Martial Arts Magazine Budo International 470 – February 2 fortnight – 2023

Page 137

The Kajukenbo continues to grow day by day and more than ever are demanded forms of teaching updated to our times and the EKKA responds with this series of 2 volumes corresponding to the intermediate level, and thus cover the basic techniques of the program of white belt, to black belt. In this new work, logical evolution of his previous work Basic Kajukenbo, GM Licesio Prieto shows us the forms (Palamas) 3 to 8, the Punch Counters 3-6, Grab Counters 3-6, Knife Counters 3-6, Club Counters 3-6, Kick Counters 1-5 that do not appear in the original art of Kajukenbo, as well as a work of Drills and Counters, typical of the EKKA. All martial arts must evolve and adapt to the times without losing their traditions and roots, everything evolves, and with the arts of Hawaii is the same, evolution despite whoever it may concern, but keeping the principles that make them work.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

Ref.: •LPRIeTO-2 Ref.: •LPRIeTO-2

In this second volume corresponding to the intermediate level, GM Licesio Prieto presents the forms (Palamas) 9 to 13, the Punch Counters 7-10, Grab Counters 7-10, Knife Counters 7-10, Club Counters 7-10, Kick Counters 6-10 that are not included in the original art of Kajukenbo, as well as the continuation of the work of Drills 7-10 and Counters 7-10, typical of the EKKA. Kajukenbo continues to grow day by day and more than ever there is a demand for teaching forms updated to our times, and the EKKA responds with this series of 2 volumes on the intermediate level, so as to cover the basic techniques of the program from white belt to black belt. All martial arts must evolve and adapt to the times without losing their traditions and roots, everything evolves, and with the arts of Hawaii is the same, evolution despite whoever it may concern, but keeping the principles that make them work.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

Ref.: •LPRIeTO-3 Ref.: •LPRIeTO-3

"Hard times create strong men; strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men; weak men, create hard times."

Eastern proverb

"Nature has no human heart."

Lao Tse

"The advantage of being intelligent is that you can pretend to be an idiot. Pretend to be an idiot, whereas the other way around is impossible."

"O tempora, o mores..."

We are all nature, whether we are aware of it or not, whether we live imbued in artificial bubbles, asphalt paradises where night does not exist, or on the contrary in the middle of the jungle, with a simple loincloth covering our private parts. The fact that we have decided to ignore this truth does not make it any less true. Everything is Nature, with capital letters.

No matter how much we shelter from the cold in the winter with heating or with air conditioners in the summer, we will not change the seasonal cycles. No matter how much we turn on the lights at night, the sun will not rise before or after, our micro world is always enveloped in a larger bubble, eternal in itself, and that in its doing, without doing, will prevail impassively over our small attempts. Man has taken his arrogance to such an extent that he even considers himself the ultimate "undoer" of nature! But even if we try to detach ourselves from it, we are there, being that very thing.

I love the things that man does, because I am a man and I play in his team, but I never forget that our attempts to distance ourselves from the great laws, are only temporary remedies that often provoke the opposite of what they seek. Verbigracia: We put the air conditioners and raise 3 or 4 degrees the temperature of the cities in summer. We take a shower with hot water and when we get out we feel cold, because any hot application, without that final shot of cold water so necessary, produces a cold reaction, and so with the heaters on full blast, we end up catching a cold. The human being possesses a great weapon, intelligence, but does not always use it properly. The worst thing is that this separation from nature, where the law of the jungle prevails instead of the law of the "garden", is affecting our judgment to levels of absolute (allow me to use the word) idiotization.

The word idiot, besides the meaning we all understand, fool, imbecile, stupid, etc... comes from the Greek ἰδιώτης, (private, self). Even in its origin, the idiot is so, because he is self-absorbed, absent from his environment. Thus children who have known chickens only in the form of nuggets, ignore that they are living beings that roam the earth and feed on worms, grains and shit (they love it!) and that to eat them one must first kill them.

The urbanite, distant as he is from nature, is of course horrified by all this, but continues to eat the bugs that others kill, buying them in plastic trays, or in the form of minced meat, which affects his sensitive disposition less. The Bambi syndrome has done a lot of damage and the "crystal generation" that we are producing will end up doing much more in the same direction. Raised as they are in an environment where the lack of coherence no longer seems to matter to anyone; the "buenismo" reigns at ease, sailing in the collective unconscious, to the point that those who embrace nature as the epitome and reference of normality, are now the abnormal ones. The supposed moral superiority of these individuals is not sustained under any parameter, but it does not matter, because what prevails are the sweetened feelings and sentimentalisms of an effeminate society (*), lazy and whiny.

These clowns are now even legislating authentic idiocies about animals. As an example: To have a dog in Spain they want us to take a course... but to be a father or mother, they do not ask anything, not even to ride a scooter or a bicycle! And they go around scaring and running over grandmothers (and even yours truly I confess!)....

The real guardians of animals are those who work with them, those who live in nature. Farmers, ranchers, hunters, yes, hunters! Because they are the first ones interested in the survival of their activity. However, on the contrary, today their activities are often frowned upon, criticized as savage, ruthless, and even inhumane!

I understand that living among cotton wool can distort our perception of reality to the point of putting the horse (the emotional one) above the rider (the mental one), upsetting all natural order of values to the point of absurdity; but everything has consequences and from so much candy and cloying, this society has become morally diabetic and functionally castrated. That violence that they try to avoid in animals, is now tried to be exercised as law against men, compelling them under penalty, to act according to moral principles convenient to their twisted vision of the natural.

If I were to make absurd laws, I would prefer another that would say that only he who is capable of taking a life has the right to eat meat. But one is liberal, that is, one wants to let everyone live with their personal vision of the world, as much as one wants to be allowed to live with one's own. The bad thing is that this new army of salvation, this new version of the Inquisition, are leading their crusades, riding on the white horse of their moral and spiritual superiority, when they are simply ignorant and tyrants, incapable of seeing beyond their own bubble, that is, idiots.

Where is today the strength of our ancestors? That which made us prevail and thrive, fighting against adversity and the furies of nature. It is easy to criticize things when everything is comfortable, but how many of us would survive in their conditions? Today you take a cell phone away from someone and they are absolutely bewildered and lost, alienated as we are under the yoke of this "new appendage" that has come into our hands.

The overprotectionism of antibiotics is coming to an end; bacteria have been getting stronger and stronger for almost a century as they fight this new enemy, while we, on the contrary, are getting weaker and weaker as we count on this remedy for everything. It will be 6 years before the century of its discovery... In the war with the bugs we are losing by a landslide!

Don't be fooled, Mother Nature doesn't give a damn about all this; like the Tao she does nothing, but nothing remains to be done. Without feelings or intentions, it gives sequence to what is, without morally categorizing anything; but its laws are unfailing and nothing and no one can escape them.

The oriental dictum is unquestionable: "Hard times create strong men; strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men; weak men, create hard times." We cannot change the nature of the times in which we live, but we can live in them in a certain harmony with nature; without categorizing it or attributing to it intentions, projections of our vision of the world, with all its faults, with all the perversions of that biased vision, the fruit of our time and customs, ideas and paradigms. The world of man is only a description, a catalog of interpretations; wanting to put "signs" on nature, to put it in our catalog, to provide it with our own intentions, is like wanting to thread a dromedary on a needle, something, once again, idiotic.

The world is full of idiots! You lift a stone and there's one underneath! Sure! Dear reader, don't join their club, even if it's fashionable.....

For something to live, something must die, that's the law. Bambi's mother died... something must have eaten from her; some life must have arisen from that death, for from every death, a life always arises; that is the law... And if not, try to eat a lettuce without killing it! See if you can?

O tempora, o mores...

* (Understanding the feminine principle from her idea of staunch protectionism: rights over duties, help over effort, overprotection, etc...).

Balance, wisdom, wisdom....

"It is precisely the questions to which there are no answers that mark the limits of human possibilities and draw the boundaries of our existence."

This Czech writer, naturalized French, author of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being", was right. For millennia man, in his elucidative capacity, has been trying to develop tools in his intellect that make his daily life easier. Scholars and defenders of the evolutionist theory preach that, at a given moment in evolution, human beings and monkeys had a common ancestor. From this ancestor two different groups evolved: one of them generated the monkey and the other generated human beings.

This thesis had a strong impact on the Christian society of the 19th century. Harshly criticized by the religious, Darwin continued his research. Among the aspects he explored were:

- The process of evolution of species is gradual and continuous.

- All living things ultimately descend from a common ancestor.

- The mechanism by which living beings change and evolve is natural selection: the individuals best adapted to the environment achieve better results in the struggle for survival. Very well, the question that takes us further demonstrates that we humans, until a few centuries ago, legitimized the domination of colonialist metropolises over conquered peoples.

This phenomenon, called "Eurocentric Ethnocentrism", had European civilization as the measure for all civilized aspects. Thus, this is how the classification "primitive, barbarian, and civilized" came about to determine the evolutionary stages of civilizations.

In the midst of the 21st century, we still see that the pathways between man and his obviousness, so to speak, becomes the bending point between the great flowering of the means by which our mechanical and utilitarian

pseudo-civilization is enriched, mainly through the advent of the internet, and puts us in a position of reinventing itself. This means that, observed from another plane, we are living in a golden age of information and, at the same time, it has never been so confusing. It is simple, all this abundant wave of access, possibilities, achievement of goals, etc., becomes unity and the problem comes to the surface as what is, or is not, true. That being said, within the vision and reflection that leads to lucidity, it matters little.

Everyone who knew martial arts before the 90s identified with two characters: the strong warrior who saved the weak and oppressed, and the wise old man who seemed to have answers for everything. So much so, that the made-for-TV series Kung Fu starring David

Carradine was a great success. Who doesn't remember one of his favorite masters, Master Po, an old man who was blind and nicknamed the grasshopper?

Well, then we can mention Mr. Miyagi, played by Noriyuki "Pat" Morita in the Karate Kid Movie - a role that earned him a nomination for best supporting actor at that year's Oscars and also a nomination in the same category at the Golden Globe Awards.

When we observe from another line of argument and perspective, the problem that is proposed in the face of the truth/ lie relationship, the reflective vision always manifests itself in function of the intelligence that proposes it and its limits.

The change of the millennium, the arrival of the Internet and globalization, has forced everyone to reposition themselves. In other words, the opening of possibilities with immediate access to information, something that previously depended on books and people searching for information in their respective countries, has made all the difference. It only took a few years for everyone to feel the same! From night to morning, someone who had never entered a Dojo felt on the same level as an experienced teacher who knew his craft.

The changes in humanity always presented readjustments and rebirths. The new world, with its artifacts and unlimited possibilities, said: the sky is the limit! Finally, the secrets seemed

to be no more, and the heat of the emotions in the many forums and discussions made the most famous masters the perfect "target".

Disputes, disaffections, everything was there on display. For years they soaked up all the attention, subjected the maneuvering points, and previously invisible characters gained notoriety. Yet martial reality felt empty, terribly hand-to-mouth. Like everything else, things start, gain strength, maintain themselves, lose strength, enter a process of decrepitude, and the tendency is to disappear.

It is worth pointing out that this is not new, nor is it something inherent only to the 21st century. The directional lack of one's own emotions is something that has always accompanied human

beings in their personal journey. It is easy, man has always felt unable to direct the means where power and appearance speak louder.

On the other hand, the laws of existence tell us that life reaches homogeneity without harming individuality, reaches the equality that unifies, without destroying the differences that distinguish. The good news is that the elements therefore preserve their individuality inviolate, without preventing all similarities from balancing out these differences: each one is what he is!

In the middle of martial arts, soaked with testosterone, vanity, imagination, a dangerous cocktail where each one wants to be the master, the king, the lord of reason, it is easy to find caricatures and characters that show that it is worth understanding the story with its nuances and variations. That is, each one in his search for equality, for a place in the sun, can be a God or a devil, since equality is constituted, in this way, not as a violation imposed on individuality, but as a spontaneous reordering of oneself.

Perhaps, in the past, this was a question of culture, or even of the need to bring culture to the middle, especially when the middle lacks knowledge. Those who are of my generation know that the martial arts environment was not famous for its intellectuality, and few people stood out with these characteristics.

Contrary to this, in the 20th century, in some places a martial arts teacher was someone who had no use for anything. This is understandable, since culture was scarce and information misrepresented.

When we observe the word "Culture", a broad concept that represents the set of traditions, beliefs, and customs of a certain social group, we can understand that the races, in their social idiosyncrasies, were differentiated by the way they transmitted their knowledge. According to anthropology, it was passed on through communication or imitation to the following generations.

If we follow this approach, within the cultural martial context, culture represents the social heritage of a group, being the sum of patterns of human behavior, involving: knowledge, experiences, attitudes, values, beliefs, religion, language, hierarchy, spatial relations, notion of time, and concepts of the universe.

Edward Tylor (1832-1917), said something interesting "Culture is that whole complex which

includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, customs, and all other habits and abilities acquired by man as a member of society."

Very well, we have already reached the year 2023 of this century of changes and alterations. From the standpoint of modernity, equality is not, therefore, a forced superimposition of reality, but an organization of reality on a higher evolutionary plane.

In this century of movement and speed, we are witnessing a continuous breaking down of barriers. As far as the martial arts are concerned, there are no longer any borders or racial divisions. The dividing walls, erected by human ignorance, however much they may resist, are gradually being demolished. Just as well!

This brings us to the idea that the absurd and offensive difficulty, for those who were previously excluded, no longer exists. Who did not suffer, as I did, with the idea that we had to think like an Oriental to be somebody in the middle?

The thought concerning a racial superiority, all the more pernicious and such a disturbance, seen from the spiritual world, falls to the ground and the deeds, almost always marked by legends and stories, come to an end.

Every race, art, culture, possesses qualities that were not formed at random and that have a collective function. Each people can offer a useful contribution

to the formation of the new organism of humanity. And if there is a more evolved race, it has, for this very reason, the duty to educate and evolve, and never the right to crush and enjoy.

We need only take a quick look at the past:

Animals have developed biologically, with some evolving and becoming more suited to the environment. Therefore, culture has also evolved because some human beings, supposedly, have evolved more. There arose the ethnocentric notion of race, which claimed that some "human races" were superior to others.

However, with the use of the Internet we are deluded by the voice of the world. Milan Kundera again hits the nail on the head:


that aspires to balance, compensates the weight of evil with which his spine is broken, with the mass of his hatred."

We can see that the world is always in a hurry, because it is locked in time. Everything changes at a frightening speed. The famous Liquid World written

that creature

by Polish Jewish philosopher and sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, explains to us that no matter how fast the world runs it never quite arrives.

This is because, in general, social relations in the 20th century have lost the essential characteristics that they mostly had in previous centuries. A strong example of this is relationships. Fears, uncertainties, volatile relationships, individualism, consumerism, public and political insecurity, social inequality, and the ease of employing market logic to human relationships are all consequences of this liquidity of the times.

If we transfer this to the martial arts, the master-student, mentor-disciple relationship, in proportion no longer exists. Few schools manage to keep their traditions, habits, customs..., as far as relationships are concerned.

Bauman is a great critic of the fragility of human bonds. For him, it has become easy to connect and disconnect from your friends: you just press a button. Nowadays you have thousands of

friends in your social networks. In solid modernity you would have barely a short circle of friendships, very close. This is what differentiates human bones from networks. For Bauman we seek friendships and relationships like we seek products: on the basis of benefit. When we are no longer benefited, we close the network.

Perhaps this is a time when we need more balance, wisdom, common sense, than ever before.

"Popularization leads to superficial acceptance without serious study. People just repeat the phrases they learn in the theater or in the press. They think they understand something of psychoanalysis because they play with its jargon..."

A Weapon Shouldn't Be Taken in Anger

Since the dawn of civilization, people have been fascinated with various weapons as well as domination which it brings over another person that does not own it. By holding a weapon in their hands, they feel an additional power and safety from enemy's attacks as well as power over other people who are not armed or have a weaker weapon than them. Because of this fascination with weapons, it is taken and used from certain persons without any real necessity, but pure desire for domination over another person or a group of people.

We are witnesses to a growing number of violence from various individuals that want to deter or endanger other people's lives without any real reason. Random violence where weapons are used by certain disturbed persons who are not able to control their anger is often happening at various places. These are mostly places where groups of people gather, e.g. different stores and shopping malls, places of public transport (bus stations, metroes, railway stations), schools, parks, playgrounds etc. Unfortunately, various weapons are easily accessible to those persons who do not know how to safely use them and do not understand their real use.

A Weapon Shouldn't Be A Weapon Shouldn't Be

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The situation is additionally aggravated by various laws and regulations which allow easy availability of weapons in certain countries. Also, the situation is aggravated by different self-proclaimed martial arts masters who use weapons so that they could wave and spin it around themselves unreasonably, throw it in the air etc. Many of these persons have never undergone real weapon training so they do not know basic rules that are taught at the very beginning of training.

We will mention two basic rules that are taught in Japanese martial arts sword fighting-kenjutsu. The have a general use in handling other weapons as well. In order to explain the first rule as easily as possible, which says that one shouldn't pick up a weapon when angry, we will use an old legend which is oftentimes retold in numerous dojos around the world.

The Samurai and the Debt

During the occupation of Okinawa, a young samurai who borrowed money to a fisherman came back to the Itoman province where he lived in order to collect it with interest. Unable to pay the debt, the poor fisherman ran away and tried to hide from the samurai who was famous for his sword-handling skills as well as his short temper.

The samurai came to his house and, when he couldn't find him, sought him over the entire village. As soon as he figured out that the fisherman was hiding, he became furious.

At the end, before sunset, he found him under a ravine that protected him from sight. In anger, he took out his sword and said “What can you say for yourself?”

The fisherman replied “Before you kill me, I have something to say. I humbly ask for this chance.” The samurai said “You ingrate! I borrowed you money when you needed it and gave you a year to return it and you are acting this way. Speak before I change my mind.”

“I am sorry.' said the fisherman.” “What I wanted to say was this: I have only just began to learn the art of the empty hand (karate) and the first thing I learned was the command: If you raise your hand, calm your temper, if your temper is risen, calm your hand. If you kill me now, I will never return you your debt, but if you spare me I will return you your money in a year, I promise.”

The samurai was baffled when he heard this famous command from the simple fisherman. He sheathed his sword and said “Well, you are right. But remember, I will be back in a year and you better have my money ready.” And he left.

It was already dark when the samurai returned to his home and, as was the tradition, he was getting ready to announce his return but was surprised by a beam of light that was coming from his room, through the back half-open door. He strained his eyes and could see his wife who was asleep and an unclear contour of a person sleeping on the floor next to her. Although it was unclear, he could see that the person was wearing a samurai armour so he

A Weapon Shouldn't Be A Weapon Shouldn't Be

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became very surprised and full of anger. He became furious in a second, full of rage mixed with jealousy. He took out his sword and slowly came closer to the bedroom door.

He raised his sword wanting to run into the room, but he remembered the fisherman's words: “If you raise your hand, calm your temper, if your temper is risen, calm your hand. He thought 'Well, I can kill him later as well.”

He went back to the entryway and said out loud “I'm back”. In that moment, his wife stood up, opened the door and came out together with his mother to greet him. His mother was wearing his samurai armour in order to fool any intruders while he was away and protect his wife.

The year passed quickly and it was time for the samurai to collect his debt from the fisherman. The samurai travelled a long way again and came to the fisherman's village. He was waiting for him in front of his house and, as soon as he saw the samurai, he ran out and said “I had a good year. Here is everything I owe you, with interest. I don't know how I can thank you!”

A Weapon Shouldn't Be A Weapon Shouldn't Be

“If you raise your hand, calm your temper, if your temper is risen, calm your hand. He thought 'Well, I can kill him later as well.”

The samurai put his hand on the fisherman's shoulder and said “You don't need to, keep the money. You don't owe me anything, I am indebted to you.”

During their act of violence, bullies who use weapons become very surprised when other people retort in the same way using weapons in order to defend themselves. These people are usually policemen, security guards, armed salespersons or teachers in schools, but sometimes even random passers by who are armed. Every person should, in case of a sudden attack, know the command that tells us how to act towards an armed assailant. This command talks about bravery, but also how we shouldn't panic and fear death. People who are familiar with the Japanese budo martial arts (aikido, judo, ju jitsu, karate, kendo, nin jutsu, ken jutsu etc.) know this command under the name- Ayuti.

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“During their act of violence, bullies who use weapons become very surprised when other people retort in the same way using weapons in order to defend themselves. These people are usually policemen, security guards, armed salespersons or teachers in schools, but sometimes even random passers by who are armed”

In order to fully understand it, we will use another famous Japanese legend which is unavoidable when learning the kenjutsu martial art.

Tea ceremony and kenjutsu

There is an old story which is oftentimes retold in the dojos...

One day many years ago, a tea ceremony master was challenged to a duel from a young fencer drifter who craved for a reputation of a noted and dangerous swordsman. The tea ceremony master didn't know almost anything about fencing so he visited his friend, who was a famous master of sword fighting, for advice. His friend listened to him and said that, because of his social situation, i.e. the tea ceremony master's family shame, he couldn't decline the duel and that he would probably die. Also, he told him that he didn't have enough time to practice and learn the ken jutsu skill and that he wasn't sure if he could help him at all. The tea ceremony master asked for advice in order to avoid being shamed during combat.

The fencing teacher felt pity over his friend so he accepted his request to give him a few basic instructions. In return, he asked him to brew him some tea for the last time. The Japanese tea ceremony is mostly stylized and every move is performed in compliance with a strict set

of rules. Masters of this artform are highly appreciated because of their mental discipline and calmness. The tea ceremony master agreed and started working. As soon as the master began the ceremony, he started the ritual with a relaxed mindset and forgot about all of his problems.

His body became relaxed and his consciousness was calm and still like deep water. His friend who was closely observing him suddenly shouted 'Yes! There is a way. Act like you are acting now. There is no need to practice. Once the duel starts, just lift your sword above your head and imagine that you are brewing tea. Once he attacks, close your eyes and chop forcefully. You will both be dead, but it will be beautiful. It will be your magnificent and brave death in which you won't disgrace yourself.'

The next morning, the tea ceremony master did everything as he was told. When he arrived to the named place, he cleared his mind from all thoughts of survival and calmly began to tie up his sleeves. The tradition was that, if the samurai had some spare time before the fight, he would tie up his kimono sleeves so that they wouldn't disturb him during combat. This action is called tasuki. Because of this, he carried a piece of rope in one of his sleeves. He did this completely calmly as if he was performing a tea ceremony.

Then he fearlessly took his sword, at peace with his situation and ready to die. He cast a calm gaze towards his opponent. He waited for his attack completely calmly and without fear of death, reconciled with his destiny. His opponent, the fencer drifter, after he was observing him the whole time since he arrived, was stunned. He expected fear, confusion and panic from his opponent. He immediately understood that the tea ceremony master was prepared for anything and that he was also ready to die. He knew that this meant that he was a dangerous person and that both could

A Weapon Shouldn't Be A Weapon Shouldn't Be

die in this duel. He panicked and was overwhelmed with fear from death. The fencer drifter immediately apologized to the tea ceremony master and declined the duel.

This is a wonderful story that has been retold in fencing schools for centuries. The tea ceremony master, although he never trained martial arts, showed the main quality of a dangerous person. A dangerous man is prepared to be injured in order to hurt the other person and is prepared to be killed in order to kill. To clarify, if the only goal that you have is to destroy your enemy, you are dangerous. If you are more concerned about your own safety than victory during the course of combat, you are considered a victim. Being prepared to die gives every person an advantage during fighting because even a very aggressive opponent will probably give a maximum of 90% of himself in combat; the remaining 10% is what remains for fear of survival.

There is a difference even among weapons. In order for you to understand this completely, we will use another legend about the kenjutsu sword fighting skill and famous Japanese swords.

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The Legend of the Japanese Muramasa Swords

The legend talks about how Muramasa was a famous Japanese blacksmith and fencer. He lived in Japan during the Muromachi period, i.e. during the 16th century and was prominent for founding an armory school (forge) which he named after himself. Muramasa's swords were known because of their high-quality and their unusual sharpness, which made them famous among sword fighters. According to the legend, Muramasa was a whole dynasty of blacksmiths because historians distinguish several masters who used this name.

The first was Senji Muramasa whose work was known as early as 1460. The legend says that the sword fighter and blacksmith Muramasa constantly prayed to the gods so that they would give his swords the strongest destructive powers. The legend says that the gods heard the master and gifted his swords a special sharpness and quality as well as properties of bloodthirsty demons. According to this, the Muramasa swords are cursed and their owners become crazed with an insane desire for blood. If the sword is not used, but kept as a decoration, it can defy its master and force him to kill himself so that it could find a more appropriate warrior as his owner after the first one is dead. So, according to the legend, the sword must always be fed with blood and, if the owner is not using it, he would die. The curse begins with Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu (his grandfather was killed by the sword and his father and himself were gravely injured). According to one legend, even his wife and son were killed by the sword. Because of this curse, the Muramasa swords were prohibited in Japan during a period of time although they were highly regarded among sword fighters.

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The Legend of the Japanese Masamune Swords

Some legends and some insufficiently versed fencing masters often say that Muramasa and Masamune masters were contemporaries and a certain type of rivals, but this a banal historical error. The master called Honjo Masamune was one of the most famous Japanese armourers and lived at least two centuries earlier, from 1288 to 1328, at the end of the Kamakura era. He worked in the Sagami province and was famous for creating the revolutionary 13th century technology of sword production- Sosyu. This is a layered type of forging where strips of steel with different contents of carbon are welded and forged several times (a total of 128 layers of steel). This type of technology made the swords much stronger than other swords. According to the legend, in comparison to the Muramasa swords, Masamune swords gave the owner calmness and safety during combat. Japanese sword fighters highly respected these swords. The legend says that the master didn't even sign his swords because no one else could forge them anyway (no one else was able to produce this type of swords). According to the legend, when sword fighters would compete and compare whose sword was better, the Masamune swords didn't touch anything that would "deserve” death, in comparison to Muramasa swords. Also, according to a legend from the end of World War II, an American soldier, Sargeant Koldo Bimor, was gifted one of the best Masamune swords. Although many collectors offered him a lot of money, the sword was never seen again and no one knows where it is located today.

David “Sensei“ Stainko – Mag. of kinesiology

Master 8th Dan - mixed martial sciences

DAVID "SENSEI" STAINKO, prof. | mag.of kinesiology

+385 51 275-629 Rupnjak 2, 51213 Jušići, Croatia

A Weapon Shouldn't Be A Weapon Shouldn't Be

Taken in Anger Taken in Anger

Tommy Joe Moore, British boxer, self-defense instructor and martial historian presents in this first work, Defendu (All in Fighting, Gutterfighting), one of the first mixed martial arts, and defense system for the Allied Special Forces in World War II, developed by the celebrated W. E Fairbairn. After his career in the Marines, Fairbairn worked with the Shanghai Municipal Police (SMP), an international police force composed of Western, Indian, Japanese and Chinese officers, one of the world's first SWATstyle forces. This melting pot nature allowed him access to an enormous wealth of martial knowledge from East and West and thus to study Judo and Ju Jitsu, Gung Fu, the Lathi (Indian baton), Western Boxing, Savate, Wrestling and Bayonet. During WWII, he trained commandos and SOE personnel, as well as men and women of all specialties, perhaps mechanics, librarians and typists before the war, and in a few hours, help them "toughen up" enough to face armed enemies with a few proven techniques, mental toughness and the determination to be, and remain, free.

In this first volume, Tommy Joe Moore focuses on the use of the Fairbairn combat knife, the principles of fighting, main objectives, elimination of sentries, other application scenarios, knife defense, and the Chin Jab, Jab to the chin, one of the simplest and most effective techniques in the system.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

Ref.: •DefeNDU-1 Ref.: •DefeNDU-1

Kajukenbo is an eclectic and versatile system that was born as a useful and credible tool for self-defense in modern times, it is not a martial art of sports or traditional profile and therefore its learning is suitable for all types of people whatever their condition and in which there is only one premise according to its creator Sijo Emperado. "Fight to train, train to fight, fight to win.... go for broke". The standard techniques, above all, have to serve as a model of application of different wellstructured basic principles whose purpose is purely efficiency, sometimes even supported by the ability of creative improvisation. This is basically achieved by training different combinations of the same principles and avoiding their excessive mechanization. Every aggressor has a plan or a predetermined intentionality, so it is unquestionable to be extremely effective in the blocking and subsequent response by correctly using coordination and synchronization to break the opponent's initiative and position ourselves with advantage, and as Emperado said, suffocate him with quick and forceful bursts of blows in specific areas and move with dynamic and overwhelming transitions that prevent the aggressor's reaction.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

Ref.: •KAJ-8 Ref.: •KAJ-8

Gracie Intermediate

About Canary birds and the End

Let me tell you a little story: In 2009, Grandmaster Reyson Gracie visited us once again and we took the opportunity to introduce this excellent GJJ teacher, whom I have a lot to thank, to our members abroad. So, I organized a long weekend training.

We have truly managed once again to unite people from all over the world in our Dojo, who, like us, have the same passion for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. We even had a pretty big group from Greece and Poland that time.

It is always a great feeling to bring people who are (more or less) riding the same wave together and work on them together. We spend many hours, weeks, and months on the Tatame, and if this would not be so much fun, then we would probably look for another hobby... but, Jiu-Jitsu is more than that!

Gracie Jiu Jitsu

On this occasion there was also someone who visited me now for the second or third time. He arrived with my oldest student from Germany, Andre Stock, who is now a graduated 3rd degree black belt himself. His name is Thomas Mehnert... as Andre, so Thomas - or as his (Karate and Jiu-Jitsu) students call him “Sensei Mehni”, they came to us at the beginning, not only because of the martial arts, but because they brought the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (already in 1996) to the police in Magdeburg and later also in Berlin. I know that such goals are not always easy, but who works on himself and believes in what he does, succeeds in everything... it all takes its time! But the funny thing was that I had met one of Sensei Mehni's karate masters before I met him. His master, Toshiaki Namiki Sensei, who lived in California, I had met a few years before and at a reunion in Göppingen, Germany, at training days for special forces, we sat together again at the same table and could talk about the past time. In our conversation, of course, Sensei Mehni was also a topic, because as I felt, he was very strongly impressed by him... I think he especially liked from Sensei Mehni that he really took Karate very seriously, maybe almost too seriously!

Sensei Mehni was now also present, but it was not the first time, because a few years earlier, he had already come once to Zurich, namely, to participate at our Roger Gracie Jiu-Jitsu seminar in our Dojo. I remember very well how he became very relaxed in the evening with a pizza and beer, and told us, his stories with the encounter with sharks, because as a passionate apnea diver, this can happen again and again!

Sensei Mehni also likes to tell me that during his first visit to our Dojo, he felt like he was in a ‘cage’ full of colorful canary birds! I asked him, “What do you mean by that exactly?”, and he replied, “...all these different colored kimonos! Red, black, white, blue, ...” I could only laugh, because of course for someone who comes from the (traditional) Karate to him that was already very strange, but him the world of modern Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu this is not a rarity, on the contrary, who has only a white Gi, is with us maybe someone who could be ‘strange’!

I was particularly struck by the visitors from Greece and Poland; some wore Sambo outfits and others red Jiu-Jitsu kimonos. But the great thing was that they all trained together without any ego and even took photos at the end of the seminar and exchanged contact details in case they would go to visit one or the other country.

Nothing is forever... and it's time for an end

Life always gives us good times, and of course those that are less so, but honestly, I try not to see “bad” experiences as such, but simply as EXPERIENCES. I have also decided this year to separate from various people, this always of course for very personal reasons.

I do not want to be the rooster in the henhouse, even if my Chinese horoscope claims that I am a rooster! I have always seen myself as free spirit and who knows me, knows that he is confronted with change and “go new ways” with me. In fact, this is not something for everyone if they do not have a say in the moment of change. But I must make my decisions when and if I must do it and not only when I get permission from my students.

My body has an “internal clock” and every seven years (a few months more or less) it changes and requires me to “reinvent” myself. Often, I try to explain this to my students and friends, and it is not always well understood, or then simply interpreted so that it can be used against me.

“I will let you go, ... we had a good time together! The time has come to stop, let is stay with good feelings.”

It is nothing new that we change people because our body does this all by itself, without ifs and buts. Our needs change as well, because we think and ask ourselves what our priorities are now and which desires may be great, but not realizable now.

Gracie Jiu Jitsu

In modern cell research, one has found enough evidence to be able to explain this. A human being is in the change, be it his body, the hair, and of course his personality. For a long time, this was considered a pure myth, which is no longer the case today.

In the world of today's BUDO, people slap around words like loyalty, respect, teamwork, family, support, brotherhood, etc. to simply show the world that you can count on “him” anytime. The “Grandmasters” promise you whatever you want just to get some members on their rep list. In the end, however, everything is more appearance than reality, just as it is in everyday life. It is a pity, because the martial arts - BUDO, shows us how important it is to remain honest, especially to oneself. Therefore, it is time to put an end.

He who continues to develop does not become older

My beloved grandmother Maria already knew that, and my mother Angela is doing the same. Some people look for a hobby, others stay active in some other way. In any case, it is important to keep at it and get rid of unnecessary things. That is not so easy with Facebook, YouTube, and the Internet. You must learn to use the flow of information and not let yourself be exploited by it! Modern man and women, or at least most of those around me, have come to see growing older as neither negative nor positive. As a child we are in a hurry to finally turn eighteen, to get our independence and to go our own way. Then it does not go long, then most get already around the 30s the first crisis and shortly before 50s the second; this is in numerous cases so strong that numerous people land to the psychologist and the diagnosis is at the latest then also depression!

That's why I am breaking up with you...

Did you know that the World Health Organization has declared the years 2021 to 2030 as the “Decade of Healthy Aging”? We, by that I mean we - all of us as martial arts teachers, are needed to not only model the good BUDO to people, but to share it with them and walk this warrior path together.

But for us to succeed in this, we need to get rid of a few essential things that have truly been harming the martial arts world for years, in my humble opinion, more than helping it. Let's stop chasing old ghosts. Use the BUDO to promote the positive things and to look at the few good experiences, as not less, valuable events of a complete life.

To decide against the BUDO, you are yourself, if at the beginning you already have the feeling that you are already too old for the BUDO, or this or that can no longer do. On the other hand, they are looking for a suitable BUDO teacher, who can help you even at your age, to go this way. And should it not have been exactly what you were looking for after a few months, then look at something else. There are several paths that lead us to Rome. Give yourself a second, third and fourth chance, because what you should also know: not always their BUDO teacher will be just around the corner, and if they do not understand this, then we already have one more problem to solve.

Gracie Jiu Jitsu

For this very reason, I have decided this year to part with numerous people. I would rather teach a handful of students who value our time together than have those around me where we just end up wasting our time. Time is the only thing that never gets back. So, as soon as possible, we must perceive aging as a process of development, because you never stop learning and it is never too late for a project or activity. This is my last article for the year 2022, which again brought beautiful experiences, no matter what you think from the time of the pandemicbefore and after, and how persistent it was to motivate the people around us for the BUDO. But thanks to all our friends who have tirelessly accompanied and supported us for many years, we can also part with those who have chosen a new BUDO. Thanks to all of you and I wish you all on this way a lot of BUDO for the year 2023.

LARP and Soft Combat are spreading like wildfire and are increasingly present in medieval fairs and events associated with tourism and local festivals. Medieval fencing, in addition to its increasingly widespread presence in reproductions of ancient battles, has also become a new leisure activity and sport that is spreading around the world in dojos for children and adults, in the form of role-playing games, or preparation for actors in the increasingly frequent series framed in the Middle Ages. Because of his extensive martial experience, Avi adds veracity to the combat, conveying realism and completely unexpected approaches to the genre lovers will enjoy this video. His 6th Dan of Kendo, 5th Dan of Iaido, 5th of Jodo, his knowledge of Kenjutsu and so many other martial arts, put him in a great position to deal with the subject.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

Ref.: •KAPAP-12 Ref.: •KAPAP-12

Project Octopus- Non-lethal combative tools and principles

Project Octopus developed collaboratively between Avi Nardia Academy and Sadex Ltd. as part of the security-training project sponsored by Gemini At Angola Africa

The project coordinator was Avi Nardia and head Instructor (Avi Nardia Academy) and co-authored by Christopher Cotter (Avi Nardia Academy) and with significant input from Aleksandra Nardia (Avi Nardia Academy).

While many military manuals are designed as a compendium of techniques hinging upon actionreaction based specific scenarios, this fails to provide the student with any understanding of the adaptive and evolutionary nature of potentially highintensity scenarios. In real-life scenarios, there isn’t a simple action, reaction, reset scenario. There are numerous variables which can come into play during an altercation, not least of which are unexpected introduction of weapons, ‘chemical cocktails’ of hormonal and stress responses, multiple opponents, rapidly escalating scenarios, unpredictable and, at times, illogical changes in the type, angle and direction of attack and more. Any one of these variables has the potential of rendering any studied techniques irrelevant and ineffective.

Given these limitations on traditional manual organization and development, this manual has been designed as a theoretical guide regarding the application and conceptual formulation of non-lethal combative tools and principles. It is not designed to be a hands-on practical guide of techniques and drills, rather a framework from which a student can derive numerous applications based on the situations endemic to their field or area of focus. Through the study of the eight areas described in this manual, there are nearly limitless techniques that can be developed and drilled, with some examples used for reference and to generate further ideas, but that should by no means be seen as the extent of applicable maneuvers.

Finally, this manual is only designed to deal with scenarios that do not exceed the threshold for the application of lethal force. While there is a level of escalation from speaking to direct physical action, the primary goal of this manual is to provide a foundation for dealing with non-lethal threats, given that in the law enforcement and legal areas, the threshold for application of lethal force is clearly defined and thoroughly practiced. The purpose of this manual is to ensure that a fatality does not occur where the threshold for application of legal force has not been crossed. That is to say, to employ a conceptual framework and guidelines to prevent unsafe and a potentially lethal response from law enforcement personnel even in high-stress scenarios.

In this manual you will find how best to progress through the phases of a potentially hostile scenario. You will start by understanding how to de-escalate and position yourself such that you are not putting yourself at risk in a scenario that could escalate rapidly and unexpectedly while simultaneously being able to respond effectively should your opponent take action. Then, you will learn how to quickly neutralize a threat before you lose control of the scenario and it turns into an all-out fight, being able to capitalize on superior body mechanics and efficiency of motion. Finally, you will learn how to maintain control over the opponent when they have been brought to the ground and how to elicit compliance to your instructions without risking their escape and without jeopardizing their vital functions (respiratory, cardiac, sanguineous and so on). While this will require extensive work and is an iterative process to identify, test and develop the abilities necessary to carry out these phases in a systemic manner, it will be well worth the invested time and energy for your own health and safety and that of those you interact with.

Terms & Definition

Octopus Combative

A term that describes a non-lethal approach to combative techniques based upon eight core principles: Relative Position, Two Points of Control, Push and Pull, PPCT, SPEC, Balance Displacement, Fearless Determination, Dichotomy between Liability and Use of Force.

Relative Position

One of the eight core principles of Octopus Combative that focuses on the position relative to the opponent and what the advantages and disadvantages are in terms of control, potential application of force, array of tools and attacks available and implications when weapons or multiple opponents are involved.

Two Points of Contact

One of the eight core principles of Octopus Combative that deals with maintaining control of an assailant. The position of the two points and how to enter into this position is critical to the understanding and application of this principle.

Push and Pull

One of the eight core principles of Octopus Combative that deals with the manipulation of either the upper T, lower T or combination of the two in order to effect balance displacement or force a reaction from the opponent.

PPCT (Pressure Point Control Techniques)

One of the eight core principles of Octopus Combative that deals with targeting pressure points to effect compliance while avoiding an escalation in potential long-term harm.

SPEC (Secure, Position, Effect of release, Create distance)

One of the eight core principles of Octopus Combative that deals with weapon retention and de-escalation to prevent potentially lethal escalation whether on the part of the opponent or practitioner.

Balance Displacement

One of the eight core principles of Octopus Combative that deals with ideas of the third leg, timing and position to disrupt the balance of an opponent and control them as they go to the ground for arrest.

Fearless Determination

One of the eight core principles of Octopus Combative that deals with the mindset and philosophy required for law enforcement personnel in high-intensity situations that require immediate response.

Dichotomy between Liability and Use of Force

One of the eight core principles of Octopus Combative that deals with the use of force within the legal context and ensuring adequate justification for the escalation of force and their reasonable application.


Also known as ‘left of boom’, this refers to the actions and activity prior to an altercation or conflict.


Also known as ‘boom’, this refers to the actions and activity of the altercation or conflict itself.


Also known as ‘right of boom’, this refers to the actions and activity after an altercation or conflict.

Ladder of force

Refers to the gradual escalation of force that is required to control and restrain an aggressor.

Plus one rule

Refers to law enforcement, military or security personnel’s duty to escalate the use of force only one-step above that of the aggressor so as not to unnecessarily escalate a conflict.

Upper and Lower T

The line of the shoulders as they relate to their connection to the spine and centerline (upper T) and the line of the hip as it relates to their connection to the spine and centerline (lower T).

Third leg

The concept of balance that states that if the center of gravity is shifted to a point equidistant from the individual base, they will lose balance and not be able to support their weight.

Amygdala hijack

The fight or flight response produced in situations of extreme stress.

Sympathetic nervous system

Activates the nervous system in situations where we are under threat conditions and causes the production of chemicals that prepare us for survival.

Parasympathetic nervous system

Operational under conditions where we are not facing threats and is associated with relaxation or can produce vasodilation when abruptly switched on after an intense episode of the sympathetic nervous system being active. Project Octopus is a systematized approach to equipping law enforcement, military and security personnel with the tools and techniques to address a wide range of threats and security scenarios in order to resolve issues with the minimal use of force required. At the core of this philosophy is the idea of combining eight principles to guide technique development based upon the scenarios and situations the student is likely to encounter. The eight principles are as follows:

1. Relative Position

2. Two points of contact

3. Push and pull

4. PPCT (Pressure Point Control Techniques)

5. SPEC (Secure, Position, Effect of Release, Create Distance)

6. Balance Displacement

7. Fearless Determination

8. Dichotomy between liability and use of force

While the term ‘martial arts’ invokes the sense that training is an art form, Octopus Combative should be seen as a holistic and systematized approach, more closely resembling the scientific method. The goal of the student (or by extension, the goal of the instructor providing training to the student) is to observe real situations, questioning the techniques and force applied to the target. Create a hypothesis on what may work better, using past experience and existing knowledge combined with any one or more of the eight principles or limbs of Octopus Combative. Test this hypothesis with a training partner, first slowly and without resistance and slowly but gradually adding more force and realism. Finally, one should conduct an evaluation i.e. analyze the results and derive a conclusion from the hypothesis, thereby adjusting the technique to better suit the situation or discarding it altogether if it falls apart under pressure.

Remember That in A Fight there is NO Style ONLY a Fight

If its work in Africa at Blood diamond area and adopted by biggest Security teams as None Lethal and most effective control and restrain system it can work in any place on the glob

Professor Maurizio Maltese presents in this extensive and detailed work the "Scherma Jonica", Ionian fencing, an art cultivated century after century, perfected and made more and more effective by constant practice in every district, village and town of the area straddling the Ionian Sea, between Calabria, Apulia and Basilicata, and with very diverse influences from pre-Roman, Greek, Byzantine and Norman peoples, as well as Spanish and French origin. The knife was the weapon available even to the poorest of men, the farmer and the herdsman, who used it in most of their daily work, from cutting a piece of bread to defending themselves against an aggressor (be it animal or human). As fighting became indispensable to assert one's rights, the need arose to train, to attend a teacher and sometimes a school. In the schools of arms one learned to use other elements in aid or in concert with the knives, such as the jacket to camouflage the blade, which, unbeknownst to the adversary, or the hat. Thus, in Ionian fencing, century after century, many ideas and traditions of different schools, distant in time and space, are mixed: it is obvious to think that each region, if not each Italian village, used its own and different techniques, if only because of the great wealth of forms that the knife had in the country, both in its daily use and in its offensive use.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

Ref.: •Malte-6 Ref.: •Malte-6

Salvatore OLIVA is a recognized authority worldwide, as well as a reputable expert in various areas of martial arts. His extreme passion for martial arts and combat sports, specifically in the area of self-defense for law enforcement officers, inspired him to develop the Oliva Combat System. An ultimate and effective combat system, based on 3 fundamentals: simplicity, effectiveness, functionality, consisting of 3 different operating systems: P.D.S. (Progressive Defense System), P.L.E.T. (Professional Law Enforcement Tactics) and C.A.T. (Cobra Assault System), developed as part of a specific program for police, judicial officers, government agencies, military and personal security. Through its realistic training methods and defense techniques, as well as effective self-defense and training modules, Salvatore OLIVA's system has caused an international sensation. In this first volume we will see gun disarm, Explosive Straight Blast, Rapid Safe Tools (finger Jab, Slapping Hand, knees, kicks, Hammer Strike, ...), Mass Attack, functional Trapping, Lethal Tools (head, knees, elbows), flashlight defense, Ground & Pound survival and Advanced Ground Combat. Simple tools, attribute development and their training ways to take our selfdefense skills to the next level.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

Ref.: •OCS1 Ref.: •OCS1

Paul Vunak

5 Secrets to Surviving an Assault

1. Know When You're in A Fight

Often people lose a fight because they don't realize there in one until it is too late! Establish your personal zones and limits of personal security. Predetermine decisions based upon the violation of those zones. You should already have determined what you will do if you discover someone in your house at night. You should know how close you will let someone get to you that may be brandishing an edged weapon. You should know when a verbal confrontation is escalating too a high level what your choice will be and how you will act. You should have a plan if strangers approach your car in a parking lot or at a stoplight. These are not decisions you want to ponder in the stunned reality of the moment. Pre-determine your choices and your actions.

2. Awareness and Avoidance

Awareness and Avoidance are the two common attributes that are emphasized more than any other tactic, technique or device! Your awareness of your surroundings, the people, the location, the exits, the potential improvised weapons, obstructions, cover, concealment and the like will give you the edge in any situation. This level of awareness will often help you to avoid physical assaults and confrontations.

Small choices in everyday life can make a big difference in avoiding, escaping or surviving a physical assault. Choices like... sitting in a restaurant with your back to the wall so you can see anyone and everyone approaching you. Leaving enough space between you and the car in front of you to avoid being boxed in and car jacked. Driving in the right-hand lane to avoid a carjacker from approaching your driver side window.

5 Secrets to Surviving an Assault

5 Secrets to Surviving an Assault

Paul Vunak

3. Always Strike First

This may seem contrary to what you learned in grade school. If you want to win a fight, STRIKE FIRST! If you don't, you will be reacting rather than acting. In short, 99.9% of the will lose.


We all like to believe that, like John Wayne or Dirty Harry, we have this one haymaker punch that will knock anyone's lights out. You don't! Few people do. If you did, you'd still be a fool to rely upon it. Continue your attack on your attacker until you have undoubtedly and unquestionably stopped the threat. Anything short is a gamble with your own wellbeing. Learn a small stable of target points. Knees strikes, foot stomps, one knuckle floating rib shots, throat crushes, eye jabs, head butts...whatever.

4. Create your personal "First & Best" move arsenal

Most great fighters have a stable or arsenal of personal favorite moves. It's imperative that you learn a few reliable and devastating moves to pull out when you need them most.

These moves should be easy to learn and master and not rely upon a high degree of athleticism. Simple and pragmatic techniques like foot stomps, head butts, eye gouges, groin kicks can be utilized in almost any location, in any weather, wearing just about any clothes.

Fancy disarms and joint locks are cool and can work if you practice them. But you'll serve yourself well to start with choices that involve gross natural motor skills. That will make them reliable. Learn the sensitive and vulnerable targets of the body and attack, attack, attack with a flurry of your personal "First and Best" moves.

5 Secrets to Surviving an Assault

5 Secrets to Surviving an Assault

5. Remember there are NO RULES!

You must develop, use and display a complete and total disregard for your opponent’s wellbeing. You must choose to survive the assault and use whatever force is necessary to stop the threat.

Gentlemen don't assault people. Take those honor bound gentlemanly civil society rules about nasty tactics such as groin shots, eye gouges, lip, nose and ear tearing, flesh biting etc., and throw them out the window.

You're there to win. The prize of the fight may be... Your LIFE!

Paul Vunak

Interview with Paul Vunak

PFS: What was your first art?

PV: Tae Kwon Do...l started at age 9 and studied for four years.

PFS: Who was your instructor?

PV: Actually, there were four instructors that ran the school. They were called the Yi Brothers - I believe their names were Yung Pok, Yung Kuk, Yung Ho, and Yung Chuen.

PFS: Why did you leave the Yi Brothers?

PV: After I finally got a black belt I decided to move on. I felt my kicking techniques were OK; however, I lacked good hands. The Early Years

PFS: What was your next school?

PV: Tiger-Crane Kenpo was an offshoot of BKF (Black Karate Federation). A gentleman by the name of Al Fleming was my instructor.

PFS: How long did you study there?

PV: For roughly three years.

PFS: Why did you leave?

PV: Well, I ended up doing most of the teaching there and soon discovered that our school had turned into a childcare center. I had about 25-30 adults (mostly in their late twenties), and over 50 kids. My emphasis was on fighting, and not on running a business, so I got the brainy idea to close down the kids' class. Three months later, our school closed down!

PFS: Why is it that you were more interested in fighting than business?

PV: I grew up that way...l witnessed a lot of fighting starting from a very young age. I was living in the worst part of Long Beach, California. In my high school (Poly High), being Caucasian meant you were the minority. Not to mention growing up in an extremely emotional household with a Yugoslavian father and a Sicilian mother!

Paul Vunak

PFS: Where did you go after the BKF school?

PV: It was November 22, 1976 when I was first introduced to Dan lnosanto and the Filipino Kali Academy.

PFS: What was that like?

PV: I remember there were some dividers separating the classes. Most people don't know, but the old Kali Academy used to teach Kenpo Karate as well as Jeet Kune Do and Kali. I remember showing up on a Saturday afternoon during which there were no formal classes, just free workout time. I decided to spar with someone to confirm that this was indeed the school for me.

PFS: What was the result of this encounter?

PV: I picked the biggest, most serious-looking guy in the school and asked him if he would spar with me. My adrenaline was pumping and I was bent on taking this guy out. I also remember hitting this guy with a backfist...that's the last thing I remember! When I woke up there was a bunch of guys staring down at me, and I remember my first words were, "Sign me up!”

PFS: Did you ever meet up with this guy again?

Torrance Mathis

PV: (laughing) Yeah, we became friends and trained very hard together. His name was Torrance Mathis. I remember after he kicked my ass all over the gym, I had car trouble and he drove me home. I sat on my bed staring at a wall full of trophies and certificates until, in tears, I ripped every certificate off my wall. I vividly remember my Mom walking in during my adolescent emotional outburst and asking what happened to my face. When I told her she said, “So I guess those two black belts and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee.”

PFS: So where did you go from there?

PV: After about three years at the Kali Academy, I started teaching there.

PFS: What year are we in right now?

PV: I was 19, so it must have been around late '79.

PFS: What were your days like teaching at the Kali Academy?

PV: Eventually I ended up teaching several classes daily. I opened the doors at 4:00 every afternoon, and our last class ended at 10:00 PM. A handful of us would stay every night until 2:00 AM talking to Dan.

PFS: So, you spent 8-10 hours a day there, 7 days a week?

PV: No, we were closed on Sundays.

Paul Vunak

PFS: Why the hectic schedule?

PV: Well, I was basically supporting myself from age 17 on through teaching. During the time I was training and teaching at the Kali Academy I also had a Savate school with Daniel Duby from 19801984. [Ed. note: This was the first Savate school in the United States.] I've never had a real J.O.B. Actually, that's not true...I worked at Kentucky Fried Chicken for 3 12 days. I was the Extra Crispy Man!

PFS: How long did you keep up this training pace?

PV: Basically, until the Kali Academy closed, from 1976 - 1984. I then continued to study with Dan at Culver City for the next two years. That's when I formed my own organization, Progressive Fighting Systems. However, I never stopped being Dan's student.

PFS: How did you go about setting up the organization?

PV: During the years I spent teaching under Dan, my private clientele had grown rather large. A lot of times, students would ask Dan for private instruction in certain specific areas, then he would direct them to the most appropriate instructors. For example, if someone wanted stick fighting, Dan would send him to Ted Lucay. For boxing, he would usually guide them to Richard Bustillo. For people interested in raw street fighting, Dan would send them my way. Consequently, PFS is comprised of people all over the world with the same bent- the pursuit of pure fighting and selfdefense. Paul Vunak instructing in Germany Paul instructing in Germany, early 1998.

PFS: How many people belong to the organization?

PV: We have over 300 instructors and over 4,000 students worldwide.

PFS: Do you own all 300 schools?

PV: No, I didn't learn anything from KFC, this is not a franchise! PFS is an organization of all friends, in which I get to be more of a guide than a boss. We really only have two basic goals:

1) Undying loyalty to Dan lnosanto.

2) To help keep Kali and Jeet Kune Do alive and growing in an ethical and responsible way.

PFS: Could you explain your ranking system?

PV: To understand our ranking system, you first need to understand the methodology of learning Jeet Kune Do. It has everything to do with the process, and little to do with the product! In other words, one becomes proficient in JKD through the process of self-discovery...and selfdiscovery is fueled by the process of teaching. This mentality started when Bruce Lee first came to America; he had his mother art of Wing Chun, but after discovering certain limitations he would essentially experiment on his students by teaching them. This gave him people to train with - absolutely crucial for him to develop! Dan lnosanto is the main link between us and Bruce's principles and concepts. After Bruce passed away Dan was left with the mantle of "Jeet Kune Do" on his shoulders. In order for him to continue the growth of the art, he opened up the Filipino Kali Academy. This school was like no other; we were basically a giant garage full of hard-core students. People would come from all over the world to view Bruce's art... professional boxers, Thai boxers, world-class Karate and Gung-fu men, and about every other style you can imagine. We had two words for anyone who came with a negative attitude: "Glove up!" I remember our school had a "bad rap." People would say, "They aren't martial artists, they're just interested in fighting." The floors had seen so much blood, we finally gave up and painted them red!

Paul Vunak

The Kali Academy was the laboratory in which the art that we learn now was developed. When the Academy closed and I started PFS, I needed bodies to teach, in order for me to personally continue growing. The only way I know how to teach is to get my students to a particular level and then allow them to take the concepts and principles and teach students of their own. By the process of teaching Jeet Kune Do Concepts, my students are accelerating their personal growth tenfold. After roughly ten hours of very intense one-on-one training with me, I usually award an apprentice instructorship. This does not mean that these individuals are qualified Jeet Kune Do instructors! It simply means one has our blessing to teach what he or she knows, and to grow from the experience. (Hence the term "apprentice.") After roughly fifty hours of private instruction with me (or 2-5 years of training in a group setting, and depending on skill and other factors), an apprentice will receive the first official rank of instructorship, Phase One Instructor. At this point, after several years of dedication to learning, to Dan lnosanto and to PFS, a Full instructorship is awarded. All of my full instructors must not only have the physical side of the art groomed well, but the mental and emotional sides as well.

Full instructors can make their own apprentice instructors. Finally, we have the rank of Senior Instructor. All of our Senior Instructors have been around for ten years or more. They must exhibit not only all the attributes of the full instructors, but also have a solid belief system. Our Senior instructors have evolved to the point where they are exploring the spiritual side of the art.

It takes absolute determination and persistence to achieve this level, the highest attainable in PFS. Seniors can make apprentice and Phase One instructors.

PFS: When did you start your Jiu Jitsu training?

PV: June of '88 was when I had my first taste of Jiu Jitsu. I was studying with Rorion (Gracie) in his garage.

PFS: What do you remember most about training with the Gracies?

PV: I guess it would be that wonderful feeling of training your whole life standing up, and then having someone completely play with you on the ground. Not to sound like a fanatic or anything, but I was reborn! I consider myself to this day, after ten years, still a baby on the ground. I get to be a student for the rest of my life.

Paul Vunak

PFS: Which of the Gracies did you train with besides Rorion?

PV: Besides about a year and a half with him, I worked with Royce for about the same amount of time, Royler for about 6 months, and Rickson for about three years.

PFS: Why did you train with all four of the Gracies?

PV: They all have a different "feel" and perception of how things are done.

PFS: Not to play favorites, but did you "connect" with any particular brother in a special way?

PV: Well, they're all incredible ground fighters, but anyone who has ever rolled around for even five minutes with Rickson will tell you that he's from another planet! Besides an intense appreciation for the years I had with him, I have no words to describe his skill level. There are certain athletes who defy description...Bruce Lee, Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Rickson Gracie...l guess God was in a good mood when he was dishing out attributes for these guys! (Laughs.)

PFS: Were other JKD practitioners studying Jiu Jitsu also?

PV: Very, very few. I think that for most people who have dedicated years to the martial arts and are already teachers, it is too difficult to put on a Gi, strap on a white belt, and start all over as a student.

PFS: What was your next evolutionary phase?

PV: Well, I got absolutely fanatical about Jiu Jitsu...l spread the word about Gracie Jiu Jitsu from South Dakota to South Africa. No one outside of Brazil had really even heard of the Gracies back then, so I integrated the training into all of my schools worldwide. Later the Gracies opened up a school, and then came the UFC. Now they're a household name. I'm glad and honored that I got to train with them back when they were more accessible. Paul Vunak giving instruction

PFS: When did you start teaching the Navy SEALs?

PV: They initially approached me i n late '88.

PFS: Why did they come to you?

PV: I have no idea. I was originally approached by a gentleman named Monty Trezise, who interviewed me extensively and then directed me to Frank Gucci. After an eye-to-eye meeting, Frank became very enthusiastic and spearheaded my relocation to Virginia.

PFS: Which teams did you work with?

PV: Mainly Team 6; however, I eventually got around to most of the teams in one capacity or another. We did most of the training on base; however, a few times I would work with teams preparing for more covert operations, and we would train off base in a banquet room at a nearby hotel.

PFS: How long did you stay in Virginia?

PV: For a very long three years. Navy SEALs Letter.

PFS: Why do you say "very long?"

PV: Because I really didn't like living in Virginia. All we ever did was train all day, and go to biker bars and drink beer and fight every night. Those were dark days for me that I'm not particularly proud of.

Paul Vunak

PFS: Training Navy SEALs and kicking butt sounds like a martial artist's dream!

PV: It's very easy to romanticize things like that, but in actuality there's nothing dreamy about waking up in jail with crusted blood, swollen knuckles, and dry heaves.

PFS: So how did you end up back in California?

PV: I actually had about six months left on my contract with the military, but I negotiated with the powers-that-be to delegate the rest of the teaching to three people. These guys had been my most persistent, talented, and dedicated students. They were Pat Bagley, Pat Tray, and Frank Gucci. I certified them as Full Instructors to carry on my art with my blessing. Thus, I was able to move back home to California. Now I only go back occasionally when my services are requested for a special operation.

PFS: Where do you see yourself heading now?

PV: On a personal level, my interests lie in my music, and the pursuit of the healing arts. They have always amazed me - and to be perfectly honest with you, I would much rather heal someone than hurt them. For the last several years, I have been following a very stringent diet and lifestyle that I feel is conducive to growing emotionally and spiritually.

PFS: What got you interested in the healing arts?

PV: Purely selfish reasons at first - I have a hereditary ulcer, so I was forced to make major life changes to keep myself healthy. After seeing the positive effects these changes have had in my life, I am anxious to share that knowledge and energy with anyone interested.

PFS: What are your aspirations from a business point of view?

PV: I don't really want to change too much from the way things are now...l love my lifestyle. My business skills are about a white belt - in the world of business, I feel like a guppy in a shark tank! I would certainly like to learn how to at least swim! I do have some wonderful mentors in the business world. I find it amazing how ruthless people can be when it comes to business. Now that certain companies and people view me as competition, I see there is no limit to how far they will go in what they say. And every year, these people seem to push that envelope a little further. There are letters circulated among companies' mailing lists that say ridiculous things, sometimes with my name supposedly signed to them; rumors spread that are so far from the truth, they don't even hurt my feelings anymore the way they used to! I just don't feel it's worthwhile to expend the time, money, or energy it would take to shut these people down.

PFS: Care to name any names?

PV: No. (smiling) Everyone does that. It seems like so many people these days feel that the only way to make themselves look good is to put other people down. That's a zero-sum mentality, like a poker game. For you to win someone else has to lose; and I totally disagree with that. When people ask me about a certain person, regardless of my personal feelings, I never say anything negative. I simply tell people, "Put in their tapes or go to their seminars, and let your heart decide." You can fake records, have fancy ad campaigns, or lie about championships, but the body mechanics (or lack of) always tell the story! These days, everyone's out there promoting themselves as the next Bruce Lee. Personally, I could never come across as some badass Bruce Lee...I've lost too many fights to get a swollen ego! (Laughs) I absolutely love my life the way it is right now. I enjoy teaching and giving back, my music and the healing arts, sharing my love with my wife and our animals, and growing spiritually. If I were to win the Lotto tomorrow, I wouldn't change a thing in my life.

Großmeister Martin Sewer präsentiert in diesem Werk einen kompletten Kurs von Bak Hok Pai, dem Stil des weißen Kranichs. Der Kranich ist ein elegantes Tier. Mit seinem weißen Federkleid steht er im einen Moment wie ein Herrscher da und bewacht sein Revier. Im nächsten Moment schlägt er mit den Flügeln und bewegt sich blitzschnell vorwärts. Obwohl jeder ein klares Bild von diesem anmutigen Geschöpf vor Augen hat, fällt es den meisten schwer, sich diesen großen Vogel in einem Kampf vorzustellen. Wie kämpft ein Kranich eigentlich, wenn er bedroht wird? Wie alle Tierstile entstand auch der Kranichstil durch das Studium der Strategien und Taktiken der Tiere während eines Kampfes und deren Übertragung auf den Menschen. So entstanden auch die fünf Tierstile, die sich über die Zeit bewährt haben und heute in meiner Schule gelehrt werden: Tiger, Kranich, Schlange, Leopard und Drache. Die Beherrschung all dieser Tierstile und der dazugehörigen Elemente macht einen Menschen zu einem perfekten Menschen, sagen die Legenden des Kung Fu, und es gehört natürlich zur Philosophie eines wahren Kriegers, sich ständig zu verbessern und Perfektion zu erreichen. Obwohl das Wissen um die fünf Tiere zu den fortgeschrittenen Stufen gehört, sind vier der genannten Stile auch für Anfänger in Form von Seminaren zugänglich. In ihnen erhalten eifrige Schüler nicht nur einen tieferen Einblick in unser Hung Gar, sondern lernen auch die ersten Kampftechniken des jeweiligen Tierstils, und der häufigste Kommentar ist: "Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass diese Techniken so effizient sein können...!".

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How safe do you feel in today's world? In this DVD, GM Pedro Rodriguez and Darylibeth Gil of Jeet Kune Do Cadre will teach you simple and devastatingly effective moves that can be learned in a matter of hours not years. In 2020, the violent crime rate in the United States was 398.5 cases per 100,000 of the population. End some of the Most common attacks in 3 to 5 seconds. Learn some of the best hand to hand skills used by military and law-enforcement and civilians around the world. Aggravated assaults accounted for 68 percent of violent crimes reported to law enforcement in 2020. Don't be a victim!, learn to use and apply these techniques with ease and become your own bodyguard, a MODERN DAY WARRIOR. GM Pedro Rodriguez, Martial Arts Instructor with over 40 years of training and teaching experience (Hapkido, Jeet Kune Do, Ju Jitsu, Arnis, Wing Chun ...), has collaborated with law enforcement and law enforcement personnel and Military Special Forces Units, and trained with some of the Top Martial Artists in the World. Thanks to this impressive background, he has blended the different styles and systems he has learned into a Simple, Effective and Direct "Purely Self Defense System"!

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Great Masters


Master Yamashita passed away on February 1st of this year. The sensei was one of the fundamental pillars in the development of karate in Spain. Many of the great masters of this art have passed through his classes. Yosuke Yamashita is simply part of the genesis of this martial art in our country, thanks to his teachings and that of a few others of that time, karate is what our country is today, in fact, on May 30, 2014, the Spanish karate federation, awarded him the 10 dan, the highest distinction in this martial art. In recent years the awards for his work accumulated, among which it is worth mentioning in 2011, the Emperor of Japan in a private audience, the Emperor of Japan awarded him the medal of the Rising Sun. This article serves as a tribute to his memory.

Text: Pedro Conde Photos: Antonio Mora and Yosuke Yamasita's personal album.

Yosuke Yamashita came from a family of samurai. In fact in Ohaka, there is the bodaigy (similar to a shrine) of the famous samurai Yamashita Yasazaemon Noriaki (XV); his ancestor. The only thing that has maintained this family tradition is the bushido code.

Yamashita was a man of honor, sincere and upright, who stood out more by his actions than by his words. He was one of those people who shone with their own light on the tapestry and then went unnoticed in the street. He never asked anything of his students that he did not do himself. He always led by example. In his classes he was the one who pulled the students, being famous the Saturday sessions, especially for the black belts. I do not know anyone who has had the opportunity to meet him and not feel an enormous respect for him. Of all the Japanese masters who have taught in Spain, and that I have had the opportunity to deal with, he is the one who has impacted me the most; to the point that I went to interview him more than thirty years ago, and I decided to change style and teacher. Honestly, even though they were both Japanese, it was impossible to establish comparisons between them. After more than a year of training, I gave up Karate for good. However, during all these years has remained unchanged the enormous respect I feel for him and his teachings, considering them unique in Spain (not in vain is the greatest exponent of Goju ryu style in Europe).

Master Yamashita was born on February 16, 1941, in Tokyo, in the bosom of a wealthy family. His father, Yasazaemon, was a professor of marine biology for the Emperor of Japan, Hiro Hito, as well as a master of Kendo (6 dan). As it could not be otherwise, his first contact with the martial arts was with Kendo, at the young age of eight years, obviously under the tutelage of his father. At the age of twelve he decided to give it up and practice Judo, which he trained passionately for three years. The master, despite knowing how to handle the katana, refused to do so in public. "I know it's not my way."

Great Masters

At first, he was very comfortable with master Kano's art. Until: "I saw Karate in college, at that time, I knew of its existence, but I didn't know what it really was as a martial art. When I had the opportunity to get to know it, I decided to practice it. I was attracted by its strength, by its speed, by its mentality. In those years almost every young man was attracted to this martial art and I could not be an exception."

His father was very upset when he asked for permission to practice it. In fact, he forbade it, as it was a disgrace for a samurai family to train it:

"My father did not want me to practice it because my neighbor and college classmate, trained it and had had several fights. In those days, Karate had a very bad reputation, it seemed that it was the martial art of gangsters and people from the slums. That's why he forbade it, he told me that Judo or Boxing yes, but Karate, no."

Yosuke Yamashita began training under the tutelage of master Yoshikiro Urakawa, a direct student of Yamaguchi Gogen, the greatest exponent of Goyu ryu. He did this in secret, without the approval of his father; but...

What was the reason for this obstinacy? What did Karate have that the other martial arts did not have?

"First of all, mentality, spirit. In 1945, when the Second World War ended, all of Japan was destroyed. Cities like Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya etc. were totally burned. There was nothing left and hardly anything to eat. Young people were looking for something where there was nothing left. There was no soccer, no baseball, no possibility of training for any sport. Something inside us told us that we had to do something to defend and develop ourselves. Life was very hard and so were the streets. The Dojo was a reflection of what was on the streets. Every day at the end of class four or five people were bleeding, but no one left, it was the only thing we had left. If you look at photos from that time you can see that the looks, the aptitude and the postures are different."

For two years he was able to keep it a secret, until one day he showed up with a broken tooth. It was impossible to hide the evidence:

"At home he said he practiced Judo, in those days, Judo training was also very hard, but it was not comparable to Karate, where we all had injuries, some in the ribs, others in the collarbone, I had cracks in several fingers etc. But nobody gave up. We had lost the war, we had lost everything. We only had honor and dignity left. To have failed would have been an act of cowardice".

Those times were hard and so was the street, but nothing matched the spirit of Karate: "When the first dan was approved, the master would say: <<All right, let's see if you are really worthy of wearing that belt, come with me. >> In all the streets there were three or four young rowdies or apprentice Yakuzas (Japanese mafia), who were always looking for a fight and who used to carry knives. So the master would say: <<Kick those thugs out of here>>. This may seem harsh today. But in those days the concept of Karate training was only selfdefense and the street, although it seems incredible, was softer than the Dojo, at least, the rivals, did not have their hands hardened in the makiwara."

For this and many other reasons there was great respect for black belts. "The hierarchy of grades was very much respected and not by imposition, but by merit and aptitude. For this reason you never spoke directly to the master. It would have been disrespectful to your superiors. When you had any doubt or wanted to know something, you went to them and only, if they indicated it, to the master."

They were years of long and hard training, when he reached a certain level it was frequent that he went to perform kumite to other gyms, almost always of the same style. In 1964 the master was runner-up in the Goyu Kay tournament, but that could not be called a competition, as there were no rules. "It was a kind of combat without rules, where there was no control over the blows. Both defenses and attacks were real. -The master jokingly added: "So there were no doubts. The loser ended up bleeding or injured".

After finishing his university studies, a branch of philosophy and letters, the master dedicates himself "body and soul" to the Goyu ryu. Soon after, he decided to go out into the world to make his style known. The first country where he settled was Denmark, later he moved to Germany.

Great Masters

In 1970 he was invited by Master Suzuki to participate in the W.U.K.O. "senior" European championship held in London. In this city he made a decision that would change his life. "Four representatives of the Goyu Ryu went there. Masters Ogawa, Tokyo Funashako, Gosen Yamaguchi, the second son of Yamaguchi Gogen and I, who in those days was teaching in Dusseldorf. In this city it was quite normal to be five to seven degrees below zero. The city was covered with snow all winter long. Because of the weather you couldn't be very sociable. It seemed to me that people were very sad, dry. It's hard to imagine how much the sun influences a person's character. Throughout the winter months, weeks went by without sunshine and almost every day it snowed. In the evening, it soon became dark. I was not at ease, something was wrong. I thought I was like

Great Masters

plants, that without the sun I could not live. There in London, I met several compatriots. Master Ishimi was staying in the next room. I asked him if there was sun in Spain and he told me that it was the country of the sun, he told me about the joy of the people, that there were hardly any Karate masters and that there was no representative of the Goyu Ryu. Encouraged by masters Funashako and Yamaguchi, I decided to come and meet him. Master Ishimi made everything easy for me, he had even found me a place to give classes, the Samurai gym. I arrived with a small suitcase to get to know this and a week later I called Dusseldorf to send me the rest of my belongings, I didn't even go for them, I had found what I was looking for."

The rest, dear reader, belongs to the history of Spanish Karate.

In those days, the general secretary of sports, contacted Mr. Fernando Franco de Saravia, Judo master and Federative. He organized the first martial arts festival. In it participated the Korean masters of Taekwondo Choi, Shik, Kim, Cho, and the Japanese masters of Karate Ishimi, Igarashi, Hiruma and Yamashita. That was the first meeting of the master with their majesties, the emeritus kings, but not the only one.

"I participated in several exhibitions for their majesties, apart from going to the Zarzuela as one of the participants of the Karate delegation, as a member of the Japanese community, in the visits of the Emperor of Japan etc. I remember that His Majesty was very nice, kind and affable, a man of the people. The queen was also very nice, she spoke only English. She is a great lady, more aristocratic. The King, on the first visit of Emperor Aki Hito greeted me effusively and said, 'Master, my friend, may I present to you the emperor of Japan.'"

Apart from his majesty, many famous and not so famous people showed their interest in knowing Karate. The master remembers with pleasure, his tireless task of spreading and teaching, at that time, the Goyu ryu in Spain.

How important was and is the style for him, and what differentiates it from the others?

"In Karate, each style performs a special emphasis on something. Goyu ryu places that emphasis on breathing and concentration, on circulating the energy well. Air is the force of life, you can't see it, but without it we could not live. We must learn to breathe in and out correctly so that the air enters and leaves the tandem correctly, from here all the psychic and bodily forces of man come out".

To enhance the energy, every day the master performed mudras, breathing exercises. But what are they and how are they performed?

"The seven vital points or mudras are some positions of the fingers of the hands that must be executed together with a pronunciation of certain mystical words to reach the perfect state of meditation, i.e. your being is unified with the whole."

These exercises, the teacher explained to us in class, had nothing to do with the development of other special senses such as for example the third eye.

"This is located in the middle of the forehead, thanks to it you can perceive what another person is going to do; this applied to Karate is to feel, before you are attacked, the blow that is going to be executed".

All those explanations gave rise to some of us having certain doubts, so what was the "Do"? -The teacher explained with a dismissive smile: "Do is a way of understanding the "Do".

"Do is a way of understanding life, of knowing how to behave well with friends and family. To work, to train correctly. It means finding your physical and mental balance with the world around you".

Yosuke Yamashita, in order to put all this into practice and to keep his senses awake, he used to do voluntary fasts every year. "What happens at parties or parties where you eat and drink a lot? The next day or at night you don't feel like eating, you feel bad, you need to cleanse your body and you just impose yourself to eat less or even fast. Fasting is essential to maintain a balance between body and mind. It is a test of mentality, endurance, cleansing and purification both physically and mentally. After this all the senses work better."

Are they so important, why do you have to keep them awake? "If you compare wild animals with humans, they still have developed sight, hearing, taste, the instinct to hunt, to fight for survival etc. But if you take them and put them in a zoo and provide them with food, after a while it's another animal. It's kind of lethargic, it hardly moves, it becomes lazy, it's sleeping all day long, it becomes sleeping, it becomes friendly and inoffensive. His senses are atrophied. Over the years he ceases to be what he was. He becomes cowardly and totally dependent on man. It has lost its instinct, its strength, its aggressiveness, its ability to fight. If you look at a lion or a tiger in a zoo, it has nothing to do with one in the jungle. The great difference between the former and the latter is that the latter have their natural senses awakened.

Great Masters

Man, like the wild beasts, must keep his senses awake. If the teacher does not have them awake, how will he be able to transmit it to the students? If he does not work with the Hara, if he has no aptitude, mentality or spirit, how will the students find the "Do"?"

Is it possible in the society in which we live that all of this is maintained? That the mentality of the past endures? What is left of that spirit and aptitude that existed in Japan?

"At that time everything was different, not only the mentality, the aptitude, but the life was harder, nowadays you have everything. So it is very difficult to develop the aptitude or the spirit of the warrior. Everything is easier. Everyone has a car, computer, cell phone, etc. Life is very comfortable. The students work in offices or other similar trades and cannot go to work injured or scarred. They know that their family depends on them and therefore, the training of some of them is very weak, they fight with fear. They cannot afford to get injured and miss work.

Some have already understood that it all depends on the mentality with which you train. If you put a brick for an untrained person to break, you will most likely end up with a broken hand. However, if your training is adequate,

tough. In time he will be able to break not one brick, but several and not hurt himself. It will all depend on the teachings of the master and the aptitude of the pupils."

These teachings and many others live on in the classes of his Dojo in Madrid, where the spirit of karate is still alive. José Manuel Herrero fights to keep the sensei's legacy alive. Although the master is not physically present, he is still present at least spiritually, the "aura" is maintained.



There are people whom I deeply respect and admire, people whose actions and sacrifices are worthy of praise. This is the case of José Ramón Herreros. Student of the master Yosuke Yamashita. The author of this article was also a student of Yosuke Yamashita. I recognize that the sensei was the teacher who most influenced me and I learned, at the level of teaching. He made me feel Karate like no other and that the list has been extensive, however, like other students, I left the dojo and followed my martial path. This was not the case with José Ramón, since he started training with him, he was his loyal student. When, due to real estate circumstances, Yamashita sensei's Dojo was closed, he was the one who was in charge of looking for another gym where he could continue giving classes, taking him to the doctor, helping him in the "bad moments", even, with great efforts, setting up the Dojo "Yosuke Yamashita" so that he would stop giving classes in a gym franchise... José Ramón is not a rich person, but he did not care about the sacrifices he had to make for the well-being of sensei. On the day of the master's funeral, even though he tried to stay in the background, all the people from the martial world turned to him.

At the requiem I had the opportunity to talk and meet again with many people of this art and all of them, without exception, spoke of José's dedication and loyalty. But who is José Ramón? As he tells it, "My career at the martial level is similar to that of many colleagues who have been training martial arts for years. I have practiced Kenpo, Wushu, taekwondo, Shito Ryu karate. Until I found my style or rather, the master. Currently I am 5 dan of Goyu Ryu and national trainer. I would simply define myself as one more student of the master".

There are many who are aware of what their martial art is, the difficult thing is to find that teacher who will guide you in it and make you "grow". The case of José Ramón Herreros was no exception... "I knew that karate was my path but I couldn't find the master, nor the style. My friend Javier, partner for years in our martial journey traveled to Okinawa and there he asked for a teacher in Spain who trained traditional karate, ie: What they worked in their Dojo and without hesitation they recommended a Japanese master in Okinawa (?), ie: the master Yosuke Yamashita. Following his recommendations we went to his Dojo. From the first moment there was a special chemistry and empathy difficult to describe. The master had a special character, he taught in the old Japanese

Text: Pedro Conde. Photos: Alejandro Gil de Val

way, it was not the techniques themselves that made him different, but the way of teaching, of transmitting it, he felt that this was the authentic spirit of karate, totally away from the competition and sport".

In today's times it is difficult to find so much dedication to the teacher, that dedication and gratitude to the person who guides us along the way. But what did the sensei mean to José Ramón Herreros? "For me he has been one of the most important people in my life. He has been my teacher, my mentor, my martial guide and on a personal level: a second father. If you wanted to argue with the sensei he would do it in 10 minutes, he was a samurai of the 15th century living in the 21st, his samurai genes were noticeable, but thanks to his teachings I have "grown" at all levels and I try to keep his legacy and teachings alive, training and teaching what we learned from him. In class I just repeat the same classes, without changes. I am aware that it is

impossible to imitate him, but together with a group of former students, we try to transmit and train his "karate" in the hope of one day reaching his level, although that will be impossible, but at least we try, we follow the guidelines that he gave us".

When talking about the difference of Yamashita's Goyu Ryu karate it is inevitable to ask why is it different? "I think the big differences between the teachings of the master with respect to other dojos was the emphasis he put on the work of breathing (tandem) and the few Kata that are practiced in Goyu Ryu, he said that if to master a kata, it takes a lifetime, to perfect 80 .... In the school we try to follow the same line, we work the same kata over and over again in search of perfection. It is not about knowing many kata, but about working them correctly and coordinating them with the breathing. The movements and the tandem should be only one. All the students that I know of sensei work this same line but each one gives a different or personal "touch" to his teachings. The center was unquestionably him, nowadays there is no leader or head of the style. It must also be taken into consideration that it depends a lot on the time in which you trained with him. The sensei, like everything else, evolved, the karate he taught in the 70's or 80's is not the same as the karate practiced in recent years. For example, in the last period he worked a lot on the tandem, he arrived one day and said kihon is useless, after a lifetime of training it. He was referring to the fact that in a fight or street bout, the way the street is, one could not prepare and put oneself on guard, the techniques had to be executed from the point where one was. He worked very relaxed and only concentrated on the last moment, he worked a lot on the Yu".

In the XXI century to talk about Ki or chi and its application in the practice of karate may seem strange and incomprehensible, especially in such a competitive and materialistic society, where everything is measured by the results obtained in competition and the followers you have on the network. Is it possible to practice and apply it in karate, outside of Japan? "Apart from the sensei's classes, I have gone to Chi Kung classes. We have all seen images of people doing incredible feats, I personally do not believe most of them, but what I do know is that when I work it I feel like a special heat throughout the body, I do not know if someday I will reach the level of sensei, I do not know what degree he had in this aspect, but the truth is that despite the age and the pathologies he had, when he entered the tatami he had a special aura, that only the great masters possess. I don't know how to explain it but it is something you perceive.

At this point it is not difficult to ask: has karate changed so much as a martial art, what is the difference between traditional karate

and sport karate, because for any neophyte in the practice, its techniques are the same for everyone, or not? "I remember that Sensei used to say that the fact that it was an Olympic sport was good for the publicity and promotion of karate, but he was sad because he said that the essence of karate was being lost. He worked the techniques looking for efficiency in combat, all applied for self-defense, he did not want, nor taught spectacular techniques, apart from working and putting much emphasis on breathing (tandem), meditation, Ki work, etc.. The master said that it is necessary to know how to differentiate: at the level of promotion and diffusion it is great that karate has been and can be Olympic again. But both at the level of kata and kumite it was being given a totally sporting approach, where only success in competition prevails. For him there was another facet of karate, the one that is not seen, where you work inward, without competing with anyone, only with yourself. That is the most difficult combat to win and that is the karate we practice. I know that in the times we live in all this is incomprehensible, but it is what we have lived and learned. Perhaps all this may be shocking, the master did not care about money, he never cared, first and foremost, was the style, the rest was secondary, he never pursued fame, or power at the level of organization or other strata. He only cared about perfecting his karate and teaching it in his Dojo. In class from time to time he would say "What are you doing?" because someone was doing it wrong or doing something different from the rest, he would scold him and when someone confronted him, he would say: <<If you are not interested, from here to Plaza Castilla there are many Dojos, by ironies of fate, we have ended up in Plaza Castilla. Some time ago we left the center of Madrid">>...."

The legendary Yamashita dojo is no longer in the center of Madrid, it is located in the north of the capital, however and despite the changes, his legacy endures.

Master Frisan starts a new series of DVDs on the best Kyusho points for different situations. In this first installment, of 2 volumes, we focus the study on the defense against the main arm attacks: grabs, thrusts and punches. We will analyze the solutions against grabs and thrusts to understand the basic principles of Kyusho and then we will analyze the solutions against direct fist strikes such as the Jab and the Cross, and circular strikes such as the hook. Dermatome stimuli, pressure points and various exercises are discussed in order to train and learn. The exercises are performed by M° Gianluca Frisan, and his instructors from CSEN / Kyusho Institute because, in order to master Kyusho, it is necessary to train with as many people as possible, with different bodies, and with different reactions and sensitivities.

DVD 1: Intro & Medical Informations, arm points, leg points, body points, neck and head points, Kyusho Jitsu Grab Drills Points, Conclusion Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Stimulation.

DVD 2:

Kyusho Jitsu Push Drills Points, Kyusho Jitsu Punch Informations, Kyusho Straight Punch Drills Points, Kyusho Hook Punch Drills Points, Conclusion Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Stimulation.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

Ref.: •KfRISAN-5 Ref.: •KfRISAN-5

Master Frisan starts a new series of DVDs on the best Kyusho points for different situations. In this first installment, of 2 volumes, we focus the study on the defense against the main arm attacks: grabs, thrusts and punches. We will analyze the solutions against grabs and thrusts to understand the basic principles of Kyusho and then we will analyze the solutions against direct fist strikes such as the Jab and the Cross, and circular strikes such as the hook. Dermatome stimuli, pressure points and various exercises are discussed in order to train and learn. The exercises are performed by M° Gianluca Frisan, and his instructors from CSEN / Kyusho Institute because, in order to master Kyusho, it is necessary to train with as many people as possible, with different bodies, and with different reactions and sensitivities.

DVD 1: Intro & Medical Informations, arm points, leg points, body points, neck and head points, Kyusho Jitsu Grab Drills Points, Conclusion Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Stimulation.

DVD 2:

Kyusho Jitsu Push Drills Points, Kyusho Jitsu Punch Informations, Kyusho Straight Punch Drills Points, Kyusho Hook Punch Drills Points, Conclusion Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Stimulation.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

Ref.: •KfRISAN-6 Ref.: •KfRISAN-6

Guro Ariel Flores Mosses introduces for the first time, how the fighting arts of Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite of Lameco, GM Christopher N. Ricketts of Ilustrisimo and GM Conrad A. Manaois of Manaois Eskrima transitions to Firearms combat training. Guro Mosses shares the Importance of footwork such as Retirada Ilustrisimo, Retirada Caballero and Hakbang Paiwas and the effectiveness of footwork to create the distances and angles you need to pull off your arsenal.

Long, Medium and Close range drills are shown to understand where to place yourself against an opponet(s). In addition, Guro Mosses covers the transitional techniques thru various firearm drills including LIVE FIRE exercises and for the first time on DVD shares the "MG-5" gun retention technique against any attacker attempting to seize your gun. These training drills are a must for any level or discipline and reveals the practicality of the Fighting Arts of the Philippines.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

Ref.: •AfLOReS1 Ref.: •AfLOReS1


"Today one is courageous without love, one is generous without sobriety, one is the first without placing oneself behind; this is death."

In this accelerated, competitive and formalistic society in which we live, the tests to access higher grades are the only initiatory resource left to the Martial Arts to be able to verify, even if not with sufficient clarity and formative effectiveness for the practitioner, the degree of convergence between his feeling, his intention and the correctness of his action. The competitive stimulus with which we are educated ends up putting us on the verge of having to submit, "reluctantly", to the test of access to another higher grade or to take the karategui and leave the dojo.

Our narcissism, hand in hand with our insecurity: its twin and inseparable companion of misfortunes, is torn between the imposition of passing the test so as not to be left behind those who started with us, and even later, and the fear of not measuring up to the respectable. The balance oscillates between the load deposited on the saucer of our insecurities and fears, and the one piled on the saucer of our expectations and fantasies.

Great Masters

As a rule, we do not like ourselves. We do not like that others can verify and ratify with their expressions our well-deserved dislike.

The test places us in the dilemma of showing it.

The fear of the test springs from our deepest conscious and unconscious traumas, fears, insecurities and psychophysical imbalances. The reason is that we are going to be judged by the most severe, implacable and unsatisfactory judge: ourselves.

During the test, moving on the tatami while the others contemplate our qualities and mistakes, we are at the same time paper, pen, knowledge of the subject and qualifying judge. And all of this we write on what hurts us the most because it is what gives us away the most, our body. The psychophysical clumsiness, the lack of plasticity and punctuality of ki do not have the excuse of not having studied, for the simple reason that what is seen is the only thing that we really are. The ta-tami measures our limits and denounces, on the basis of our undeveloped potentialities, our authentic human dimension.

What we could be is, at best, future.

What we are, evidence that everyone can see; and they also contrast within themselves if they are sincere, even if it is of no consolation to intuit, imagine or know it.

The test distresses us. Overcoming that anguish is the most important factor of the test.

The test has to be structured in such a way that it mobilizes the deepest traumas and fears of the practitioner, taking him/her to a different spatiotemporal experience that generates a punctual cathartic rupture that, showing him/her with realism his/her internal phantasms, is resolved in the context and development of the test itself, leaving traces of the path to follow to resolve his/her psychophysical conflicts in the sensations experienced and in the dreams of the following days. For this reason, special attention must be paid to the dreams of the following two or three weeks, looking for the meaning of their plot in that mixture of symbols and scenes of apparent meaninglessness that camouflages the meaning of the dreams.

The test must include the overcoming of physical, mental, emotional and attitudinal barriers, forcing the initiate to confront his limitations and develop his potentialities on these four levels, to get inside himself until he forgets who he is, where he is and who is watching him. Action must absorb attention and feeling. Nothing foreign must exist to this space-time synchrony, neither inside nor outside.

At the same time, the evolution of the practitioner's ki, kiai and kime must be checked in the repeated tests of degrees.

The black belt should only be given to the initiate when he succeeds in having his kiai absorb his ki and explode it into sober and centered kime.

The requirement to periodically go through these tests in which the practitioner's ability to focus and overcome anguish is tested, regardless of whether or

not he wishes to access a higher grade, is not a profitable decision, from an economic point of view, given the growing resistance of human beings to look inward, but it is essential for the existence of the dojo, for the survival of the Martial Art as an initiatory process, and for the development of those who really want to grow and enjoy paying the price of effort to achieve it.

A test cannot be limited to technical demands, fundamentally circumscribed to the area of the body, no matter how hard they may seem. The test must also include hyongs, katas and combat, but the initiate must be subjected to experiences that mobilize his emotional and spiritual world, in a measured and balanced way, without sophistications, mystifications and Indiana Jones-like delusions. We are dealing with reality, not with the world of fiction, even though reality, in its normal and fluid daily flow, often surpasses fiction without planning fantasies.

Great Masters

I use a procedure based on my own experience to set up the tests. My students know it and suffer from it, but it would be wrong to include it here. Whoever wishes to teach must know how to observe attentively what the bodies of his students express in their gestural language and in the energetic mobilizations that the experiences on the tatami provoke in the world of their emotions. One must know how to contemplate others in the imperfect inner mirror of oneself. When this capacity has been developed, and only then, it is possible to give initiatory sense and correction to the tests of degrees.

The person who teaches with honesty is not saddened by the fact that most of the milk jugs break before they reach the pantry. On the other hand, it gives him great joy and satisfaction when, from the broken pitcher, a little white and silky milk remains in the bowl of his hand.

In this new work filmed in the spectacular landscapes of Fuerteventura, declared Natural Heritage of Humanity, we will see part of the work done by the Federation of Garrote Canario Fighting along with the Cabildo, island government institution, to promote this traditional indigenous activity, the Garrote Canario or Lata Majorera. We will have the opportunity to see in action the Grand Master Jorge Domínguez developing "Torciadas" with the Garrote, learned directly from the old Majorero Masters like Simeón Alberto. In the Corralejo Dunes, Grand Master Carlos Barrera performs several series of Garrote Canario and Mano Canaria (empty hand) techniques, bringing the martial artist closer to the application and parallelism of these traditional techniques. This natural tatami on a fine blond sand, is the most suitable place to perform Zapatas and Trabas. Also presented are several technical series of work with the Tolete Canario, adapted to the field of Police Defense. An excellent sample not only of techniques, but also of the activities carried out by the Federación de Lucha del Garrote Canario in Fuerteventura, the Island of the Majoreros.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.

Ref.: •GLADIUS-1 Ref.: •GLADIUS-1

This ancient art that emerged more than 4000 years ago in northern India, is becoming a reference for the initiation of professionals and practitioners, for their contribution and development of numerous skills in hand-to-hand combat, for its effectiveness, quick response forceful and peculiar vision of combat with weapons, fencing and fighting. In this work, Docurdo (Master) Daniel Guijarro presents the Silaram methodology, which combines fencing, with the short stick and the Churi, razor or knife, and the long gypsy stick of 1.50m. In Silaram there is no center line because there is a continuous movement, while we move the center line disappears and the guard changes for defense and attack. A pragmatic approach that takes advantage of the natural qualities of the body's movement, with a natural methodology where self-control and instinctive responses to attack and defense are characteristic.

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


If you want to learn a dynamic realistic self-defense system, then this is your chance to train with Frans Stroeven.

Do you want to train directly under Frans Stroeven?

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Do you want to become an instructor in SCS?

Do you want to train and be part of an elite group with the same passion?

You can contact Frans Stroeven via Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or email-





This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. Ali content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws.

Table of contents

- DVD Kung Fu ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 - DVD Tai Chi................................................................................................................................................................... 8 - DVD Shaolin Kung Fu ................................................................................................................................................ 11 - DVD Wu Shu................................................................................................................................................................ 13 - DVD Wing Chun.......................................................................................................................................................... 15 - DVD Wing Tsun........................................................................................................................................................... 19 - DVD Other Styles China............................................................................................................................................. 23 - DVD Judo and Ju-Jitsu.............................................................................................................................................. 25 - DVD Iaido..................................................................................................................................................................... 29 - DVD Karate.................................................................................................................................................................. 31 - DVD Aikido.................................................................................................................................................................. 37 - DVD Kobudo ............................................................................................................................................................... 42 - DVD Ninjutsu............................................................................................................................................................... 45 - DVD Other Styles Japan ............................................................................................................................................ 47 - DVD Kyusho Jitsu ...................................................................................................................................................... 51 - DVD Capoeira.............................................................................................................................................................. 55 - DVD BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu....................................................................................................................................... 57 - DVD Staff and Cane.................................................................................................................................................... 61 - DVD Kali Arnis Eskrima............................................................................................................................................. 63 - DVD Nunchaku............................................................................................................................................................ 67 - DVD Other Weapons .................................................................................................................................................. 69 - DVD Pro, Military, Police............................................................................................................................................ 73 - DVD Krav Maga........................................................................................................................................................... 80 - DVD Systema.............................................................................................................................................................. 85 - DVD Knife Fighting..................................................................................................................................................... 87 - DVD Women´s Self Defense ...................................................................................................................................... 89 - DVD Other Self Defense Styles................................................................................................................................. 91 - DVD Jeet Kune Do...................................................................................................................................................... 96 - DVD Kenpo.................................................................................................................................................................. 99 - DVD Kajukenbo......................................................................................................................................................... 102 - DVD Martial Arts Vietnam........................................................................................................................................ 104 - DVD Other Martial Styles......................................................................................................................................... 106 - DVD Pencak Silat...................................................................................................................................................... 110 - DVD Tae Kwon Do.................................................................................................................................................... 112 - DVD Hapkido............................................................................................................................................................. 114 - DVD Other Styles Korea........................................................................................................................................... 116 - DVD Muay Thai ......................................................................................................................................................... 118 - DVD Kick Boxing...................................................................................................................................................... 121 - DVD Grappling Wrestling......................................................................................................................................... 124 - DVD MMA - Vale Tudo.............................................................................................................................................. 126 - DVD Other Contact Sports....................................................................................................................................... 129 - DVD Health - Wellness............................................................................................................................................. 132 - NEW DVDs! ............................................................................................................................................................... 135 TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 2/139

DVD Kung Fu

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 3/139

DVD Kung Fu

DVD Tong Long Pai. Southern Praying Mantis


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Pachi Tang Lang Chuan Ref. DVD/PACH1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Tang Lang Ref. DVD/TANG1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Sanda Ming Chuan Kung Fu Ref. DVD/SANDA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tao Yin Internal Kung Fu Ref. DVD/YIN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Hung Gar Yap Moon Kuen Ref. DVD/SEWER1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tsui Pa Hsien Kung Fu Drunken Style

Ref. DVD/BOR Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hung Gar Kung Fu Zum Kap Kuen Form

Ref. DVD/SEWER2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hung Gar kung Fu Lau Gar Kuen Form


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Gham Long Pai Kung Fu Ref. DVD/VDSPEK1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Hung Gar Gung Gee Fook Fu Doy Dar Ref. DVD/SEWER5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Weng Chun Kung Fu Vol2 Ref. DVD/WENG2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


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provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ.

Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More

DVD Kung Fu

DVD Combat Kung Fu Free Style


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Chin Na Vol 2 Ref. DVD/PC3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Chin Na Vol 1 Ref. DVD/PC2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Masters Historical Series

Taiwan 1964

Ref. DVD/BC18

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Pa Kua Pa Men Chan Form Vol 1 Ref. DVD/PAMEN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Pa Kua Pa Men Chan Form Vol 2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Pai Lum Tao


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Toa Forms & applications Vol 2

Ref. DVD/TOA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Mou Sii Lion's Dance Ref. DVD/MOU

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ling Gar Kung Fu Gun Disarming Ref. DVD/LYN6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ling Gar Kung Fu Dim Mak Ref. DVD/LYN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ling Gar Kung Fu Knife Defense Ref. DVD/LYN5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:

DVD Kung Fu

DVD Ling Gar Kung Fu Self Defense Ref. DVD/LYN2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Weng Chun Kung Fu Ref. DVD/WENG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hung Gar Gung Gee Fook Fu Kuen Form


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Toa Forms & applications Vol 1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Choy Li Fut Forms Ref. DVD/LIFUT1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Weng Chun Kung Fu Fa Kuen Ref. DVD/WENG3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Choy Li Fut Leopard & Tiger Form Ref. DVD/PR4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hung Gar Kung Fu Gong Gee Fook Fu Kune Form Ref. DVD/HUNG1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hung Gar Gong Gee Fook Fu Kune Form Vol 2 Ref. DVD/HUNG2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Weapons Ref. DVD/KFW

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ling Gar Kung Fu Chin Na Ref. DVD/LYN4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Splashing Hands Ref. DVD/NEIL1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Kung Fu

DVD Hung Gar Kung Fu Ref. DVD/PA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Pa Kua Ref. DVD/PC1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu Choy Li Fut Tiger & Dragon Forms

Ref. DVD/PR2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan Form Tao Lu Ref. DVD/MIAOZHI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD The 18 movements of Shaolin Kung Fu Ref. DVD/HONG

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Kung Fu Boxing Ref. DVD/SHAOLIN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Kung Fu Essential Ref. DVD/TOMBOLATO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Luohan Shi Ba Shou Form Taolu Ref. DVD/YANTI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Qin Na Ref. DVD/YANTI2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Kung-Fu Shi De Yang Interview Ref. DVD/DEYANG

DVD Shaolin Secret Techniques Jin Gang Ba Shi Ref. DVD/TOMBOLATO2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

is provided by Budo International
Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More
Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ.
info: - Contact Email:
Tai Chi TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 8/139

DVD Tai Chi

DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 3


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Chen Style Tui Shou Ref. DVD/YU3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai-Chi and Qi-Gong Forms Ref. DVD/LYN7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Chen Style Pao Chui Er Lu Form

Ref. DVD/YU2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 2 Ref. DVD/FUSE2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 1 Ref. DVD/FUSE

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Chen Xia Jia Pao Chuie Form


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Chen Style Ref. DVD/YU Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Chuan for Seniors Ref. DVD/TAI4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Kung Chia Form & Applications


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Beijing Jen The Straight Sword Ref. DVD/TCE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ling Gar, Tai Chi & Qi Gong


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is

worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:

protected by

DVD Tai Chi

DVD Mongolian Tai Chi Chi Kung


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Chuan Yang Style Ref. DVD/PR1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Wind Chasing Fan Ref. DVD/PR3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Yang Style & Chi Kung Vol 1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Yang Style & Chi Kung Vol 2 Ref. DVD/TAI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Che Sword Ref. DVD/TAI3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Shaolin Kung Fu

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 11/139

DVD Shaolin Kung Fu

DVD Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan Form Tao Lu


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Secret Techniques Jin Gang Ba Shi Ref. DVD/TOMBOLATO2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD The 18 movements of Shaolin Kung Fu Ref. DVD/HONG

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Kung Fu Boxing Ref. DVD/SHAOLIN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Kung Fu Essential Ref. DVD/TOMBOLATO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Luohan Shi Ba Shou Form Taolu Ref. DVD/YANTI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Qin Na Ref. DVD/YANTI2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Kung-Fu Shi De Yang Interview Ref. DVD/DEYANG

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 12/139
Shu TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 13/139
DVD Wu Shu DVD Olympic Wu Shu Ref. DVD/WUSHU1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR DVD Wu Shu San Jie Gun The 3 Section Staff Ref. DVD/FAN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 14/139
DVD Wu Shu Hou Kun The Monkey Staff Ref. DVD/FAN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 15/139

DVD Wing Chun

DVD Wing Chun International WCI

Ref. DVD/Cameron1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho & Tegumi in Wing Chun Siu Nim Tao


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Tsun Lat Sao Advanced. TAOWS Academy


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu in Forms Siu Nim Tao


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Part 1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form

Part 2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Part 3


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form Part 4


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form

Basic Drills


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form

Advanced Drills


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun Kung Fu Siu Lim Tao


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Wing Chun

DVD Wing Chun Kung Fu Chum Kiu Ref. DVD/RANDY2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun Kung Fu Biu Jee Ref. DVD/RANDY3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun Kung Fu Concepts and priciples


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun Traditional vol 1 Ref. DVD/WCH1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun Traditional vol 2 Ref. DVD/WCH2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WTU Chum Kiu Form & Applications


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Tsun Universe. Siu Nim Tao Form & Applications


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Tsun Self Defense Ref. DVD/WTINCE1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Gock'Ng 'Sing Ref. DVD/KYUSHO14

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Chi Sao Wing Tsun TAOWS Academy Ref. DVD/TAOWS3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Weng Chun Kung Fu Ref. DVD/WENG

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Weng Chun Kung Fu Vol2 Ref. DVD/WENG2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected

copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:

by worldwide
DVD Wing Chun
Ref. DVD/WENG3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 18/139
DVD Weng Chun Kung Fu Fa Kuen

DVD Wing Tsun

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 19/139

DVD Wing Tsun

DVD Wing Tsun Lat Sao Advanced. TAOWS Academy


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WTU Chum Kiu Form & Applications


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Tsun Self Defense


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Tsun Universe. Siu Nim Tao Form & Applications


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Revolution Combat Fundamentals

Ref. DVD/WR1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WingTsun The Mith of the Wooden Dummy


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Tsun Right or Wrong?


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Tsun Taows Academy Ref. DVD/TAOWS1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Tsun Advanced TAOWS Academy


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Chi Sao Wing Tsun TAOWS Academy


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Tsun Alliance and Escrima Ref. DVD/WTAL

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WingTsun Combat Techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:



DVD WingTsun Wooden Dummy Street Aplications

Ref. DVD/WTS10

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WingTsun Re-Evolution Ref. DVD/WTS11

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WT Re-Evolution 2 Ref. DVD/WTS12

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WingTsun Combat Program Ref. DVD/WTS13

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WingTsun Anti-grappling Ref. DVD/WTS2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WingTsun Street Shock Vol 1 Ref. DVD/WTS3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WingTsun Street Shock Vol 2 Ref. DVD/WTS4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WingTsun Lat Sao Ref. DVD/WTS5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WingTsun Chi Sao Vol1 Ref. DVD/WTS6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WingTsun Chi Sao Vol2 Ref. DVD/WTS7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WingTsun Advanced Combat Ref. DVD/WTS8

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


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DVD WingTsun AntiGrappling & Chi Gerk Ref. DVD/WTS9

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

Wing Tsun
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Budo International
Co. and
copyright laws. More
DVD Wing Tsun
EUR TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 22/139
Wing Chun International WCI Ref. DVD/Cameron1 Price

DVD Other Styles China

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 23/139

DVD Other Styles China

DVD Tong Long Pai. Southern Praying Mantis


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bao-Din Shuai Chiao Ref. DVD/CHANG Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bao-Din Shuai Chiao Advanced Program Ref. DVD/CHIAO3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bao-Din Shuai Chiao Combat Ref. DVD/CHIAO2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shuai Chiao Black Belt Program Ref. DVD/CHIAO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Chinese Kempo Karate Ref. DVD/HAYEN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Fu Shih Kenpo Vol.2 Tiger Forms & Self Defense Ref. DVD/FUSHIH2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Sanda Ming Chuan Kung Fu Ref. DVD/SANDA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Gham Long Pai Kung Fu Ref. DVD/VDSPEK1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 24/139
DVD Judo and Ju-Jitsu TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 25/139

DVD Judo and Ju-Jitsu

DVD Unlimited Ju Jitsu Ref. DVD/LOU2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ju-Jutsu Torite Ref. DVD/JTORITE

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu Ref. DVD/EDSAN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jiu Jitsu Kyoo Soku Seishin Ryu Ref. DVD/NUNES

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Judo Atemi Ref. DVD/JUDOIT

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Power Jiu Jitsu Juko Ryu Jiu Jitsu Vol 2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kodokan Judo Mifune Ref. DVD/BC24

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu & Martial Arts Ref. DVD/KAPAP9

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Judo Introduction Ref. DVD/JUDO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Judo Te Waza Hand Techniques Ref. DVD/JUDO2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Judo Koshi Waza Hip Techniques Ref. DVD/JUDO3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Judo Ashi Waza Foot & Leg Techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 26/139

DVD Judo and Ju-Jitsu

DVD Mastering Judo Sutemi Waza Sacrifice Techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Judo Katami Waza Ground Work Ref. DVD/JUDO6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Judo Shime Waza Strangulation Techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Judo Kensetsu Waza

Joint Locking


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Judo Ne Waza Clinic


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Judo Master Okada Interview


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Loubet Jiu-jitsu


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Judo Classics Jigoro Kano Ref. DVD/BC16

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Budo Goshin Jutsu Ryu


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Traditional Ju Jitsu Vol 4 Ground Combat Ref. DVD/DAB4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jiu Jitsu Ryu SDA Vol 2 Ref. DVD/JJRYU2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jiu Jitsu Ryu SDA Vol 1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Judo and Ju-Jitsu

DVD Traditional Ju Jitsu Vol 3 Upright Techniques Ref. DVD/DAB3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Traditional Jujitsu Vol 1 Ref. DVD/JUJ Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ju Jutsu Do Combat Ref. DVD/SAN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Juko Ryu Jiu Jitsu Vol 1 Ref. DVD/JUKO

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu Vol.2 Ref. DVD/KAPAP10 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 28/139
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 29/139
DVD Iaido

DVD Iaido

DVD Toyama Ryu Iaido Ref. DVD/TOYAMA2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Toyama Ryu Batto Jutsu Ref. DVD/TOYAMA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Iaido Kihon Waza Ref. DVD/IAIDO7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Iaido Shinai Ref. DVD/IAIDO5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Advanced Iaido Mugen Kai System Ref. DVD/IAIDO4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Iaido Vol 3 Mugenkai Ref. DVD/IAIDO3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Iaido Vol 2 Sen No Sen, Go No Sen Ref. DVD/IAIDO2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Iaido Vol 1 Ref. DVD/IAIDO

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Yari and Shinai Ref. DVD/IAIDO6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.1 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN1

DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.2 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN2

DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.3 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


is provided by Budo International
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Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ.
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TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 31/139
DVD Karate

DVD Karate

DVD Shoryn Ryu Karate Kyudokan Ref. DVD/SHORIN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Okinawa Bujutsu Motobu Udunti Ref. DVD/SU

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Okinawa KenpoOdo Ref. DVD/ODO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Okinawa Shima-Ha Shorin-Ryu Karate Jutsu


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Karate Kumite Ref. DVD/KANA7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 7 Interview Ref. DVD/CHINEN7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyokushinkai Karate Ref. DVD/KYOKU1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Karate Shito-Ryu Hayashi-Ha Kata & Bunkai Ref. DVD/SHITO3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Best Karate Kumite Ref. DVD/BIERMAN3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Sport Karate Kumite Ref. DVD/BENE1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shotokan Karate International Ref. DVD/KANA

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Okinawa Goju Ryu Seibukai Karate Ref. DVD/NAKA

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

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TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected
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DVD Karate

DVD Goshin Jutsu Kata Ref. DVD/BIERMAN2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shito Ryu Karate Pinan Kata and Bunkai Vol 2 Ref. DVD/SHITO2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shito Ryu Karate Pinan Kata & Bunkai Vol 1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Goju Ryu Karate Yamashita Ref. DVD/YOSU

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Uechi Ryu Karate Ref. DVD/UECHI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD To-De Karate The hand of the infinite Ref. DVD/TODE

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD TY-GA Karate Stretching & Kicking Ref. DVD/TYGA

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 6 Self Defense Ref. DVD/CHINEN6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 5 Kumite Ref. DVD/CHINEN5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 4 Bunkai-2 Ref. DVD/CHINEN4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 3 Bunkai-1 Ref. DVD/CHINEN3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 2 The Meaning Ref. DVD/CHINEN2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Karate

DVD Goju Ryu Karate Vol 1 Kihon Waza Ref. DVD/CHINEN

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Karate Dan Kata Ref. DVD/KANA6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Karate Kyu Kata Ref. DVD/KANA5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Karate Kihon Ido Ref. DVD/KANA4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Karate Ashi Waza Ref. DVD/KANA3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Karate Te Waza Ref. DVD/KANA2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Karate-do Shotokan Kata & Bunkai Vol3 Ref. DVD/SHJ3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Karate-do Shotokan Kata & Bunkai Vol2 Ref. DVD/SHJ2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shotokan Karate Kata Bunkai Vol1 Ref. DVD/SHJ1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Karate JKA Masters 70's Ref. DVD/BC6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ishin Ryu Karate Ref. DVD/BC23

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Karate JKA Masters 50's Ref. DVD/BC14

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 34/139

DVD Karate

DVD Karate 1924 Kata & Vintage Footage Funakoshi

Ref. DVD/BC13

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karate Chibana

Ref. DVD/BC20

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Goju Ryu Karate GYamaguchi Ref. DVD/BC9

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Karate JKA Masters 60's Ref. DVD/BC3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Karate-Do The early years Funakoshi

Ref. DVD/BC1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyokushin Karate Mas Oyama Ref. DVD/BC5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Okinawa Isshin Ryu Karate Kata Ref. DVD/CAN2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shotokan Karate Nakayama, the last interview Ref. DVD/NAKENT

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Uechi Ryu Karate K.Uechi Ref. DVD/BC21

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wado-Ryu Karate Ref. DVD/BC15

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD World Karate Championships 2004 Pack


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Karate-do Shinshinkan Okinawa Kata


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

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DVD Karate

DVD Karate Wado Ryu - I Dori, Tanto

Dori, Shitei Kata


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Classic Martial Arts Masters of Budo Japan & Okinawa

Ref. DVD/BC8

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Meitoku Yagi Meibukan Goju Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.1

Ref. DVD/RS607

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Katsuya Miyahira Shidokan Shorin

Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobud...

Ref. DVD/RS608

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Shuguro Nakazato Shorin Kan Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kob...

Ref. DVD/RS609

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Eiichi Miyazato Jundokan Goju

Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo V...

Ref. DVD/RS610

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Kanei Uechi Uechi Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.7

Ref. DVD/RS613

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Yoshimatsu Matsuda Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.12

Ref. DVD/RS618

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Masaji Taira Bunkai Master. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.16

Ref. DVD/RS622

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Hojo Undo Supplementary Training. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vo...

Ref. DVD/RS625

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Yoshitsune Senega Uechi Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.20

Ref. DVD/RS626

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Jundokan Old School 1984. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.22

Ref. DVD/RS628

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:

Aikido TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 37/139

DVD Aikido

DVD Aikido Technique Yamada Ref. DVD/YAMA4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Advanced Aikido, Kisei Dojo Ref. DVD/KISEI2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Osaka Aikikai vol3 Keiko Ref. DVD/NOMURA3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Osaka Aikikai Vol 2 En-ten & Sabaki


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Osaka Aikikai Vol 1 Ref. DVD/NOMURA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Tanto Dori Ref. DVD/FUR4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Dynamic Aikido Ref. DVD/AVK

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Kobayashi Ryu Ref. DVD/SAVE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Tenshin Dojo Vol 1 Ref. DVD/MIYA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Combat Vol1 Ref. DVD/LONG6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Very Strong Aikido Kobayashi Ryu Ref. DVD/JACEK Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tomiki Aikido Ref. DVD/TOMI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

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ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is
of this catalog is owned or
by Budo

DVD Aikido

DVD Shinno Aikido Aikido & Bokken Ref. DVD/SHINNO

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Kisei Dojo Basic, intermediate & advanced Ref. DVD/KISEI

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Evolution Ref. DVD/LONG5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Advanced Aikido Longueira Ryu Ref. DVD/LONG4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Defense Longueira Ryu Ref. DVD/LONG3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Old & Rare Aikido Ref. DVD/LONG2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Longueira Ryu Ref. DVD/LONG

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Furuya VOL3 Ref. DVD/FUR3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Furuya VOL2 Ref. DVD/FUR2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Furuya VOL1 Ref. DVD/FUR1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Moriteru Ueshiba Interview & Seminar Ref. DVD/DOSHU

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Yamada Seminar Barcelona Ref. DVD/YAMA2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 39/139

DVD Aikido

DVD Aikido Yamada Seminar Peru Ref. DVD/YAMA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Kisshomaru Ueshiba Interview & Technique Ref. DVD/KISHO

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido Classics MUeshiba Ref. DVD/BC2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Takemusu Aikido Empty hands Ref. DVD/BC11

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Takemusu Aikido Jo Technique Ref. DVD/BC10

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Takemusu Aikido Bokken Ref. DVD/BC7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido 100% Uchi Kaiten Ref. DVD/AKIS5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kobudo & Aikido Bo-Jutsu Ref. DVD/AKIS6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Basic Bokken Aikido Ref. DVD/AKIS10

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido 100% Kokkyu Nage Ref. DVD/AKIS1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Aikido Ref. DVD/AKIS2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


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DVD Aikido Kumi-Tachi Ref. DVD/AKIS3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

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Ref. DVD/BC8

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aikido DVD Classic Martial Arts Masters of Budo Japan & Okinawa DVD Aikido Ni-To Ichi Ref. DVD/AKIS8
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 41/139
DVD Kobudo TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 42/139

DVD Kobudo

DVD Okinawa Shorin Ryu Karate-do Ref. DVD/KOBU2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Okinawa Kobudo Shorin Ryu Karate-do Ref. DVD/KOBU1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kobudo Kata Ref. DVD/BIERMAN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Naginata & Kumidashi Kihon Ref. DVD/NAGI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kobudo Akamine Ref. DVD/BC19

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Traditional Okinawa Kobudo Ref. DVD/BC17

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bo Jitsu Okinawa Ref. DVD/BC22

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Webbs Kobudo Ref. DVD/JUKO3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Classic Martial Arts Masters of Budo Japan & Okinawa Ref. DVD/BC8

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Meitoku Yagi Meibukan Goju Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.1 Ref. DVD/RS607

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Katsuya Miyahira Shidokan Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobud... Ref. DVD/RS608

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Shuguro Nakazato Shorin Kan Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kob... Ref. DVD/RS609

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Eiichi Miyazato Jundokan Goju

Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo V...

Ref. DVD/RS610

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Kanei Uechi Uechi Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.7

Ref. DVD/RS613

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Yoshimatsu Matsuda Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.12

Ref. DVD/RS618

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Masaji Taira Bunkai Master. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.16

Ref. DVD/RS622

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Hojo Undo Supplementary Training. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vo...

Ref. DVD/RS625

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Yoshitsune Senega Uechi Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.20

Ref. DVD/RS626

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Jundokan Old School 1984. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.22

Ref. DVD/RS628

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Okinawa Bujutsu Motobu Udunti


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kobudo
ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 44/139

DVD Ninjutsu

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 45/139

DVD Ninjutsu

DVD Bujinkan Budo Tai Jitsu


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Japan Ninjutsu Shinobiken Ref. DVD/JH5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bujinkan Dojo Taijitsu Taikai Vol 1 Ref. DVD/HATSU1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bujinkan Dojo Taijitsu Taikai Vol 2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Iga Ryu Ninjutsu Empty Hands Techniques Ref. DVD/JH4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Koga Ryu Ninjutsu Weapons Ref. DVD/JH3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Koga Ryu Ninjutsu Empty Hands

Ref. DVD/JH2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 46/139

DVD Other Styles Japan

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 47/139

DVD Other Styles Japan

DVD Toyama Ryu Batto Jutsu


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ju-Jutsu Torite Ref. DVD/JTORITE

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.3 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.1 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.2 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Advanced Kendo Ref. DVD/KENDO2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Yoseikan Budo complete course Ref. DVD/HIRO3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aiki Yoseikan Budo Ref. DVD/HIRO2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Yoseikan Budo Ref. DVD/HIRO

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bugei Kusari-Jutsu Ref. DVD/EBUGEI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Fuji Ryu Tai Jutsu Ref. DVD/TAIJ

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bugei Koppo-Jutsu Ref. DVD/EBUGEI5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ.


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Co. and is

DVD Other Styles Japan

DVD Bugei Shuriken-Jutsu


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bugei Aiki Jujutsu Vol2 Ref. DVD/EBUGEI6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kendo Ref. DVD/KENDO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyudo Kyu-Jitsu Ref. DVD/KYUDO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Yari and Shinai Ref. DVD/IAIDO6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Nihon Taijitsu Vol 1 Defense against Front Grabs Ref. DVD/NT1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Nihon Taijitsu Vol 2 Defense against Front Attacks Ref. DVD/NT2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Yawara Jitsu Ref. DVD/YAW Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Yawara Kubotan Ref. DVD/YAW2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kempo Jutsu Ref. DVD/KIMO

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shugendo Ref. DVD/SASHU Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bugei Aiki-Jujutsu Ref. DVD/EBUGEI2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ.


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DVD Bugei Ogawa Ryu


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Classic Martial Arts Masters of Budo Japan & Okinawa Ref. DVD/BC8 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jo Jutsu Ref. DVD/JO

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Genbukan Ninpo Bugei Ref. DVD/VERME1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Naginata & Kumidashi Kihon Ref. DVD/NAGI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kubotan Ref. DVD/KUBOT1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Other Styles Japan
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 50/139

DVD Kyusho Jitsu

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 51/139

DVD Kyusho Jitsu

DVD Kyusho Vitality. 5 Pressure Points for Self Defense and He...


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho & Tegumi in Wing Chun

Siu Nim Tao Ref. DVD/KYUSHO28

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho & Pencak Silat


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho and Boxing Connection


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho 2, Close Encounter


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Tactical Control Program Module 1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Pyramid Vol.2 Ref. DVD/KLINE2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Pyramid Vol.1 Ref. DVD/KLINE1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Sanchin Kata Vol.2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho, First Encounter Ref. DVD/KFRISAN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Handicap Ref. DVD/KYUSHO27

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Kyusho Jitsu

DVD Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Sanchin Kata Vol.1 Ref. DVD/KYUSHO23

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Self Protection for Women Ref. DVD/KYUSHO21

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho First Aide Ref. DVD/KYUSHO19

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu in Forms Siu Nim Tao Ref. DVD/KYUSHO12

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Gock'Ng 'Sing Ref. DVD/KYUSHO14

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Seizing Ref. DVD/KYUSHO18

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho The 6 Ji Hands Ref. DVD/KYUSHO17

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Compressions Ref. DVD/KYUSHO16

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Kyusho Top 10 Points Ref. DVD/KYUSHO15

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Tuite Joint Locking Ref. DVD/KYUSHO8

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu The Iron Shirt Ref. DVD/KYUSHO13

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by

worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Takedowns & Controls


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Points on the Legs Ref. DVD/KYUSHO5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Points on the Head Ref. DVD/KYUSHO3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Points on the Body Ref. DVD/KYUSHO4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Points on the Arms Ref. DVD/KYUSHO2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Points for Sex Enhancement


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu KO Energetic Transfer


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Vol 1 Ref. DVD/KYUSHO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Grappling Methods Ref. DVD/KYUSHO7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Knife Attacks Ref. DVD/KYUSHO9

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho in Taekwon Do Ref. DVD/KYUSHO20

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International

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DVD Kyusho Jitsu
provided by Budo International
is protected by worldwide copyright
This catalog is
laws. More
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 55/139
DVD Capoeira

DVD Capoeira

DVD Capoeira Brasil Ref. DVD/CAP4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Capoeira Banzo de Senzala Ref. DVD/CAP3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Capoeira Gerais Ref. DVD/CAP2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Capoeira Ref. DVD/CAP1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 56/139

DVD BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 57/139

DVD Gracie Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu Vol.2 Ref. DVD/KAPAP10

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Ultimate Competition Techniques 1 Ref. DVD/FABRI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu & Martial Arts


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Advanced Grappling Vol.1 Ref. DVD/TBELTRAN-1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Advanced Grappling Vol.2 Ref. DVD/TBELTRAN-2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Bible Vol 2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Poker Of Aces Ref. DVD/GSBJJ1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Vacirca Jiu Jitsu Self Defense Ref. DVD/VACIR5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Advanced Techniques Vol 2 Submissions


Price Inc. Tax......20,00

DVD Gracie Jiu Jitsu Submissions, escapes and Self Defense Ref. DVD/GRACIE2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD BJJ Kioto Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense Vol 2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 58/139


Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense Vol 1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR



Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR



Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR



Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Techniques Vol 1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR




Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:

DVD BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Kioto BJJ Kioto Jiu Jitsu Defenses against submissions BJJ Kioto Jiu Jitsu Submissions DVD BJJ Brasilian Jiu Jitsu Kioto System DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu White to Blue Belt Program Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Conditioning DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Vol 2 Blue Belt Program DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Vol 1 DVD Gracie Jiu Jitsu Throws & Selfdefense Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Advanced DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu The Guard position Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Cross & Side


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co.

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DVD BJJ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu The Mount position DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt Grand Prix
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DVD Staff and Cane

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 61/139

DVD Staff and Cane

DVD La Canne de Combat Combat Cane


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Cane & Staff Defense Ref. DVD/LEVI6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tolete Canario Traditional & Police

Weapon Ref. DVD/TOLE1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD O Jogo Do Pau The Portuguese Staff


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Palo Canario Canarian Stick Ref. DVD/ACOSTA

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Garrote Canario Canarian Staff Ref. DVD/GARRO

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Viet Vo Dao Long staff Vol 2. Quyen Tu Tuong Con Phap Form... Ref. DVD/VIET8

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Viet Vo Dao Con Phap. Long staff Vol.1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD American Cane System Ref. DVD/CANE

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jo Jutsu


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Latosa Escrima Hand Sticks


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ.

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protected by worldwide
This catalog is
Budo International
Co. and is
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TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 63/139
DVD Kali Arnis Eskrima

DVD Kali Arnis Eskrima

DVD Latosa Escrima Hand Sticks Ref. DVD/LAT4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kali Ilustrisimo Laban Laro Drills Ref. DVD/FLORES3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho and Kali. Empty Hands Vol.1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Latosa Escrima Edge Weapons Training Ref. DVD/LAT3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Lameco Eskrima Single Sword Ref. DVD/FLORES2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Lameco Eskrima Backyard Sulite Original Group


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Lameco Eskrima Doble Baston Ref. DVD/GOULD6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Doce Pares Eskrima Ref. DVD/STROEV1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Dog Brothers Kali & Krabi Krabong Ref. DVD/DOG2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Warriors Eskrima Ref. DVD/GURO

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife Vol4 Pakawalan Ref. DVD/GOULD5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Lameco Eskrima Solo-Baston Single Stick Ref. DVD/GOULD4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 3 Ref. DVD/GOULD3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 2 Ref. DVD/GOULD2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 1 Ref. DVD/GOULD1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Filipino Martial Arts Inosanto System Ref. DVD/ALM4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Arnis Tapado Single Stick Ref. DVD/ARN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Arnis Tapado Double Stick Ref. DVD/ARN2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Dog Brothers Power Development Ref. DVD/DOG3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD The Dog Brother's Way Ref. DVD/DOG1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Arnis Koredas Obra Mano Ref. DVD/OLIV1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Latosa Escrima Vol 1 Ref. DVD/LAT1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Latosa Escrima Vol 2 Ref. DVD/LAT2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is

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DVD Kali Arnis Eskrima
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DVD Filipino Kali Eskrima Ref. DVD/SILAT2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kalavera Eskrima - Largo Mano Ref. DVD/BRU1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kali, Arnis, Eskrima Ref. DVD/MALTE1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Creole Fencing Ref. DVD/ECRIOLLA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kali Arnis Eskrima DVD Filipino Olisi Balaraw Sword & Dagger
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 66/139
DVD Nunchaku TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 67/139

DVD Nunchaku

DVD Nunchaku Advanced Method Ref. DVD/TMNUN2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Nunchaku The Method from 0 to 100% Ref. DVD/TMNUN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Combat Nunchaku Ref. DVD/GLNUN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Artistic & Combat Nunchaku Ref. DVD/SCHM Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Nunchaku Ref. DVD/RGNUN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 68/139

DVD Other Weapons

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 69/139

DVD Other Weapons

DVD Lameco Eskrima Single Sword Ref. DVD/FLORES2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Verdadera Destreza Española, Spanish Fencing Ref. DVD/DESTREZA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Toyama Ryu Batto Jutsu Ref. DVD/TOYAMA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Nova Scrimia Vol 1 Ref. DVD/NOVA

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Creole Fencing Ref. DVD/ECRIOLLA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Yari and Shinai Ref. DVD/IAIDO6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Toyama Ryu Iaido Ref. DVD/TOYAMA2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kali Ilustrisimo Laban Laro Drills Ref. DVD/FLORES3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hwa Rang Do Gumtoogi Sword Fighting Ref. DVD/HWA3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Filipino Olisi Balaraw Sword & Dagger Ref. DVD/SILAT4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kerambit Ref. DVD/KERAM1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Shooting Firearms Ref. DVD/KAPAP7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 70/139

DVD Other Weapons

DVD Bugei Shuriken-Jutsu Ref. DVD/EBUGEI4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyudo Kyu-Jitsu Ref. DVD/KYUDO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD American Cane System Ref. DVD/CANE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jo Jutsu Ref. DVD/JO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Extreme Katana Ref. DVD/KATA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Kobudo Ref. DVD/MONTES2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Novascrimia Bastone The Cane Ref. DVD/NOVA2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Nova Scrimia The Sword Ref. DVD/NOVA3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Che Sword Ref. DVD/TAI3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Naginata & Kumidashi Kihon Ref. DVD/NAGI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kubotan Ref. DVD/KUBOT1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kendo Ref. DVD/KENDO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


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DVD Other Weapons

DVD Advanced Kendo


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.1 Joint Manipulation


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.2 Joint Manipulation


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.3 Joint Manipulation


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Latosa Escrima Hand Sticks Ref. DVD/LAT4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.1 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.2 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.3 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD DSDWS Dulas Self Defense Whistle Stick Ref. DVD/DULAS1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 72/139
DVD Pro, Military, Police TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 73/139

DVD Pro, Military, Police

DVD Paul Vunak PFS Asymmetrical Violence


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SOG Real Close Combat Vol-7 Ref. DVD/SOG7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Keysi Risk Situations Fighting Technique Ref. DVD/KEYSI2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD DSDWS Dulas Self Defense Whistle Stick Ref. DVD/DULAS1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Keysi Original Ref. DVD/KEYSI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. Hand to Hand Combat


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Self Pro Krav Evolution Ref. DVD/LEVI8

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SOG Close Combat Vol 1 Ref. DVD/SOG

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SOG Close-Combat DAS Techniques Ref. DVD/SOG2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Military SOG for civilians Ref. DVD/SOG3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Pro, Military, Police

DVD SOG Extreme Close-Combat


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SOG How to be your own Bodyguard Ref. DVD/SOG5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SOG Close Combat Vol 6 Ref. DVD/SOG6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bodyguard Dynamic Training


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Grappling Ref. DVD/PGRAP1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Russian Systema, Disarm techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bodyguard The Canadian Way Double Impact Protection


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Canadian Bodyguard Defensive Tactics Ref. DVD/BODY2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Operational Tonfa Ref. DVD/LEVI7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Self Defense Ref. DVD/DPOL1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kokkar Handgun Defensive Tactics Ref. DVD/OMAR5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Europol Intervention Techniques Ref. DVD/CARTER3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co.


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DVD Pro, Military, Police

DVD Metric Leg Strikes & Blocks System


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based Conflict Exercises Ref. DVD/SARG12

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Jukaikido Ref. DVD/SAN2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Metric Arm Strikes & Blocks System


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Advanced Police Jukaikido Ref. DVD/SAN4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Systema, Fighting Basics


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kaisendo Police Control


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Kaisendo Dim Mak Pressure Points Ref. DVD/KAISEN3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Tonfa Ref. DVD/TON1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based Multiple Attackers Ref. DVD/SARG14

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based Protecting the Others Ref. DVD/SARG15

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Self Pro Krav Knife Defense Ref. DVD/LEVI5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 76/139

DVD Pro, Military, Police

DVD Operational Locks Self Defense Pro Ref. DVD/LEVI4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD ROS Real Operational System Ref. DVD/LEVI3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Self Pro Krav Ref. DVD/LEVI2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Weapons Ref. DVD/LEVI

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Professional Self Defense Ref. DVD/DEL1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Advanced Professional Tonfa Ref. DVD/DEL2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hidden Weapons Professional Self defense Ref. DVD/DEL3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based Ground attacks Ref. DVD/SARG16 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SWAT International Weapon Retention Ref. DVD/DAVID1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Kaisendo Handcuff Defense Ref. DVD/KAISEN4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kokkar Anti-Terrorism Advanced Tactics Ref. DVD/OMAR4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kokkar Kenpo Ref. DVD/OMAR1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:



DVD Pro, Military, Police

DVD kokkar Special Combat Black Cobra II Vol 2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kokkar Especial Combat Black Cobra II Vol 1 Ref. DVD/OMAR2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based Self Defense Ref. DVD/SARG4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based Police & Security Arrest & Control


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based Defensive Tactics Ref. DVD/SARG6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based Training with Air Guns Ref. DVD/SARG7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based Knife Attacks from around the World


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based American Baton Police Tactics Ref. DVD/SARG8

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based Police Ground Tactics


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based Police & Military Knife Offense


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Reality Based Police & Military Knife Defense


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Commando Combat Knife Assault Ref. DVD/JH1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Pro, Military, Police

DVD Scuba Fighting Ref. DVD/CARTER2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Combat Knife Commando Ref. DVD/AKIS9 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Professional Bodyguard Ref. DVD/AKIS4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Commando Ref. DVD/AKIS7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Telescopic Baton Ref. DVD/TELE1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Professional Tonfa Ref. DVD/TONFA2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. Disarming Techniques Ref. DVD/KMISS2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Enigma 2 Vol.1 Paul Vunak Contemporary JKD Ref. DVD/VUNAK7 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD KMRED VOL.4. R.E.D. Training Ref. DVD/KMRED4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 79/139
Krav Maga TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 80/139

DVD Krav Maga

DVD KMRED VOL.4. R.E.D. Training


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu Vol.2 Ref. DVD/KAPAP10

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Krav Maga I.M.A.D.S.


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Krav Maga RED Vol.3. Knife Defense


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu & Martial Arts


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Best of Commando Krav Maga


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Protect Krav Maga


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Krav Maga Vicious attacks Ref. DVD/IDS6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Lotar Krav Maga Gun

Disarming Keys


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Krav Maga RED Vol.2. Concept & Pedagogy


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Krav Maga Kobi Lichtenstein Ref. DVD/KOBI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Commando Krav Maga Urban Survival Ref. DVD/AIZIK4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Krav Maga

DVD Original Krav Maga Blue Belt program Vol3


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. Hand to Hand Combat Ref. DVD/KMISS1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Krav Maga Israeli Survival System. Disarming Techniques Ref. DVD/KMISS2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Self Pro Krav Evolution Ref. DVD/LEVI8

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Krav Maga RED Research, Evolution, Development Ref. DVD/KMRED1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Original Krav Maga Blue Belt program Vol4


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Authentic Krav Maga Ref. DVD/IDS5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Shooting Firearms Ref. DVD/KAPAP7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD IDS Krav Maga Airplane Security Ref. DVD/IDS4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Combat Survival Krav Maga Ref. DVD/AIZIK

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Commando Krav Maga Street Survival Ref. DVD/AIZIK2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Commando Krav Maga Knife Attacks


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:

DVD Krav Maga

DVD IDS Krav Maga Ref. DVD/IDS1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD IDS Krav Maga The Will to Survive Ref. DVD/IDS2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Krav Maga for Security Professionals


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Empty Hands Self Defense Ref. DVD/KAPAP8

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Lotar Krav Maga Panim el Panim Ref. DVD/KAPAP3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Lotar Krav Maga Gun Disarming Ref. DVD/KAPAP2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Lotar Krav Maga Ref. DVD/KAPAP

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Original Krav Maga Bukan School Ref. DVD/YARON1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Original Krav Maga Blue Belt program Vol2 Ref. DVD/YARON3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Original Krav Maga Blue Belt program Vol1 Ref. DVD/YARON2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Self Pro Krav Ref. DVD/LEVI2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Self Pro Krav Knife Defense Ref. DVD/LEVI5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


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DVD Krav Maga DVD Kapap Lotar Krav Maga The Kapap Academy Experience Ref. DVD/KAPAP5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR DVD Kapap MMA Ref. DVD/KAPAP6 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More
DVD Kapap Combatives Muay Thai Self Defense Ref. DVD/MUAYKAP Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR
by Budo
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Systema TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 85/139

DVD Systema

DVD RMA Systema SV Empty Hands & Knife


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Systema, Fighting Basics


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Russian Martial Arts Systema Ref. DVD/SYSTEMA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Russian Systema Ref. DVD/KADI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Russian Systema, Disarm techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 86/139

DVD Knife Fighting

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 87/139

DVD Knife Fighting

DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife Vol4 Pakawalan Ref. DVD/GOULD5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Knife Tactical Response CSSD Ref. DVD/FRANK1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Novascrimia Defense against Knife Ref. DVD/NOVA4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Close Quarter Combat Knife & Counter Combatives Ref. DVD/HOCH1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 3 Ref. DVD/GOULD3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 2 Ref. DVD/GOULD2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Lameco Eskrima Essential Knife 1 Ref. DVD/GOULD1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ultimate Knife Training Ref. DVD/SARG13

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Knife Survival Evolution Fighting Systems Ref. DVD/EFS

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Seal Program Knife Combat Ref. DVD/FAR2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD JKD Knife Fighting Survival Ref. DVD/SALVA2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR



Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co.

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DVD Women´s Self Defense

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 89/139

DVD Women´s Self Defense

DVD Kyusho Self Protection for Women Ref. DVD/KYUSHO21

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kids Self Defense: Dealing with strangers Ref. DVD/TRUST1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Women's Self Defense Ref. DVD/CYNTHI2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Female Self Defense Kenpo Ref. DVD/DPF

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 90/139

DVD Other Self Defense Styles

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 91/139

DVD Other Self Defense Styles

DVD Keysi Risk Situations Fighting Technique


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SOG Real Close Combat Vol-7 Ref. DVD/SOG7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Paul Vunak PFS Asymmetrical Violence


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Keysi Original Ref. DVD/KEYSI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SDS Concept Ref. DVD/SDS1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD KMRED VOL.4. R.E.D. Training Ref. DVD/KMRED4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Krav Maga RED Vol.3. Knife Defense Ref. DVD/KMRED3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kids Self Defense: Dealing with strangers


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Russian Martial Art Systema SV Training Program Vol1 Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV-1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Russian Martial Arts Systema Ref. DVD/SYSTEMA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Russian Systema, Disarm techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Other Self Defense Styles

DVD SOG Close Combat Vol 6


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SOG How to be your own Bodyguard Ref. DVD/SOG5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Close Quarter Combat Pistol Disarming Ref. DVD/HOCH2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Self Defense with everyday objects Ref. DVD/MONTES3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kaisendo Self Defense Ref. DVD/KAISEN5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu Ref. DVD/EDSAN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Self Defense 5 Experts x 5 Street Attacks Ref. DVD/DP1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Verbal Self Defense Ref. DVD/VERBAL1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SOG Extreme Close-Combat Ref. DVD/SOG4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Military SOG for civilians Ref. DVD/SOG3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SOG Close-Combat DAS Techniques Ref. DVD/SOG2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SOG Close Combat Vol 1 Ref. DVD/SOG

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 93/139

DVD Other Self Defense Styles

DVD Russian Systema Ref. DVD/KADI1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Realistic Self Defense Vol 2 One step ahead Ref. DVD/PAYNE2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Realistic Self Defense Vol 1 Ref. DVD/PAYNE

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD The Street Fighters Toolbox Vol 1 Ref. DVD/HUBAR

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kasen Ryu - Operative SelfDefense vol 2 Ref. DVD/KANSEN2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Progressive Street Fighting Ref. DVD/PSF1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kansen Ryu Self Defense Ref. DVD/KANSEN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Close Combat Vol 2 Ref. DVD/MALTE4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Close Combat Vol 1 Ref. DVD/MALTE2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Elite Combat Program Hand to Hand Combat Ref. DVD/ECPO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jukaikido Ref. DVD/SAN Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Airplane Security Ref. DVD/AKIS11

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Other Self Defense Styles



Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

Whistle Stick Ref. DVD/DULAS1

Contemporary JKD Ref. DVD/VUNAK7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR TITLES

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

Kaisen Do DVD DSDWS Dulas Self Defense DVD Enigma 2 Vol.1 Paul Vunak
INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info:
Email: 95/139
- Contact
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 96/139
DVD Jeet Kune Do

DVD Jeet Kune Do

DVD JKD Elements of Attack Ref. DVD/JKDTIM4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jeet Kune Do Sparring Ref. DVD/JKDTIM3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jeet Kune Do Self Defense Ref. DVD/DELJKD2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bruce Lee in Memoriam Documentary Ref. DVD/BL Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bruce Lee The Man & his Legacy Documentary Ref. DVD/TV2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jeet Kune Do Unlimited Ground Fighting Ref. DVD/BURTON2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Vol 2 Ref. DVD/JKDTIM2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Vol 1 Ref. DVD/JKDTIM Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jeet Kune Do Unlimited Ref. DVD/BURTON Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jun Fan Gung Fu Ref. DVD/DELJKD1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD JKD Streetfighting Ref. DVD/ALM5 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wooden Dummy Jeet Kune Do Sets

Ref. DVD/ALM3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


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is protected by worldwide

DVD Jeet Kune Do

DVD Wooden Dummy JKD Jun Fan Sets Ref. DVD/ALM2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jeet Kune Do Trapping to Grappling Ref. DVD/ALM1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD JKD Street Trapping Ref. DVD/SALVA7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Explosive Dumog Filipino Grappling Ref. DVD/SALVA6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD JKD Street Defense Tactics Ref. DVD/SALVA5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Filipino Kino Mutai PFS Ref. DVD/SALVA4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD JKD Profesional Fighting System Ref. DVD/SALVA3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD JKD Knife Fighting Survival Ref. DVD/SALVA2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD JKD Street Safe Ref. DVD/SALVA

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD JKD Seal Program Hand to Hand combat Ref. DVD/FAR1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Enigma 2 Vol.1 Paul Vunak Contemporary JKD Ref. DVD/VUNAK7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Paul Vunak PFS Asymmetrical Violence Ref. DVD/VUNAK1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:
DVD Kenpo TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 99/139

DVD Kenpo

DVD Kenpo, My Favorite Techniques Ref. DVD/LARRY4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Free Style Kenpo Ref. DVD/LARRY3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Extreme Kenpo Ref. DVD/LARRY2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kenpo Ed Parker's System Ref. DVD/LARRY

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Fu Shih Kenpo Vol.2 Tiger Forms & Self Defense Ref. DVD/FUSHIH2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kenpo Golden Rules Ref. DVD/PLANAS3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ed Parker's Kenpo Rules and Principles


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ed Parker's Kenpo Planas Lineage Ref. DVD/PLANAS1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ed Parker's Kenpo Trejo Lineage Ref. DVD/TREJO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Blended Kenpo Ref. DVD/KOVAR1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kosho Ryu Kempo Ref. DVD/KOSHO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Fu Shih Kenpo Ref. DVD/FUSHIH1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Kenpo

DVD Kara-Ho Kempo Karate Ref. DVD/KARA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kenpo Knife Defense Ref. DVD/NEGRE2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ed Parker's Kenpo IKKA Ref. DVD/PARKER1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD American Kenpo Karate Ref. DVD/NEGRE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wolf Extreme Defense Ref. DVD/WOLF1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD American Kenpo Karate Police Instruction Ref. DVD/KENPOL Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 102/139
DVD Kajukenbo

DVD Kajukenbo

DVD Kajukenbo Emperado


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kajukenbo Essential Ref. DVD/LPRIETO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kajukenbo WHKD Forms & Techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kajukenbo Gaylord's Method


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kajukenbo Dirty fighting Ref. DVD/NEW1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kajukenbo Wun Hop Kuen Do Ref. DVD/WHKD2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kajukenbo Modern Concepts


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kajukenbo Weapons Ref. DVD/KAJ6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kajukenbo Evolution Ref. DVD/KAJ5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kajukenbo Vol 3


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kajukenbo Vol 2 The Training Method


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 103/139
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 104/139
DVD Martial Arts Vietnam

DVD Martial Arts Vietnam

DVD Viet Vo Dao Long staff Vol 2. Quyen Tu Tuong Con Phap Form... Ref. DVD/VIET8

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Viet Vo Dao Con Phap. Long staff Vol.1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Integral Vovinam Ref. DVD/VIET6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Vovinam Viet Vo Dao saber and Halberd Ref. DVD/VIET5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Vo Co Truyen Vietnamese Martial Arts


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Viet Vo Dao Phan Don Counter Techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Moc Ban Phap & Vat Ref. DVD/VIET3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Vol 2 Ref. DVD/VIET2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Vovinam Viet Vo Dao Vol 1 Ref. DVD/VIET1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 105/139

DVD Other Martial Styles

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 106/139

DVD Other Martial Styles

DVD Self Defense for Everybody


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Verdadera Destreza Española, Spanish Fencing Ref. DVD/DESTREZA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Filipino Kino Mutai PFS Ref. DVD/SALVA4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Creole Fencing Ref. DVD/ECRIOLLA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kaisendo Self Defense Ref. DVD/KAISEN5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD The Tai Karate Way Ref. DVD/GERMAN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Chin Na Catching & Locking Ref. DVD/HARFOU2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Chokes & Strangulations Shorite Ryu Tai Jutsu Ref. DVD/HARFOU3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kaisen Do Ref. DVD/KAISEN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Psi Power for Martial Artists Ref. DVD/LILLA

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Aloe Lima Lama Samoa Ref. DVD/LIMA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hawaian Lua Ref. DVD/LUA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 107/139

DVD Other Martial Styles

DVD Martial Arts Night Gala Italy 2005 Ref. DVD/MAN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Novascrimia Abraçar Ref. DVD/NOVA5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Filipino Panantukan Ref. DVD/PANAN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Vital Points Atemi & Kuatsu Ref. DVD/PV

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wind Warriors XXI Ref. DVD/RIBEIRO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Indonesian Sarong Ref. DVD/SARONG

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD How to Martials Arts Show Ref. DVD/TEO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Martial Arts The Way of the Warrior Documentary Ref. DVD/TV1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Lan Do Chen Siue Pay Vol 1 Ref. DVD/VIL1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Lan Do Chen Siue Pay Vol2 Ref. DVD/YANIS2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00

DVD Martial Science Ref. DVD/RONDY1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00

DVD Explosive Dumog Filipino Grappling Ref. DVD/SALVA6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 108/139

DVD Other Martial Styles

DVD JKD Knife Fighting Survival


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Budo Martial Arts International Festival 2002


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Budo Martial Arts International Festival 2003


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Budo Martial Arts International Festival 2007


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD International Grand Prix 2000

Martial Arts Festival


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hall Of Fame ISMA 2006


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Martials Arts Night Gala Italy 2006


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:


DVD Pencak Silat

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 110/139

DVD Pencak Silat

DVD Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak. Weapons Ref. DVD/SERAK2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho & Pencak Silat Ref. DVD/KFRISAN3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak. Empty Hands Ref. DVD/SERAK1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Warrior Silat Ref. DVD/WSILAT Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Buka Jalan Pencak Silat Ref. DVD/SILAT3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Pencak Silat Java & Sumatra Ref. DVD/SILAT Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Pencak Silat Ref. DVD/MALTE3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 111/139

DVD Tae Kwon Do

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 112/139

DVD Tae Kwon Do

DVD Traditional Taekwondo Hyeong


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Martial Science Ref. DVD/RONDY1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Super Taekwondo Ref. DVD/TEAM

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Taekwondo WTF Basic Poomsae Ref. DVD/TKDE2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Taekwondo WTF Superior Poomsae Ref. DVD/TKDE1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho in Taekwon Do Ref. DVD/KYUSHO20

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Taekwondo Superior Poomsae & Applications


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Taekwondo Basic Poomsae Ref. DVD/PUM1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Taekwondo ITF Tul Vol 1 Ref. DVD/TUL

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Taekwondo ITF Leg Techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD The Power of Combat Taekwondo Ref. DVD/MAURI

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Taekwondo Fighting Secrets Ref. DVD/MAURI2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 113/139
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 114/139
DVD Hapkido

DVD Hapkido

DVD Hapkido WHF


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hapkido Technique WHF Ref. DVD/FEH1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hapkido Official Program Ref. DVD/HAPFET1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Combat Hapkido Self Defense Ref. DVD/COMH3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Combat Hapkido Ref. DVD/COMH2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Combat Hapkido Tactical Pressure Points Program Vol1 Ref. DVD/COMHTTP1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Combat Hapkido Ground Survival Ref. DVD/COMH4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hapkido Hoi Jeon Moo Sool Vol 1 Ref. DVD/KIM1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hapkido Hoi Jeon Moo Sool Vol 2 Ref. DVD/KIM2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Sin Moo Hapkido Ref. DVD/SMH

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

(mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content
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DVD Other Styles Korea

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 116/139

DVD Other Styles Korea

DVD Hwa Rang Do Gumtoogi Sword Fighting Ref. DVD/HWA3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.1 Joint Manipulation Ref. DVD/HWA4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.2 Joint Manipulation Ref. DVD/HWA5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.3 Joint Manipulation Ref. DVD/HWA6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Modern Farang Mu Sul How to develop Speed and Reaction Ref. DVD/FARANG1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Haidong Gum Do Ref. DVD/GUMDO

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hwa Rang Do Knife Fighting Ref. DVD/HWA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hwa Rang Do Extreme Takedowns Vol1 Ref. DVD/HWA2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kuk Sool Won Ref. DVD/KUK1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Sun Mu Do Ref. DVD/SUN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by
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DVD Muay Thai

DVD Muay Thai

DVD Muay Thai & Kick Boxing Punching Bag


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Thai Boran Elbow Techniques Ref. DVD/CESAR9

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Boran Mae Mai Vol2 Ref. DVD/CESAR12

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Thai Boran Mae Mai Vol 1 Ref. DVD/CESAR11

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Phasom Muay Thai Ref. DVD/CESAR1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Thai Boran Flying Techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Thai Boran Master Pimu Ref. DVD/BORAN

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Thai Boran Chap Ko Ref. DVD/CESAR2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Thai Boran Kon Muay Kee Ref. DVD/CESAR3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Cross Fighting Muay Thai & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Ref. DVD/CESAR4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Thai Kick Boxing Sparring Ref. DVD/CESAR5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Thai Boran Muay Kaard Chiek


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

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TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected
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DVD Muay Thai

DVD Mae Mai & Look Mai Muay Thai Ref. DVD/CESAR7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Thai Program 1st to 4th Khan Ref. DVD/EC1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Thai Competition Training Ref. DVD/EC2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Modern Muay Thai Ref. DVD/EC3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Thai Cheng Muay Ref. DVD/LEK1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Sillapa Muay Thai Ref. DVD/LEK2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Combatives Muay Thai Self Defense Ref. DVD/MUAYKAP Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kung Fu & Muay Thai Dragon & Tiger Ref. DVD/MUAYKUN1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Muay Thai Master Woody Ref. DVD/WOODY Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 120/139

DVD Kick Boxing

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 121/139

DVD Kick Boxing

DVD Kick Boxing Defense & Counter Ref. DVD/EGUZ

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD WKA Kick Boxing Ref. DVD/WKA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Full Contact & Kick Boxing


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kick Boxing Training with Equipment


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD The training of Kick boxing and Full Contact Ref. DVD/CONDE1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Sport Karate, Full & Kick-Boxing Ref. DVD/MIKE1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kick Boxing Explosive Low Kicks


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Full Contact & Kick Boxing On the Ring Ref. DVD/FULL3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kick Boxing Joe Lewis Seminar Germany


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Semi Contact Ref. DVD/SEMI

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Super Sparring! Full Contact & Taekwondo Ref. DVD/BARADA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Defense Kick Boxing Ref. DVD/KIKPOL

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 122/139

DVD Kick Boxing DVD

Boxing for Martial Artists
Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 123/139

DVD Grappling Wrestling

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 124/139

DVD Grappling Wrestling

DVD Advanced Grappling Vol.1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Advanced Grappling Vol.2 Ref. DVD/TBELTRAN-2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Combat Submission Wrestling Vol 1

Ref. DVD/ERIC1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Combat Submission Wrestling Vol 2


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Olympic Wrestling Ref. DVD/LUCHA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Pancrase Ref. DVD/PANCRA Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD MMA Brazilian Grappling

Ref. DVD/ALEXP Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Grappling Ref. DVD/PGRAP1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Police Grappling Techniques Ref. DVD/PGRAP2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Sambo Techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 125/139
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 126/139
DVD MMA - Vale Tudo

DVD MMA Brazilian Grappling


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Brazilian Thai Boxing Ref. DVD/FEITO1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ultimate Fighting X-Treme3 Ground fighting


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ultimate Fighting X-Treme2 Upright fight


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ultimate Fighting X-Treme1 Takedowns Ref. DVD/HUB1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shoot Vol3 Fighting Techniques


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shoot System Ref. DVD/SHOOT1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shoot Mix Fight Ref. DVD/SHOOT Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Total Grappling & Vale Tudo Escapes & Submissions Ref. DVD/TG4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Professional Vale Tudo Ref. DVD/TG3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Total Grappling & Vale Tudo Vol 2 Evolution Ref. DVD/TG2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Total Grappling & Vale Tudo Vol 1

Ref. DVD/TG1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:

DVD MMA - Vale Tudo

DVD MMA - Vale Tudo


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD MMA Free Fight Strategies Ref. DVD/NICO Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ruas Vale-Tudo Ref. DVD/FERRE2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Bugei Total Combat Ref. DVD/BTC1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Knock-Out Cup MMA Ref. DVD/BRA3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Vale Tudo The Very Best of IVC 6 & 9 Ref. DVD/BRA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Meca World Vale Tudo The Very Best Ref. DVD/MECA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Storm Samurai Brazil MMA & Muay Thai Ref. DVD/BRA4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

K-1 Gladiators Tournament 2008 Spain Ref. DVD/GLA2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD K-1 Gladiators Tournament 2007 Spain Ref. DVD/GLA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 128/139
Other Contact Sports TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 129/139

DVD Other Contact Sports

DVD Kyusho and Boxing Connection


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Olympic Wrestling

Ref. DVD/LUCHA1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Sparring! Ref. DVD/GRAD1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kick Boxing How to be an efficient counter fighter


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Savate French Boxing Ref. DVD/SAVAT

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Total sparring Semi, light & Full Contact Ref. DVD/MUGEN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Boxing Basics


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Boxing Combinations Ref. DVD/MERCER3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Boxing Bag Work & Footwork


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Boxing Ring Smarts


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Boxing My Story Ref. DVD/MERCER6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Boxing MMA & Boxing Fit


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 130/139

DVD Other Contact Sports

DVD Kyusho Vitality. 5 Pressure Points for Self Defense and He... Ref. DVD/KLINE4 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 131/139
TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 132/139
DVD Health - Wellness

DVD Health - Wellness

DVD Kyusho Vitality. 5 Pressure Points for Self Defense and He...


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho First Aide Ref. DVD/KYUSHO19

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Martial Arts Extreme Stretching Ref. DVD/CYNTHI

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai-Chi and Qi-Gong Forms Ref. DVD/LYN7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Conditioning Ref. DVD/VACIR3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Jitsu Points for Sex Enhancement


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Weights Training for Martial Arts Ref. DVD/SIMAC1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Sport-Psy for competition Ref. DVD/MARCE

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Psi Power for Martial Artists Ref. DVD/LILLA

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Facial Yoga Natural rejuvenation exercises

Ref. DVD/FY1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kids Self Defense: Dealing with strangers Ref. DVD/TRUST1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR


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DVD Tai Chi Chuan for Seniors Ref. DVD/TAI4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

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DVD Health - Wellness

DVD Tai Chi Chen Style Ref. DVD/YU Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 1 Ref. DVD/FUSE Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Mastering Boxing MMA & Boxing Fit

Ref. DVD/MERCER1 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Kung Chia Form & Applications Ref. DVD/TCC Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 2 Ref. DVD/FUSE2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Yang Style Vol 3 Ref. DVD/FUSE3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Yang Style & Chi Kung Vol 2

Ref. DVD/TAI2 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Che Sword Ref. DVD/TAI3 Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai Chi Yang Style & Chi Kung Vol 1


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 134/139
NEW DVDs! TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 135/139


DVD KMRED VOL.4. R.E.D. Training Ref. DVD/KMRED4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Enigma 2 Vol.1 Paul Vunak Contemporary JKD Ref. DVD/VUNAK7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD DSDWS Dulas Self Defense Whistle Stick Ref. DVD/DULAS1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kapap Israeli Jiu Jitsu Vol.2 Ref. DVD/KAPAP10

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho Vitality. 5 Pressure Points for Self Defense and He... Ref. DVD/KLINE4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Ju-Jutsu Torite


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Secret Techniques Jin Gang Ba Shi


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho & Pencak Silat Ref. DVD/KFRISAN3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.1 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.2 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tenshin-Ryu Hyoho Vol.3 Ref. DVD/TENSHIN3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Latosa Escrima Hand Sticks Ref. DVD/LAT4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

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DVD Krav Maga I.M.A.D.S. Ref. DVD/KDENIS1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Wing Chun International WCI Ref. DVD/Cameron1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jeet Kune Do Self Defense Ref. DVD/DELJKD2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Gracie Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals Ref. DVD/VACIR6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu Ref. DVD/EDSAN1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD SOG Real Close Combat Vol-7 Ref. DVD/SOG7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho & Tegumi in Wing Chun Siu Nim Tao Ref. DVD/KYUSHO28

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Keysi Risk Situations Fighting Technique Ref. DVD/KEYSI2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Hwa Rang Do Hoshinsul Vol.3 Joint Manipulation Ref. DVD/HWA6

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kyusho 2, Close Encounter Ref. DVD/KFRISAN2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Verdadera Destreza Española, Spanish Fencing Ref. DVD/DESTREZA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tong Long Pai. Southern Praying Mantis Ref. DVD/SAPIR1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email:



DVD Creole Fencing Ref. DVD/ECRIOLLA1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD RMA Systema SV Empty Hands & Knife Ref. DVD/SKOGOREV-11

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Tai-Chi and Qi-Gong Forms Ref. DVD/LYN7

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Gham Long Pai Kung Fu Ref. DVD/VDSPEK1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Shaolin Kung Fu Essential Ref. DVD/TOMBOLATO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kajukenbo Essential Ref. DVD/LPRIETO1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak. Weapons Ref. DVD/SERAK2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kenpo, My Favorite Techniques Ref. DVD/LARRY4

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Best of Commando Krav Maga Ref. DVD/AIZIK5

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Advanced Grappling Vol.2 Ref. DVD/TBELTRAN-2

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Kali Ilustrisimo Laban Laro Drills Ref. DVD/FLORES3

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Systema, Fighting Basics Ref. DVD/SYSWEITZEL1

Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

TITLES ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD FORMAT AND VIDEO ON INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 138/139


DVD Shaolin Luohan Shi Ba Shou Form Taolu


Price Inc. Tax......20,00 EUR

DVD Meitoku Yagi Meibukan Goju Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.1

Ref. DVD/RS607

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Katsuya Miyahira Shidokan Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobud...

Ref. DVD/RS608

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Shuguro Nakazato Shorin Kan Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kob...

Ref. DVD/RS609

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Eiichi Miyazato Jundokan Goju

Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo V...

Ref. DVD/RS610

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Kanei Uechi Uechi Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.7

Ref. DVD/RS613

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Yoshimatsu Matsuda Shorin Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.12

Ref. DVD/RS618

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Masaji Taira Bunkai Master. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.16

Ref. DVD/RS622

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Hojo Undo Supplementary Training. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vo...

Ref. DVD/RS625

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

DVD Yoshitsune Senega Uechi Ryu. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.20

Ref. DVD/RS626

DVD Jundokan Old School 1984. Okinawa Karate Kobudo Vol.22

Ref. DVD/RS628

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR TITLES

Price Inc. Tax......0,00 EUR

INSTANT DOWNLOAD (mp4). This catalog is provided by Budo International Publ. Co. All content of this catalog is owned or controlled by Budo International Publ. Co. and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. More info: - Contact Email: 139/139

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