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Make This Big Plant a Part of Your Business!
AMMOND is more than a lumber company. Besides carrying the largest and most complete stock of lumber in Southern California, this huge organization also supplies other building materials when and where you want them. You can make these stocks and this service practically a part of your organization simply by calling upon us as your reserve.
PaintS Hammond carries a full line of Twelve Test paints with all accessories. These paints were selected from a competitive test made with all leading brands. We believein fact we ftrtsry-1fiat you can offer better value in Twelve Test paints.
Hardware One of the moet complete lines of builders' hardware you ever saw is exhibited at the Hammond display roomE. Come down, bring your clients, and select what you need from this display.
Hardwood Flooring
rhere. are several brg buildings, each one the size of an ordinary sash and door factory, inside the Hammond yards-all devoted to making sash and doors the Hammond way. There is a big warehouse with every conceivable stock size stored ready to be shipped at once when your order is received. The mills are also doing special work for both big and small jobs. All through the plant you will 6nd the finest modern machinery. Hammond sees to it that the workmanship in these shops is superior.
Sash and Doors
One bis department of the Hammond Lumber Company is devoted exclusively to hardwoods and hardwood fooring. We furnish a complete service, including installation if desired, or we will sell you the material only at lowest prices consistent with superior quality.
Roofing, Stucco, Etc.
There is a complete line of roofrng, cement, plaster, shingles, stucco, and similar materials at the Hammond yards ready to go out immediately upon receipt of your order. We can supply you with everything from the sand and rock that go into the foundation to the roofing that covers the building.