1 minute read
Lon$ trains of California products, the Gars lined with i
\!""y of the large shippers are taking advantage of the new field for MOISTITE. T!.y are using it for freight car lining when shipping their , products to the Eastern markets.
It is found to be of great value in keeping out the moisture and cold of winter and the heat of summer-all this helps to maintain an even temperature in the cars.
MOISTITE is used for a variety of fruits and vegetables and actual test has proved to the satisfaction of those who have used it that it is the best car liner that they have found.
Why not tell those shippers who are not using MOISTITE about this new field that has recently been developed? It means increased sales and larger profits to the shipper and he will-gladly p"y for getting his products tc lhe markets in the best of condition
Call or write our nearest division for prices and full information regarding th9 special merchandising and advertising campaign. We will be glid to furnish you with samples and prices on MOISTITLcaT lining.