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An Inaestment that Costs You Nothing
Goodwill is an investment that pays big dividends-and it costs nothing !
When you sell ooVeauer" Roofing, it is absolutely certain that time will prove to yonr man that you know roofing; that you gave him the benefit of your knowledge.
If this doesnot mean goodwill-money in your pocksl-\^/hs1 does?
Takes ANY decoration. It can be papered, painted or kalsomined. Panel strips are not required. Compo-Board Filler is specially prepared to fill the joints and nail heads, leaving a smooth, flat wall.
Our advertising in the Saturday Evening Post, leading newspapers and all the mogt important building magazines has rnade Compo-Board well-known everywhere. It has been manufactured and sold for 30 years. Look for the wood sqls-nqn6 ef]rsr is genuine.
Large, complete stocks always on hand. Write our gervice department for full information.
There's no getting away from the factsit pays right down the line to push the sale of
The "Weaoer" guanantee assures your customer permanent satisfaction. He will know that his roof won't leak. He will know that there will be no upkeep expense.
Cash in on "Weaoer" goodwill.