2 minute read
(The Cleering Houee)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for:
TheFellow Who Wants to Buy TheFellow Who Wants to Sell
Rcfc; 82.50 per colurnn inch
TheFellow Who Wants to Hire 'The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
White Pine Box Factory For Sale
We have a first class efficient box factory of 60,000 daily capacity, located in Northern California, which we offer for sale. Good supply of raw material in im- OIIer IOr \roo{l mediate vicinity. Will give full particulars upon request. Address Box A-127. care California Lumber quest. Ar Merchant.
Closure Orders
National Forest Closed to Area covered by closure Angeles ...........-.............. Smokirrgf......... Entire forest
California ..................Public use* and Smoking Ericson Ridge
Cleveland .....................Smoking -........Entire forest
Klamath .-..--- .........Smoking .........Entire forest
For Sale
Yard manager for retail yard near Los Angeles. Must be proven man, one who can get and hold business under strong competition. Write fully regard past experience and salary expected. Address Box 4-186, care California Lumber Merchant.
2000 stock size C C Doors, all first quality, new stock, also odd lot of about 100 doors and sash. Will close out for. less than cost of material. Call or address, C. A. Fitch,l24t E. Florence Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. 8-15-1
Position wanted by thorough lumberman as order clerk or manager of branclr yard anyrvhere in-Southern California' Many yEars' experience, a hustle-r and well -acquainted. in Los Angeles. Address Box A-185, care California Lumber Merchait. 8-15-l
Retail Lumber Business For Sale
In thriving city,TO miles from San Francisco, lumber and building maleriils $10,000, machinery and tools $4000.00, no real- estate, good lease, doing 3-ice g,rgryi1g-business. Will bear invest-igation. Box A-I72, clo Calif. Lbr. Mer.
For Sale
200 heavy 5 ft. lumber jacks, used for assembling loads-good condition-$2.00 each. Sun Lumber Company, BeverlY Hills.
Yard manager for retail yard in Los Angeles. Must be capable of taking entire charge and exceptionally good salesman, who can build up and hold business against strongest competition. In first letter state full particulars, salary asked and references. Address Box 4-166, care California Lumber Merchant. 6-l-tf
Lassen ..................,....-.....Smoking .........Lassen Lumber & Box Co. and Fruit Growers Supply Co. timber sale areas.
San Bernardino......Smoking ...-.-..-Entire forest
Public use......Devil's Canyon, Plunge Creek. Oak Glen and Pine Bench areas. All of City Creek excePt public road 40 Ft. wide. All of Miller Canyon above Forest Service public camp ground. Camp fires......Cucamonga, Etiwanda, Day, Deer, San Sevaine Canyons; So. Fork Lytle and Santa Ana and Bear Creeks; Arrowhead-Dalel road; Arsanta Barb"r" ..i-ort"* iTl["t1rtJ3i]'i,,"r,rai,,g Monterey Division.
Sequoia ......................-..Smoking ........Entire forest
Shasta ..............................Smoking .........Entire foresf
Public use......Portions of McCloud and Sacramento ranger districts lying west of the DaVis road, north of the Bartle-McCloud road and northeast of the road from that point to Edgewood.
Sierra .........................-..Smoking ....,....Entire forest
Public use......Hogue Ranch road beyond Cascadel pubtc camp ground
Stanislaus ......-...-....-..Smoking ..-...-.Entire forest t Smoking prohibited except at camps or places of habitation.
* Closed to public use except under permit from the U. S. Forest Service. No permit required of any actual settler going to or from his home.
From the time the early Romans developed their engineering genius in the use of ?he arch, it has been recognized for its strength.
The arch construction of the Miller frame keeps the [egs, which support the load, rigid.
The arch construction of the Miller Carrier holds the load securely.