POEM Adam lived near the sea,
He wanted to be legendary
He allowed little Adam to go When she, his mother, said a firm no
So he ran to the ocean one day And decided to go far away
They feared many a dreadful thing And waited for what fate had to bring!
He wanted to travel beyond his land And see the world as he had planned
But when they gave up and started to mourn They heard a great man return
One day his father learnt about it, And granted him the permit,
The ran to the port to look at him, It was Adam who fulfilled his dream!
He saw a zeal in his son And patiently waited for Adam to return
He was too precious for his mom and dad Adam made them very proud and glad!
Several days passed by And his wife only wondered why? We should always pursue our dreams
Legendary: Great Permit: A token of allowance 27
August 22