2 minute read
Pioneer Paper Company Expansion
I Further expansion of the $2,000,000 Pioneer Paper Com- California has attained a plane which enables it to meet the I lanf factory which will triple the capacity of its produc- older m_aqgfacturing centers'of the nation on an equal footI tion over that of a year "go, h", just been announced by ing, -Mr. Hunt declared. I witti. G. Hunt, president, who staied that it is the secone .:'Tl.re.is scarcely a market of importance in which PaI major expansion'of the year and ."ia trr. f.".,;;t, -;hi;h :i1," S.i,tI mangfacturers are not now strongly entrenched corre.s 16'acres, is now rinked as one of the'targe'si e*clu- 1i! -toca]ty made produ-cts-are_steadily making_fresh p19sive roofing manufacturing concerns in the Uniied States. qress.a.nd,invadinglew fields._ It-is to be-hoped that_Pacific
The ann6uncement of tle tr.*.*p"nrion was made bJ Coast.in{ustry will.be farsighted.enough-to-_capitalize the Mr. Hunt following his return fr;d;;;;i.;;;d ;;; ;f opportunity that is h-ere and.provide the facilities that rvill the Past, during -[i.h he made a close study of busin.., P,:, t:lti|:.9 to care for the increasing volume of business conditions and"commercial problems in connection with this locality may reasonably expect. 'plans for a more extensive marketing system for the Pio- "The expansiol necessitated in the .shingle roofing deneer company. The projected expansion, Mr. Hunt said, partment at the Pioneer plant is a striking example of the will include the installation of $130,000 worth of machinery growth of Pacific Coast industries. In this field, local purchased in the East and the erection of a second unit t-o manufacturers' are particularly favored by the fact that the felt and board plant, a brick building 60 by 200 feet. most of their raw materials may be obtained at home. A 20,000 pound shingle machine for pioducing a high ca- Some of these materials cannot be duplicated, e1'en by the pacity of Yosemite roEk-surfaced asptialt rhi;A"r .?;;- alchemy of modern chemistry. bus sires, shapes and color efiects. iccording 6 vfr. Hunt, "Rock surfa.cing is an example. Although asphalt this is the seiond machine of its kind .*i-*r""?;;;;;e; shingles in a riot of. colors and blends are_enjoying a treis the only one of its type on the pacific C;;;t;;-*ili mendous vogu-e in the East as well as in California, many make_possible the production of a wider variety of asphalt Eastern manufacturers of 1o-ofing refuse to attempt.lo p.toshinglis than has &er before been attempted in the frest. duce them because no satisfactory process for du-plicating rt was onry recentry that u.n ",,o,'"oo, one of the largest ever manufactured, was installed at the Pioneer factory and workmen at the present time are com- which colors are baked, but the artificial shades so far have pr"ti"f r ".* i;ildi"g which will house one of the west,s not proven satisfactory' h";rt;l""tr"Uor"torii. rrL vr L's YY sDL r "The asp{a_lt.shin^gle is the com-ing product for residential ..As a resurt or the phenome.nal expansions.occurring in recent years in all branches of industrv locally, Soutfiern covered with these shingles.', '-