2 minute read
We sell anything in softwoods that fornia dealer desires.
White Pin^ Dorrglas Fir, Redwood Shingles, Split Redwood, Cedar and Redwood Posts, Ties
Our connections are the best, and ue git)e the best possible serlice.
Mineral Point, they were met by Ernest McKee, the well known and popular mountain guide of Woodlake, California, who together with a cook and a packer, completed the party. A total of sixteen horses, which included saddle and pack horses, were used in making the trip. Their itinerary carried them through the Kern River Canyon and upper reaches of the Kern River, the Kawea River, .over Black Rock X{ountain, and into the Sequoia National Forest. The party were the first people to cross Black Rock Mountaih this year and to rnake this trip; it was necessary to travel over fifteen feet of snow. Approximately 250 miles were coverecl by sadclle horses and the pack train, and owing to recent heavy snows in the nountains during the month of June, it made the traveling very diFficult along the high passes and crests of the mountain ranges and on several days the party were not able to cover over five miles a.day. The entire party were very much enthused over the, outing and recommend highly this trip to the lovers of the great out-cloors. Mr. Burnett, who has 'been making these trips into the mountains for years, states that the trip just completed carried them over the roughest and most picturesque countrv that he has ever experienced. The party were fortunate in having sttch an excellent guide to accompany them and recommend Mr. McKee highly, whom they statecl was extremely courteous and well qualified. Mrs. Russell ancl Mrs. Burnett are still at the $equoia National Forest, where they expect to sojourn for a few weeks among the giant redwoods.
Attractloe Photographic Plans
Album No. 1. Inexpensive Homes.
(50) Exteriors
(10) Floor ?lans.
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(50) Exteriors
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Album No. 3. Stucco and BricL Bungalows.
(100) Floor Plras.
Album No. {
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This Illustration will give you food for thought, MR. BUILDING MATERIAL MERCHANT-II tells a vivid story of THRIFT and WASTE. It shows one man putting his earnings into a home-the other throwing money away.
Every renter is a material buying prospect; a large percentage of them can be induced to build if properly approached. Your PHOTOGRAPHIC BUILDING PLAN SERVICE will pave the way for an introduction and create desires-your knowledge of materials and the help you can render will be appreciated and this special service will make for you a large volume of non-competitive business.
GO RIGHT AFTER THESE RENTERS-Show your service and talk to each Jrrd ..,.ry one of them. This cut featured in your local paper or on circulars will make renters think. We'll send you one witfi appropriate advertising copy for $5.00.
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