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Tell your trade about DoUalas Fir
\ Zou knowlumber but how manyofyour f customers do? Tell them abour tfre durable .,f Douglas Fir you carry in stocft. Take them out in the yard and showthem howbright and fat Dorylas Fir stays in the piles; how light yet how stiff and srrong; how easy work and how well it holds nails.
llhe ctstomu is intqcsted in Doaghs Fir
The nation-wide campaign of the Douglas lir industry brings thousands of inquiries that show how interested people are in this all-purpose wood from America's greatest forcsts. We tell of the strength, Iightness, stifrress and durability of Douglas Fir. We illustrate its beauty and decorativJ possibilities.
fi, up,roith the Doughs Fircampaign
In_your trade territory therc are many pot€ntial customers who should know that-TOU cany durable Douglas Fir in stock. Advertise the fact! !7e furnish you free mars or stereos for your local newspapersl free booklea for 4i"tribution; free logotypes for your srationery; free envelope stuffers; and free slides to show in the movies. LJse this free service-mail the coupon and get complete information.