1 minute read
The uses of plywood are manifold. This adaptable material is being applied to new requirements daily. For packages, boxes, signs, shelves, toys, clothes hangers, kitchen cabinets, car bodies, portable furniture, table tops, counters, theatrical cut-outE and scenery, for picture backs, serving trays, drawing boards, bread boards and screens as well as for door panels, wainscot and ceiling paneling and temporary partitions,-
is favored becaus€ it is light in weight but strong; it does not end split or check; enamels perfectly with fewer coats and takes paint and stains economically and well.
SPECIAL VALUE IN LOTWER GRADES-in '?rawer bottom" and "trunk stock" PAUL BUNYAN'S plywood shows a striking superiority, grade for grade. This is due to the nature of the knots and other defects,-in California Pine they limit the grade rather than impair usefulness.
Study your rcquirements. Try PAUL BUNYAN'S PLYWOOD and you will become one of our "repeat order" accounts.
(Continued from Page 20)
John D. Tennant, Vice President in charge of manttfacture for all the Long-Bell mills, says that it vi'on't be long before they won't sell or ship any low grade lumber. The low grades will go to the great re-manufacturing plants (there is one with each unit) and the defects rvill be sawn out, and the clear lumber left will be nsed for scores of manufacturing purposes, such as door, sash, frame and specialty stock. These departments are already wonderful in their operations, and they are only starting. They won't ship shakes and loose ktrots. Cut them out. IJse the good lumber only. Don't clog the market with cheap and little valuable stock.
If a man never saw any other part of Longview but the electric power plant, he would have wonderment enough to last him for weeks. No use describing it. A huge brick building filled with a wondrous assortment of terrific equipment that means electric power. The separate plant for compressed air service alone would make most mill power plants look small. You look this power plant over with a keen sense of awe. It's really too much.
But, you see, everything in that great institution is driven with electricity. There are thousands upon thousands of motors in Longview. And up in the woods, thirty miles away at Ryderwood, their logging is entirely electrified, being the only one on earth, so they tell me.