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Stx Yesselsln one day!
WORLD markets call for McCormicklurrber! On one occasion early in the sununer, six vessels in oneday called for cargoes at our St. Flelens mill.
California took all that was destined for domestic ports ! Rapid delivery to all C,alifoflda pofts is assured by our own great feet in the coastwise trade.
McCormick senrice to retailers is complete! It embraces every step in the production of good lumber fromSeat holdings in the heart of America's finest timber stands to mills, docls and vessels busy c:rrr1,itrg the finished lumber to points of consumption.
Vhile you have direct access to our coov€nient distribution ltr&, you also are assured of fastseryice on dimension orders. You will find it worthwhile to take advanage of McCormickts facilities. Our nearest representative or sales office will gladly quote you.