1 minute read
A Remarkable Index List of Washington and Oregon Mills
The most valuable thins for the wholesaler oi northwestern lumber products that has ever been created in the history of the lumber industry covering ANY portion of the country, is the indexed and cross-indexed list of mills of Oregon and Washington compiled at Portland, Oregon, by Carl C. Crou', of that city. lt is a wonderful c,ompilation, nothing less. It is called Crow's Pbcific Coast Lumber Index.
The Index a big card file, furnisired an oaK or ma- hogany filing case. The complete index is in two boxes, one for Oregon an,cl the other Washington. There are cards for every. worth-while timber and shingle mill in the two states, indexed and cross-indexed to give more than 9C different kinds of information concerning them.
The information in this index-kept up to date at all times fron.r Crow's of6ce-shows, among' other things: 'if the n-rill is operating; :rame of sales manager; location o{ the mill ; transportation facilities by land and wateil; equipment for manufacture ; kinds of timber cut, and what the mill usually produces ; what length of timbers can be cut ; specialties manufactured ; etc.
With this index, a buyer seeking a certain i,tem, of stock can run through the cross-indexes and in a few minutes discover. every mill in the two states that 'produce what they want, etc. The work is done directly and wi;th the full cooperation of the mills, w'iro realize the value to themselves as well as the trade of such information, and is absolutely reliable.
Mr. Crow is a most active individual. His office is lumber headquarters in Portland and vicini'ty, and everyone comes to him for lumber information in that territory. He is the very active Secretary of The Portland Lum,benmen's Club, and the likewise active Vicegerent for HooHoo in Portl'and. He issues, in addition tor his Index, a printed Bulletin which he calls "Crow's Monthly Summ,ary," which gives a splendid digest of market conditions in the Northwest, rvhich is looked upon as authoritive.