1 minute read
Looking'Em Over In the Pacific Northwest
By Jack
Portland, Oregon, July 20:-Lots of water has flowed uhder bridges, and lots of bum liquor has been peddled by bootleggers, since I made my first visit to The Pacific Northwtst, five and one half years ago.
'And whitre I have been coming here at regular intervals since that first visit, it's always interesting to take a closeup at these folks, and at this great lumber territory.
Right now there are signs of prom'ise on the horizon. The Red Cedar Shingle folks are starting an active Bureau to be located in Chicago, to take up the guage nationally for wooden shingles. A good move, and will have good results. It should have been done years ago, an,d 'sfrrould har,'e more funds and people behind it now, but it's a good start.
Up in Britisrh Columbia the shingle folks have gathered together to sell the world on B. C. Edgegrain shingles, and they are about to cut loose. I ,have not the slightest hesitation in declaring that their effort will be successful, and that it's success will be in direct proportion to the effort they make.
That's ,all the limit' there is to any such legitimate effort. Always was, and always will be. The man who says that lumber and shingles cannot be as successfully advertisdd and merchandised as any other com'modity, has something wrong with his thinking machinery. History says it can.
I told the shingle folks five and a half, years ago when I