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The Oregon Door Company
' 'Faster and better service for their patron's is promlsed by the big Oregon Door Company, qf Portland, Oregon, as a resnlt of additions and improvements now being made to'its already modern and-.efficient plant at Portland. They have installe<l a big new battery of steam kilns, the l\Ioore Dry Kiln Company making the installation, ancl have put some ingerrius new equipnrent in their plant, including a new electrifie<l moulder to turn out more moul'd,ing to supply the growing demand for Fir Moulding in the South.
The Oregon Door Company is essentially a door producing firnr. They turn out about one thousand Fir Doors every working day, their product covering all stock doors .including French Doors, and they make all their doors hiiirtise and tenon.
They are also producers of stock sash, and of large quantities of Fir Moulding" which they ship in mixed cars with doors. They make a specialty of supplying the Southern and Southwestern trade with Fir l)oors, Sash and Moulding, arrd are now better equipped than ever before to do so.
Their plant is located right in the City of Portland, and right at the source of Fir production, so that they are advantageously located for both manufacturing and shipping.
J. P. Miller, who is also head of the East Side Mill & Lumber Compan.v, a lum,ber manufacturing concern of Portland, is President of the concern; J. E. Rienke, isl Vice Presiclent; J. H. Lausmanrr is Secretary and, General Manager.
High class stock ancl mixed cars is their particular specialty.
605 Fife Bldg.
San Francisco
Phone Dug. 3415
Our soft White Pine from the Feather River Canyon will meet your requirements for factory lumber and finish. Let us quote on your demands for the coming season.
Your inquiries and orders will receive our usual prompt attention if sent either to ourselves or to our Southern California representatives:
March-Strong Building, Lor Angeler Phoncr 127E0-Pico 24?9
PAUL BUNYAN LATH, sheathing and lath combined in one piece. A p"tfect bond for stucco. A solid iob of sheathing. One hss iterir of PAUL material to buy. Reduceg cort. "'T",li*t;
"Largest Pr<
Building lumber and Finirh. Facto'ry Lumber. Pattern Stock. Wide clearc and uppera for drainboardr and shelving. Siding and Moldinge, Lath and Shook.
Producers of California Pines"