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''W-iilapa Lumber Company Seeks California TradeWith FirUppers ': and Spruce Box
The Willapa Lumber Company is one of the most substantial and respected lumber firms of Portland, Oregon. Headed by one of the leading citizens of the city, and o:rb 6f:the.most progressive of the lumber leaders of the Northwestern 'territory, Mr. Ralph S. Burnside, Willapa has long,ag6 come to mean much to the lumbef industry of the Fortlsnd d,istrict, and likewise to the consuming districts where its stock is marketed.
While the oftices of the company are in The Gasco Buildin'g in Portland, the mills are located in the great timtrered territory of \\rillapa Harbor, at the town of Raymond. Here they operate a thoroughly modern and efficient sawmill institution , cutting 5O,000,000 feet of ,Douglas Fir, Spruce, and Hemlock annually. Their Fir tim,ber is the real old growth soft grain Yellow Fir that is so much desired.
They reach California both by w'ater and rail, but specialize in selling the trade ol the Golden state two things, namely, vertical grain old growth Yellow Fir Flooring, finis;h, and otlrer uppers, and Spruce box material. The former is their real specialty, as they manufacture their flooring with the'greatest care, dry it thoroughly, and turn out a product that laughs at competition.
Roy L. Reynolds, of Portlantl, is in charge 'of their sales.
Mr. G. tr. l\4attison has taker the management of the City Lumber arid Wrecking Company at San Diego, succeeding Mr. Frank Knowles who resigned from this position to enter another business.
Mr. Mattison is an experienced lumberman, having been engaged in the hardwood ard soft wood garre in Arkansas and Louisiana.
Robert Taenzer Returns From Trip
Mr. Robert Taenzer of the America:r Hardwood Com' pany has returned from a two weeks vacation trtp through the northern part of the state.
He spent several days at San Francisco, stopped off at Lake Tahoe, and in the return trip made an inspection trip through several of the sugar pine mills.
Anti Wooden Shingle Passed In Georgia
'I'he town of ,Calhoun, Georgia, recently passed an ordinance worded as follows:
"Be it further ord,ained, and it is hereby ordained by auhoun, Georgia, tha! on and after the passage of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to erect any new building within the city limits of Calhoun, Georgia, and to cover some with WOODEN SHINGLES, PLANKS, BOARDS, OR ANY OTHER WOODEN MATERIAL.
"Be it further ordained, and it is herby ond,ained by authority of the same, that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to RECOVER Any Old Building Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Calhoun, Georgia, With Wooden Shringles, Boards, Planks or Any Other Wooden Material."