1 minute read
Manufacturers of Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar.
Sawrnills, Marshfield, Oregon.
Distributing Plant, - Bay Point.
Annual Production
20O,(X)O,(X)0 Feet cENERAL OFFICES :'rTl ?:tj:X}te
Los Angelee Office, ff,"t""'t
More faith in one another, Less faith in time-worn creeds, More kindll' w,ords outspoken, Are rvhat our country needs.
M,ore faith in work and service, Less faith in old time ways, More voices saying, "brother," More hope for coming days.
Less carping criticism, More standing side by side, Our little paths are narrow That might be clean and wide.
The differences we cherislt Are figments ,of a dream, Less than the fragile bubbles Upon a rippling stream.
More faith in our alikeness, In heart and mind and deeds, More truth in work and service Are what our country needs.
A. M. C.
Pending Sale Of National Forest Timiber
San Francisco, July 28.-Another large timber sale is pending on the Plumas National Forest, reports the local headquarters of the United States Forest Service. Thiq sale 'involves about 121,000,000-board feet of sawtimlber, mainly yellow and sugar pine, and is known .as tlhe Long Valley Loggitng Unit, the location being on th'e Feather River near Blairsden. The lowest price that will be considered is $4.50 per M feet for yellow and, Jeffrey pine, $5.C0 for sugar pine, and $1.50 for the other,m,iscellaneous species. T.he final date for bids is fixed as August l, t923. This is another of the big western sales that show the increased demand that is being made on the tinrlbered states of the Pacific Slope, due to the cutting out of the forests in the East and South.
They Need It
Please renew subscription for the corning year. We can't keep house without it.-A. R. Brey, Porterville.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturers of'
California White and Suglr Plnc Lumber Mills at Suranville and Hitt' CeL
150,(XX),OOO Fcct Annual hpacity
B. W. ADAMS, Mer. Salce Dcrpt. Firat National Bank Bldg. - San Francirco