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News y N ew s Fro,m A' P"o"'
G. R. Philips, of Los Angeles, southern California representative of J. R. Hanify & Co., is spending his vacation in Northern California. After spending a few days in San Francisco, where he checked in at headquarters, he left for Santa Cruz lvhere he will spend the balance of his vaca- gion basking in the Northern Ca.lifornia sunshine at this popular resort.
Beckstrom Returns From Northern Trip
Mr. L. A. Beckstrom, sales manager for Chas. R. McCormick & Co., Los Angeles, just returned from a twoweeks' trip' thru the Northwest. He visited the mills at Portland and St. Helens, Oregon, an,d Everett, Seattle, Tacoma, Snoqualmie Falls and Grays Harbor, Washington.
Mr. Beckstrom reports that the mills in general were filled up with cutting business and were running two shifts in an effort to fulfill their contracts. Considerable sidecut was accumulating but was being picked up steadily and with one or two exceptions the mill docks were not congested except where they were accumulating large lots for Atlantic Coast and off-shore vessels.
Several mill men were seriously considering the log shortage but although they were uncertain of their log supply, they were making no effort to curtail production.
All in all, the mill men were in good spirits and were looking for continued activities in California, where they are enjoying an agreeable volume of business.
/ $" additior to t'he fast growing yard, operated at Iankershim by the Blanchard Lumber Company, is just about completed in the form of a new mill, 4Ox60 in size and furnished with machinery that will enable this company to speed up their local orders.
H. Tv\/.
Koll Returns From Eastern Trip
Mr. Harvey W. Koll, owner and manager of the H. W. Koll & Company, has returned from a several weeks business trip that took himi as far east as New York.
Mr. Koll visited the plants of the Com,po Board and the Upson Board Companys, ard made a trip into Wisconsin where 'he stopped at the Roddis Lumber & Veneer Company at Marshfield, and also at other lumber manufa.cturing plants.
Mr. Koll says that next to the success of the buying trip, the largest thrill he received while away, was se-eing Babe Ruth knock out a homer in a game at the New York Stadium.
Fifield Returns From The Northwest
E. L. Fifield, prominent San Francisco wholesaler, has returned from a, trhree-weeks' business trip in the Northwest. Wihile in the north, he called on his mill connections in the Portland District and also visited the Puget Sound mills. He reports that the lumber market conditions in the Northwest are showing improvement: that the millmen are optimistic and well booked up with business for future deliveries. He made the trip'by automobile and'was accompanied by Mrs. Fifield and their two c'hildren.
Hammond Lumber Company Buys New Tug
The Hammond I-umber Companv has purchasecl from the citv of Portlandi. Oregon. tfie 6ig tug Wallula, at a price of $57,500. The tug will be used in handling Iog rafts off the coast in the northwest operations oI the company.
Bill Russell Visits Northwest
Bill Russell, of Hill & Morton Lumber Co., San Francisco, is spending two weeks in the Northwest on ibusiness. Wirile in the north, he will call on the, company's mill connections in the Portland, Willamette Valley, and Columbia River Districts. Mrs. Russell, and their young son Bill, who have been visiting relatives in Portland for the past month, will return to San Francisco with Mr. Russell.