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Dotxglas Fi.r lFacts
e{ No. 3 }o
Beautifptl Qrain
Douglas Fir lumber has a beautiful grain that is pleasing in appearance.
Perfect P ainting Surface
Long'Bell Douglcs Fir lunrber o,nd timbercarc trade'marked |ot iden' -ri-irorio" of unusuol thororrghness in manu' 'i orruri-PIus more than 'fiftY Yeots'exPericnce os lrtmbcrnren'
All grorvth and fibre stress are eliminated in the proper curing in Long.Bell dry kilns. There the resin in the wood liquifies, volatilizes and passes off in the curing, so that Long-Bell Douglas Fir lumber takes paint perfectly and retains it.
No V/arping
Long-Bell trade-marked Douglas Fir lumber is stacked flat, cured flat and stays flat.
Dependable Mature Vood
Heart rvood is matured wood, dependable and enduring. Agreater percentage ofheart rvood is obtained in Douglas Fir lumber than in any other wood.
Long-Bell Oak Flooring \
IDUIf-OgnS 6nd permanent satisfaction in Long-Bell ILD trade-nfarked oak flooring. Its excellence of manufircture makes it economical to lay and 6nish-a beautrful, durable floor.
ill s
L U M B E R9
Bobbie's Letter
DEER MR. lumberman
I WISHT'AT you would TALK TO MY pop an' ast him TO BUILD US a reel home. WE LIVE IN a flat 'at's ONLY GOT three square rooms AN' A THREE kornered hall. THERE'S POP an' MOM in our fam'lv AN ME an' sister Sue an' th' babv WICH kries an' makes the other FLATTERS MAD as wet hens.
WEN ME an my sister Sue PLAYS HOP-SCOTCH or hidin' seek OLD MR. KEDRY wat lives down UNDER US kums up an'tells my pop TO MAKE "his brats behave or HE'LL MUVE OIJT." Then me an' Sue HAVE TO play in the streets Which is dangerus or practuse OUR MUSIC LESSUNS which is TIRESUM AN'makes a lot more TENNUNTS SORE.
MY KUSSIN JIM lives in a house WHICH HAS six reel rooms an' A BATH. HE has a vard
'fO PLAY IN, a sand-pile, a swing 'n' everything, his sister has A PLAY ROOM which is all hern, A FLOWER GARDIN an' a tennus court. AN' THEIR BABY kin screech awl it wants to Which is good fur its lungs AN DON'T HURT no BODY.
SO MR. LUMBERMAN, I wisht you WOOD TALK to my pop an'grt HIM TO BUILD us a reel home BEFORE WE get squinched an'
. STOP TRYUN to be red-blooded kids AN' just settle down TO BEIN' kollege perfessors OR MINISTERS. I thank you.
-Adeline M.
(Continued Ircm Page 22) know that the return on that INVESTMENT and that FAITH will unquestionably be in proportion to the investment in each.
It is one of the greatest industrial things the world has ever seen. Such a proposition in the lumber industry was never dreamed of, never would have been dreamed of. bv any other man.
The genius and the faith of R. A. I.ong is the big investme4t in Longview. And in my judgment it will eclipse in its fulfillment his own fondest hopes, even as his Southern Pine undertaking many years ago turned out bigger and better than even he himself had dreamed.
Portlend, Oregon
Avoid loss on account of warping' "l:;Y::a;{;ft13?:r"t vour Fir finish lumber by placing

Either in straight carloade or in mixed cars with Doors and Panels
Hoquiem, l\farh.
Manufecturcrr of Vcrticel
Grein Fir Doorr
Hoquiam, \lldrh. 'Manufacturerr of tGreyr
Harbort' Ycllow Fir
Larninatcd Panclr