growing powerlifting community.

Pete has been helped by Project Warwickshire, a free support programme set up by Warwickshire County Council, as part of the CW Business: Start, Grow and Scale programme delivered by the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce.

Working with Chamber business supervisor Russell Grant, Pete was given one-to-one support and training in finance, social media, website management and running a business.

Pete said: “I’m dyslexic so the financial side of the business has always been a bit more difficult, so Russell was a great help with that.

“We host the Varsity powerlifting competition between the University of Warwick and Coventry University, British Powerlifting Union (BPU) and Amateur British Powerlifting Union (ABPU) competitions and our own too. We’re the only gym in Warwickshire doing this.”

Record Sales and Gala Night Success for the Albany Theatre

The Albany Theatre, Coventry is celebrating its most successful show ever and has gifted over 500 tickets to Coventry communities.

The theatre’s own production of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol has broken all records and has now become The Albany Theatre’s biggest selling show.

The in-house professional Albany Theatre production ran throughout December, with ticket prices starting from £14.

Responding to the cost-of-living crisis, the theatre wanted to give a little Christmas

present to those who may not have been able to afford a trip to the theatre.

The Albany Theatre offered Gala Night tickets to foodbank users, volunteers of the foodbanks, the Ukrainian community and refugees. They had a fantastic response giving out the full allocation of over 500 free tickets to performances for both A Christmas Carol and Cinderella including 250 tickets to attend the special Gala performance.

Kevin Shaw, chief executive and artistic director, said: “We brought back A Christmas Carol in response to demand.

Corin Crane, chief executive at the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “We’re incredibly proud of the businesses that picked up regional British Chambers of Commerce Awards. They are all doing fantastic work in their sectors and are great ambassadors for Coventry and Warwickshire.

“Channing Digester went one better and picked up a national award, which is an amazing achievement.

“They provide a renewable source of electricity – something that we need to do much more of – and by winning this national award it should put even more spotlight on them and the opportunities available to businesses in the region who could work with them.”

Russell added: “Pete’s helping to put Warwickshire on the map for powerlifting and he’s helping to introduce new people from all ages to build their strength and fitness.”

Warwickshire County Council portfolio holder for economy & place, Cllr Martin Watson, said: “Project Warwickshire exists to give small business owners like Pete the specialist advice and expertise they need.”

The new classes include a beginner lifting class, functional class, high-intensity circuits, and mobility class, with more details on www.barbelltraining.co.uk

So many people missed out last time because of Omicron we decided to recreate this popular show. We had a great reaction.”

David Meredith, chair of the Albany Theatre Trust, added: “Kevin Shaw has built on the theatre’s last excellent production and to get a standing ovation on the opening night was a joy. Gala night was a huge achievement and seeing smiles on faces was fantastic.”

National Express Coventry bus service changes from 1st January


National Express Coventry made some changes to some bus timetables from 1st January.

Overall, most services are not changing or only have minor timetable alterations to improve reliability and ensure customers are served more efficiently.

A small number of services will see more significant changes, with some services provided by a different bus operator.

Chris Gibbens, commercial director for National Express Coventry, said: “We know that our bus services are lifelines to many communities and we have been working closely with Transport for West Midlands to protect services and ensure buses continue serving all parts of the city and surrounding areas.

“Our priority is to continue building on the positive steps we are taking to improve the reliability of our services while we continue to provide a comprehensive network.

“We have carefully reviewed the network to make sure it fits with current demand and our customers should see an improved service, with greater certainty so they can reliably plan to get to where they need to go.

“I am both proud and thankful to our workforce who - throughout the challenging circumstances affecting our industry - are working incredibly hard to keep our customers moving.

“We appreciate the difficulties facing our customers too. With the cost of living pressures and many prices rising elsewhere, we are pleased to have frozen our fares once again - providing the people of Coventry with the lowest bus fares in England.”

Full details of the January 2023 service changes including new timetables are available on National Express Coventry’s website. Details have also been posted on the company’s social media channels as well as posters on buses serving affected routes.

National Express Coventry has continued to work closely with Transport for West Midlands through the Bus Alliance to provide the right public transport network for the region, including the coordination of all these latest changes to bus services.

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Alistair Channing of Channing Digester Pete Grove (left) with Russell Grant

What rent reviews can mean for your business

property rent and adjust the amount, so it reflects current market rates.

Most rent review clauses state that rent can only be adjusted upwards, therefore, if commercial rents have fallen in your area, your rent will stay the same.

How will my landlord work out any rent increase?

The three most common commercial rent review methods are:

• Open market rental value – your landlord will look at the amount of rent charged for similar properties with comparable lease terms in the local area.

• Retail price index (RPI) – any rent increases are aligned with the RPI.

What should a rent review clause contain?

The following should be clearly stipulated in your tenancy agreement’s rent review clause:

• The dates the rent reviews will occur.

• How the rent review will be conducted.

• The calculation method.

• The process of any negotiations.

• How any disputes will be resolved. How Askews Legal can help.

Youshouldstartplanningforyourrent reviewatleast12monthsahead.Itis worthlookingatlocalmarketrentsand preparingyournegotiationstrategywell inadvance.

If you are leasing commercial premises, your commercial tenancy agreement will likely include a clause relating to a rent review. To protect your best interests and long-term commercial ambitions, you must understand how a rent review works. In this article, we provide a simple explanation for SMEs.

What is a commercial rent review clause?

A rent review is a clause in your commercial tenancy agreement that states that at regular intervals, normally every two to five years, your landlord can review your business

• Turnover rent – this is common in the retail sector – the landlord and tenant negotiate that any increase in rent will be based on an agreed percentage of your business’s gross turnover. Percentages range from 1% to 15% with 7% being the average. Turnover rent is in addition to a base rent which may be relatively low.

Life-saving defibrillator installed at Houlton

A potentially life-saving defibrillator has been installed at the heart of the Houlton community.

Houlton’s master developer Urban&Civic, in collaboration with local charity campaigners OurJay Foundation, instigated the installation.

Situated outside St Gabriel’s Primary School, the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) has been fitted in a publicly accessible, prominent position to the left of the school and will be accessible 24/7.

The defibrillator is a life-changing device that provides a high-energy electric shock used to help save the life of somebody suffering a cardiac arrest.

This is the 25th installation OurJay Foundation has prompted since they began their mission at the beginning of last year and was made possible following a donation of £1,250 made by Urban&Civic.

OurJay Foundation publicly fundraises for the installation of public access defibrillators in memory of their son Jamie who sadly passed away following a cardiac arrest in January 2022.

The foundation now dedicates time to raise awareness of the importance of CPR and public

access defibrillators, fundraise to install defibrillators across Rugby and Warwickshire and to provide accessible training in CPR and the use of AED - all in Jamie’s name.

At the unveiling of the new installation, the charity joined forces with representatives from Urban&Civic and staff and pupils from St Gabriel’s school to share the importance of knowing where your nearest accessible defibrillator is.

Urban&Civic’s £1,250 donation will not only fund this device but be put towards a second defibrillator to be installed at Houlton.

Kyle Smith, Communications, Communities and Partnerships at Urban&Civic, said: “We were honoured to collaborate with OurJay Foundation to instigate the installation of an accessible defibrillator at St Gabriel’s School.”

Naomi Rees Issitt, Jay’s Mum, said: “We’re committed to installing more AEDs across the development in our ongoing mission to making Rugby ‘heart safe’.

“OurJay Foundation are proud to work alongside Urban & Civic in purchasing and installing this

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vital piece of life saving equipment for the Houlton community. We look forward to working with them again soon to get more AEDs installed in Houlton.

“Sonia was brilliant in her support of ourselves and the foundation and we are very grateful to her for her kindness through a difficult time. We continue to fight for changes across Warwickshire to make our communities ‘heart safe’ in memory of our precious boy.”

Visit: https://www.ourjay.org.uk/ to find out more.

34 www.cw-chamber.co.uk Area Focus: Coventry - Mid Warks - North Warks - South Warks - Rugby

Houlton’s green-fingered residents celebrate allotments launch

tennis area, community garden and a pristine yoga lawn.

Plot holders also had the chance to bag themselves an extra special prize of two tickets to Gardeners Live 2023.

The allotments, which are available exclusively to Houlton residents, are the first of three sets of allotments to be delivered at Houlton.

Residents of Houlton have come together to celebrate the launch of Houlton’s first allotments.

The 39 green-fingered enthusiasts, made up of residents of all ages and backgrounds, have gathered to commence their allotment journeys.

Young resident Harry, alongside his father, commemorated the opening with a ceremonious ribbon cutting, officially marking the first phase of allotments open.

Houlton’s master developer Urban&Civic led celebrations by presenting each allotment plot holder with an essential’s starter pack featuring gardening gloves, seed packets and flower scissors.

The welcome packs also included a QR code which linked residents to an exclusive Allotments WhatsApp group, a shared platform where the group could continue networking, swapping stories and sharing tips and tricks for success.

The session continued with an insightful talk from Amber of Bradley Murphy Design, who shared tips on how to plan and plant your space to maximise sunlight and how to manage your plot through the harsher winter months.

The group had a guided tour of Houlton’s new formal open space, which is situated beside the allotments and includes football pitches, table

Kyle Smith, Communications, Communities and Partnerships at Urban&Civic, said: “It was absolutely fantastic to see this first wave of plot holders come together to celebrate the start of their journey. There’s already been talk of an Allotment Association, further education-focused sessions and quarterly get-togethers.

“Residents are excited to work on their allotments which really is no surprise given the current cost-of-living crisis and the desire to take part in outdoor activities. The appetite for plots has been wonderful with many showing an active interest in the mental, social, environmental and physical health benefits gardening can bring to one’s life.”

One resident and plot holder said: “It was great to have a get together to meet other allotment holders and new people. The experienced guest speaker was very informative and made an inexperienced grower like me feel much more confident.”

Cloud technology gives Courier company the edge

Customers can obtain an instant online quote, confirm the order and process an online payment.

Delivery drivers are automatically notified of a new order on a mobile application via a verbal notification and the customer can track the order status and package location online using GPS location tracking.

Radical Courier Service serves a wide range of customers from law firms to printing companies and engineering companies. The local courier company founded by Neil Carter built a relationship with a local software developer and between them were able to bring Neil’s vision to life, finding a way of making the whole process booking, and delivering a service, simpler for customers and drivers alike.

Working with the local software developer they produced a website

and mobile phone app which is very different from anything else that is out there.

Customers can obtain a quotation, confirm and pay for a booking very easily, the booking details are then sent to the drivers’ app where it is announced by voice notification. Customers can track their delivery through the use of GPS tracking.

Over time, the site and app have been refined with new features being added. Cloud based technologies have been used to keep infrastructure costs to a minimum.

Neil said: "It's a Godsend as the whole solution removes the need for costly call centres whilst ensuring that the driver gets all of the necessary booking information instantly and without handling their phone. Road safety is, of course, important and this is tremendous."

Hotel welcomes festive boost after ghost of covid-hit Christmas past

One of Coventry and Warwickshire’s best-loved hotels has seen a dramatic festive bounce-back after two years of Covid-hit Christmases.

Coombe Abbey Hotel, which is on the Coventry-Warwickshire border, has seen increases in room reservations, diners, afternoon teas, Christmas parties and New Year’s Eve bookings to make it one of the most successful festive periods in the hotel’s history.

Over 12,000 guests partied at Christmas events over the festive season and 3,397 private dining meals were served – an overall increase of 18 per cent on last year.

More than 3,300 people have enjoyed afternoon teas accompanied by Christmas carol singers while 350 revellers signed up for Coombe’s New Year’s Eve events from glamour balls to medieval banquets.

No Ordinary Hospitality Management (NOHM) operates the award-winning hotel, originally a Cistercian Abbey dating back to the 12th century.

Gemma Morgan, sales office manager at NOHM, said the festive period had brought much-needed cheer to the venue.

She said: “It is very well documented just how badly impacted the last two holiday seasons have been by Covid, not just for Coombe Abbey Hotel but for the whole of the hospitality sector.

“In 2021, we could stage events but there was a great deal of confusion around the guidance, and it led to a drop-off in bookings.

“This season, there has been a real sense that people have wanted to get back out and celebrate with family, friends and colleagues and it has led to a boost in business but has also created a wonderful atmosphere at the hotel.

“As ever, there really has been something for everyone and it has set us up for a positive 2023. We’re already looking forward to events such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Easter as we look to build on the festive uplift.

“Coombe Abbey Hotel remains a jewel in the regional crown and our success has a positive knock-on effect for the whole of the regional economy.”

For more information go to https://www.coombeabbey.com/ or visit https://bit.ly/3VdKosj

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Local courier company, Radical Courier Service, uses the latest in cloud-based technologies to produce a seamless customer experience.

Volunteers required for Coventry’s visitor attraction


A major Coventry visitor attraction that has undergone a £10 million refurbishment is holding open days as it seeks volunteers to help celebrate its rich history.

Grade I listed Charterhouse off London Road, which has been restored by Historic Coventry Trust in partnership with Coventry City Council and the local community, is hosting an event on February 11.

Unique medieval and Tudor wall paintings have been part of the extensive restoration project along with the gardens at the former Carthusian monastery.

Volunteers, who must be aged over 18, are needed for regular open days and special events throughout the year held at the 14th Century building - that links with London Road Cemetery and the wider Charterhouse Heritage Park.

Hannah Jones, General Manager at Charterhouse, said: “Now beautifully restored, Charterhouse is ready to welcome visitors and tell its stories. Our volunteers will be key in ensuring visitors get a warm welcome and we are looking for vibrant and positive people to join our friendly team to help establish Charterhouse as Coventry’s premier destination.

“We are hoping to attract a diverse range of people to form our volunteer team so that it is representative of Coventry’s population.”

The volunteering opportunity will provide people with new skills, allow them to gain experience and have fun while meeting new people. There will also be opportunities to get involved in gardening or conservation in the Heritage Park.

Elizabeth Bayton, a volunteer with Historic Coventry Trust, said: “I love Charterhouse. And I want everyone else to love it too. Being involved in this unique building gives you a sense of pride in our city and its amazing history. It's a very welcoming place to join in.”

The Charterhouse is the only Carthusian monastery in the country with intact interiors. The new visitor attraction will include interactive displays charting the site’s long history since its founding by King Richard II in 1385, as well as the relandscaping of the inner precinct as a beautiful walled garden.

Historic Coventry Trust’s £10 million restoration of Charterhouse has been a partnership with Coventry City Council, supported by major grants from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Historic England and several trusts and foundations including Garfield Weston, Wolfson, Foyle and Historic Houses Foundation, Edward Cadbury and Allchurches.

Anyone interested in volunteering is encouraged to sign up and attend an open day to find out more, have a tour of the venue and get their questions answered.

For more information visit www.historiccoventrytrust.org.uk/volunteer

Entrepreneur Gets Recognition as Winner at PR Industry Awards

An article written by Abbi Head, a Rugby-based entrepreneur, is one of the winners in the Media Relations category of the Public Relations Today MVP Awards 2022 which recognise excellence in public relations.

The industry awards recognise the Most Valuable Posts (MVP) as judged by Public Relations Today’s readers, award committee, and social media.

Abbi, a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, is open about her Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and how it has affected her mental health for 30 years.

Abbi started her PR business after ten years as a media officer at New Directions Rugby Ltd. During lockdown, she stepped back from her charity role and, in 18 months, has gained a reputation as a local go-to expert with Little PR Rock Marketing. Recognised for her potential, she has joined the NatWest Accelerator at the University of Warwick to scale her business. Her new book, called Credibility Confidence: How To Leverage PR As A Start-Up, is coming soon, and she shares what she learned in PR when she started her business.

In its second year, the 2022 Public Relations Today MVP Awards recognised outstanding contributions from many websites. Judges included Bob Geller, president of Fusion PR; Dara Busch,

5WPR Co-CEO & Leader of Consumer Practice and Matt Caiola, 5WPR Co-CEO and Leader of Corporate & Technology Communications Practice.

Abbi’s article, ‘Media Overexposure: How to Take Back Control of Your Media Presence’, was featured on Prowly, a PR industry website. It was written following a meeting with a high-profile potential client who was snowballing with media exposure. Abbi’s recommendations to the potential client were the inspiration for this article.

Abbi works with clients to increase credibility, boost their reputation, improve their digital footprint and build

Read all about it –The Telegraph Hotel wins award

The Telegraph Hotel has won Hotel of the Year at the Bespoke Hotel Awards, beating more than 100 other hotels from across the UK to land the top title.

Bespoke Hotels is the UK’s largest independent hotel group, with properties from northern Scotland to Cornwall.

Competition amongst the group’s hotels for the top annual award is intense, with the winner announced at the black-tie awards ceremony at Hotel Brooklyn in Leicester.

It is the latest accolade for the Telegraph which was named as one of the 100 Best British Hotels by The Sunday Times and won an award for accessibility at the national Blue Badge Access Awards.

Amy Windsor, general manager of the Telegraph Hotel, said: “We are thrilled to be recognised by our colleagues and really delighted to have won the prestigious Hotel of the Year award this year.

“The Telegraph has set a new benchmark for hospitality in Coventry, and that, combined with a total dedication to quality and customer service, has seen the hotel carve a national reputation in just 18 months.

“We look forward to welcoming more guests to experience the unique character and design of the hotel and to help build on our success.”

The Telegraph Hotel, created by Complex Development Projects from the then unused former Coventry Telegraph offices as part of a two-year, £20 million investment programme, has

trust. She is now developing a PR agency with a freelance team of three, providing PR assets and training business owners and expanding with a corporate offer for small businesses with 20-100 employees wanting to unlock the PR potential in their workforce.

Abbi, who is halfway through her CIPR Professional PR Diploma, said: “This has come at a perfect time for me as I grow my business. I want my clients to trust my judgement in helping them to invest in their credibility and boost their reputation as I have. I think out of the box sometimes, but this has shown me to continue being a game changer.”

88 individually designed air-conditioned bedrooms, including loft-style penthouse suites on two levels.

The hotel features an all-day cocktail bar and restaurant dining experience, Forme & Chase, that features a seasonal and locally-sourced menu, rooftop bar Generators with views over Belgrade Plaza and versatile function rooms that can cater up to 140 delegates or guests for conferences and weddings.

To book a stay at the Telegraph, visit www.telegraph-hotel.com

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- Rugby
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Coventry’s top-rated hotel has scooped another national award. Amy Windsor (left) with Brian Harrabin Charterhouse off London Road has undergone £10 million of restoration work

Trussell Trust can bank on

A leading college group has helped keep food banks’ shelves stocked up across Warwickshire and Worcestershire.

Staff and students across the college group WCG have been collecting food donated by the staff and students at four colleges.

The colleges’ food bank drive comprised of easy to access collection and donation points at the libraries of Moreton Morrell College, Royal Leamington Spa College, Rugby College and Pershore College.

This is the fourth successive donations drive, with WCG’s collection campaign beginning in December 2019 and continuing through the Covid lockdowns of 2020 and 2021.

Items donated included tinned meat, lentils, biscuits, pasta, tea and coffee, with donations then taken to each of the colleges’ local Trussell Trust food banks across Warwickshire and Worcestershire.

The Trussell Trust coordinates with local partners providing a service which assures residents can put food on their tables.

Steph Nettleton, library manager at WCG, said: “We are delighted to be supporting the wonderful work of our local food banks, playing our part in helping to maintain people’s access to food and supplies over the winter months.

“The campaign’s success would not have been possible without our library

users and we have seen a variety of staff and students generously donating to a great cause.”

At Royal Leamington Spa College, a cohort of A Level sociology students also got involved by running a collection drive for Warwick District Food Banks.

The project was part of the learners’ personal development unit to become Active Citizens, with the students setting up the foodbank project to become more community minded.

The group collected bags containing a range of tinned and long-life goods including milk, spaghetti, fruit juice and potatoes.

Alongside food, the students also collected household essentials which were in high demand such as toiletries, washing liquid and toilet rolls.

Keeping in the festive spirit, people also donated some Christmas chocolate, puddings and biscuits treats.

To find out more about the Trussell Trust in Warwickshire and Worcestershire and how to donate, visit https://warwickdistrict.foodbank.org.uk/ and https://worcester.foodbank.org.uk/

Energy saving experts Smart Systems have been helping businesses make better use of energy for more than 20 years. The Coventry based company, which has started offering solar PV to businesses and domestic customers, has had solar panels fitted to their own facility.

Smart Systems is an agile innovative business supplying a wide range of products to facilities management customers and over 600 electrical wholesalers. The firm has become a leader in supplying creative commercial lighting solutions to many environments, helping businesses reduce costs, waste and environmental impact. Their clients include schools, factories, offices and local

authorities, with many of the projects being carried out on a return on investment (ROI) basis.

The company’s latest innovation saw them install 85 solar power panels to their facility in Coventry, with a predicted ROI of 4-5 years. The company earned a grant from the EDF.

As experts in energy saving, the company is also supplying solar panels and installation services as part of the business. With energy costs rising and businesses dealing with other economic challenges, Smart Systems wants to help educate business leaders on the benefits of solar and prove the benefits by essentially ‘practising what they preach.’

Ian Hill, Smart Systems CEO and founder, said: “Clearly, we could not preach about the benefits of

solar and then not install a system onto the roof of our own factory in Oban Road Coventry. We use power in our everyday processes as well as in the production areas and with energy costs spiralling, it is the natural thing to do.”

One of the common misconceptions about solar energy is that they need direct sunlight to operate, when in fact, Solar PV generates power all year round. In the UK alone, solar can produce as much as 30% of UK electricity at different points of the year.

The Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Programme is partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund and is being delivered by Coventry City Council, Coventry University, and Coventry University Enterprises Ltd.

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in business
Smart Systems 'Practice what they preach' with Solar Panel PV Installation
minded college students’ support

Glide Group Partners with The Jointworks to Provide Multi-Gigabit Wi-Fi to Birmingham Business

Glide Group, a market-leader in broadband and utilities, has announced its collaboration with co-working and events space, The Jointworks, located in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter. Glide has connected The Jointworks to its existing fibre infrastructure, delivering a fibre to the premises (FTTP) service scalable to 10 G/bits for future technologies.

Opening in July 2022, the co-working space has supported the hybrid working efforts of the city’s business community, and in partnership with Glide, has been able to provide users with office-wide pervasive Wi-Fi technology, enabling seamless working from any area within the flexible workspace.

Tenants of the co-working space - which houses over 70 hot desks and a range of meeting rooms - have been provided with instant access to Glide’s multi-gigabit fibre broadband with their own individual network. These features provide tenants of The Jointworks with flexibility and security. Importantly, commercial tenants can seamlessly and effectively scale their operations, irrespective of their size or nature.

This collaboration comes as demand for co-working spaces has skyrocketed in recent years, with Birmingham being no exception to this. Changing work habits, along with the rise in data-intensive activities such as e-learning and the use of streaming services, have put significant strain on the city’s existing network provisions.

Committed to further supporting Birmingham’s commercial, residential and educational facilities, the collaboration is part of Glide’s larger “fibre city” project, which is set to enhance Birmingham’s network infrastructure, ensuring its resilience and flexibility. Supporting Glide’s 541 Birmingham customers through the installation of dark fibre, the project will enhance network provisions and ensure they’re resilient enough to respond to modern demands.

Andy Hartwell, CEO of The Jointworks, said: “We struggled with the internet previously in the Jewellery Quarter. Traditionally, it was difficult to get internet lines in. Glide, however, was able to provide us with a multi-gigabit connection which is perfect because we have video production companies coming in moving massive files around and design agencies moving big files. It is never an issue and never gets flagged that the internet connection is a problem.”

Sean Lowry, CTO, Glide, added: “Our collaboration with Jointworks is testament to our commitment to enhancing Birmingham’s network infrastructure, and supporting the city as its requirements grow. It is key for us to support the key players to Birmingham’s regional economy, and the needs of its businesses and educational hubs were at the forefront of this collaboration with The Jointworks.”

Dafferns Business Leader Group –

‘What is good growth?’

Dafferns’ final 2022 Business Leader Group saw the focus turn to ‘good growth’ in 2023, recognising that challenges are a chance to do things differently.

The mood from the floor was decidedly upbeat, rather than hunkering down we learnt that those embracing the ups and downs of the markets during 2022 had both a prudent but bold growth mindset.

Growth means different things to different companies, from increasing profitability to attracting more customers, the consensus was that good growth is about creating the conditions and opportunities for people and businesses to thrive not just survive.

With an ever increasing ‘immersive customer experience’ a top 2023 trend,

depth of insight features heavily in leader’s growth plans. Delivering valuable insight can drive sharper client opportunity spotting, more importantly it is a key tool in demonstrating your relevance to your fan base beyond a single moment and single sale.

Richard Miller, Dafferns’ strategic services lead, reflected: “To me, good growth is about future-proofing success. The growth of social connections and therefore the potential for new activity is core, the Business Leader Group is a forum to ‘network’ minds and amplify collective knowledge.”

Absorbing new knowledge, the ability to do stuff differently is a key driver for productivity growth as is communicating your 2023 leadership vision to colleagues.

When employees are offered better communication, technology and skills productivity can increase by up to 30%.

“The regular Business Leader Group provides a framework for innovative thinking at both strategic and operational level. Stepping away from the business to focus on the growth opportunities for 2023 is invaluable and allows the team to identify key priorities for us to work on,” said Business Leader Group member

Amanda Watkin, general secretary at Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland.

“As a result, we are actively developing our leadership capabilities to match our operational needs to deliver more focused transformation and change.”

The message is clear: good growth starts in the workplace. It has never been more important to embed skills that can’t be bought or borrowed, people ‘long to belong’ so ensure your culture is your secret sauce. Happy employees equal happy customers.

Good growth must foster accountability, both business and personal. The Business Leader Group provides a supportive peer to peer accountability loop which focuses on improving future results and turbocharging decision making.

Accountability leads to action; action leads to achievement.

To find out more

Photography and video business secures creative growth funding

A specialist grant has been approved by The Coventry Creative Growth & Cultural Tourism Recovery Programme to ESMEDIA, offering a revenue grant of £2,500.

The CRF Funding is a second successful grant win for ESMEDIA, after securing the first iteration of the funding during February 2022.

ESMEDIA has since been committed to supporting local and national businesses’ marketing and expertise through creating high quality promotional video and photography, tailored specifically for the use of social media and web deployment.

The grant was funded towards the costs of photography studio equipment and is offered through Small Amounts of Financial Assistance regulations. With special thanks to WEX Photo Video, who have supplied the photography equipment whilst also providing an excellent service in order to support Esmé’s successful grant bid.

The Coventry and Warwickshire Business Support Programme assists Small Medium Enterprises (SME) with fewer than 250 employees; in particular, companies looking to invest in capital assets, for example, machinery or equipment.

With the newly purchased equipment future-proofing the business, ESMEDIA has since continued to create major productions for clients such as Barr’s Hill School, to support their web and social deployment, creating testimonial videos for the School of Social Entrepreneurs, Birmingham, and leading on producing a series of filmed client interviews for locally based health-guru, Mark Clement’s Unbreakable Dad fitness programme.

In addition to the funding, Esmé Spurling also benefited from a number of 1:1 sessions with Chris Hartley, director of Hartley Consulting and Events. During the meetings, Chris navigated ESMEDIA through some marketing decisions that

provided helpful networking advice, providing maximum outreach to potential clients both locally and nationally.

With the successful win and support of the CRF Funding Programme, and key stakeholders formed in her network, 2023 is due to be another exciting year for Esmé Spurling and her award-winning multimedia business, ESMEDIA.

38 www.cw-chamber.co.uk News
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'LET'S TALK GAMES' success in Royal Leamington Spa

The next generation of video game designers in Leamington heard about the incredible possibilities right on their doorstep from some of the biggest names in the sector at a one-day conference.

Students at Warwickshire College University Centre (WCUC) – part of college group WCG – heard from giants of Leamington’s game industry past and present at its ‘Let’s Talk Games’ event around the history of the industry in the town, emerging technology in the business, and what working in the sector involves.

The dozens in attendance also heard from an all-female panel of WCUC alumni who have gone on to have successful careers working for games companies in Leamington.

The event was opened by Matt Western, MP for Warwick & Leamington, who praised the strength of the sector in Leamington by citing the 2,000 employees in the industry and the 35plus companies all based in the town.

The audience then heard from a variety of key figures working in the

games industry in Leamington, including Leamington games industry gaming pioneers Philip and Andrew Oliver, Jason Garlick of EA, David Paris of Playground Games, Lucia Pigoli of Sumo Leamington, Joe Taylor of Rebellion North and a selection of character artists from Ubisoft Leamington.

Finally, the panel of WCUC alumni from Leamington based companies such as Digi Monsters, AtomHawk, Reality+, Excalibur Games, and Geometa discussed how they got into the industry, and what more can be done to promote the industry as a viable career path for young women.

Emily Evans, Central Art Manager at Reality+ said: “When I was younger, there wasn’t really an option of doing courses in video games and 3D art. So I focused on science and maths but I didn’t really enjoy them.

“It was only later in my career that I saw WCUC was offering courses in Games Art, which was perfect for me. Now, I’m in a fantastic role with Reality+.

“There’s so many more options for women now. Many who used to go into

And Amber Silcock, Associate Producer at Excalibur Games, added: “I’d also advise women to be confident in their abilities and apply for jobs in the industry – even if they only hit a few of the job requirements. They’ll still have a lot of skills that the sector really values.”

Angela Joyce, CEO of WCG, said: “Leamington truly is a hotbed of innovation when it comes to video games, and our students at WCUC are brilliantly placed to make their own way in this ever-growing industry.

“It was a privilege for the students to hear from some of the many incredible programmers, artists and developers we have here in Leamington about the sector, and we hope it will inspire

them to achieve fantastic things for themselves as they study with us and later graduate.

“And while the games industry was male-dominated in the past, that is changing rapidly. Our all-female panel of alumni showed gender is no barrier to success in the industry.

“WCUC is a highly-respected education centre for games art and the wider Creative Technologies sector, showcasing exceptional industry connections which help guide students into employment within the games industry.

“Events like Let’s Talk Games are a brilliant way for WCUC students to hear from those in the sector and spark their drive to succeed.”

EV TRAINING FACILITY opens at Warwick Trident College

A new £477,000 electric vehicle training facility has been completed to help train the next generation of motor vehicle specialists at Warwick Trident College.

College group WCG has partnered with consultants and industry experts Miretur Ltd to create the facility which will support students on automotive courses at the college.

The facility will also be used in training programmes developed by Miretur, which seek to build awareness of new technologies associated with electric vehicles and batteries, the health and safety processes associated with them and also aid adult learners to reskill and support the rapidlyevolving sector.

It features fully-converted workshops with specialist features for the training of skills associated with electric vehicles. The workshop is home to three electric vehicles, one hybrid, one plug-in hybrid and one fully electric - with specialist tools and diagnostics equipment also available.

Staff at the college have been given training by Miretur on the courses developed, while more than 60 students have already been put through a course with the college staff around basic awareness of electric vehicles and how to work on them safely.

The new training facility has been funded by the Department for Education through the Skills Accelerator Development Fund. It comes after colleges across Coventry and Warwickshire secured more than £5 million in funding through the fund to reshare technical skills training in the region.

Alan May, Director of Warwick Trident College, said: “This will be an important new facility and vital resource in equipping our learners with the skills required to support one of the country's fastest growing sectors.

“It was vital we partnered with an industry expert to create the facility, and by working with Miretur we are confident that the training that will be delivered here will directly support the needs of the industry.

“We will initially be introducing our full-time students to the facility and then also using it as part of Coventry and Warwickshire Adult Learning (CWAL) initiative. We are also exploring opportunities for apprentices to utilise the facility, if it is relevant to their apprenticeship and/or employer.

“Warwickshire is a hotbed for electric vehicle technology, with research facilities and major OEMs based in the region. This new facility will help to support learners at our college to secure employment in that sector in the coming years.

“The facility at Trident college will enable learners to gain real-world practical skills to work in environments that work with electric vehicle high voltage batteries and enables them to gain knowledge of safe workplace practices – ensuring upskilled workforces is imperative to move forward in the effort to adapt skills for electric vehicle maintenance.”

www.cw-chamber.co.uk 41 Education and Skills Coventry & Warwickshire in business
graphic design are now working in video game design, which is brilliant.”

Discover the Power of Lego® Serious Play® Remove your limitations and discover a world of possibilities

Businesses are having to negotiate very challenging times – political turmoil, economic crisis, health, well-being, and climate change.

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“The most successful workplaces of the future will be those who cultivate skills that relate to how you think, work and relate to other people.” (Forbes)

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Our clients: Microsoft, Dyson, Amazon Web Services, London Hilton, Savoy, NHS, British Council, World Bank, British Embassy, University College London, London School of Economics, and the University of the Arts London Lego® Serious Play® is a fun and powerful technique developed by Lego in the ’90s to save their business from bankruptcy. The approach stimulates the brain to rapidly access creative and innovative solutions. We are certified LSP facilitators and members of the Association of Master Trainers, led by the original developers of Lego® Serious Play®.


Coventry City of Culture brings almost 50,000 people into cultural participation

New research from the University of Warwick has found that almost 50,000 people from underrepresented groups around Coventry have been brought into cultural participation by Coventry City of Culture last year, including around 10,000 from the most underrepresented areas.

Cultural participation – meaning visits to publicly funded arts, theatre, music or dance events in Coventry – rose hugely in areas such as Canley and Little Heath thanks to a new local and inclusive approach

The new analysis, which is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), shows that across the city, there was increase of over 48,000 people experiencing publicly funded culture, including almost 10,000 in Little Heath and Canley, which previously had some of the lowest cultural

participation rates. The research suggests that this higher level of inclusion proves that many different societal groups are just as interested in culture, provided these events are in close proximity and involve underrepresented communities in their organisation.

Professor Jonathon Neelands at the University of Warwick, commented: “By focusing on hyper-local offerings, the programme offered local proximity, which is important to people who do not often engage with culture or who are in lower economic groups.

“Offering the potential for a sense of ownership by the kinds of people who are most often missing from cultural spaces also helped boost inclusion across last year's City of Culture events”.

Coventry City of Culture was groundbreaking in its work to make culture

accessible to all, with the report showing that almost half of tickets issued to Coventry postcodes were to lower economic groups, with over three quarters of the programme co-created with local communities.

The report has a series of recommendations on how to maintain this increased cultural inclusion, particularly the importance of keeping events local and reasonably priced.

Jake delighted to continue family tradition

A Coventry student has been selected as one of the top young hockey players in the country – and will feature against other nations in competitive matches next year.

Jake Wade, 17, has been selected for the AoC Sport England College’s Men’s Hockey Squad for the 2022-23 season, and will link up with 23 other top prospects from across the country ahead of his first international fixtures next year.

The BTEC Level 3 Sport student from Coventry has played hockey since the age of four, taking after father Greg and brother Adam who have both played for national sides.

The trial, which took place at Reading Hockey Club, saw more than 70 young players competing for a place on the squad.

Jake is set to take part in a training camp in February, with friendlies against England, Wales, Scotland, and British Asians youth teams already in the calendar.

Jake said: “I was over the moon when I heard I had been selected for the squad, and it was a great feeling to make my family proud and I’m really looking forward to getting started.

“I’ve played hockey at every opportunity since a very young age, and my dad and brother have both played at a similar level too, so it’s really nice to continue the tradition.

“It’s great to be able to play at every opportunity while studying something which I am passionate about in sports at Coventry College.”

Jake has been able to access elite-level training and competition alongside his studies thanks to the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme’s Dual Career Accreditation, which has given him flexibility with his timetable while being supported by Coventry College staff on his Sport study programme.

Chris Phillips, Sports Lecturer at Coventry College, said: “We are thrilled that Jake has been selected as part of the men’s college’s squad.

“He is a hardworking student and we are sure he will make the most of this brilliant opportunity.”

For more information about sport courses at Coventry College visit www.coventrycollege.ac.uk/subject/sport

Your Students’ Union is the new, student-facing name for Coventry University’s Students’ Union

This follows a strategic, student focused rebrand, which is not just a change in name and logo but extends to our imagery, our voice and how we communicate with our members.

This rebrand provided the foundation to launch our new strategy. This strategy is underpinned by four themes; University Experience, Supporting Students, Developing Skills, and Creating Communities. We’re confident these themes will enable us to achieve both our mission of ‘supporting student success’ and our overarching vision that ‘all students at Coventry University Group will fulfil their potential’. Our values are that we are helpful, we are inclusive and we are ethical.

The rebrand project was led internally by our communications team who collaborated with our

in-house design agency, Phoenix Creative, which has been instrumental in curating and developing the new brand.

Phoenix Creative can support local businesses looking externally for creative solutions. Their work is not limited to the student sector and has been seen locally in supporting the City of Culture campaigns, Festival of Running, CBS Arena, Coventry BID and many more. The team works across digital, print, video and animation, to deliver impactful, integrated, multichannel creative solutions.

Our design agency is not the only way for local businesses to collaborate with the Students’ Union. Our commercial services team are looking to form partnerships on a local and national level to develop opportunities for our students and business to have authentic interaction, especially with the growing impact that cost of living is having on our students.

www.cw-chamber.co.uk 43 Education
Coventry & Warwickshire in business
and Training

Happy New Year!

I hope you have all had a lovely festive break and best wishes to everyone for 2023.

So new year, new goals, new challenges, new hope, new optimism and new resolutions!

What does this new year have in store for you?

There is no doubt that 2023 will be tough for a lot of businesses, no matter what sector they operate in.

I know one thing is for certain, that this Chamber, along with most other Chambers of Commerce will be lobbying hard to those people in Government who could and should be helping all types of businesses come through what is very challenging times.

However, we have come through very challenging times before, those of us of a certain age will certainly remember high interest rates, energy crises, fuel shortages and winters of discontent.

It doesn’t make the current situation any easier, but we will eventually get through the current maelstrom and there will be light at the end of the tunnel, the question is how long is the tunnel?

So, what does this year have in store for me? If only I had a crystal ball but, at time of writing, I know three things for certain.

Firstly, I start my 50th year being involved in the manufacturing sector, and my word how technology has advanced during that time.

Secondly, I will officially become an OAP this year!

Finally, my term as President of this great Chamber will come to an end, it truly has been one of the greatest honours of my life, and I fully intend to relish the remainder of my time in office.

So, bring on 2023, as I know the Chamber team have some absolutely fantastic events planned. I cannot wait to, once again, get involved in helping the team in promoting, assisting and advising all types of member businesses.

Finally, as President of the Chamber I want to thank the board of directors for all their help and assistance during 2022, whilst also acknowledging the help of all the staff at the Chamber of Commerce, they are a tremendous group of people and, of course, you for taking the time to read my column.

So, I’ll finish as I started and wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Tom continues as president with Steve waiting in the wings

A leading regional figure in manufacturing will continue in his role as president of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce for a third year.

Tom Mongan has been asked by the Chamber board to carry on for an additional year after missing out on many of his duties in the first 12 months of the role due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

He will remain as president until November 2023 when he will officially hand over to Steve Harcourt, director of Prime Accountants Group, who has taken on the role of vice president.

Tom said he was honoured to continue.

He said: “I am very proud to be president of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce and I am honoured that the board has asked me to carry on for a third year.

“I see the work that the Chamber does each and every day in supporting businesses across Coventry and Warwickshire and that is vitally important, particularly in the current climate.

“One of my favourite parts of this role is going out and meeting companies across a wide variety of sectors, hearing their stories, their plans and how, even in tough times, they see opportunities for growth.

“It is also crucial to listen to the issues they are facing so that we, as a Chamber, can offer help but also feed that back to decision-makers at all levels to ensure the voice of businesses in Coventry and Warwickshire gets heard.

“I have got one year to go before I hand over the reins to Steve Harcourt, who will be an excellent president.”

Steve said: “I am delighted to accept the role as vice president of the Chamber and I know I am going to have big shoes to fill when Tom steps down next year.

“Prime Accountants Group and me, personally, are big supporters of the Chamber as we can see the great work it does to help businesses in so many ways and that is why I have always been keen to be involved and give back.

“Being president is a huge honour and responsibility and I look forward to taking on the role in 12 months and, in the meantime, will do all I can to support Tom.”

Coventry firm honoured with award signed by the late Queen Elizabeth II

markets in Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia.”

Since Premier Health Products won its first Queen’s Award in 2017, it has invested £3m to move from its old home in Wolfe Road to its current 31,000 sq ft facility on Falkland Close, as well as purchasing new machinery and hiring new staff.

And last year saw Premier Health Products become accredited to GMP standards by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

A Coventry vitamin and supplement manufacturer has been officially presented with one of the most prestigious awards in business for a second time after hugely increasing its exports.

Premier Health Products earned the Queen’s Award for International Trade after doubling its global orders since 2017 – the year when it won its first Queen’s Award in the same category.

The award was formally presented to the joint managing directors of Premier Health Products, brothers Adam and Simon Petros, by the Lord Lieutenant of the West Midlands, John Crabtree OBE, at its HQ on Falkland Close.

And the official certificate featured the signature of the late Queen Elizabeth II, something the Lord Lieutenant said the business “would no doubt treasure”.

Queen’s Awards are regarded by many companies to be the pinnacle of business accolades, in part due to the robust process involved in earning one.

Adam said: “It’s an enormous source of pride that we’ve received the Queen’s Award for a second time.

“One of the best decisions we ever made was to make the shift to the export market. And the period we’ve had since 2017 has been the most successful in our firm’s history, having established

Its success as an exporting business began after a conversation and support from the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s then international trade director Ajay Desai back in 2007.

Now it exports to more than 27 countries and exporting accounts for more than 50 per cent of the company’s sales.

Corin Crane, chief executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, added: “We would encourage any business interested in applying for a Queen’s Award to take part in one of the Chamber’s masterclasses, where we can advise you on the best strategies for success.”

44 www.cw-chamber.co.uk President & People
Tom Steve Harcourt (left) with Tom Mongan Adam Petros is holding the award flanked by Ajay Desai (Department of International Trade), John Crabtree OBE (Lord Lieutenant of the West Midlands), Simon Petros, Corin Crane (Chamber), along with staff, family members and supporters of the business.

West Midland RFCA welcomes 1000th Armed Forces Covenant signee

West Midland Reserve Forces & Cadets Association (RFCA) are pleased to welcome City of Birmingham Rockets as the 1000th company, within the West Midland RFCA region, to sign the Armed Forces Covenant and pledge their support to the Armed Forces community.

The Armed Forces Covenant was introduced by the Ministry of Defence in 2014 and is used across the country for businesses to pledge their support to the Armed Forces family. The organisations who hold a Covenant recognise the value serving personnel, both Regular and Reserve, veterans and military families contribute to their business and our country.

The City of Birmingham Rockets Basketball Club was founded in 2003 by the Chief Executive Officer, Robert Palmer. The club has a substantial community programme that engages between 800-1,000 young people each week, a performance programme consisting of 16 teams, including men’s, women’s and youth teams, competing nationally; and an educational academy programme which provides elite level basketball in partnership with academic delivery. The club competes in games with teams from across the country and are based at their home court at the Nechells Wellbeing Centre in Birmingham.

Robert Palmer, Chief Executive Officer of City of Birmingham Rockets commented, “We are extremely proud to be the 1000th West Midlands Armed Forces Covenant signee. This is an extremely special moment for our organisation.

“Here at City of Birmingham Rockets, we work with over 1,500 young people each week from the diverse backgrounds and communities of Birmingham.

“We utilise our consistent core values of integrity, respect and commitment, which we believe align closely with those of the Armed Forces, to create a positive, equitable and disciplined environment. We teach leadership, independent thinking and use team work to help our young people realise their full potential by working together.

“My own father served as a Royal Marine, and with a serving soldier and marine currently representing the club in our first teams, I am very aware of the significant

sacrifices that Armed Forces personnel and their families make in carrying out their services and duties.

“The incredible work carried out by the Armed Forces on a daily basis is often unseen but vitally important in protecting us all. As part of our pledge on signing the covenant, we commit to being Armed Forces friendly and will ensure that no member of the Armed Forces shall face any disadvantages compared to any other citizen when accessing our services. We are committed to supporting military personnel, their families and Reservists.

“We now look forward to working closely with the Armed Forces, and in particular will be proud to promote the fact that we are an Armed Forces friendly organisation.”

Colonel (Ret’d) Richard Maybery, Chief Executive of West Midland RFCA added, “We are delighted to welcome the signing the Armed Forces Covenant by representatives from the City of Birmingham Rockets Basketball Club. The Rockets and the Armed Forces have much in common, not least their values and standards, the developmental opportunities they open up to young (and not so young) people, and their desire to engage with and reflect the community. Today is particularly sweet, as it is the 1000th signing of the Armed Forces Covenant, in the West Midlands – the 1000 signatories include employees, community groups, and other

organisations, over the years. I can think of no better organisation with which to mark this truly momentous event today, and I am delighted that it is the Rockets who are our 1000th signatory. They are a great example of what an Armed Forces friendly and supportive organisation should be and we look forward to continuing to build on our relationship with them.”

Companies are continuing to deliver on their pledges of support towards the Armed Forces community. This can be seen in the number of organisations recognised by Defence through the Employer Recognition Scheme. Within our region, there are currently 123 employers who hold a Silver Award and 49 employers who hold the Gold Award.

The type of pledges made vary from endeavouring to work with defence-funded recruitment agencies, supporting existing staff to become Reservists or Cadet Force Adult Volunteers and promoting the fact the organisation is Forces Friendly. Whether you are a small or large organisation there is a way you can support the Armed Forces family and the Armed Forces can support you.

On behalf of the West Midland RFCA, a sincere thank you to all of the organisations who have now signed the Armed Forces Covenant within our region. If you are yet to sign and would like to find out more please contact the West Midland RFCA Employer Engagement Team on wm-ee@rfca.mod.uk

Introducing your new Local Business Development Manager

Rybrook BMW Warwick: Rob Underhay is new into post bringing a wealth of business development experience to the business.

Covering all the Rybrook corporate vehicles, Rob’s role is to talk through any specific business needs you may have acting as your main point of contact for the BMW and Mini brand.

Having recently opened their brand new dealership in Warwick, Rob, who is a local Leamington resident, said: “I would like to

welcome all businesses in for an introduction meeting with myself to discuss all business options, or to simply have a look around the new range we have in stock.

“Whether you’re looking for more space and practicality or perhaps improved efficiency and technology, we have a broad range of models available that can suit all your needs. Our aim is to understand your business and fit our vehicle options around you.”

Ampa announces West Mids promotions

Legal and professional services group Ampa has announced promotions in the West Midlands across its house of brands including Shakespeare Martineau and Marrons.

Promoted to associate within Shakespeare Martineau is Elaine Hart, Fatema Miah and Victoria Kirkpatrick.

Elaine, associate within the private client team in Solihull, is an expert in probate matters including inheritance tax bearing estates.

Fatema is an experienced real estate lawyer advising on a range of high value and complex transactions. She specialises is Islamic finance and provides a professional and knowledgeable service to real estate finance clients, while Victoria deals with a wide range of commercial disputes including contractual, shareholder and partnership disputes, both at the Birmingham hub.

Planning experts Sachin Parmar and Alasdair Thorne, who work within Ampa’s non-legal planning, design and development consultancy brand Marrons, have been promoted to planning director and associate director respectively.

Sachin, who also recently supported the set-up of Marrons’ Birmingham base, will be responsible for driving the growth of the Birmingham hub, supported by Alasdair. They will continue to support clients with complex planning applications and appeals, offering expert planning advice and formulating strategies that ensure development proposals have the best possible chance of obtaining planning permission.

Joanna Deffley, West Midlands regional head for Shakespeare Martineau, said: “It’s really important to our brands that we retain talent and empower our people to develop at a pace that suits them.

“Recently we have updated our promotions process, offering more opportunities within the year for people to take on greater responsibility and receive the recognition they deserve. Congratulations to all our people who have been promoted.”

All brands across Ampa are recruiting lateral hires and teams.

www.cw-chamber.co.uk 45 President & People Coventry & Warwickshire in business

Business Influence Members

Appletons Insurance

Independent Financial Advisers 01788 820500

Simon.Leech@appletonsinsurance.co.uk https://www.appletonsinsurance.co.uk/

Business Engage Members

BT Local Business Telecommunications 02476 708040 neil.hoyle@btlocalbusiness.co.uk https://business.bt.com/bt-local-business/coventry/


Tax & VAT Consultants 07494 029427 Mel.Tuffour@catax.com https://catax.com/

Business Global Members

Farmers Tyre Ltd

Tyres 01926 632269 sales@farmerstyre.co.uk https://farmerstyre.co.uk/

Kagool Ltd Data Solutions 03339 939994 info@kagool.com https://www.kagool.com/

Leask Accountancy Solutions

Independent Financial Advisers 01926 298829 julia@leaskas.co.uk http://www.leaskas.co.uk

Lumien Data Solutions 03301 200835 hello@lumien.io https://lumien.io/

Hairburst Ltd Health & Wellbeing 07583 771243 lloyd@hairburst.com http://www.hairburst.com

Business Connect Members

Arno Acoustics

Acoustic Engineering 07984 727730 am@arnoacoustics.com www.arnoacoustics.com

Clavis Food and Trading Law Support Ltd Food Safety 07555 646950 petemartin@clavis-support.co.uk https://www.clavis-support.co.uk/

Comication Ltd

Graphic Designers & Commercial Artists 01827 896213 paulmorris1405@outlook.com

Cookes Storage Service Storage Systems 01789 587555 jamesp@cookesfurniture.co.uk https://cookesstorage.co.uk/

Coventry United Men’s Football Club Sports Clubs & Associations 07788 562274 npward@live.co.uk

D’May Entertainment

Corporate Entertainment/Hospitality 07969 131258 sarah@dmayentertainment.com https://www.dmayentertainment.com/

Driver Hire Coventry & Tamworth Recruitment Advisers 02476 354100 rob.poston@driverhire.co.uk https://www.driverhire.co.uk/office/ coventry-tamworth/

Edgehill Shepherd Huts Ltd

Tourism & Leisure Activities info@edgehillshepherdhuts.co.uk https://www.edgehillshepherdhuts.co.uk

Father Hudson’s Society Social Service & Welfare Organisations 01675 434000 kevinhateley@fatherhudsons.org.uk https://www.fatherhudsons.org.uk/

Fort Armorial Upcycled handmade, unique craft products 02476 418499 fortarmorial@outlook.com https://fortarmorial.co.uk/

Frog HR Human Resource Consultants 07557 059680 lisa.donnelly@froghr.co.uk http://www.froghr.co.uk

Lily Samuels Nutrition Health & Wellbeing 07903 403179

Hello@lilysamuelsnutrition.com https://lilysamuelsnutrition.com/

MAF Finance Group PLC Finance 01159 586872 sallychesterton@maffinancegroup.co.uk https://maffinancegroup.co.uk/

Business Talent Members

Pink Connect Ltd Telecommunications 03454 509393 sales@pinkconnect.com http://www.pinkconnect.com

The Development Manager Ltd

Training & Consultancy Organisations 03331 010040 david.tomkins@tdm.co.uk https://thedevelopmentmanager.com/ Transformation Space Training & Consultancy Organisations 03300 886669 afshan@transformationspace.co.uk http://www.transformationspace.co.uk

Litron Lasers Ltd

Lasers 01788 574444 sales@litron.co.uk http://www.litronlasers.com/

Mind The Gap Today

Executive, Management & Business Coaching eva.harrison@mindthegap.today http://www.mindthegap.com/ MP Games Toys & Games 07424 993772 max@mpgames.co.uk No Class Film & Video Productions 07837 736669 karl@noclasscreations.com https://www.noclasscreations.com/

People Professionals

HR And Recruitment Services Limited Recruitment Advisers 01926 357209 sam@peopleprofessionals.co.uk RSPCA Coventry and District Branch Charities & Benevolent Organisations 02476 336616 info@rspca-coventryanddistrict.org.uk www.rspca-coventryanddistrict.org.uk

SC.Opex Ltd Lean 6 Sigma Consultant 07502 412552 sean@scopex.info

St Mary’s Guildhall Corporate Entertainment/Hospitality 02476 430545 smgh@noordinaryhospitality.com http://www.stmarysguildhall.co.uk

Rhenus Warehousing Solutions Lutterworth Handling & Fulfilment 01455 200700

Claire.Medhurst@uk.rhenus.com https://www.rhenus.group/uk/en/

Surefyre Laser Design

Laser Cutting 01788 719717 info@surefyre.co.uk https://surefyre.com/

Tann Law Solicitors Ltd Solicitors 02477 632323 nyaradzo@tannlaw.co.uk https://www.tannlaw.co.uk/

TDM Mobile Cleaning

Mobile Cleaning Services 07903 164110 info@tdmmobilecarwash.com http://www.tdmmobilecarwash.com/

The Digital Zebra

Digital Marketing 07810 872817 mimi@digitalzebra.co.uk www.digitalzebra.co.uk

Verten Marketing Consultants 07713 286070 Davoc@verten.co.uk http://verten.co.uk

WiderView Visual Media Video Production 44793 403341 chris@widerview-visual.media www.widerview-visual.media

46 www.cw-chamber.co.uk
New Members
Charlotte Jones Elizabeth Davis Georgia Lonie Kris Leask
www.cw-chamber.co.uk 47 FEATURED OFFERS from our Chamber Members: Coventry & Warwickshire in business To view these and all of our Member Offers, head to cw-chamber.co.uk/marketplace BUSINESS CONNECT Members BUSINESS INFLUENCE & ENGAGE Members Want to share your Member Offer? Email the details and your logo to info@cw-chamber.co.uk Member Offers are included in our Online Marketplace and shared to over 18,000 followers across social media. WA Management Save 10% on our Code of Conduct E-Learning course! Expiry Date: 01/02/2023 WA Management Save 10% on our Business Communication E-Learning course! Expiry Date: 01/02/2023 TDM Mobile Cleaning Additional 10% discount on cleaning services for Chamber Members Expiry Date: 28/02/2023 Ashorne Hill Management College Day Delegate Package - Discounted Rate for Chamber Members Expiry Date: 31/03/2023 Ashorne Hill Management College Monday and Friday Meet ups from £10pp for Chamber Members
Date: 31/03/2023 ndkty Consulting LTD FREE SEO Growth PlanSpecific & Achievable Expiry Date: 31/01/2023 Little PR Rock Marketing FREE 30-Minute Public Relations (PR) Consultation Expiry Date: 31/03/2023 Surefyre Laser Design Discounted Valentines themed table numbers for Chamber Members
Date: 31/01/2023



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Articles inside

[New] Ampa announces West Mids promotions

page 45

[New] Introducing your new Local Business Development Manager

page 45

[New] West Midland RFCA welcomes 1000th Armed Forces Covenant signee

page 45

[New] Coventry firm honoured with award signed by the late Queen Elizabeth II

page 44

[New] Tom continues as president with Steve waiting in the wings

page 44

[New] Your Students’ Union is the new, student-facing name for Coventry University’s Students’ Union

pages 43-44

[New] Jake delighted to continue family tradition

page 43

[New] Coventry City of Culture brings almost 50,000 people into cultural participation

page 43

[New] Discover the Power of Lego® Serious Play® Remove your limitations and discover a world of possibilities

page 42

[New] EV TRAINING FACILITY opens at Warwick Trident College

page 41

[New] 'LET'S TALK GAMES' success in Royal Leamington Spa

page 41

[New] Photography and video business secures creative growth funding

page 38

[New] Dafferns Business Leader Group – ‘What is good growth?’

page 38

[New] Glide Group Partners with The Jointworks to Provide Multi-Gigabit Wi-Fi to Birmingham Business

page 38

[New] Trussell Trust can bank on

page 37

[New] Read all about it –The Telegraph Hotel wins award

page 36

[New] Entrepreneur Gets Recognition as Winner at PR Industry Awards

page 36

[New] Volunteers required for Coventry’s visitor attraction Charterhouse

page 36

[New] Hotel welcomes festive boost after ghost of covid-hit Christmas past

page 35

[New] Cloud technology gives Courier company the edge

page 35

[New] Houlton’s green-fingered residents celebrate allotments launch

page 35

[New] Life-saving defibrillator installed at Houlton

page 34

[New] What rent reviews can mean for your business

page 34

[New] National Express Coventry bus service changes from 1st January

page 33

[New] Record Sales and Gala Night Success for the Albany Theatre

page 33

[New] Training club strengthened by Chamber help

page 33

[New] Generating energy and awards success

page 33

[New] Charity event achieves record fundraising for local baby hospice at 5th anniversary show

page 32

[New] Pawfuls of praise as RSPCA Coventry & District Branch turn 150 with help from Jade Brand Agency

page 32

[New] Firms urged to share ideas when it comes to tackling rising costs

page 32

[New] Raising a cup to new North Warwickshire business

page 32

[New] Kapsch TrafficCom awarded Foundation Award by Thrive at Work

page 31

[New] Surefyre Laser Design assists local artist in stunning recycled string quartet creation

page 31

[New] Pallet distributor moves to another compliance level with TruTac

page 31

[New] Tax freezes and reductions impact on individuals

page 30

[New] Explore uxplore to discover state-of-the-art digital hub

pages 29-30

[New] Clever Cavago means business…

page 29

[New] Why use an Employment Law Solicitor?

page 29

[New] WM5G launches Coventry & Warwickshire Small Business Growth Festival to support digital transformation for the SME Sector

pages 27-28

[New] Coventry & Warwickshire in business City centre office accommodation

page 27

[New] Events firms aims to exceed £1 million turnover after Chamber support

page 27

[New] New software solution driving continuous improvement at Midland’s based weighing company Regulation Support for your Product

page 26

[New] Encouraging GREEN BUSINESS

pages 22-26

[New] Logistics specialist Rhenus celebrates roofing ceremony at major new development in Nuneaton

page 22

[New] About Tauseef Qadri

page 21

[New] Profile: Tauseef Qadri

page 21

[New] Celebrating the global culture of horses

page 20

[New] Mind The Gap

page 19

[New] FLEXIBLE WORKING BILL: What the government’s proposals mean for employers

page 19

[New] Recruitment still a concern for firms

page 18

[New] Businesses left in ‘unacceptable’ limbo on energy costs

page 18

[New] The Income Tax Exemption for Qualifying Bonus Payments to Employees

pages 16-17

[New] How the Employee Ownership Trust Offers the Ideal Exit Strategy at ZERO Tax

page 16

[New] Start as you mean to go on

page 15

[New] LOCAL GOOD CAUSE supported by Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber Training

page 14

[New] More ‘GOOD’ news from Chamber Training! High quality careers advice recognised at Chamber Training

page 14

[New] Seven-figure innovation grants up for grabs

page 13

[New] Business Engage Profiles Warwickshire business is building better teams

page 13

[New] Julia’s expertise helps to seal major investment deal

page 12

[New] Sarah looks to the future

page 12

[New] Popular business podcast gets second series nod

pages 10-12

[New] Skills and Recruitment Summit Fresh thinking needed to overcome skills crisis

page 9

[New] Businesses are a force for good, conference hears

page 8

[New] Purple Planet Packaging continues to deliver growth

page 7

[New] Give kids manufacturing insight, say local firms on Parliament visit

page 7

[New] Spotlight on Business: MES Systems Limited

pages 5-6

[New] Explore the life and work of Frida Kahlo at award-winning exhibition

page 5

[New] Serco’s Restart Scheme partnership with Randstad fills 43 jobs for Jaguar Land Rover

page 4

[New] Organisations in the West Midlands prove their staff can Thrive at Work

page 4
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