1 minute read
100 per cent machine stained shingles
LJnstained Shingles of Quality. Douglas Fir Products---everything. Quick Service on Redwood.
California 'Agents
"Color-Thatch" manufactured by Williams Stained Shingle Co., Vancouver, 'Wash.
"Bear Brand" manufactured by Pacific Timber Co., Everett, Wash.
Heat Proof r- Cold Proof rr Sound Proof With One Material CELOTEX!
Celotex is INSULATING LUMBER. It is made from bagaase, or cane 6bre. This fibre io felted and interlaced into a tough, rigid, board, having great structural atrength.
Scientific Construction Makes Good Buildings Better
No one today,. who is intereeted in building a home can longer afford to ignorc thc value of ingulation in the walls and roofs as protection against heat and cold.
The common practice of conetructing buildings with ordinary'wood sheathing and building paper, to shut out heat and cold, is gradually giving way to the use of the modern-day material-{elotex Insulating Lumber.
The acientifrc process, used in converting the canefibrc, from which Celotex is made, into building lumber cauEea it to develop miriards of minutc air cells, forming its remarkable insulating quality. Its strength ag aheathing has becn fully tested by leading engineera, proving that it is superior to wood sheathing when used for this purpose.
Besides replacing wood sheathing, Celotex is also a plaster baee, climinating lath, an interior, exterior finish, and sound deadener. Ineulation against heat and cold is combined in all itg uecs. Celotex makes buildings better.