CBRA - 2009 Annual Report

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Major Sponsor

0404 851 180 Shorts Sponsor

Sleeve Sponsor


Notice of Meeting

88th Annual General Meeting Thursday, 18th February 2010 The Annual General Meeting of the association will be held at the Canterbury League Club, 26 Bridge Road Belmore, on Thursday 18th February 2010 commencing at 7:45 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all members to attend.

Order of Business 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting Correspondence Consideration of the Hon. Secretary’s Annual Report Consideration of the Hon. Treasurer’s Report and Balance Sheet Hon. Auditors’ Report Election of Officers Notice of Motion Committee Report General Business

Mario Cafarelli Hon. Secretary 86 Yachtsman Drive Chipping Norton NSW 2170 Ph: 0416 071 240 Email: secretary@cbra.com.au


CONTENTS PRESIDENT’S FORWARD ..................................................................................3 OFFICE BEARERS 2009.......................................................................................7 HON. SECRETARY’S REPORT..........................................................................9 SOCIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT ..................................................................16 COACHING COORDINATOR’S REPORT .....................................................18 TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT ......................................................19 DIRECTOR OF REFEREES’ REPORT............................................................21 HON. TREASURER’S REPORT........................................................................24 Membership & Meeting Attendances 2009.........................................................29 Committee Meetings and Attendance 2009 ........................................................30 Deceased Life Members........................................................................................30 Honorary Members For Life ...............................................................................30 Honorary Members 2009 .....................................................................................30 Positions Held By Members With Other Bodies 2009 .......................................31 CLUBB–JOHNSON TROPHY ...........................................................................32 JOHN FARRELLY–REG DICK TROPHY ......................................................33 LEO RANDLE AWARD......................................................................................34 Grand Final Appointments 2009 .........................................................................35 Association Office Bearers 1922 – 1982 ..............................................................41 Association Office Bearers Since 1983 ................................................................42 2009 On Display ....................................................................................................43 OUR SPONSORS .................................................................................................44 Meeting Dates 2010 ...............................................................................................45 2010 ELECTION RESULTS ...............................................................................46



Well, no sooner had season 2009 commenced then we where playing our Grand Finals, the season was devastated due to wet weather, which resulted in the football being cancelled on numerous weekends. On the district front our members toiled away and we are in a very fortunate position to have recruited a number of new members many with undoubted ability making our future look bright. Our core base remains consistent and to those more mature members who seem to have refereed forever, I thank you. These members are the very backbone of this great Association. Again, we were able to send members away on the Exchange Program and we saw Scott Butler & John McCormack travel to the Sunshine Coast and Robert Dubois and John Gorzanelli cross the Nullarbor to referee in Perth. I am confident that the Exchange regime shall continue to prosper in the years ahead. Reg Marks had a great year and he was rewarded for his efforts in refereeing the A grade Grand Final to receive the Clubb-Johnson Trophy as the district’s leading whistle blower. On the most improved front, Feras Karem was acknowledged by the Director of Referees’, John McCormack & his Assistants to be voted the recipient of the Farrelly-Dick Trophy. The Leo Randle Trophy for dedicated and lengthy service to the Association was awarded to John McCormack, congratulations to all those members. Season 2009 will go down in the history of the Association as a great one for our graded members. On NRL Grand Final day this Association provided match officials in each of the three games, a feat not achieved by this Association for over 20 years. David Abood capped off a great 2009, after being appointed to a State of Origin fixture he ended the season with running the line in the big one, the NRL Grand Final. This has not been achieved since John McCormack officiated in two of these fixtures in the late 90’s. Further, Adam Gee capped off a remarkable year by refereeing the NSW Cup Grand Final and not to be outdone Richard Dazili appeared on the line in the Toyota Cup. Other graded members, Matt Damaso and Jimmy Oliveria also earned important end of season appointments. On behalf of all members I offer our congratulations for these outstanding achievements in 2009 and may the year ahead bring similar rewards. On the social scene, Gavin Beecroft in his first season as Social Secretary had a great year. Our premier function the Blue & White Cabaret was another great night as were the other socials conducted during 2009. To all other office bearers, I offer my thanks for your continued contribution to this Association. 3

Despite the economic downturn the Association continues to be in a sound financial position. In particular the ‘Leo Randle Trust’ has maintained its balance, as the Trustees have been prudent with the allocation of funds and kept a keen eye on our portfolio. I acknowledge the contribution of my fellow Trustees in particular, Peter Longhurst and our consultant Ian Butler. A review of the Associations’ general funds will indicate that again we have incurred a loss in 2009. This has occurred over the past few seasons due to transferring funds to our 100th Anniversary account and also the substantial subsidizing of our social events including the 2008 Cocktail Party. This area of revenue decline will need to be addressed over the coming seasons to ensure that our general funds remain in a sound position. We as an Association cannot rely on funding from the Leo Randle Trust to subsidize our social events that is not what the Trust funds are for, in the main they are to be utilised for the welfare of the Association. This would include supporting our Exchange program, gear, training and development requirements and any emergency situation that could arise. On the sponsorship front Canterbury League Club continues to offer both moral and financial support to the Association. This sponsorship has been in operation for the past 13 years. The sponsorship is ongoing for season 2010 and I would like to express the members’ appreciation to the Chairman of the Club, Peter Winchester, CEO John Ballesty and the Directors and staff for their ongoing support. Sleeve sponsorship was again provided by ‘Ronnies Demolition & Excavation’ with our thanks to Paul & Yvette Hassarati. After several years as our Short sponsor, Andrew Taylor’s ‘As Clean as a Whistle’ have not renewed for 2010. The support provided over the past few seasons by Andrew has assisted this Association to maintain its high standards. Fellow member Jim Hall has negotiated a 4 year agreement with the Association for the ‘Short Sponsorship’ package and Jim’s continuing contribution to the Association is acknowledged. Apart from the Canterbury League Club, Harold Park has been another long term sponsor of this Association with printing requirements for the past 13 years. To my friend and CEO of Harold Park, John Dumesny – thanks! The support of both the Bulldogs Football Club & the NSWRLRA is acknowledged and to the officials of the Junior League in particular, Kevin Shanahan and Brian Tovey I express my thanks for your continued support of Junior football and this Association. The Junior League at the request of this Association renamed their annual referees’ appreciation award the ‘Les Matthews Appreciation Award’ and this year Jeff Hassarati was the well deserved recipient. Well done, Jeff! Conclusion In preparing this report to you as President I reflected on my initial Forword in the Association’s Annual Report for Season 1997 where I stated “Our charter is to provide referees for the district and if these officials perform up to their ability that is all anyone can expect”. These words are true today, but we as members must continue to improve our standards. A continual disappointment to me has been a 4

lack of commitment by members to attend our training activities. This area needs to be embraced by active members; we have tried to make the sessions less boring and with added variety. Hopefully the regime scheduled for 2010 will achieve our goal. When I assumed the Chair in December 1996 little did I realise that I would occupy it for the next 13 seasons, it has been a privilege to work with a dedicated group of Office Bearers over this time, in particular the Executive which has comprised of three Secretaries, Peter Ryan, Chris Bettiol and current Secretary Mario Cafarelli, all three brought a variety of experience to the role. Vice Presidents in my time have numbered two, Tom Healy and David Abood, both of who have assisted with the smooth administration of this Association. A total of four Treasurers have held positions those being Perry Tzamouranis, Brad Newson, John McCormack and Brad Zarb. I think all of those persons would acknowledge that I was a ‘hands on’ President in particular when it came to keeping an eye on our funds! The position of Assistant Secretary has been held by David Abood, John Tamine, Tom Healy, Chris Bettiol and Warren Gee. The Executive and the Committee has had numerous healthy and robust discussions over the years but we always had one single motif, the welfare of this Association. It would be remiss if I did not thank a couple of other members, John McCormack for his contribution in the difficult role as Director of Referees and Glenn Jeffcoat who held the Social Secretary’s position for 11 of the 13 years I have been on the Executive. What do I say about Brian Barker, without doubt the interaction between Brian and myself at each meeting entertained the members, it was not planned, not by me anyway! It was just good, clean fun; I shall miss that aspect of the meetings. As I have previously advised it is my intention not to seek re-election as your President at the 2010 AGM. I have been overwhelmed by the amount of phone calls and emails I have received from members many asking that I reconsider. It was not an easy decision for me, I have enjoyed the experience but it is time to take a ‘breather’. I am of the view that the Association is in a very healthy state, we are the only district Association which still meets twice a month during the season, we have a quorum of 30 and have never lost a meeting due to lack of numbers. We must be doing something right. We have recruited a number of newer members, many with great potential and have our core membership base. The Association is in a sound financial position mainly due to the generous legacy from the late Leo Randle. This Association will always be indebted to Leo not only for his financial legacy but also by his actual membership. Leo is one of many members who have given us strength, integrity, character and wit and we must ensure that his memory is maintained. When I assumed the position of President in 1996, Leo told me “don’t be a figure head be a leader”. I have always endeavoured to follow his advice but like all leaders you need the troops to support you in your role, I have always had the support of a great group of Office Bearers who have all contributed to build on what our predecessors achieved and continue to contribute to make Canterbury Refs what they are today. Challenges lie ahead; I can see the prospect of possible mergers with other districts in the years ahead. If this is the case we 5

should embrace the concept but we must ensure that the history & integrity of this great Association is not diminished but enhanced by any such move. Finally to all the members and friends of the Canterbury-Bankstown Referees’ Association can I sincerely express my thanks to you for your support and the trust you have displayed in me over the past 13 years. In my 37 years as a member, this Association has played an enormous part in my life; it has given me so much more than I have given it. Life long friendships, being part of the life and development of our new recruits, seeing members like Adam Gee reaching their undoubted potential, witnessing the mature members still contributing, able to call people of the calibre of the late Leo Randle ‘my mate’ and without any doubt the highlight bringing my wife, Kim and I together. Without the love and support of Kim I would be such a poorer person, thank you Kim! I would also like to acknowledge Kim’s enormous contribution to the Association. To the current Committee in particular Secretary, Mario Cafarelli and his wife Anne-Maree your continued contribution assists to make this Association one in which we are all proud to be associated with. No doubt I shall miss the role, but rest assured I will play some part within the Association in the years ahead. It has been a real honour to serve as your President, but do me and more importantly yourself a favour, enjoy the activity, friendship, character and integrity that the Canterbury-Bankstown Referees’ has to offer. It will enrich your life, it has mine!



OFFICE BEARERS 2009 Patrons Garry Hughes and Peter Winchester.

President Paul Archer

Vice President David Abood

Secretary Mario Cafarelli

Treasurer Brad Zarb

Committee Member Lionel Brown

Assistant Secretary Warren Gee

Committee Member Chris Cafarelli

Social Secretary Gavin Beecroft 7




Chris Cafarelli Shane Merry (deputy)

Lionel Brown

Robert Dubois Gavin Beecroft(deputy)

SUB-COMMITTEES Social Committee

Gear Committee

Judiciary Committee

Golf Committee

Chris Cafarelli Adam Gee Feras Karem

Joseph Attard Glenn Jeffcoat Nathan Loveday

Michael Chahoud Wayne Loveday

Brian Barker Mitchell Hoffmann

Training & Development Committee

Coaching Coordinator


Lionel Brown

David Abood Matthew Hewitt

Joseph Attard Glenn Jeffcoat



John McCormack

Kim Archer George Elias

ADVISORY BOARD David Abood, Paul Archer, Brian Barker, Mario Cafarelli, Richard Daizli, Wayne Loveday, Barry Ruttle.

AUDITORS Ian Butler John McCormack



Mr. Chairman and Members, The year started with the saddest news when Life Member and Leo Randle Award recipient Les Matthews passed away on 2nd January. A tribute to Les can be found later in this report. The Annual General meeting was held on 19th February and Mr. Peter Winchester and Mr. Garry Hughes were elected a Patrons once again. Both gentlemen accepted their positions graciously and both continue to support the association whenever the need arises. A long term in office came to an end when Glenn Jeffcoat hung up the BBQ tongs as Social Secretary. Glenn served as Social Secretary from 1995 to 2008, with only one year off in 2002. During that period Glenn worked tirelessly to ensure all social functions ran smoothly and all members always enjoyed the events. Behind the scenes Glenn was supported by his wife Elayne, whose input was recognised by the association in 2007 when she was made an honorary member. Thank you to Glenn for his efforts during those years. Gavin Beecroft was elected to the committee as Social Secretary and he fulfilled the role admirably during the year. All other positions on the committee remained unchanged from 2008. Sponsors As always, the association was supported by major sponsor Canterbury League Club and the continued support of John Ballesty and the directors is never taken for granted. Thank you. Sleeve sponsors Ronnies Demolitions once again supported the association with their generosity and we thank Paul and Yvette for their support. I am proud to announce that Ronnies Demolitions has generously offered to continue their sleeve sponsorship for a further three years until 2012.


Andrew Taylor’s sponsorship through As Clean As A Whistle came to an end this season. On behalf of all members of the association I would like to extend a special thanks to Andrew for all his support over the past four years. It gives me pleasure to announce that Control Painting & Decorating have agreed to a Shorts Sponsorship deal for 2010 through to 2014 inclusive. Thank you to Nathan Hall for his generosity and we look forward to a long friendship. Junior League The 2009 season will probably be remembered as a wet one. A number of rounds were washed out and at one stage the junior league was faced with the possibility of abandoning one or more competitions because of a lack of games. Some dry weather in late July and August averted any further cancellations. For the first time in many years the Gala Day grand finals were not held at Belmore Sports Ground. Junior grand finals were held at The Crest, Bass Hill and the senior games were played at Hammondville Oval. Early in the year the President and I met with Kevin Shanahan and Brian Tovey of the Junior League to discuss issues affecting the referees. Discussions included security for referees, night games and judiciary. The junior league outlined its intention to expand the number of night games as more grounds are updated and come on line. A new judiciary system, of taking early pleas from players, was also proposed to be introduced, but unfortunately the system did not eventuate during the season. We will continue to pursue the issue with the Junior League as we believe the system assists our members by not having to attend cases where a player pleads guilty. In general, security was not an issue during the season and we thank the Junior League for their work in this area. However, we must not become complacent and always remain vigilant and alert. Unfortunately, whilst we can aim to reduce the number of incidents, we cannot guarantee to eliminate them completely. Congratulations to Greenacre for taking out the A grade competition and congratulations to Berala Bears u7 D2, who won the Junior League’s Leo Randle Trophy. Congratulations also to Jeff Hassarati, who won the Junior League’s newly named “Les Matthews” Referee Of The Year Award. Membership & Meetings Twelve new members joined in 2009. This group included ten new referees and Gary Towner, who returned to the association after a stint in the St. George district. George Jankowski, a director from NSWRLRA, also joined during the year.


The association held 14 meetings during the season and the average attendance was 40. This is a healthy number for meeting attendance but it is disappointing to see a generally poor attendance from active members. Only 15 out of 52 active members attended 10 meetings or more. Training & Development Training was conducted weekly at UWS Athletics Field Milperra. The training sessions were organised and supervised by Matthew Hewitt, who was ably assisted by Chris Cafarelli. Once again the attendance at training was very poor. Members must remember that physical training and coaching is an integral part of being a referee and more effort must be put into this aspect of our game. Following discussions during the off season the committee has formulated some new training policies for 2010. They will be – 1. A “development squad” of 3 to 4 members, whom the Director Of Referees deems to have the potential to go further, will be formed. 2. This squad will be targeted by the Training and Development Officer and they will receive match day coaching. However, coaching will not be limited to these members only. 3. Skills training will be conducted weekly by a training officer. This session will be preceded by a 45 minute physical training session. 4. Both the skills session and the physical training will be non-compulsory, except for the members of the development squad. After a tough season, and serious consideration, Matthew Hewitt has generously offered to continue in the role as Development Officer, although in a different manner, as described above. Every active member is in a position to take advantage of Matt’s experience in the game and wealth of knowledge that he brings to the association. Chris Cafarelli will also continue in the role of training officer at the weekly sessions. Interdistrict Squad Unfortunately the association did not have any representatives in the Interdistrict Squad in 2009. After looking through the active ranks I’m sure our association will have a healthy representation once again in the not too distant future. Stavros Anagnostakis and Jeff Hassarati both impressed talent scouts from the Interdistrict Representative Panel and both were invited to an off-season development camp. Thank you to Tony Danks and Doug Keen, who came out to our final series matches to look at the referees on display. Grade – NSWRL/NRL David Abood. What a season. After officiating in the 2008 Word Cup squad David’s career reached a pinnacle in 2009. Firstly, David was appointed to the 3rd 11

State Of Origin on 15th July as a Sideline Official. Then in October David achieved the ultimate goal when he was appointed as Sideline Official to the NRL Grand Final, Parramatta v Melbourne. Congratulations to David. These were two outstanding achievements in a very successful career. Adam Gee also received an outstanding appointment as referee of the NSW State Cup Grand Final, as did Richard Daizli as a Toyota Cup Grand Final Touch Judge. Other graded members, Mathew Damaso, Mohamad Fajajo and Jimmy Oliveira all had solid seasons. We should be proud of these members whenever they represent our association. Awards Congratulations to all award and trophy winners in 2009. All your achievements were well earned and well deserved. Leo Randle Award Clubb-Johnson Trophy Farrelly-Dick Trophy Junior League “Les Matthews” Appreciation Award


John McCormack Reg Marks Feras Karem Jeff Hassarati

Vale As I mentioned at the start of this report, Les Matthews lost his battle with illness on 2nd January.

Les Matthews 1939 - 2009

Les Matthews joined the Canterbury-Bankstown Referees’ Association on 3rd April 1968. In just 5 years Les established himself as a top class referee and he went on to referee the 1972 and 1973 distract A grade Grand Finals. Les was a member of the Interdistrict Representative squad from 1971 and refereed the 1974 Jersey Flegg Grand Final before being graded in 1975. After being graded Les still continued to referee lower grades in the district on Saturday mornings. Les was also a regular referee at yearly schoolboy carnivals and in 1997 he was formally recognised by the Canterbury-Bankstown Junior League for his 30 years’ service to schoolboy carnivals. Les became a Life Member of our association in 1978 and received the prestigious Leo Randle Award in its inaugural year in 1998. Les’s commitment to the association was outstanding and this is reflected in his district record. 12

1972, 1973 1974 1979 1969 – 1971 1974 1975 – 1992 1980, 1990 1981 – 1989

Junior League Deputy Delegate Junior League Delegate University Cup Delegate Doubles Committee Social Committee Appointments Board Vice President President

Les also became a Life Member of the Canterbury-Bankstown Junior Rugby League in 1991. In grade Les Matthews reached first grade as a touch judge and officiated in over one hundred first grade games. His career reached its peak in 1985 when he officiated in the State Of Origin Series and then a Test Match. It is Les’s achievements off the field, however, for which he will be best remembered. NSWRLRA 1979 - 1983. Finance Committee. 1981 - 1984. Social Committee. 1985 - 1989. Social Secretary. 1985 - 1998. Management Committee. 1985 - 1998. George & Amy Hansen Trophy Committee. 1989 - 1998. Seminar Committee. 1990 - 1998. Sponsorship Committee. 1990 - 2002. Honorary Secretary 2003 - 2008. Executive Officer. NSWRL Ltd 1990 - 2008. General Committee. 1991 - 1998. Metropolitan Cup Policy Committee. 1992 - 1998. ARL National Strategic Plan Committee. 1995 - 2008. Chairman, Interdistrict Representative Squad Appointments/Advisory Board. ARLRA Inc. 1999 - 2008. Board Member. Les became a Life Member of the NSW Rugby League Referees’ Association in 1986.


Les was a very dedicated family man and despite the time he put into rugby league and cricket he still found time for his wife Bev, sons Craig and Paul, daughter Alison and his grand children. Les passed away peacefully on 2nd January 2009. Over 1200 people attended his funeral service at All Saints Catholic Church in Liverpool. Les will be sadly missed. The sad news continued in April when another Life Member, Ron Peters also passed away – on Anzac Day. Ron was somewhat of a legend with his anecdotes and antics and it seemed appropriate his passing should be on a day symbolized by mateship. Ron joined the association on 22nd March 1967 and became a life member in 1976. He served on a number of committees and was also a member of the appointments board for a number of years. Ron moved to the South Coast in the 80s where he continued to dedicate his time to rugby league. Then, unfortunately and with extreme sadness, on 1st October Michael Chahoud passed away after suffering poor health for a number of years. Michael had been an outstanding member of the association for almost 30 years and his untimely passing has been felt by everyone who knew him. Also, in July Margaret Farrelly passed away after a very long illness. Margaret was wife of former President John Farrelly and Matthew Farrelly’s grandmother. She was also a great friend of the association. To the families of Les, Ron, Michael and Margaret, and to all members who have lost a loved one, the association extends its deepest sympathies. General At the Committee Meeting in September Paul Archer announced that he would not be seeking re-election as President in 2010. Paul served the association as President for 13 years from 1997 to 2009 and in that time he oversaw many significant events. Paul came into office at the height of the Super League “war”, when the association was faced with some tough decisions about its future. He helped guide the association into the 21st century as the association embraced the computer age with its new website, and email communications became commonplace under his watchful eye. But by far the most significant contribution that Paul made during his tenure was the instigation of the Leo Randle Foundation. Leo Randle left a large legacy to the association and it was the committee’s responsibility, under Paul’s management, that the legacy be set up and secured in an appropriate manner. The result of Paul’s work was the creation of the Leo Randle Foundation. On behalf of all members I extend sincere thanks to Paul for his dedicated and diligent work during the last 13 years. Thank you. Two more exchange programs were run during the season. Robert Dubois and John Gorzanelli made the trip to Perth. Both members refereed senior games and both 14

received excellent reports from Martin Weekes, Western Australia’s referees coordinator. John McCormack escorted Scott Butler to the Sunshine Coast where Scott displayed his abilities for our Queensland counterparts. Judging by Scott’s report back to our general meeting, it was a trip he’ll never forget. Scott received very good reports and impressed the right people. In return, Brandon Burgess visited our district with Paul Beasant and both had an enjoyable experience. 2009 was somewhat of a challenging year. Our patience was tested with several cancellations whilst our flexibility and willingness to move with the times was put to the test when more and more night games crept into the schedule. 2010 will continue to present more changes for our members. We will begin in February by electing a new leader. We will farewell old sponsors and welcome new ones. We will conduct training and development with a different approach. We will tackle the trials in March and then move on to the season proper, which begins 10th April, in pink. Our success in 2010 will be influenced by how we handle these changes. In closing I extend my sincere thanks to all the members of the Committee, the Director and Assistant Directors, the coaches and trainers and all the various delegates and sub-committees for your efforts and support during the past twelve months. Thank you to all members for your input during the year. Every little bit contributes to the successful and smooth running of the association. And as always, to my wife and family – thank you.

Mario Cafarelli HON. SECRETARY



The social year commenced in February, with our annual cricket day. About 30 members fronted in their whites hoping to get a bat and bowl. It was pleasing to see a good turn out for the day, considering the weather forecast on this particular day was extremely hot. Funnily enough the cricket game ended in a draw. The Sunday night feast was a bi monthly event this year and was moved to the end of the month, to fit in with Gala Day in August. About 25 members regularly attended Sunday night feast in the months of April, June and August, we enjoyed Chinese/Pizza at various locations around the district. The feature night was gala day (night) Sunday feast where we had about 40 members attend Davo’s Pizza in Moorebank to celebrate the season. The first major function was the Blue and White cabaret held on Sunday evening on the long weekend in June and was a great success. The room looked great and there was plenty of food and drinks had by all. Congratulations to David Abood who received recognition for his 2008 world cup campaign and also Adam Gee who also received an Award for his efforts in the NSWRL 2008 finals series. After a late change, the Life Members Night was held again at the Leagues Club. It was an enjoyable night for all those who attended and as usual it was an opportunity for senior members to mix with the younger members and share stories of the bygone era. Golf day was again at Rosnay Golf Club at Auburn, with about 40 members and guests teeing off. The day proved very successful and there was good feedback from the members. Well done to Brian Baker and Mitchell Hoffmann on a great day. Also a special thanks to Glenn, Lionel and Joe who looked after the BBQ which enabled the social committee to play golf on the day. The kids’ picnic/Christmas lunch was held at the Wentworth Hotel Flemington. Lunch was provided and Santa again visited and the kids had a great day. I would like to thank Adam, Chris and Feras for their efforts in assisting with preparations of functions and events throughout 2009. The social committee was a young team this year compared to previous years. I would also like to say a big thanks to my wife Rachel for her support, which enabled my participation both on and off the field during 2009. 16

Lastly, I would like to say thank you to Glenn and Elayne Jeffcoat for the support they have given me this year in my new role as Social Secretary.

Gavin Beecroft SOCIAL SECRETARY Golf Committee Report On a sunny Sunday morning, on the 1st of November, the sound of a metal driver hitting the casing of the golf ball, the annual golf day had commenced. After the first nine holes, the heat had started to take the toll on the players, they were welcomed with liquid refreshments, and sustenance to continue the back nine holes. As the players completed the back nine holes again they were welcomed with liquid refreshments and a bbq lunch. After the convivial, the scorecards were summarised, and president Paul Archer welcomed the members and their guests, and the competition and various other winners were announced, and the various prizes allocated. Members scratch, Peter Longhurst, handicap, Col Turnell. Guests scratch Sarkis Bounelhen, handicap, Wayne Maskel. As the NSWRFLRA has regenerated the annual golf day, the following members were selected to represent Canterbury Peter Longhurst, Col Turnell, Cliff Haynes, Mario Cafarelli, Warren Gee, Wayne Loveday, reserves Mitchell Hoffmann, John Gorzanelli. Many thanks to Cliff Haynes, Col Turnell and Peter Longhurst for their assistance for summarising the scorecards. With any successful function, there are always various personnel doing various activities behind the scenes, to the social secretary Gavin, and his social team, for the provision of the culinary delights, and liquid refreshments, and the bbq chefs, Glenn, Lionel and Joe. The golf day for 2010 has been booked at the same venue, Auburn golf course [Rosnay] on the 10th of October, hit off time 6.30am. The golf committee

Brian Barker, Mitchell Hoffmann GOLF COMMITTEE



This year the coaching Panel started again with a course conducted in March at Lakemba Services Club with a small but keen number of starters. One other course was conducted later in the year, which attracted six candidates attending this course and resulted in all candidates obtaining accreditation. Again the efforts of Tony Danks and Doug Keen with their schools program delivered some new referees to the association. The Level 2 course conducted over a weekend, had only one candidate from the Association being Feras Karem. The course has now been limited to 18 year old and above referees; a decision introduced by the NRAS committee. I wish to thank all the members who assisted the new referees in their first season, also to the executive for support this year. Finally many thanks to Joe Attard and Glenn Jeffcoat for their help and support again in conducting these courses.

2009 Courses Conducted 2


Currently Refereeing 7




Withdrawn Refereeing 2


Well another season is finished and I can report that the member’s attitude to organised training show little change from last season. I have come to the conclusion that organised training offered by the Association in its current format is a complete waste of time. Considerable thought by the Committee is needed to address this issue. The lack of numbers each week did not allow any meaningful game specific drills to be performed. I believe that training will only gain relevance with the active members when attendance to training is linked to match appointments. I have spoken with a coach from another district. He informs me that they have a minimum of 20 active members attend organised training sessions each week. These members are paid to train but they must attend at least 75% of sessions and the amount is capped at around $ 100.00 per season. I am not advocating this system at Canterbury as I believe that the attitude of the majority of active members is so poor we still wouldn’t get sufficient numbers to training. I had hoped at the beginning of the season to assemble a development squad. This squad would have on occasions trained with the NSWRL referees under the guidance of Russell Smith. Unfortunately, those members that I had indentified for the squad chose not to be active this season. I have no doubt that the advent of full time refereeing at the NRL is having an adverse effect on keeping referees of potential in the game. I know that the fulltime scenario is not going to change. However, decisions on career choices at an early stage are forcing too many good referees out of the game. Despite this setback I believe that we still have referees of potential and would like to be able to explore this scenario again next year. In closing I would like to acknowledge the support that I received from Chris and Mario Cafarelli. Chris assisted with many of the sessions this year and his input is greatly appreciated. I look forward to Chris returning to the active ranks in 2010. As with many of our previous secretaries Mario has done a great job. He was at every training session that he could be and was a constant source of support. In the same vein I would also like to acknowledge the support given to me by Paul Archer. I know Paul is as disappointed as me with the 2009 season. To those members who attended training frequently I thank you for your effort and 19

dedication. In closing I believe that the new committee needs to revaluate the role of coaching and training before the start of the 2010 season.



DIRECTOR OF REFEREES’ REPORT Mr. John McCormack It is with pleasure that I submit to the members the Director of Referees report for season 2009. This season was again competitive in all junior and senior age groups and all referees performed commendably throughout the season and during the finals which resulted in a high standard of play by the players and it made it all the more difficult for the Directors of Referees to appropriately appoint referees into their rightful grade. The season started early with a number of trials for the Bulldogs junior reps in late 2008 and kicked off again in February 2009 with the district trials from the first week of March. Even though there was no payment involved many referees ran most weekends and covered for those referees who had other commitments such as summer sport. Refereeing is all about supporting the game of Rugby League and the enjoyment that the players receive along with the enjoyment the referees should receive by being an active participant rather than the monetary reward. Thank you to all those young and older members who helped out in the hot weather! One of the features of 2009 which has largely gone unnoticed is that we did not receive one “official” complaint from the junior league clubs. I do believe that the rapport between the referees and the clubs has improved over the years, possibly due to the effects of the code of conduct and probably due to the strong relationship the Association has with the Junior League. When I look back and critically review the performance of the Directors of Referees and the Advisory Board in 2009 that are responsible for on-field coaching, development and evaluation of referees, I feel that our performance was below par for what the referees deserve. There are a couple of reasons for this view – 1. Personally, I was not as active in watching referees this year as I would have liked due to balancing work, family and football commitments. The additional workload was then left to Kim and George and the Advisory panel. 2. The on-going and increasing commitment required of our Graded members meant that they were not able to devote as much time to the District throughout the season. However, I acknowledge the efforts of David Abood and Richard Daizli who made themselves available to ensure we evaluated all referees during the finals. 3. Finally, the number of active Advisory Board members was down on previous years and the work was left to a few dedicated members. 21

In terms of referee numbers 2009 was a not so good year. Unfortunately 13 referees from 2008 did not referee with us again in 2009. Within that number were some potentially very good referees, but due to work and study commitments did not blow the whistle in 2009. Hopefully they will not be lost to us altogether and that they will return in the future. On the other hand we welcomed 8 new active members to the Association all of whom are young men and a woman looking to make their mark in refereeing. My hope is that they will be back and enthusiastic to have a crack at higher grades in 2010. My thanks again to all active members who tolerated the many last minute changes to games and / or venue which was more pronounced this season than in previous seasons. At the end of the season we can say “everything worked out in the end”. We continued the rotation of the senior referees in the top 3 grades - A grade, u19 grade and u17 grade competitions for three quarters of the season. This created greater competition amongst the more senior members by allowing the referees in the lower grades to compete against the A grade referees and thereby improve their standard of refereeing. The other benefit was that the footballers were not being refereed by the same small group of referees each weekend. The standard of refereeing in the top grades continues to improve and provide many opportunities to advance. Congratulations to John Gorzanelli and Robbie Dubois who were nominated and represented the Association in Perth. Also, Scott Butler and I were fortunate to represent the Association at the Sunshine Coast Referees Association. We were well looked after and made to be feel very welcome. It was very enlightening to see how other associations are administered and how other referees handle games within their district. These interstate appointments are a great way to cross pollinate ideas and improve the camaraderie of referees at a district level and it should be a goal for all referees to strive for as they develop their careers at Canterbury. While there were some shortcomings in the Directors of Referees function as outlined above there are still a number of people that helped me in my role. A big Thank You to my fellow Directors - Kim and George. When I was delayed or unable to attend meetings they covered for me. There was always plenty of healthy discussion each week. Many hours were spent evaluating reports and discussing appointments. During the finals series we spent a lot of time ensuring that all referees were appropriately rewarded with semi finals and finals. Kim and George could be seen around the grounds each weekend. Kim could be seen around the grounds most Saturdays and George would be out and about (and active) on Saturday and / or Sunday each and every weekend. My thanks also go to the Advisory Board members who gave up their valuable private time to watch referees each weekend, sometimes in quite trying conditions. Their efforts have a significant impact on the development of referees and to ensure the correct appointment of referees to finals fixtures. A special thanks to Paul 22

Archer, Wayne Loveday, Mario Cafarelli and Brian Barker for their continued efforts throughout the season. To members of the Executive, thank you for your guidance and support throughout the season. Paul Archer is as always a mentor and sounding board as we dealt with issues that invariably arise throughout the season. Thanks also to Kevin Shanahan and the District Club. Kevin was always approachable and listened to my concerns regarding scheduling and security. I trust it will continue in the seasons ahead. I would also like to mention and acknowledge the many senior members, a number of whom are still active, who provide unparalleled support, coaching and mentoring to the junior referees both on and off the field. Without them the Association would struggle to maintain its high standard that we have come to expect. I’ve said it before, they are the back bone of the Association and we cannot do without them. I will not mention names those members know who they are…. Congratulations to all referees and touch judges who officiated in Grand Finals this season. To Reg Marks, the new holder of the Clubb-Johnson award - he has continued to develop as a referee over a number of years. I think this year was the realisation within his own mind that he “IS” good enough to be the number one referee at Canterbury. To Feras Karem, the worthy winner of the Farrelly-Dick trophy. Feras epitomizes what younger referees should strive to do – he seeks out and learns from more experienced referees and puts into practice what he has learnt by refereeing as many games as possible. Finally, it is with sadness that I inform you that I will not be nominating for the role of Director of Referees in 2010. I have developed a close relationship with many of the active members throughout the past five seasons and it has been very rewarding for me to be a part of their development and also to take on a “non-financial” role within the Association. The role is very time consuming throughout the season and coupled with my work commitments and also living outside the district has made it that much more challenging. I could not have put in to the role what I did without the support of Susan who has always been considerate and supportive when I have been attending meetings or watching games on weekends. I look forward to supporting the Association in the seasons ahead. I’m sure that the new Director will bring new ideas and enthusiasm to the role and that 2010 will be a successful season.




In season 2009 we spent funds in excess of our income to the value of $8,095.58, which is a similar outcome to the previous year. We are very fortunate to be in a position to spend in excess to our income due to the Leo Randle Foundation and its committee members who wisely invest and distribute the funds. This allows benefits such as our continuation of the exchange program and re-imbursement for gear, training and development. The Leo Randle Foundation provides all members with benefits that would otherwise not be possible throughout each season. All members young and old should appreciate this and help ensure the memory of Leo Randle lives on forever, something the committee is determined to ensure occurs. A special mention must go to our sponsors, Canterbury Bankstown League Club Ltd., As Clean as a Whistle, Ronnies Demolition & Excavation and National Trotguide who provided support once again. This is greatly appreciated by the association. Andrew Taylor (As Clean as a Whistle) concluded his time as shorts sponsor at the season’s end, so I take this opportunity to thank Andrew for his commitment and financial support to the association during his tenure as sponsor. The NSWRL Referees’ Association again sent grants to the association throughout the year to assist with the development of referees and these were also gratefully received. This association is proud of providing a constant stream of social activities for members to be able to attend throughout each year. 2009 saw Gavin Beecroft fill the big shoes of Glenn Jeffcoat. I’m sure everyone will agree Gavin did an excellent job. I know he took a lot of pride in the role and worked hard to ensure all social events were successful. He was very diligent in providing me with supporting paperwork regarding all funds allocated to him, so well done to Gavin and the entire social committee. Once again I would like to thank Warren Gee for managing the referees’ fees throughout the season. It is a very time consuming role and was again done with a great deal of accuracy. I appreciate your help with this Warren. Last year I required a lot of help from John McCormack throughout the season. Whilst I was a lot more comfortable with the role in 2009, John was again always 24

happy to help whenever asked. I am grateful to have been able to call on you in my time thus far as Treasurer. I would like to take this opportunity to mention our outgoing President Paul Archer. Paul is the only president I have known in all my time with the association. I have seen Paul as a mentor since the first meeting I attended. Paul was an excellent President with the rare ability to make meetings fun, something which sets us apart from all other associations. Whilst Paul knows how to effectively highlight a lighter moment, just as importantly when the time is appropriate he can also be very serious and I can personally attest to just how passionate he is when it comes to the wellbeing of the association. I personally thank you Paul for everything you have done for me and more so for the massive contribution you have made during your time as President in making this such a well respected, friendly and successful association.



Canterbury Bankstown District Rugby League Referees Assoc. Profit & Loss Statement For the year ended 30 September 2009 2008


% of




Income Affiliation Fees Fines Gear Sales






















Raffles Fund Raising








Social Fee Subscriptions










100.00% 0.75%

Leo Randle Trust Distribution Grants Member Fees Lotto Fund Raising

Total Income

Expense Advertising



Affiliation Expense




Bank Service Charges










Blazers Coaching & Development Communication Fees Internet


































Total Golf Days











Telephone/Fax Total Communication Fees Depreciation Expense Exchange Program Filing Fees Flowers Gear Purchases Gifts and Donations Golf Days Golf Day CBRA Golf Day NSW

Member Fees 26

Motor Expense





% of Income 0.14%



Computer Expenses




Postage, Printing & Stationery








Legal Fees










Professional Fess

Total Professional Fees Social Activities Blue & White Cabaret NSW Presentation Night




Christmas Gathering




Cocktail Party










Cricket Day Entertainment General Other Assoc. Social




Leo Randle Meeting







Life Members Reunion




Meeting Costs

Gala Day




Trots Night




Total Social Activities






2.26% 4.11%

Sub Committee Expenses Funeral Assistance Training Trophies & Engraving Total Expense Net Ordinary Income/ (Loss)













Other Income/Expense Interest Income Total Other Income Net Other Income Net Income














Canterbury Bankstown District Rugby League Referees Assoc. Balance Sheet As of September 30, 2009 ASSETS



Current Assets Current/Savings: Comm. Bank Trading A/c



MLC Cash Management A/c



MLC CMT - Centenary Fund





Cash On Hand



Accounts Receivable







Total Current/Savings Other Current Assets:

Total Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Fixed Assets Equipment: Depreciation



Original Cost





Total Equipment Total Fixed Assets

2,974.04 51,777.62

2,161.04 43,627.04




Total Other Current Liabilities



TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities:










-8,693.18 $51,722.62

-8,095.58 $43,627.04

EQUITY Opening Bal Equity Net Income TOTAL EQUITY


Membership & Meeting Attendances 2009 Total Meetings: 14 Life Members David Abood Alan Aggett Kim Archer Paul Archer Joseph Attard (A) Brian Barker Christopher Bettiol Barry Bolton Lionel Brown (A) Mario Cafarelli Richard Daizli Phil Daws Tom Delauney George Elias Paul Field Ron Fordham Robert Garwood Jim Hall Jack Harvey Cliff Haynes Tom Healy Claude Hennessy Matthew Hewitt Mitchell Hoffmann Robert Hunt Sam Issa Glenn Jeffcoat (A) Arthur King John Leeds Peter Longhurst Wayne Loveday John McCormack Ray Payne Barry Ruttle (A) Peter Ryan Robert Styles Michael Thompson Colin Turnell David Turvey (A) Tod Walker Peter Wallace Total: 41 Active Members Jihad Afchal Mahar Alfas Stavros Anagnostakis Gavin Beecroft Michael Benham Joshua Boyd-Myers Nathan Brown Ian Butler Scott Butler Christopher Cafarelli

14 0 13 12 12 14 0 0 11 12 13 0 0 13 0 0 3 4 1 2 1 0 2 2 13 4 13 0 0 2 11 11 0 8 0 0 0 2 7 10 0

7 0 12 14 0 0 1(7 ) 13 8 14

Beau Carney Mark Coughtrey Salim Daizli Robert Dubois Phelix El Kek Saad Elasmar Andrew Elias Greg Fuller Jeremy Fuller Daniel Gardner Warren Gee John Gerges Simon Ghani Tane Gilling John Gorzanelli Ian Gregory Annita Hall Jeffrey Hassarati Graham Hinds Billal Iskandar Feras Karem Nathan Loveday John Maarbani Joseph Malouf Zac Malouf Reginald Marks Shane Merry Stephen Merry Bassam Mochaii Sam Nabhan Jennie Nguyen Dennis Quin Andrew Taylor Joseph Tesoriero Gary Towner Daniel Treacey Billy Tsikrikas Michael White Cody Wilson John Yousiff George Zeitoune Brad Zarb Total: 52

3 (7) 0 8 11 5 3(7) 13 13 2 13 13 11 2 3(7) 13 4 2(2) 0 0 0 8 13 11 0 1 8 5 7 3(7 ) 0 1 1 6 11(11) 4(12 ) 1 1(4) 0 0 1(4 ) 7(11) 13

Non-Active/ Graded Members Barry Belford 12 David Cameron 0 James Cartwright (T2) 0 Michael Chahoud(T3) 1 Jay Collinson (T2) 0 William Condon 0 Phil Cooley 0 Anthony Crogan 0 Robert Culkin 0 Nicola Dahdal (T1) 0 29

Mathew Damaso Brian Davoren Geoffrey Deehan Stephen Denford Baz El Debel John Ellis Peter Fahey Mohamad Fajajo Matthew Farrelly Adam Gee Barry Goldsworthy Col Hanna Dennis Hinds Keith Holman (T2) Daniel Inglese Frank Inglese (T2) Luke Inglese (T2) Shane Ireland Hussain Iskandar George Jankowski Ryan Jeffcoat Kevin Jeffes Richard Kairouz Doug Keen Avanua Kupu (T2) Gary Lee Peter Moon Brad Newson Jimmy Oliveira Jim O’Meara Michael O’Neill John O’Sullivan Jamie Pomeroy (T2) John Pont (T2) Rick Rigby Barry Ryan Russell Smith John Steven Anthony Sukkar Daniel Tuulau (T2) Mark Tuulau (T2) Peter Tzamouranis Perry Tzamouranis Viktor Unal Peter Williams Hilton Wood Matthew Zada Mark Zada Total: 58 (A) Also Active. (T1) Member until 31-1-09. (T2) Member unitl 30-9-09. (T3) Passed away 1-10-09.

6 11 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2(7) 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 2

Committee Meetings and Attendance 2009 (1 Jan 09 to 31 Dec 09)

Total Meetings: 9 President Paul Archer Vice President David Abood Hon. Secretary Mario Cafarelli Hon. Treasurer Brad Zarb Assistant Secretary Warren Gee Committee Member Lionel Brown Committee Member Chris Cafarelli Social Secretary (2008) Glenn Jeffcoat Social Secretary (2009) Gavin Beecroft

9 8 8 9 9 6 9 1(1) 8

Deceased Life Members V. Meinrath H. Miller J. O’Brien J. O’Connor R. Oxford G. Pearce R. Peters L. Randle S. Robb G. Russell

W. Farrin E. Fletcher G. Griffin R. Hibbard T. Johnson W. Kirk B. Knight J. Martin A. Matthews L. Matthews

G. Burns A. Carragher K. Clubb F. Czisz W. Devine R. Dick J. Doherty J. Eedy D. Elphick J. Farrelly

J. Smith R. Smith A. Spankie R. Wade W. Ward E. Wearing F. Wilcox S. Williams

Honorary Members For Life S. G. Garland OAM (deceased) K. Lotty V. Pitt

Honorary Members 2009 Tony Archer John Ballesty Tony Charlton John Dumesny

Todd Greenberg Paul Hassarati Yvette Hassarati Elayne Jeffcoat 30

Dr. George Peponis Martin Puckeridge David Merrick

Positions Held By Members With Other Bodies 2009 N.S.W.R.L.R.A. Inc. J. O’Sullivan – Patron J. McCormack – Finance Committee (Trainers’ Coordinator) D. Keen – Social Committee, Liaison Committee, Archives Committee. J. O’Sullivan – Liaison Committee, Jimmy Oliveira – Marketing Committee. George Jankowski – Director Of Marketing

Graded/NRL Referees D. Abood, R. Daizli, M. Damaso, M. Fajajo, A Gee, J. Oliveira.

N.R.L. Ltd P. Cooley, R. Smith – Video Referees

A.R.L. & N.S.W.R.L. Inc. R. Smith – NSW State Cup Squad Coach T. Healy ,G. Jankowski, D. Keen, W. Loveday, B. Ruttle – Advisory Board B. Ruttle – NRAS NSWRLRA Manager D. Keen – Referee Development Officer

NRL Grand Final Officials – P. Holland, T. Archer, S. Hayne, D. Abood




Reg Marks Reg Marks won the Clubb-Johnson Trophy this year after a closly contested season. Reg had a very successful year which culminated in his appointment to the A grade grand final. Congratulations to Reg.

Previous Winners 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

Michael Thompson Robert Styles Paul Archer Peter Wallace Michael O’Neill Robert Styles Peter Moon Peter O’Brien Greg McAlister Barry Ruttle George Elias Ray McGavin Tom Healy Paul Field Jim Hammonds Mario Cafarelli

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 32

David Abood Mario Cafarelli Alan Fallah Sam Issa Chris Fitzpatrick Gary Towner Richard Daizli Gary Towner Chris Bettiol Chris Bettiol Adam Gee Adam Gee Jimmy Oliveira Brad Zarb Brad Zarb



Feras Karem The Most Improved Referee Trophy went to Feras Karem. Feras has established himself as a very competent and capable referees in just two seasons. Feras will continue to improve and can look forward to a big future in the game. Congratuations.

Previous Winners 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

John Maarbani Kevin Freund Chris Bettiol John Tamine Alan Fallah Joe Makdessi Richard Daizli Brad Zarb Mohammad Fajajo

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


Viktor Unal Brett Walsh Lionel Brown Hilton Wood Greg Fuller Chris Cafarelli Mark Zada Matthew Zada



John McCormack (presented by Paul Archer) John joined the Association on 21 June 1978. John served on the Doubles Committee from 1982 to 1986 and was also Treasurer for a total of 11 years. John has also been an auditor of the association. John has shared his knowledge of the game through his role on the appointments board for a total of 13 years, before becoming Director Of Refeees in 2005, as job he has done for 5 years. This is a timely reward for John’s outstanding contribution to the association over the past 31 years. Congratulations John McCormack.

Previous Recipients 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Les Matthews Robert Garwood Robert Hunt Bryan Knight Tod Walker Peter Ryan

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


Paul Archer Robert Styles Tom Healy Peter Longhurst Mario Cafarelli

Grand Final Appointments 2009 A GRADE

Glenn Jeffcoat (In Goal), Jeff Hassarati (Touch Judge), Reg Marks (Referee), Chris Cafarelli (Touch Judge), Stavros Anagnostakis (In Goal)


John Gerges (In Goal), Dave Turvey (Touch Judge), Gary Towner (Referee), Robert Dubois (Touch Judge), Stephen Merry (In Goal)



Graham Hinds (Touch Judge), Scott Butler (Touch Judge), John Maarbani(Referee).


Andrew Taylor (Touch Judge), Brad Zarb (Referee), John Gorzanelli (Touch Judge) 36

UNDER 15s Div 1

Daniel Gardner (Touch Judge), Gavin Beecroft (Referee) Sam Nabhan (Touch Judge),

UNDER 15s Div 2

Nathan Loveday (Touch Judge), Greg Fuller (Referee), Feras Karem (Touch Judge) 37

UNDER 14s Div 1

Dennis Quin (Touch Judge), Robert Dubois (Referee), Ian Gregory (Touch Judge). GRADE Under 14 D2 Under 13 D1 Under 13 D2 Under 12 D1 Under 12 D2 Under 11 D1 Under 11 D2 Under 11 D3 Under 10 D1 Under 10 D2 Under 9 D1 Under 9 D2 Under 9 D3 Under 8 D1 Under 8 D2 Under 8 D3 Under 8 D4 Under 7 D1 Under 7 D2

REFEREE John Gorzanelli Jeff Hassarati Scott Butler Simon Ghani Andrew Taylor Feras Karem Daniel Gardner Nathan Loveday Stavros Anagnostakis John Gerges Phelix El Kek Zac Malouf Stephen Merry Scott Butler Barry Ruttle John Gorzanelli Ian Butler Brad Zarb Warren Gee

TOUCH JUDGES Jihad Afchal Lionel Brown Bilal Iskandar John Gerges Greg Fuller Andrew Taylor Mark Coughtrey Daniel Treacey Jennie Nguyen Joseph Tesoriero Joey Malouf George Zeitoune Gavin Beecroft Saad Elasmar Gavin Beecroft Billy Tsikrikas Warren Gee Ian Butler Sam Nabhan Bassam Mochaii Jeremy Fuller Jennie Nguyen Sam Nabhan Glenn Jeffcoat Sam Nabhan Glenn Jeffcoat Bassam Mochaii Billy Tsikrikas Nathan Brown Billy Tsikrikas Nathan Brown Bassam Mochaii John Gorzanelli Joseph Tesoriero Glenn Jeffcoat Joseph Tesoriero Glenn Jeffcoat Brad Zarb


Grand Final Referees – A to E Grade(u16s) 1957-1977 Year 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977

A Grade A Matthews R Dick S Williams R Dick A Aggett J Farrelly L Burnell J Harvey A Benson J Harvey ----J Harvey ----T Delauney J Leeds L Matthews L Matthews N Duncan R Hunt R Fordham R Hunt

(No records prior to 1957) B Grade C Grade J Smith R Dick B Jackman A Stanley A Matthews P Tipper W Kirk L Burnell J Farrelly W Kirk J Harvey L White W Kirk K Holman B Knight A King C Hennessy B Knight C Hennessy B Wiseman B Knight B Wiseman C Hennessy A Collins A Collins A Collins N Rumph B Cole J Thomas N Duncan N Duncan C Turnell ----P Longhurst J Leeds P Longhurst ----C Haynes H Delauney R Styles R Fordham H Delauney

D (U/18) C Jamieson J Harvey N Savage T Green F Aaroons J Leeds A King C Hennessy T Dick J Leeds T Dick T Delauney B Knight M Keeble D Graham R Styles B Bradstock C Haynes H Delauney A Carragher P Moon

E (U/16) J Harvey T Green J McGrath B Mills J Last W Kirk D Smith A Benson J Leeds L Donohue L Donohue W Needman N Rumph ----C Turnell B Bradstock R Hunt H Delauney S Stobbs J Bedford K Davis

Australian Schoolboys v British Community Lions 2009. Referee: Adam Gee. Touche Judges: Richard Daizli and Jimmy Oliveira.


Grand Final Referees – A to E Grade(u16s) 1978-2009 Year 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

A Grade M Thompson R Styles P Archer P Wallace (B Grade) M O’Neill R Syles --------G McAlister B Ruttle G Elias R McGavin T Healy P Field J Hammonds ----D Abood M Cafarelli ----S Issa C Fitzpatrick G Towner R Daizli G Towner C Bettiol C Bettiol A Gee A Gee J Oliveira B Zarb B Zarb R Marks

B Grade P Archer R Fordham P Ryan M O’Neill(Bres) D Turvey D Turvey P Moon P O’Brien D Turvey W Whitney D Turvey M Hoffman D Abood T Healy D Abood M Cafarelli G Elias -------------------------------------------------------------

C Grade P Wallace J Bedford P Wallace P O’Brien M Hewitt P O’Brien D Turvey G Elias G Elias D Turvey R McGavin A Crogan J Hammonds M Cafarelli S Issa D Abood C Fitzpatrick J Tamine A Fallah C Fitzpatrick S Issa B Newson C Bettiol C Bettiol B Zarb B Zarb J Maarbani V Unal A Gee H Iskander R Marks G Towner (u19)


D (U/18) J Bedford J Colwell G Elias J Blackmore G Lee M Davis P O’Brien M Cafarelli P Field P O’Brien T Healy D Abood S Issa B Newson G Elias M Damaso G Towner M Cafarelli A Crogan B Newson J Tamine C Bettiol D Keen R Daizli R Daizli V Unal R Jeffcoat H Wood H Wood J Maarbani J Maarbani J Maarbani (u17)

E (U/16) K Davis G Deehan M O’Neill P Field J McCormack N Adamson M Davis B Ruttle W Whitney P Kelly J McCormack J Makdessi W Loveday M Damaso M Damaso J Maarbani J Tamine G Towner C Bettiol P Tzamouranis R Daizli J Maarbani M Teasel J Tamine M Fajajo J Maarabni H Wood J Oliveira G Elias Shane Merry G Beecroft B Zarb

Association Office Bearers 1922 – 1982 Year 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951

President Secretary/Treasurer W.N.Todd L.F.K.Lea W.N.Todd L.F.K.Lea W.N.Todd L.F.K.Lea V.Meinrath L.F.K.Lea V.Meinrath A.Bray G.Russell R.Oxford G.Russell R.Oxford G.Russell R.Oxford G.Russell R.Oxford G.Russell R.Oxford G.Russell R.Oxford G.Russell R.Oxford V.Meinrath R.Oxford V.Meinrath A.Spankie V.Meinrath (to 7/4/36) A.Spankie R.Hibbard (after 7/4/36) R.Hibbard H.Miller R.Hibbard W. Devine R.Hibbard W. Devine R.Hibbard W. Devine E.Fletcher W. Devine E.Fletcher W. Devine E.Fletcher W. Devine E.Fletcher W. Devine E.Fletcher W. Devine G.Griffin W. Devine G. Pearce W. Devine G. Pearce J.Eedy G. Pearce J.Eedy G. Pearce J.Eedy G. Pearce J.Eedy

Year 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982


President G. Pearce G. Pearce G. Pearce W. Devine W. Devine L.Randle L.Randle L.Randle L.Randle L.Randle L.Randle J.Martin J.Martin J.Martin J.Martin J.Martin J.Martin J.Martin J.Martin J.Martin R.Smith R.Smith J.Farrelly J.Farrelly J.Farrelly J.Farrelly J.Farrelly J.Farrelly T.Delauney L.Matthews L.Matthews

Secretary/Treasurer J.Eedy J.Eedy J.Eedy J.Eedy J.Eedy J.Eedy J.Eedy J.Eedy J.Eedy J.Eedy R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick R.Dick

Association Office Bearers Since 1983 Year 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

President L.Matthews L.Matthews L.Matthews L.Matthews L.Matthews L.Matthews L.Matthews L.Matthews (to 18/4/90) R.Styles (After 18/4/90) R.Styles R.Styles R.Styles R.Styles R.Styles R.Styles P.Archer P.Archer P.Archer P.Archer P.Archer P.Archer P.Archer P.Archer P.Archer P.Archer P.Archer P.Archer P.Archer

Secretary R.Dick R.Dick R.J.Garwood R.J.Garwood R.J.Garwood R.J.Garwood R.J.Garwood R.J.Garwood

Treasurer R.Hunt R.Hunt R.Hunt R.Hunt R.Hunt R.Hunt R.Hunt R.Hunt

R.J.Garwood R.J.Garwood R.J.Garwood R.J.Garwood R.J.Garwood R.J.Garwood P.Ryan P.Ryan P.Ryan P.Ryan P.Ryan P.Ryan C.Bettiol C.Bettiol M.Cafarelli M.Cafarelli M.Cafarelli M.Cafarelli M.Cafarelli

R.Hunt J.McCormack J.McCormack J.McCormack J.McCormack J.McCormack P.Tzamouranis P.Tzamouranis P.Tzamouranis P.Tzamouranis B.Newson J.McCormack J.McCormack J.McCormack J.McCormack J.McCormack J.McCormack B.Zarb B.Zarb


2009 On Display

George Elias displays his skills with the bat whilst Richard Daizli gets plenty of practice with the gloves.

David Abood is presented with A World Cup Jersey

New Social Secretary Gavin Beecroft with his wife Rachel The Social Committee ready for action. Adam Gee, Gavin Beecroft, Chris Cafarelli and Feras Karem.


OUR SPONSORS The Canterbury-Bankstown District Rugby League Referees’ Association wishes to thank the following sponsors for their support and generosity during 2009.

Major Sponsor CANTERBURY LEAGUE CLUB Canterbury offers a full range of amenities for members and their guests in a spectacular environment. The best in dining, leisure and entertainment is available. Three restaurants are included in the extended club, which offers excellent facilities and unmatched ambience 26 Bridge Road Belmore NSW 2192 Telephone +61 2 9704 7777 Email inquiry@canterburyleague.com.au www.canterburyleague.com.au

Sleeve Sponsor Specialising in • Demolition & Excavation • Building Materials for sale • Commercial strip-out • Front End loaders & tip truck for hire • Tank removal • Tank abandonment • Contaminated Soil removal • Industrial / commercial demolition • Bulk Excavation & Demolition

Shorts Sponsor Blocked Drains Storm Water Greaselines Factory Floors Driveways Andrew Taylor Ph: 0404 851 180 44

Printing Sponsor

Meeting Dates 2010 February 18 (AGM) March 25 April 8, 22 May 6, 20 June 3, 17 July 1, 15, 29 August 12, 26 September 9



1._____________ 2. ______________ 3. ____________



Vice President:


Hon. Secretary


Hon. Treasurer


Assistant Secretary:


Committee Members:

1. ___________________ 2. ______________________

Social Secretary



1. ___________________ 2. ______________________

Delegate NSWRLRA:

____________________ Deputy: ________________

Delegate Junior League:

____________________ Deputy: __________________

Delegate ARLRA:


Social Committee:

1. _____________ 2. ______________ 3. ____________

Gear Committee:

1. _____________ 2. ______________ 3. ____________

Golf Committee:

1. _____________ 2. ______________ 3. ____________

Advisory Board:

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________


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