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ffi 'ffiry
Southcrn California DcDlrtmctrt CENTRAL BLDG. Iar Angclcr
Northcrtr Cdilornta D.plrtncnt SHELDON BLDG. Srn Frenclrco
by 1..I.?tarhn Pres. llbthvestern t'lutmIfi}e Assoct ahon
PRTNCIPLE No. I-Lorcr u ct' pcricnccd by thc policyholdcrr of thc -Northwcrtcin Muturl Firc Arrocie' tion during thc part twcnty-two yGrr3 hrvc becn rcduccd to but littlc nrorc thrn half thc loucr cxpcricnccd by policyholdcrr of othcr companice. Irn't thir worth whilc?
PRINCIPLE No. 2-In rny inrurancc company ell policyholdcrr bccomc partncr. in pooling thcir inrurance prcniurmr end in rharing lorcr and -rp"nrcr. You erc thercforc, vitally intcrcrtcd in thc rclection of your in' itrrancG prrtncrr. Thc Northweetcrn Mutuel u.c. groat carc in rclccting carcful prrtrcrt for you. who rrc willing to urc ell tcaronrble prccaution to prevcnt lorcc. Wouldn't you likc thir bcttcr than rharing thc pay' mcnt of lorcr with the mort criminally carclcr?
PRINCIPLE No. 3Evcry oolicv iarucd by thc Northwcrtcrn Mutuel ie non-atrcreblc and btckcd by carh
I rcrourcc. cqual to onc-third of all i lorecr eurtaincd durirrg the lart twcnty-two ycar3.
PRTNCIPLE No. {-'Thc Northwert. crn Mutual ir owned by itr policyholdcrr; conrequently thc intercrtl of the inrurance officc and policyholdere are idcntical. Ncithcr ir trying to proGt at thc cxpcnre of thc othcri both arc intcrertcd in co-operating togctLcr in prcvcnting lorcr. Ir it any wonder our policyboldcrr expcriencc fcwer lorer than thore of thc avcrage conrprny?
PRINCIPLE No. S-Policyholdcrr rcceivc all thc bcncfitr from reduccd lorcr rnd cxpcntcr. Already thcy havc-rcccivcd cuh dividcndo aud ravingt arnounting to morc than $6,0fl),lXX) in addition to which the company now holdr more than l2JlXl,lXD, which bclongr to policyholderr, rnd ir rncrcly reteincd for thcir protcction, No policyholdcr har cvcr rcccived cerh dividcn& of lcrr than 25 pcr ccnt.
Can you conceioe of more ideal insursnce thqn this? Our telected organization of ntorc than 701000 good citizene ic continually grooing, You nccd this orgrnlzat'on; th'r organlzation ncedt vou. A portal card or tclcphone call will brlng ua togcthcr.