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Longview Is Officially Dedicated
and the public buildings laid out, rn'hile the great mills are being built at the same time.
On June 12th the public was invited to Longview, and a great holiday was held there. There were parades, band concerts, free eats and, drinks, and,a very festive occasion. On July 14th was held the {ormal opening of the Hotel Monticello, with 350 invited guests of Mr. I-ong seated at the banquet table. The officials of the company acted as receiving hosts, and many prominent men gave toasts at the banquet, including Mr. Long, who told oi the idea on which Longview was built.
Longview, Washington, the Northwestern headquarters of The Long-Bell Lumber Company, was placed officially on the map on July l4th and 16th, when the town was officially dedicated, and introduced to the public.
E. A. Long and a carload of guests, were in California three weeks ago, visited San Francisco and Weed, and then went north to Longview where they attended the big festivities. The Long-Bell Lumber Company ts building not only the greatest sawmill plant ever attempted, at Longview, but is also planning, I,aying out, and, beginning the building of what they plan to mdke a city of 50,00 people in the next ten years. The town is well started, and it was to show the public in Washington and Oregon what they are doing and propose to do, that the formal festivities were held. The big Hotel Monticello is completed, a modern, 200 room hostelry, the streets are being paved,