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An Open Messq,ge for Mr. Frank Burnaby
Sun Lurnber Co., Beaerly Hills, Calif
Perhaps you'll believe this statement when we make it in cold type. Our salesmen have said it to you-but it didn't "register". So here it is -for all the world to see-
There's a big difference in wall board--and Buttress is the difference. It's strongerl lt's rnore flexible-see picture above and ask for'demonstration. It deadens sound more effectively. It defies fire !
-and yet it costs no moret \fsvv-isn't that as sweet'a line'up of selling points as you can ask?
Are you going to sell "any old wall l6a1d"-e1 are you going to tell your customers that you are giving them the best wallboard you can buy, at the same price they pay for inferior products?
Shall we deliver to you-say, 10,000 feet? When? Buttress Mfg. Co.. 6910 So. Alameda St., Los Angeles. Phone DElaware 4935.
(Continued f.rom Page 26) tative attendance of lumber manufacturers. The long afternoon business session was followed bv a banquet and entertainment arranged by R. B. Allen, iecretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association.
C. D. Johnson, president of the Pacific Spruce Corporation, and acting president of the West Coast Association, presided at the banquet, at which the first speaker rvas Jack Dionne, publisher of The Gulf Coast Lumberman. R. A. Long was the next speaker, and was followed by Axel Oxholm, director of wood utilization of the United States department of commerce, and John W. Blodgett of Grand Rapids, Mich.
Next day was given over to the annual lumbermen's golf tournament of the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club at which J. J. Demps,ey, Dempsey Lumber Co., Tacoma, won the prize for lowest gross score with a 79 and Lee Dowd, Defiance Lumber Co., won the prize for low net with 64, the J. H. Bloedel challenge cup. Seattle won the district fourman team match.
Simonds Establishes Three More Service
Furthe' extension .ttiltft?Iice station idea and the establishment of another branch office and sales department have just been announced by the Simonds Saw and Steel Company, makers of Simonds saws, machine knives and files. A well appointed office and service shop has just been .qpeirgq at_100_South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Georgia, r.vith 'Franklyn H. Horton, formerly of the Eastern SaleJDepart- ment, in charge. Here the Simonds idea of service to mill operators and users of saws and knives of all kinds is being appli,ed. A complete stock of necessary products is being carried.
On the Pacific Coast two important changes have been made to meet the increased business of this colnDanv. At Seattle, Wash., the Simonds service station idei made it imperative that larger and properly located quarters be obtained, and the branch sales office and service shop have been moved to 1934 F'irst avenue. South. 'Ihe San Francisco sales and service station, formerly located at 12-14 Natoma street, is now at 220-228 First str,eet, in a modern building with up-to-date machinery installed for any kind ot saw reDalr work,