1 minute read
How A Dealer Should Advertise
"How should a dealer in a small town advertise?" is the question that often comeE to this office.
Details, many. Fundarnentals, as follows:
Advertising means the exploiting of the builders busine$ in every legitimate way; it means that you should use your papers intelligently; that you send them interesting circul,ar:s and announcemente; that you become intimately acquainted with your trade; that you install servioe-giving builders helps; that you actively use those helps; tihat you mingle with your townspeople; that you Ee,cure their liking and respect, both personally and for your business ability; that you reflect credit ulrcn your business in every intelligent and practical way possible, to ttre end that you secune a maximum efficieqrcy,for your businese; that you become a factor in tlrc building, development, ahd improvement of your town and district.
THAT is adverticing, ar it applier to the retaiNqlberman.
DON'T run a small ad in your paper saying, "Whcn you need ltmber, millwork, shingles and cement, some and see u8," and think you are giving the scicnce of adv',ertising a try-out. \
The auto mantt advertieement says that his machine ir lrandromer Gorlfortable, fart, dunble, easy-riding, dclightful, economical, .nd the picture he runs bean out the rtatementr. i
All YOU'LL get to rell ir the GARAGE if you both go at it that way.
Giue Him The Best
Th"y Suy That SERVICE
Is an Overworked 'Word IT IS
---Unless Based on Tangible and Valuable Things. McCORMICK SERVICE

Means that a big, earnest, well coordinated lumber organization is functioning for YOUR benefit.
A great fleet of lumber carrying ships----
A great battery of Douglas Fir cutting mills----
A great and efficient purchasing department---
A big and active selling organization!