1 minute read
Sell Paint Through the Eyes
Have you a list of the unpainted or paint-needing structures in your ,selling territory in your office?
Have you made a deliberate, intelligent, direct effort to sell the paint IDEA to everyone who needs it in your territory ?
You .haven't ?
Then what a grand opportunity to exert some interesting selling effort you still have before you. (That's a wonderful thing about "opportunity." Instead of "knocking but once" as some old fogey said, it really is knockieg all the time, and the wise man hears). To the selling enthusiast the fact that he has interesting selling opportunities constantly presenting themselves to him, is the very spice o{ life.
Get out and see how many of those folkg you can sell. Sell YOURSELF first. Then sell your prospects mentally. Figure out your selling talk, your selli:rg plan, your selling price. Then go sell your prospect.
Know or discover what he NEEDS, and what you think he should do, and what you can do, to properly supply those needs. Present those facts to him. VISUALIZE them. Be sure you show something of a paint character to every man you call on, because you can sell a man better through his EYES than you can through his EARS. Don't forget that.
And it's particularly true of paint, becau.se a paint job has a particular appeal to the average, human. It's color, gloss, finish, and the improvement it has worked on the raw surface, makes a most effective impression.
Paint is your best side-line.