2 minute read
Wm. Cameron & Company Real Progressive Building Material Merchants
By Floyd A. Dernier
On the opposite page vou will {rnd featured a group of illustratior.rs covering solre of the special departments of the model Ruilding Nlaterial Store of the Wm. Cameron & Conrpanl'. Inc.,'fen.rple, Texas.
'Ihis is bnt one of many modern up-to-date building stores constructed and equippecl by this progressive firm, aud so procluctive have tirey pro\ren to be they are gradually n.rodernizing each one of their 76 yards.
This new acldition-the Temple store, was open to the public on May 3rd, ancl contains, in addition to the general 1'arcl builclings, oIIice, etc., a spacious display room, in which is built, completely fitted ancl furnished-a living room, ilirring room, kitchen, breakfast nook, bath and bed room. 'lhese rooms contain er-ery nrodern convenience ancl are an inspiration to home ltuilders. In the living room tl.re fire place sel)arates book cases and combination rvriting rlesk ar.rd seat. 'l'he angleirons, fixtures, draperies, floor covering, table an<l chairs makes of t'his room a livable, likable room incleecl. By nleahs of French glazed doors this room is separated irom the clining 16em-hsrs you will find table, chairs, draperies, floor covering. ltuffet, appropriate {ixtures, ltictnres-eve11'thing complete with vielv of creating inrmecliate desires for home ownership. lironr this room vou er.rter the rnodel kitchen with cupboarils, cabinets, l.lins, clrawers, etc. to c,are for a.ll kitchen utensils-a cooler cabinet for fruits and vegetables-compositior.r drain lroarrl with lockers lteneath, and the gas ranfIe, gives it a honrey atmosphere suggesting completeness. Then there is the breakiast nook tastily i<iecorated in blne ar.rcl gol<l r'vith built-in table and seats-a modern feature which shoulcl be inclndecl in er,ery home built. The bed room is just the most practical, complete and convenient er,er createcl-there is a built-in boudoir with front and sicle rnirrors over dressing table. a closet for hanging clothing ancl oire rvith cedar lined clrawers which also has mirror above. The cloor leading to bath is provided with full length mirror. 'f hese special f eatures never fail to attract ar.rd appeal ancl play ar.r all important part in instilling clesires and creating sales.
The bath-a carefttl itrspection u,'ill show nothing has been omitted or overlooked to rnake of this room one complete in every detail.
The Plan Room, Service Department, Information Bureau is completely equipped. The walls are covered with attractive hand-colored home pictures. There are tables and chairs with a complete assortment of photographic building plar-rs conveniently arranged for interested home builclers to study and choose from, and all together, this moclel exhibit backed by a creative building service, with c()ml)etent atten,rlants ready to cooperate and supply detailed information, commands consideration, respect and confidence, which in turn creates for them non-competitive business.
It is these progressive methods which are placing the Lumber Yard of yesterday into the field of Modern Building Material Nlerchants, enabling them to successfully cope anrl compete with present day competition, showing and telling families why they should own a home-how much better to invest their earnings in modern homes than in various other timely plea,sures and questionable instant riches-ancl it is these combined efforts throughout the United States that is playing an all important part in the increased volunre of new constructions and making this land of ours a nation oi home owners.
You too can be a building material merchant if you will,' and please be advised the investment and efforts you put into display rooms-plan and information bureaus, will repa.v )'ou handsomely.