3 minute read
Garibaldi, Oregon, Summer Resort Extraordinary
Friend, should you be surfeited with the heat of summer, and limp with dog-day languidness, here is a prescription for you:-GO TO GARIBALDI. NOT in Italy. In Oregon.
What the invigorating climate of San Francisco is to those rvho live in the valleys of California; what a Colorado mountain-top u'ould be to a drveller in the summery land of Texas-that Garibaldi might easily be to the citizens of the free state of Oregon,
It gets warm in Portland in midsummer. One day this summer the thermometer climbed to 104 in that beautiful Northwestern city. Other days it aimed in that same direction. Sixty miles away at Garibaldi the thermometer registered in the lorv seventies. And the sun was shining all the time too, mind you. It w'as clear and beautiful, crisp, invigorating weather. And after the sun dissappeared in the evening, a good, warm wrap was decidedly useful.
One of the most beautiful sarvmill locations in the world, is that of The Whitney Company, at Garibaldi. That's all there is at Garibaldi, is the milling institution of The Whitney Company. But that is enough to create a very attractive and delightful town.
As you drive to Garibaldi, the road strikes Tillamook
General Sales Office
Red Cedar Shingles
M$ufrcturod By
Bay, and you skirt the bay on a lovely road well up above the sparkling waters of the bay in the big timber. And you come out on a point of the road where there is a clear view of the Bay, and you look across just a quarter of a mile, at Garibaldi. The torvn is pretty nearly all in white, paint has not been spared in Garibaldi, and the little place nestles against high, green foothills of the mountains, in a way that makes you stand there for a while and look it over. The big milling plant is on and over the rvaters of the bay, there are ships loading at The Whitney docks with lumber for California and elser'r'here, and the scene is a very interesting one.
They say, in that region about Garibaldi, that it is cooler in the summer, and warmer in the winter, than at any other spot in Oregon. Lots of people seem to agree to that statement. There is something about the location, right there in a nook in the mountains made by that arm of Tillamook Bay, that keeps it always near the same temperature. You are guaranteed plenty of sunshine all summer, yet you will never get too warm at Garibaldi.
The Whitney Company has a splendid milling institution at Garibaldi. It is only a few years old. And parts of their institution, their re-manufacturing plant, for instance, is very new. They cut about 25O,00O feet of lumber on a single shift, and their timber is all old growth Yellow Fir-
BAGAC Flooring FOR
Bror. Shlnglc Co.
Nrtlond Lunbor & Mfg. Co.
Joe Crach Shln3lo Co.
Rblry Codu Co. Uldo Shhdr Co.
Montornq WuL Hoqutro, Werh. Alohe, WrrL Abrrdrrq WuL. Abrrdro, IYerL
We arc in position to furnish your requirements in all kinds of Shingles, either Grccn or Kiln Dricd, for all rail or water thipment, and in order to better serve you have opened a general sales office in the Finch Building, Aberdeen, Washington.
'We manufacturc:
6/2 Extrz rA*'s '
5,2 Extra'A*'s Extra Ocars
XXXXX Perfect Clears
Eurekas Perfections
Premium Clears Royals and all corresponding second grades
Suitc Zll, Finch Building
Abcrdcca, Werh.
Rcprcrcntcd by w. w. wILKtNsoN l2l4
The Greatest Hardwood Flooring Value on tfre Market
A Dark Mahogany Crlo'r that will not show Dirt
As Durable as M"pl.
Long Lengths the timber of which the Northwest is very proud. Their timber runs heavy to uppers, they do a lot of re-manufacturing, they ship about half their product by water, and they make a specialty of wonderful flooring, ceiling, and finish. They tie all their bundle stock with bright green cord, which is their trade mark and big advertisement. If it's from Garibaldi, it's tied in green, so you'll know it.
Let us submit sdmples and quotations.
Russell Hawkins, the genial and courtly President of The Whitney Company, lives at Garibaldi, and you are fortunate indeed, if he is there to dispense hospitality during your visit, and to tell you in his interesting way of Garibaldi, its timber, its mill, its hopes and aspirations. And Harry Morgan, General Manager of The Whitney Company, who has been sawmilling on the coast of Oregon for many years, will fill you with enthusiasm over their plant and their product, and their merchandising offorts.
During the past summer a small group of visitors from the South visited Garibaldi, and of that visit only the following things need be said to indicate its success-from the visitors' standpoint. They had three meals in Garibaldi. One of them was wonderful fried chicken and sweet potatoes. One of them was Tillamook crabs ("the most delicate and wonderful crabs in the Pacific"). And the third was a huge platter of mountain trout.
Need anything more be said to add to the greatness of Garibaldi ?
H. J. Anderson Lbr. Co., Portland, Oregon, has moved to larger quarters in the new Pacific Bldg. in that city.
112 Market St San Francirco
TclcpLonc Suttcr ?60
DougLr Fir - Sprucc - Rcdrood
Rcdvood rnd Ccdrr Shin3lcr
Fir Pilin3 - Ccd.r Polc.
Split Rcdrood Productr
Arent3! A. F. Cct Lunbcr Co. Tlltuooh, Orcau '