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The California Rail Trade
If you cannot wait for him-mail or wire your ordcr or inquirier dircct to
Northwestern Bank Bldg Portland, Ore. For shipment out of Bay Dirtrict lf,rrite, Phone or \lfire our O6cc at Frederick & King Str. - Oakland, Cal.
Dionne spoke to the Shingle Congress for the first time, that they would never know consistent prosperity, until they got together, threw aside their petty differences, and went out into the world using their brains, energy, and cash, tq create a market for their goods. just like other folks hase to do.
They haven't done it, so far, and their business is no better today than it was five and a half years ago, in spitc of the fact that during that time their markets have spread territorially to a large extent. 1
And five years from, now they will be in just the shape that their efforts to create business in the meantime ertitle them to be.
Lumber in the Northwest has fared better than shingles' not because they have made any better effort than the shingle folks have coo'peratively, but because good things have come to them. First among the blessings that has come to the lumbermen up here in five'years is the tremendous demand for their lumber from California. It was enough tor save any situation.
Add to that the fact that they have bee:r gradually getting into rnore territory east, due to the supply and demand of other woods, and you have the explanation of ther fact that Northwestern lumber is in better shape than Northwestern shingles.
'There is one other great element that should, be consid-
(Continued on Page 12)
"FI.A,NDY ANDY" is a Mixer
-a hand cement mixer that takes the backache out of mixing concrete. With it 3 men can mix and pour 20 yards of concrete in l0 hours.
Get "Handy Andy" on Your Peyroll and watchyourcement sales increase, Makes a hit with larmers and contractors. "Most practical business-getter and good will builder I ever got hold of," saysone dealer, Light-simple to operate-practically unbreakable.
Write today for exclusive right to use and sell "Handy Andy" in y@r town.

(Continued from Page 10) ered also. Lumber has had no such "substitute" competition as have shingles. Had the manufacturers ot patent shingles beer making general buil.ding material as well, the Lord only knows where the lumber {olks would be today.
But take them all together, things aren't so much different in the lumber industry of the Northwest toctay from yl21 ;they were five and a half years a,go.
There is the same gang of lovable, intelligent, active men in the lumber and shingle industry that there used to be-with a number of new additions from the 56ulh-and there is pretty much the same lack of vision that there used to be.
The orange and lemon and walnut and olive and peach and raisin and prune growers of California are all right up in the collar, figuring ways and means of creating a mar.ket for their product. So are t'he apple folks in the, Northwest, and the fish packers, and others.
But with the lumber and shingle folks, the cooperative effort to create markets is only spasmodic and ,divided.
Yet the change is coming. I feel it. I believc that the people of the country will soon be shown the uses and values of these woods. Perhaps it will come by sp.ecies, rather than associations. The uses of Spruce, and FIemlock, and Cedar, as well as Fir, are going to be told to the world some of these days.
How do you expect people to apply them to their lumber needs, if you don't explain their attributes?
The feeling in the Northwest right now regarding the lumber market, is decidedly ipiproved. For two straight weeks production has been far less than. sales and shipments, and the effect of this situation is already apparent. The feeling am,ong dhe trade is very optimistic, and there is a general impression. throughout this district that lumber has reached bottom.
I have found nothing that savors of pessimism in the Northwest, and the spirit that prevails is doing much to save the lum.ber situation.
As a matter of fact, the lumber and shingle industry of the Pacific Northwest is standing right in the doorway of a wonderful opportunity. Gradually their markets have been broadening, until the world is. their market, and the opportunitie's for market extension are the $reatesrt, I honestly believe, that ever faced a great industry.
How they shall treat this opportunity, remains to be seen. ;
No Let Up In Building At San Diego I
The record of building permits for the first six months of t923 show a steady increase in volume and predict a year that will top any previous period.
From January lst to July lst the grand total of $5,709.205.00 in permits was authorized by the building department, and the last figures for July make it appear thlt it will be a repetition of former months. By months the permits in this city were as follows: