1 minute read
We Make Special Knives and RepairCircular Saws
Inspected for it mast match p$rtly
The qudity that dictinguiohcr "Everlarting" flooring starts at the beginning, with the scientifc kiln drying of the lumber. Skilld woodwor&erc, men of long experience, operate machinee leyed to rplit hair accuracy. A syetem of rigid ir continuour throughout manufacture. That ic why "Evedarcing" f,oorl can be laid snoothly and qgicldn each piece matching perfectly.
in our modern and up-to-date shop we repair Circular Saws and make special Knives for woodworking shopa, in the shortest possible time. We also carry a full stock of eelf-hardening,'High'Speed Steel for shaper knives and cutterg
SIMOI\DS SAW & KNIFE AGENCY l2-ll Natona St. San Frencirco, Cal.
416 Eart Third St. Lor Angclcr, Cal.
Grand R"pidr, Michigan (uta of firc vood wrlins
(Continued from Page 41) seeing buses for a trip around San Diego and Coronado, winding up across the International border at Tia Juana, Mexico, where they DID enjoy themselves until the closing time,6 P. M. tredit for the success of the meeting belongs largely to the hdrd working men .of San Diego who arranged the various afiairs. The committees were headed as follows:
W*. J. Glasson, General Chairman of Arrangements, M. J. Glasson Planing Mill, San Diego.
Hotel Reservations
J. Sullivan, Western Lumber & Mill Company, San Diego.
Registration and Information
S. A. Paddorck, Materialmen's Association, San Diego.
Reception Committee
O. S. King, C. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Diego.
H. J. Bjornstad, Dixie Lumber & Supply Co., San Diego.
W. Jamieson, San Diego Planing Mill, San'Diego.
A. Frost, San Diego Lumber Co., San Diego. Those registered were:
Atkin5on, E. F. Oakland Planing Mill, Oakland. Abbott, W. E., Western Lumber Co., San Diego. Bettencourt, A. W., Pacific Mfg. Co., Oakland. Blackman, Ernest A., E. L. Blackman Co., Oakland. Brown, C. W., Cross Lumber Co', Merced., Bjornsled, J. H., Dixie Lbr. & Supply Co., San Diego. Button, R. J., Button & Manning, San Francisco. Burmeister, O. E., Hart & Burmeister, San Francisco. Cobern, W. M., Am. Building Material Service, Los Angeles. Callesan, F,, Wisnom Lbr. Co., San Mateo.
(Continued on Page 56')