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Perfectly Balanced Construction and Guaranteed !
(Continued from Page 38)
W. J. Glasson presided at the head table, flanked by a dozen notables of the millwork world.
This meeting was entirely informal, there being no speech making and the evening was turned over to the boys to do as they liked, after the short interesting entertainment program. Seventy-five were seated at the tables.
Friday morning was consumed in the resumption of the scheduled program, being opened by Mr. Fred H. Spencer,
Flush Doors
Three perfect units-face, core and back. The face and back each of tihree ply veneer, the core of narrow etripr scientifically glued with waterproof glue set under hydraulic presture.
ln this you have the perfecdy balanced door for exterior or interior against all defects common to 3 o15 ply fush doorg.
Let us supply you with full information and attractive pricec on ttreee doors.
Cadwalla{g-Oibson Co.
Owners anil Operctorc of Scp Mills anil Veneer Plants in Luzon, P.l.
U. S, Heailqrrcrters, Manufacturing PIails anil Yarils
3628 Miner Ave. Loc Angelcc, Calif.
Phonc ANgelur 3287 one of the hosts of the Eureka Sash, Door and Moulding Mill, San Francisco.
An hour was spent in the general discussion on "The Cost of Cut Up Lights."
E. A. Nicholson, Pacific Door & Sash Company, Los Angeles,.led the discussion on "A Schedule of Net Extras" and R. A. Niclas, Consulting Cost Accountant of the Institute, spoke on "Attainments With Uniform Ledger Accounts."
Why not ride with a winner
E) IDING dons with en UNKNOI\|N brend of l\ rhinglc. ir u bumpy worlr er croring thc contincnt in r l9l0 fliwcr. Crco-Dipt advcrtirin3 har built up e world of good will with ucbitect, buildcr end homc ownGr. You cal rtcp eboerd now end bcncfit fron dl thc work wc havc donc in thc part. Writc ur for priccr end dcteih