3 minute read
How Lumber Looks
While it ir a fect that sdec have been eluggish for the p'aet two weekr, and that prices have been rather rmcertain, a rtudy of various other conditions might tend to Put a different light on the future prorpects, for the wholemle markeL It is the opinion of practically everyone that the bottom on 6r pricec has becsr reached, and that the reaction will rtart, not in the Fall, but within a very few dayr. Dealers have not been buying, at least not as freely as is ordinary when the building has been what California has reen in the l,aet rixty daye. Small cargoee of a few can, heve beerr rold in lome c,a!e! at pricec that would reem ridiculous compared' to t'he pricer arked just three weeks ago. Wholesalcre admit smlll lst"o on tome rales made in tte pest few dayr, thir on tfie erna[er rhipmentr, how' ever. Large cargoer, erpecially when well a.esorted, do not reern to go begging very long. The dockr at San Pedro are crowded, and wharfage is mighty tcarce. The car rituation rGernr much bctter, and ahould tf,ire be a let up in rhipping for e few dayr, ttir port could be cleaned up of moet of the mrer rtockr, leaving the way clear for future rhipmentr. In our opinion the meat of thc ritrntion lier in the fact that buildins HAS NOT LET UP. In Lor Angeler up to the night of July 27th, over forty-two hundred building permitr had bccn authorized, there to a total v'aluation of $13'718rtO2.0O. It ir rafe to ny that by thc end of the month thcee figurer will be brought over the total for Jrure which wa! a little ovcr $l5rdDrOOO.OO. In rix monthr, Lor Angeler her taken permitr aggregating a monttly ayerage of $15r6(X),O,0O.(X), and when the urual rloweet month of the year, July, rhowr e total up to the hdf year'r ayerage, it doer not indicate a rlowing up. It ir not pooible to obtain building figurer for San Francirco rmtil the end of the month. In Jrurc the perrnitr reached well over $4'(XX)'OOO.OO, and indicationr are that July will not be below thir figure.. T'he atire Bay dirtrict ie buey and feeling highly optomirtic.
Up to the night of July 27th, one hrmdred and thirtycight cargocr were reported et San Pedro. One hundred and thirtecn with fir and the balancc carrying redwood. These vcerelr carried a total of 165,34QOOO feet of lumber. Here ir another intere*ing feature, on the night of the 13th of thir month, fifty-five boatr had dockcd at thir porg end fourteen dayr latcr ttre total nuurbcr wa, a. above. A grirt of ahort 6Oy'o in two wec&r.
Su Frrneirco rcport$ up to th. night of thc 2&h, eeventy-one cargoer, cerrving 42r00OrOOO feet of fir and redwood.
The report of the Wect Coast Lunrberrrren'r Areociation showr that their reporting memberr in the part two weckr have produced 1OO,SO0'OOO feet at compard'with 1O7r' OOOT0OO for the two weeks before, and their salee jumped from 81,0OO,OOO feet to over 91,(X)O,OOO. They rhipped lOl,5OOrOOO feet in the two weelc. Thir condition ir much better, with eder but l6rOOOr(XX) fect below produc{ion. The report alro showr that their unrold rtockr on hand everage about ffiVo of normal, taking dl itenr, comrnonr and uPpef,&
The redwood mills have held their cut to practically the same figures a5 on the laet report, however, they show rales romewhat under. Orderr received for tte two weekr' total, 6134OrOOO feet, and' their production reached l0r596rO0O feet. To the 21rt of July thece millr bave eold @Vo of theh normd production, ar compared with 637o rold in June. California taker the lergelt rhare of the rcdwood cut, a5 s3r'41, of the above raleq thie rtate reccivcr over 5,0(X),O(X) feet.
In the routh ttere b veqr little change from two wcc&r ago. Millr reporting to the Southem Ptne Asociation, rhow their orderr for two weekr to bc 61r0(X)rOOO fcct, and their cut ?S'(XX)'OOO feet. Saler in tte previour two we&' period were 58 million However, with the dight crrtaIlment in produc'tion, there millc hevc brought their pcrcentage of raler below production, down to l9Vo as comparcd virth 23Vo for the prwioru period.
Taken a.e a whole, the sky ir pretty bright in thir largc rtate of California, and elsewhcrc.
Takes It Home
Dear Mr. Dionne:
The enclosed wil enable you to continue sonding me the CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT which I havQ found to be not only a true bueiness counsetror and guide, with its many practical suggestions, but a cheerful friend of the "fireside hour" as well. Accept felicitations for this virile mernber of your family: you orugrht to be a proud daddy.-Rollins A. Brown, Los Angeles.