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Long-BellRetail Men Visit Longview and Weed-J. H. Foresman Heads Party
Headed by J. H. Foresman of Kansas City, Vice President in charge of their great retail department, fourteen men actively identified with the retail department of the LongBell Lumber Company, have been in the West for the past two weeks. Many of them are accompanied by their ladies, as shown in the attached list.
Their first visit was to the great sawmill plant of the company at Longview, Washington. They arrived at Longview on July 3fth, and remained there for a week. All of this time was spent by the men in going over the various departments of the great Longview plant, watching the cutting, preparing and shipping of lumber and educating themselves in the qualities and uses of Fir and Hemlock. Each department was given a full quota of their time, so that they might take back with them to their retail positions a thorough understanding of their product, and apply it to their merchandising of lumber.
On Monday, August 2nd, the entire party, including the ladies and the executives of the company, began their trip over the mills, and they had an informal program with their luncheon in one of the company cafeterias. With Roy Morse, General l\{anager of operations in charge of the program, short talks were made by most of those present. including Mr. R. A. Long, Chairman of the Board; I\{r. M. B. Nelson, President; Mr. John B. Tennant, Vice President; Mt. J. H. Foresman, Vice President. One of the speakers on the program was Jack Dionne, lvho spent this day with the party. The little luncheon program was a very happy aftair, and there was some group singing mixed with the talking.
The party remained a week at Longview, and then went to Weed, Calif., where the T,ong-Bell Lumber Company operates a great California pine plant, and here they spent four days. From Weed the party scattered, most of them going back to their homes in Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri.
__The following.is the personnel of the visiting party: J. H. Foresman and wife and daughter, Mrs. C. W. Goodrurn, of Kansas City, Mo.; F. V. Baxter, wife and daughter, Kansas City, Mo. (Mr. Baxter is purchasing agent for the retail yard department); E. e. Mason and wife, Oklahoma Qity; W. B. Kramer, Wichita, Kansas; J. E. Pennybaker, Kansas City, Mo.; W. E. Clay and wife, Tulsa,-Okla.i
Glenwood Hutton, Altus, Okla.; F. G. Roseboom and wife, Wichita Falls, Texas; T. R. Boggess and wife, Ponca City, Okla.; H. W. Watson and wife, Larvton, Okla.; L. F. Broderson and wife, Oklahoma City; H. B. Foresman and wife, Enid, Okla.; J. W. Garrott, wife and daughter, Wichita, Kansas.
Messrs. Mason, Cramer, Pennybaker, Clay, Davis and Hutton are the district managers of the company, and divide between them the management of 116 retail lumber yards.
Reduced Rail Rates Granted for Hoo Hoo Annual at Kansas City
A reduced rate of fare and one-half for the round trip has been granted by the railroads for delegates attending the Thirty-fifth Hoo-Hoo Annual at Kansas City, September 28, D and 30. The arrangement was made on the certificate plan.
Information as to the procedure necessary to take advantage of the reduced rate is in possession of International Hoo-Hoo Headquarters, in St. Louis. Questionnaires seeking inquiries from members of the Order as to these details are being mailed out to the membership from Headquartefs.
Under the certificate plan, a delegate is required to advise the ticket agent where he makes his purchase, that 'he is going to Kansas City to attend the Hoo-Hoo Annual, and that he desires a certificate. The agent rvill furnish the certificate.
In purchasing his ticket for the return trip from Kansas City, the delegate is required to present this certificate, after it has been validated by J. E. Johnston, chairman of the Hoo-Hoo transportation committee at Kansas City, to the ticket agent. The return trip ticket then rvill cost only half of the regular price.
Aberdeen, July 30.-A severe cold, that developed into pneumonia, yesterday resulted in the death of W. J. Donovan Jr., forty-four, well-knovvn lumberman at this section. He was well known in lumber circles throughout the Pacific Coast, and was part owner of the Donovan properties of Grays Harbor.
CaliforniaProduction Figures
The California District Forest Service has just released some interesting figures showing production figures, for t924.
The following table shorvs the various species cut, the amount and the percentages of the total:
Good Attendance At Portland Hoo Hoo Luncheon
Speakgrs on the program at the lunche-on at the Portland Ho6 Hoo Club, Augusl 3,'*t'ere Captain E. A. Selfridge, recentlv named United States lumber trade commissioner to Japai, and Jack Dionne, publisher of The California Lum-ber Merchant. More than 60 lumbermen, including many prominent manufacturers, attended the luncheon.
Miss M. E. O'Brien, Evergreen State Lumber Co., and Evergreen Shingle Corporation, Aberdeen, Wash., well known lady lumber executive of the Northwes-t,-recently returned from a vacation trip to California. lVliss O'Brien made the journey by automobile.
Director Of New California Forest Experiment Station Appointed
Edward I. Kotok, for fifteen years.an officer of the California District, United States F-orest Service, has been appointed director of the new forest experiment station to be istablished in this state, according to announcement by Col. W. B. Greeley, chief forester.
Andy Donovan Makes Chan$e
A. W. (Andy) Donovan, for the past several years right hand man to E. A. Goodrich, Los Angeles manager for the Union Lumber Company, has stepped out and mad'e a change for himself, going with Fletcher & Frambes, Inc., Los Angeles.
Andy is well versed and well known in Redwood circles in Southern California and has a hoSt of friends.