3 minute read
Fun, Facts and Filosophy
No'use to be wishin'-it's fishin' ttilt corftsil;.#; f:J,l'h'::i:: i;,,if :T:l,iT?,l*# o, Casting your fly rvhere the big fish have moved. Watching for nibbles that soon will be bites, Keeping your eye on t'he fishin' delights ; Waiting ancl rvatching and u'orking the while, Building your business thiorrgh fiihermans guile; Say not a.,.word rvhen the fishin' is bad, Keep right,oni fishin' they'll bite ts1, my lad; l]se betterbait.-and fish rvith more skill. For fishinl.beats.-rvishin' to flll uo the till.
'IIalf heartecl effort usually brings whole
Too many men rvlio trv morlerrr ltusiness devottt larly who read in the Bible: movecl ancl l>e thou .cast. ilrto the sea' ancl shall in his heart, whatsoever he saith shall be tlone." faii t,re. like the not rlonbt
So sire tl'iecl it orre evening on a neai-by monntain. ancl the next morning she lookeci out the winclow, ancl sar,v it still in its place, and rerlarked: "Ah ! Just as I thought."
Brain service
Physical service is the kind you tion, kirrdliness,
HEART SERVICE I can be botrght. T ip can be contracted for. But Teart service get when vou pay in the coin of appreciaancl corrsicleration of others.
Start Something
If business trakes you worrv And prospects rnake you think, .fust start a ltusiness flurry, With brairrs and orinters ink.
Switched The Rhyme
I-ittle four-year-olcl Bobbie rvas mighty sleepy. lrut his Mama insisted that he say his prayers anyway before 'ire crawled into bed. So he knelt at her knee. anrl starte<l :
"Now I lav me clown to sleep-
I pray the l-ord my soul to keep-"
Anrl then tl.re torrsieri hearl clropped on her krrce. and l-re w,as in the land of Nocl. Rut she roused him rvith a loving shake, and prompted him:
"lf. Bohbie. If-"
And Bobbie wakened enclush to resume:
"I F'-'re hollers, let him goEenie. meenie. minee, mo."
The Tree
Dominion over earthly things
By grant Divine is given man. All natures store is for his use
Though yet her wealth has scarce been touched.
With wisdonr too is man endowed: FIe's learned to plant where he would And for tl.re tree that he must use ()ive precious life to a sturdy shoot.
Since ancient times the fallen tree FIas nla<le his -shelter and his staff; Has helpecl to ease his time of toil Ancl shield the years of slow clecline.
I)erc'irance a tree cloes beautify A barren hill or stand cool guarcl Alo;rg a beaten, sunbnrned path, Yes, axemair, surely spare that tree.
Anotirer trce, full he ight ancl girth attained; (iood uses {ound for what it yields And age rvill soon grip at the heart, 'fhen. axeman, rlo not suare that tree.
"What had been that will "There "lIave ously. "Seen one,"
He Knew
tiris cour.rtry neecls," said the yollng lawl'er wito having a bacl dav with witnesses, ;is a nrachine teli rvhether or not a man is 1ying." IS one." said the old lawyer. you -seen one ?" asked the younger lawyer curi- replied the old lawyer "I MARRIIID one."
WILD clefrnition of a "-J ellybean" is a "drug store
'l'he latest cr)lvl)ov."
The Collection Letter
It is reported that a <iealer, fussecl byslow collections, sent his or,er-,d,ue Iist the following letter:
"It is reported that a certain fasti<lious yo town kneacls bread with her gloves on.
"This incirlerrt nrav seem peculiar. l>ut t
€ are others. e need bread our pants on,
"Now, we need lrreacl witir'our shoes on. with orrr shirt on. We need bread with and unless ll'e corral a few of the outstanding accounts on our books. ue rvill need bread without a clarn thing on, and tl-ris town rvill be a garden o{ tr'den this season if collections do not improve shortlv. PAY ME."

President Harding To Visit Los Angeles August Second
Practically ail a,rrangements have been made for the entertainment of President Harding during his stay at Los Angeles. He will arrive there on August 2nd., in the morning, and will stay until the afternoon of the following day, when he will leave by boat for San Diego.
Of special interest to the lumbermen of California, is the fact that the President is a loyal Hoo'Hoo. He has numiber 14945 in the order. Mr. Harding, while in Los Angeles, will plant a tree onlthe grounds of the Hollywood Library, lthis ceremony being held under the auspices of the D. A. R. Mr. Curtis Williams, Vicegerant Snark of the Los Angeles District is working with the officials attend,ing to the tree planting, and will no doubt call on the local nrembers of Hoo-Hoo to attend in a bodv.
Also Looking For The Remedy
The last issue of the Western Retail Lumberrnan, A. L. Porters live periodical, issued to members of the Western Retail Lumlbermens' Association, contained on the frgnt page, an editorial on the CALIFORNIA LUMBE|R MenCffnNfS quest for "What This Country Needs."
The search goes on merrily, and the answef will be found some time.