1 minute read
Califorma Redwood
"I haverl't an enemy in the world" replied the old Spa.iard-
'What?" asked the amazed priest, who knew something of the life of the dying man,-'(no enernies?"
"Not an enemy in the world" replied the dying man, "f killed the last one day before yesterday."
Death has claimed the only woman who ever held membership in Hoo-Hoo.
When Mrs. Mary Anna Smith of Searcy, Ark., died at her,home July 25th, Hoo-IIoo became again a strictly masculine order for the first time in 31 years-for Mrs. Smith had been an active, loyal member during that time.
Initiated into the Order in Memphis, Tenn., February 20, 1895, Mrs. Smith maintained her standing as an active member throughout the years. Her Hoo-Hoo number, 2877, assigned her following her passage through the onion beds in regular Concatenation, occupies a place of honor on the rolls of the Order as that of one who gave a great loyalty to principles in which she was deeply interested, even though her sex prohibited an active participation such as she would have enjoyed.
Besides the distinction of being the only woman to hold a membership in the Order, Mrs. Smith is the first lvoman for whose death the Helping Hand of Hoo-Hoo has been extended. The regular benefit has been extended to her beneficiary, Mrs. May Smith Branch, of Search.
The application of Mrs. Smith for membership shows that she was manager of the Smithkin Lumbel Co. at Smithon, Ark., at the time of her initiation. It also shows that she was born February 17, 1858, at Summerville, Tenn. She was recommended for'membership by William Eddy Barns, No. 3, later Snark of the lJniverse and norv deceased, and Calvin S. Woodworth. No. 16. also deceased.
A Scotchman died and went to ven's gate. He knocked and St. Peter asked, "Who's ?,' swer, "and I want in.t' full up, and, ber one." etre