3 minute read
FORSAIE 0n estqte
To Close
For the purpotg o{ settling an estate we ofter for sale a timber tract consisting of ,about 4goo acres in North, errl California. Over 33oo ;;?.cfes are in,virgin timber, '''- considerably "rnore than roo,ooo,ooo feetof redwood and 36,ooo,ooo feet of pine, as well as fir, hemlock, logs and tan bark. The remain, ing 16o0 acres were cut over about fifteen years ago.
There is also included with the property,which has an outlet in a seacoast town, a whad chute, a logging rail, road two miles in length ex, tending into the lands, a mill, and milcellaneous buildings. These lands and equipment are tobe sold at a reasonable price for the purpose of clos' ing the estate.
For further particulars communi. cate with us immediately.
Portland, Oregon, July 19-An event of much interest in local lum,ber circles right now is the news that Chas. G. Atkinsor, Vice President and Manager of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company, of this city. will sever his connection with that concern on August first, and will "hang out his own shingle" as he puts it. The name on the shingle will be "Chas. G. Atkinson & Sons," wholesalers of lumber. The sons are Chas. G. Atkinson, -|r., who at present is in the cilfice of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company, and H. C. Atkinson. who has been engaged with the C. D. Johr-rson Lumber Companv at the Toledo mill. They have secttred olfices at 713 Porter Builcling.
V.r. A;tk,irscn,..Sr., announces that he has securled, the exclusive sale of: the oroduct of the Tillar.nook Soruce Comllan-\'. at Tillanrook. Oregon. a firm that tnallufactures 25.000,000 feet, mostly Spruce, everv,)rear' and expects soon to announce the exclusive: saie of another big plant, in adclition to l.raving made friencllr' wholesale connections with many of the big nrills ,of tl1.e Washingtor.r-Oregon territory.
Before coming west Mr. Atkinson spent a generation in the Southern Pine business, andr was one o{ the best knowrr Pine men o{ the Sor-rth. Much o.f his life rvas spent in Arkansas, rvhere {or many years he r.vas Manager for the Freeman-Sn.rith Lun-rber Companl', of N,Iillville, Ark. He is a man of the highest character ancl finest integrity, and a real veteran in the lrtmber business. His sons are both practical ancl experienced lumbermen.
Pratt Warner Company Undaunted By Recent Fire
'fhe interesting news in connection with tl.re recent fire suffered by the Pratt \Varner Comparry, Los Angeles mantufacturers of ironing boards and built in features, is not so nrluch about the fire itself but with the determination displayed by the up and at 'er.r.r heacls of this, company in getting started again in a miraculously short space ot trme.
On the night of Friclay, July 13th, a fire which started in an a<ljoining factory, wiped out the Pratt Warner plant, lear,ing nothing of the original builclings and stock but a pile of ashes. Their entire stock of completed ironing boarcls etc. was burned, as well as the machinery being put out of comnr,ission for all time bv the terrific heat. Tlhree 1>lants in all rvere burnecl, the Flagg Scenic Companv, and the Stevens Ice Machinery Company.
\\rithin a weel<, by the ur.rtiring efforts of XIr. O. V. Pratt, president arrd general-manager: of the company, assisted by Mr. Joe Willianrs, salesmanager, and every man employed by the company, thev rvere located in temporary headquarters in a factory building at 48C0 Santa Fe Aver.rue, had machinery installed, an<l were manufacturing goods. Not at their top speerl of corlrse, Mr. Pratt states however, that thev have not beer.r clelayed to any appreciable extent in delivering, a:rd that their temporary factory will enable them to supply the tra<le satisfactorily until they are able to rebuild at their original site, with a larger factory, with all up to date machinery. They expect to start construction u'ithin a \:erv short time.
'l'l.re "Nenetia" has been ourchasecl bv the Suclclen & Christenserr ('ompany. who'mal place her in coast-wise Iumber trade.
Al Hollivet On Vacation Trip
\{r. A. E. Hollivet. of the American Hardwood Companvs Los Angeles sales force, is enjoving a tu'o-weeks' fishing trip in the Bishop country.
Mr. Hollivet is accompanied br' his wife. and from reports they are emptying the streams of all the fish in that district.