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6th Floor-Hind Bldg. 23O Cdifornia St., San Frantirco
Abcrden Lubcr & Sldoglo Co., Abcrdcen' Wach.
Aberiu Mtll Co.. Aberdcen. Wash.
Hoquiu Lubcr & Shlnglc Cq, Hoquien' lilarh.
Prcpcr Mlll Co., Prosper, Ore.
Ravmond Imbcr Co.. Raymond, Wesh.
Caiumblr Bc & Lunber Co.. South Bcnd, Waeh'
Hulbcrt Mtll Co.. Abcrdecn. Wash.
Lcvir l3/+" No. 100 Quar. Sawn Fig. Gum2 Sides Quar. Sawn White Oak 2 Sides Quar. Sawn White Oak & O. P. Quar. Sawn White Oak & Gum
Sugar Pine ma\es durable sash
In fact, any exposed woodwork, when made of Sugar Pine,lasts for generations. Architects who have grown up with it know this, and speciS Sugar Pine for all frames, sash and other outside woodwork. But that is not all. Sugar Pine is a geniline wbin pine, and hence has dl the famous qualities of this species-soft, fine, easy-cutcing texture; freedom from warping; ability to take and hold nails and paint; light cofor, and manyother service qualities.
Give your customers the best. Use Sugar Pine for exposed members. \flrite us for prices,information as to grades, sizes, etc. Also copy ot ,'Sugar Pine Facts." SUGAR

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No side stepping, no hiding behind "ruleg" or "specifications."
You sell Hipolito Screen Doors and Window Screens under a positive money bach guarantee-and we back you up in it.
The finest screens we can make after nearly 30 years of specialization. Quantity production makes the price right.
The building trade lcnows Hipolito.