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Interesting Shipment From Tennessee

Seventy-five thousand feet is a whale of a lot of lumber for one car, even a.big car such as pictured.

But that is the amount that was loaded recently by George C. Brown & Company, of Memphis, for E. J. Stanton & Son of Los Angeles.

The lumber happened to be /s" SUPERCEDAR Closet Lining, and that is why they were able to load such a quantity. Evidently when Roy Stanton orders a car of lumber, he means a car Full.

For 18 Ycan 'CHICKASAW BRAND'' OAK FLOORING har bccn a rtandard of GradF-Qudity-Manuf acturc

Manufac{urcd By

Floori ng Go. lrlemphis, Tenn.

And Didributcd By

E. M. SLATTERY BRoadwey 1496

315 Producc Bldg., Lor Angcla


Amer. NatL Bank Bldg. San Francirco

SAMUEL R. NORTON Henry Bldg. Po*land

George C. Brown & Company are pioneer manufacturers of Southern Hardwoods and have distributed their products for some time through E. J. Stanton & Son in Southern California.

They are the largest manufacturers of Aromatic Red Cedar in the world.

It is an old institution, being founded in 1886 by Mr. George C. Brown, and the business is now being conducted by Mr. L. E. Brown, lI. B. lVeiss, Butler Smith and C. E. Thomason. WHITE PINE DOUGI.AII SUGAR

126-M-L30 Sente Marina Buildiag ll2 Markct Strcct SAN FRANCTSCO


Fir aad Redwood Lunbar

Trcatcd aad Untrcttcd Poler and Pilcr

Californir Sugar and Whitc Piac Lunbcr

Split Rcdwood Ticr, Portr, Grapc Strker, ctc. Sawn Rcdwood ShaLo end SLinglcr


Northwcrtclz BUL Btdf.

Our rcpnrcntedva In SoutbGrn Cellforalr ero Wltllur ud Coopor. at Wdt Slxth Str.!t' Iar An3clcr

AsK any of the thousands of dealers who .CL are selling Upson Board today what they think of it.

Ask any of the tcns of thousands of.carpen- ter$-any of the hundreds of thousands of buyers-who have used Upson Board in homes, stores, or factories. They will all tell you that Upson Board is the most dependable board in Americathat it truly builds profits for the dealer and delivers satisfaction to the consumer. We invite you to write for full information.


832 Upson Ft. Lockport, N. Y.

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