1 minute read
See Me Later
I told this story for fully fifteen ycars. Then, about lwo years egor someone printed it, and rincc then it has gone the rormdc ever5rwhere, in print, end ordly. But since the recent version doern't compare with what was one of the bett nigger stories I ever heard, I am going to tell it the old way.
A darkey in East Texar developed ro bad a reputation in hie home town thet it became necessary for him to move. He was a gin head, a crap rbooter, and a knife artist, and' he just had to leave. So he jrunped over a few countiea and lit in a nerr spot, end he cbanged his vocation to some extent, and became a preacher. And he made a good preac,her. In the routh a darkey doeen't have to be ordained to preach, you know. If he wantr to preach, and can get anyone to listen, he'r a preachen But thir darkey wer a good'preacher, waE a good organizer, and in his nery home he built up a good congregation, wore a long bl,ack coat, polished shoes, gold rimmed epectacler, and had a full church every Sunday.
One Sabbath morning he rtepped into hir pulpit and looked over the crowd, trying to ectimate what the collection harvect might be that dey, when his heart *ood rtill, for there, in the very middle of his congregation, wa! a nigger from hir old home town Then his ready wit came to his reEcue. He knew he bad to etop ttat darkey before he got a chance to talk, or he wer a blowed-up preacher, and he had to stop him from where he was.
So he opened the Good Boob adjurted hir glareer, and began: "Breden and sisten; Ah drm take rmh teurt today fum det po'tion of de scriptu'e whah de Poctol Paul raye to de Fenians (an then he 6xed rhir viriting nigger with hir cold eye) ; ^A,h say whah de Postol PauI rays to de Fenians'lf you seer me, in a rtrange land, ray nuthin.-niggahBUT SEE ME