5 minute read
%, watErprcofing all lnasCInty surtaces upderrieath the plas tet L
RRICK tile, concrete u and all masonry surfaces which are to be plastered, must first be thoroughly water, proofed. Plastef cttr' not permanently bond and set on any surfaee that permits dampness and moisture to seep through.
Pioneer Plaster Bond was developed for ex. actly this type of water, proofing problem. It is being used on countless jobs on the inside and outside of basement walls, between rough and finish coats in con, crete floors and walls and on all masonry surfaces to be plastered.
Wherever it is used it makes goo{, makes new friends and builds mone business for Pio, neer Dealers. You can afiord to push Pioneer Plaster Bond ... it is not only backed by our reputation but bears the endor'&ment of all who have used it!
Putupinlwtdy 5,25 ond 50 gallan conto;hrrr;s
Pioneer Paper Comp&ry, Inc.
Esublkhd 1888
Pioneq Manufaccuru a Com, pleuLhw of Rufings ond
F. S. Spencer II. P. Diron
(Continued ffom Page 44)
Cox, F. Emcry, Built-in Fixture Co., Berkeley.
Didesch, H. T., Sec. M, I. Calif., Los Angcles.
Dixon, H. P., American Door Co., Los Angelcs.
Edwards, Nat, Oakland Planing Mill, Oakland, Calif.
Erdman, H. L., Whiting-Mead Co., Los Angeles.
Frost, A. A., San Diego Lbr. Co., San Diego.
Gaetjen, H. W., Empire Planing Mill, San Francisco.
Goddard, W., M. I. C. Alameda County, Oakland.
Cornwall, Geo. M., The Timberman, Portland.
Glasson, W. J., Glasson Planing Mill, San Diego'
Grant, R. S., Calif. Door Co., San Francisco.
Hodce. J. L.. Lumber Sales Products Co., Los Angeles.
Hinkllev, B. 8., H. S. Chase Lbr. Co., San Jose.
Hamiltbn" Fred, Benson Lbr. Co., San Diego.
Hunter, Doc, M. I. C., Los Angeles.
Hart, J. A., Hart & Burmeister, San Francisco.
Walpert, Fred, Herring MiIl, San Francis-co.
Woo-d, C. H.,'Pacific Door & Sash Co., San Diego.-.
Walteis, Wailace A., Pacific Door & Sash Co., San Diego.
Macfarline, Geo,, Klicka Lbr. Co., San Dicgo.
Jacobs, Tad, Luinbcrman's Recipiocal Ass'n, Los -Angeles.
Brockmaq b. J., Lumberman's Reciprocal Ass'n., San -Jose.
McRae. J.'A.. Yates Amcrican Machine Co., Los Angeles.
-Iacobv. W. S.. Yates American Machine Co., Los Angeles.
Fo[aid, Chrence, C. R. McCormick Lbr. Co., Saq Diego.
Pcarsali, Russell,'C. R. McCormick Lbr. Co, San .Diego.
Irving, C. E., C: R. McCormick Lbr. Co., San Diego.
Jenscn, Art, Dixie, Lbr. Co., San Diego.
McFarlane, Chas. Dixic Lbr. Co., San'Diego.
Markley, R. H., Schirm Com'l Co., San Dicgo.
Jamison, Wm., San Diego Planing Mill, San Diego.
Barker, Philip, San Diego Planing Mill, San Diego.
Hunter, Tod, Hammond Lbr. Co., Los Angeles.
Clever ilesigns on miniature sigrposts
Hart, Phil B., "Calif. Lumticr Mcrchant," Los Angeles.
Kruse, J. H., J. H. Kruse, San Francisco.
Koenig, C. W., Pacific Mfg. Co., San Francisco.
King, E. W., King Lumbcr Co., Bakersfield.
Kaiser, Geo. W., Lannom Bros. Mfg. Co., Oakland.
Koehl, A. W., Jno. W. Koehl & Sons, Los Angeles.
Lillard, Mark W., Mark W. Lillard, Inc., Los Angeles.
Lannom, C. W., Lananom Bros. Mfg. Co., Oakland.
Leishman, W. L,, Crown City Mfg. Co., Pasadcna.
Morris, Sheldoq So. Calif. Hardwood & Mfg. Co,, Los Angeles.
Mapel, Chas. E., Pac. D & S Co., Los Angelcs.
Miller, C. L., Pac. D & S Co., Los Angeles.

Maulc, E. R., Frank Graves S D & Mill Co., Los Angeles.
Nicholson" Geo. H., Pac. Door & Sash Co., Los Angeles.
Nicholson, E. A., Pac. D & S Co., Los Angeles.
Nutting E. J., Spencer Planing Mill, San Francisco.
Niclas, R. A., Millwork Cost Bureau, Los Angelcs.
Olscrl Oscar, Acme Planing,Mill, San Francisco.
O'Brien, Jack, Builders Supply Depot, San Francisco.
O'Kcefre, Wm. F., Roberts & O'Keefre Planing Mill, Stockton.
Portman, F., Portman Planing Mill, San Francisco.
Rupprecht, H. W., Sudden & Heitmaq San Francisco.
Richer, C. F., Sunset Lbr. Co., Oakland.
Shrimp, J, Wesley, Cresmet Mfg Co., Riverside.
Smith, E. L., Fresno Planing Mill, Fresno,
Squireg A. D., American Mfg. Co., Los Angeles.
Spcncer, Frcderick S., Eureka S. D. & Mfg. Co., San Francisco.
Slocum, V. D., Woodhead Lbr., Los Angeles.
Sullivan. H. L., Western Lumber Co., San Diego,
Tilden, W., Nat'l Mill & Lbr. Co., Oakland.
Tildcn Lbr. & MiU Co., Oakland.
Veyhle, Theo., Veyhle & Collins, San Francisco.
HDIVIDED l\'E FALL DAI\IGERSHERIFF that uere placeil at each plate at the banquet. bernicr, F. A., Lumbcrmen's Service Assn., Los Angeles.
Hoff, G. F., Materialmen's Assn., San Diego.
Paddock, S. A., Chas. R. McCormick Lbr. Co., San Diego.
Sullivan, Jerry Sr., Western Lbr. Co., San Diego.
Kemp, C., Glasson Planing Mill, San Diego.
Hawman, Fred, Glasson Planing Mill, San Diego.
Crandall, Jefr, Glasson Planing Mill, San Diego.
Glassorl E. J., Glasson Planing Mill, San Diego.
Sullivan, Jerry Jr., Western Lbr. Co., San Diego.
Lee Morrison Visiting In California
Lee Morrison, Portland, connected with the sales department of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Co., is spending his vacation in San Francisco and Los Angeles. While in San Francisco, he was a caller at the company's San F'rancisco office, where he conferred with F. W. S. Locke, their San Francisco manager. Mr. Morrison drove down lvitli his brother, L. A. Morrison of the Eastern & Western Co., who was returning from his annual vacation after an enjoyable tour of the Greater Northwest.
Building permits for San Francisco for the month of July aggregated $3,556,069. There rvere 864 permits issued, divided as follorvs :
N. H. Parsons, C. Ganahl Lumber Co., Inc., of Los Angeles, has returned to California after an enjoyable trip in the east, rvhere he visited with his family at Rockford, Illinois, and other points of interest in New trngland. On his return, he stopped over a day in San Francisco, where he called on several of his friends in the lumber trade.
Hugh Handley Back From Northwest Trip
Hugh Handley, Van Arsdale-Harris Lurnber Co., San Francisco, is back at his desk again after a three weeks' business trip calling on the Oregon, Washington and British Columbia mills. He took a ferv days off to visit some of the interesting points of interest in the "Chartned Lancl" and on his return reported a very enioyable trip.
Harry Carter Spends Vacation At Lake Tahoe
Harry Carter, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co.,.San F-rancisco, is spending his annual vacation at Lake Tahoe. He is accompanied by lllrs. Carter and their son. Harry says that he will spend his time camping and fishing and getting a touch of out-door life.
Bruce L. Burlingame, Southern California representative of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. with headquarters in Los Angel€s, was a recent visitor at the comgany's San Francisco office, where he was in consultation rvith A. J. Russell on company on bnsiness matters. While in the Bay District, he met Mrs. Burlingame, r.vho was returning from a visit with relatives at Eureka.
.To The Editor:
Our attention bas been attracted to a matted or electrotyped page of profusely illustrat€d reading matter that, perhaps, has been sup- plicd to you as it has been to other editors.

We desire to put you on your guard against using it.
"Is Civilization Done With Wood?" is the heading of this vicious and grotesque attack on the wood industries, which support more people than any other group of industries in America excelrt agriculture.
We know you would not "fall" for such a clunasy piece of camouflaged business slander irnd assassination if its pulpose and effect were called to your attention. Our only fear is that you may use it from the point of view of an interesting bit of irresponsible fiction, without thinking of the irreparable injury it may do to your own to-wn, yo!r_ own townspeople and to yourself, as well as to a group of great industries.
Respectfully yours,
Wilson Compton, Secretary and Manager.