1 minute read
Thc Call of the Open Road Sayr
They have sixty-eight dry kilns at Longvierv, and such dry kilns ! You go down under them, through a great concrete power room, and you see the great motors that fan the air through the kilns. Get this thought. In the South at the Long-Bell mills they use 32,000 feet of piping in each kiln room. In Longview they use only 1,100 feet of pipe in each kiln. It's a new scheme entirely. And down under those kilns there is more intricate machinery for handling the kilns, and gegistering and reporting, etc. They just fan the lumber with hot air until it dries uniformly and evenly. Only the same thickness, length, rvidth and grades goes into the same kiln. No mixing. So it dries exactly alike.
A Vacation Suggestion:
Drive up to'&retrra over the wonderful Redwood Highway. A trip into the Redwood Courtry is worth repeating many times.
We extend a cordial invitation to all lumberrnen and their friends to vicit our mill and togging operations.
Drop us a line and we will know when to'ex. pect you.