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Three grades of Califomia pinc Dimension are produccd:
No. z Common Dimcnsion. This eradc mustconsistof sound stock, well 6anufactured and suitablc f.or all ordinary construction purposes without wastiItwill admit sound knors, which mav !e approx.imatcly one and one-haff rnches in diameter in a 2x4, two inches in a 2x6, two and one-half inches ia 2x8 and thrcc inches in 2x10 and wider_ Smaller defective knots and branch or spikc knots which do not weaken the piece more than the above knots may also be admitted. Wane one-third the thickness, one-third the width and one-third the length, or a proportionate amount on both edees for i shorter distance will be permit"ted. In any case. onc side and two edges should'allow a good nailing surface.
Stain, heavy pitch pockers, season checks, one striight Split inihe cnd not exceeding the widih of the piece, afewscatteredwormholes, tornlrain. or occasional skips in dressine. iloe to a.slight variatioi in sawing]wiil bc allowcd.
No. zCommon Dimension. This erade shall be suitable for use in a chEaper class of construction than No. 1 bi- 'mension. It will allow larqe coarse knots which should not be laieer than two and one-halfinches in dialmeter in a2x4,three inchesin 2x6, and one-half the width in 2x8 and wider. Loose. unsound, and spike knots, and an occasional knot hble , if they are smaller and do not weaken the piecc more than thc above described knbts, may be admitted. Considerable wane or dccaycd
Sizec sap, leaving afaft nailine surface thc full length]shake, worm"holes, dozy streaks, large pitch pockcts, a smail amount of hirdrot, sfraight ciosc split not exceeding one-fourih the lenith of piecc, or olher defects that will iot weaken or impair the piece to such an cxtent as to render it tl;rfit for use, will be allowed. sold tnd* iltc cmbincd gra& of No. z and Bittcr Dimmtion, witablc lor2U otiinaryr btilding con- trrurion. Houcar, cartcntcrc fioild bc carifil to sclcct lrom thit combincl padc tbc matctial fm diffmnt partt of thc *aonc accortling to thisrcict rcqtbcd to uitb$anil uagc.
No. l Canmton Dimension. Thc lowest grade. Will admit all defects allowed in No. 2 Dimcnsion, but in a much more pronounccd form.
Has many uses, especially in chcap Or temporary construction.
Dimension is made 4, 6, 8, lO, af,rd L2 inches wide, ald is generally finishcd :-g/4in. thick, oviing to fhe manufacturing condidons in this district.
Standard lengths for random.ship ments are 8 fee iand longer, permrttlng 5/o of. 8 and gfoor lengrf, s. In addi tion] large quantities of shorter lengths, suitable-for special uses, are produccd and sold.
California Pinc Dimension bcins light in weight is easily handled. OwI lng jo the soft texture, itcan be.pur in place rapidly, thus effecting saviirgs ln cost; narls are e asrly dflven without fear of splitting, and hold fast, Droviding rigid framing. Knots are io^und and tight, and wood is well seasoned, preventingwarping and twisaing after lnstallatton.